Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




            No apologies were reported.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Forthmeadow Community Greenway pdf icon PDF 358 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues



·        To provide members of the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee (‘the Committee’) with an update on the steps which were agreed at its meeting on 22nd September 2023 namely that an equality screening be undertaken by an external organisation with experience in minority languages in relation to the decision to erect dual language signage at the Forth Meadow Community Greenway and a further legal opinion be obtained on the issues raised at the meeting from an appropriately qualified person in relation to minority language rights.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Note the contents of the report; and

·        Determine next steps in relation to the erection of signage on the Forthmeadow Community Greenway


3.0       Main Report




3.1       At its meeting on 23rd March, the Committee was presented with a number of options in relation to dual language signage on parts of the Forthmeadow Community Greenway.


            The Committee agreed to the following proposal:


           That the Committee agrees the proposals in respect of signage for the Forth Meadow Community Greenway as outlined in paragraph 3 of the report, subject to the Beacons, Information Panels and the Directional Finger Post Signs located in the Gaeltacht Quarter area (that is Section 3 – Fall Park, Section 4 – Bog Meadows, Section 5- Westlink to City Centre and Springfield Park/Dam) all being in dual-language, that is, English and Irish’.


3.2       The officer recommendations are set out below, with the Committee decision on additional signage shown in red.




Section 1 - Glencairn  - 2 sides English and 2 sides Ulster Scots

Section 2 - Forth River / Springfield Road/Innovation Factory - 4 sides English

Section 3 - Falls Park  - 2 sides English and 2 sides Irish

Section 4 - Bog Meadows  - 2 sides English and 2 sides Irish

Springfield Park/Dam - 4 faces English (Irish)


            Information Panels


Section 1 - Glencairn - English

Section 2 - Forth River / Springfield Road/Innovation Factory - English

Section 3 - Falls Park Dual - English/Irish

Section 4 - Bog Meadows Dual - English/Irish

Section 5 – Westlink to City Centre  - English (Irish)

Springfield Park/Dam – English (Irish)



Directional Finger Post Signs


Section 1 - Glencairn English

Section 2 - Forth River / Springfield Road/Innovation Factory - English

Section 3 - Falls Park  - English

Section 4 - Bog Meadows - English

Section 5 – Westlink to City Centre - English (Irish)

Springfield Park/Dam - English (Irish)


3.3       On 3rd April 2023, the Chief Executive received a ‘call-in requisition’ in relation to this decision.


3.4       Previous Call-in


            Members will be aware that the call-in process is provided for in Section 41 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 (‘the 2014 Act’), with more detailed provision about how that process operates being contained within the Council’s Standing Orders.


3.5       According to Section 41 of the 2014 Act,  15 per cent of members may ask for a decision to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Standing Order 14 - Submission of minutes to Council


             In accordance with Standing Order 14, the Committee agreed, as the meeting had been held later than seven clear days before the meeting of the Council, that the minutes of the meeting be submitted to the Council on 4th November for ratification.