Venue: Lavery Room, City Hall
Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: An apology for inability to attend was reported from Councillor de Faoite. |
Minutes Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillors Brennan and Groogan declared an interest in item 2(c) Update on Hardship Fund in that they were employed by organisations in receipt of funding; and Councillor McDonough-Brown in that his partner worked for an organisation in receipt of funding and all left the meeting whilst this item was under discussion.
Councillor Brennan declared an interest in item 2(e) Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme Review in that her employer was involved in the Review and left the meeting during discussion on this item.
Councillors Duffy and R-M Donnelly declared an interest in item 8(a) Minutes of the Shared City Partnership in so far as it related to PEACEPLUS in that they worked for organisations which had applied for funding. As the item did not become the subject of debate they were not required to leave the meeting.
Restricted Items Minutes:
Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the press and public from the meeting during discussion of the following items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
The Members were also reminded that the content of ‘restricted’ reports and any discussion which took place during closed session must be treated as ‘confidential information’ and that no such information should be disclosed to the public as per Paragraph 4.15 of the Code of Conduct.
Quarter 2 Finance Report 2024/25 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Finance submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report providing information on the financial position for Quarter 2 2024/25.
He reported that, at the end of Quarter 2, the financial position for the Council had shown an underspend of £113k, representing 0.13% of the net expenditure budget. The Quarter 2 Departmental forecast was an underspend of £728k, representing 0.4% of the net expenditure budget.
The Director then provided updates on the 2024/25 reserves position, additional vat receipts, the rates finalisation 2024/25 and the capital projects.
The Committee:
· noted the Quarter 2 financial position;
· noted the forecast underspend of £418k and agreed that reallocations of forecast underspends would be considered as part of year end reporting; and
· noted the half year Treasury Management report.
Revenue Estimates 2025-26 and Medium-Term Financial Planning Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Finance submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report which provided an update on the key issues which influenced the rate setting process for 2025/26 and the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan for 2025/26 till 2028/29. He advised that there were six key elements to the annual setting of the district rate which, under the requirements of the Local Government Finance act, must be struck by 15th February, 2025. He then reviewed each of the areas which were Business as usual Revenue Estimates, the Efficiency Programme, Growth Proposals/Priority Areas, the Capital Finance Budget, the Estimated Penny Product and General Reserves.
The Committee:
· noted the challenges since the last update to be taken into consideration as part of the annual and medium-term rate setting; and
· agreed to monthly rate update reports to enable the striking of the district rate by February 2025.
Update on Hardship Programme 2024/25 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the current position regarding the development and implementation of a 2024-25 Hardship Programme to support those vulnerable people impacted by the cost-of-living crises across the city.
The Committee:
i. noted the current budget available (£1,100,773) for the development and delivery of a hardship support programme in 2024/25;
ii. agreed the proposed funding allocation and delivery model as set out at paragraph 3.9 of the report; and
iii. agreed the proposed extension of the delivery period for the hardship programme to June 2025.
Housing Led Regeneration Programme - Appointment of a Private Sector Partner Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the matter for a further period of one week, with a special meeting to be held at 9.30 am on Friday, 29th November.
Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme Review Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the independent evaluation of the Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme (SCDFP) and which requested the Committee to consider the delivery of future programmes.
The Committee:
i. agreed to defer consideration of the 3 options for the future delivery of the SCDFP to allow for further discussion on the issues which had been raised to be considered by the Party Group Leaders Forum and a report to be brought back to the December meeting of the Committee; and
ii. agreed to the programme being delivered in a 3-year funding cycle, instead of the current annual application process, which would allow groups adequate time to plan events on an annual basis and use the security of the funding over 3 years to attract additional financial support from other sources to enhance the impact and delivery of their programmes.
Heritage Assets Update Minutes: The Committee considered a report which sought approval on a range of assets under the Council’s heritage/historic asset base.
The Committee noted the update on the Council’s heritage/historic asset base and agreed the following –
· Wilmont House – that Wilmont House be added to the Capital Programme at Stage 1 – Emerging to allow for the submission of a grant application by a partner organisation to be taken forward with the Council for the redevelopment of Wilmont House and noted that the Council would seek advice from conservation specialists on the preservation of the building taking into account its current condition;
· Floral Hall – that the Floral Hall be added to the Capital Programme at Stage 1 – Emerging as a programme of health and safety works and that any necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated with the contract to be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender received and full commitment to deliver;
· Fernhill House and Courtyard – that the Council explores options for bringing the Courtyard at Fernhill back into active use space linked to the Access to the Hills project and building on the success of the Forth Meadow Community Greenway and authorised officers to discuss this opportunity with potential partners; and that officers investigate whether the Wolfhill Road project could be linked in as part of the Access to the Hills project also;
· Historic Cemeteries –that the Historic Cemeteries be added to the Capital Programme at Stage 1 – Emerging and that further options, including funding options, are explored by Property and Projects and City and Neighbourhood Services; that officers investigate the ownership of the Belvoir Cemetery to see if it could be used a tourist opportunity; and considering the link that the Shankill, Friars Bush and Clifton Street Cemeteries had to the Famine, to check the possible of funding from the Shared Island Fund;
· Palm House – noted the update on the Palm House which was on the Capital Programme at Stage 1 – Emerging and agreed that a feasibility study be carried out with funding opportunities to be explored; and
· Historic Tiled Street Signs – that the Historic Tiled Street Signs project be added to the Capital Programme at Stage 1 – Emerging and approved the submission of a funding application for a pilot refurbishment programme for a number of signs to any funding sources which are identified. Agreed also that officers look at possible funding streams for tiled signage in the parts of the city being developed under the city centre regeneration.
The Committee agreed further that report be submitted to a future meeting on all the Council’s listed assets and their condition.
Smart Belfast: City Innovation programme update Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report on City Innovation initiatives and seeking approval on a number of key projects.
The Committee:
1. noted the success of the £2.5 million Belfast Digital Healthcare Technology Accelerator bid and work under way with Ulster University on maximising its local impact;
2. noted the award of £320,056 of funding to four Belfast companies under the Belfast 5G Innovation Region funding competition;
3. approved a £10,000 budget to support the development of a Belfast bid of up to £2 million to the UK 5G Innovation Regions programme and noted that if a contract was offered by DSIT, this would be brought to Committee for approval;
4. approved the design and delivery of a dissemination event for tourism and BRCD partners on the outworkings of Augment the City with invitations extended to all Members of the Council;
5. approved a financial contribution to the Inclusive Innovation workshop planned for 28 January 2025 and noted that invitations would be extended to all Members of the Council; and
6. approved three-year extensions to the three current roles working in support of the development of business case proposals to the Belfast Region City Deal Digital pillar.
Matters referred back from Council/Motions Minutes: Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillors Beattie, Keenan and Kennedy.
Notice of Motion – Epilepsy – Education and Training PDF 238 KB Minutes: The Members were informed that the Standards and Business Committee, at is meeting on 24th October, had considered the following motion which had been received for submission to the Council on 2nd December:
‘This Council notes the fact that Northern Ireland has the highest prevalence of Epilepsy in the UK.
The Council agrees to consider providing better education about Epilepsy, and training for staff and Councillors in how to deal with seizures and other episodes.’
The motion had been proposed by Councillor Long and seconded by the High Sheriff, Councillor S. Douglas.
The Committee noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 13(i), Notices of Motion which commit the Council to expenditure must be referred to the appropriate committee for consideration and report. Accordingly, the motion was before the Committee as it was responsible for Human Resources and the People Strategy; and the Members’ Development Programme.
The Committee noted that the Motion had been received and agreed that a subsequent report be brought to the Committee outlining a detailed consideration of the Motion and the potential costs implications.
Notice of Motion – Blood and Bone Marrow Donations PDF 237 KB Minutes: The Members were informed that the Standards and Business Committee, at is meeting on 24th October, had considered the following motion which had been received for submission to the Council on 2nd December:
‘This Council recognises that donating blood and bone marrow is one of the most precious things a person can do as it can help to save a life. Our Council wants to encourage any eligible staff to take part in regular blood donation by providing them with appropriate time off to do so. This motion requests that we provide our staff with adequate paid time to take part in the selfless act of giving blood and/or to donate bone marrow. We also request that the Council explores ways in which they can make it easier for staff to donate blood, such as, blood donation events at the workplace.’
The motion had been proposed by Councillor Bower and seconded by Councillor T. Brooks.
The Committee noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 13(i), Notices of Motion which commit the Council to expenditure must be referred to the appropriate committee for consideration and report and was, therefore, before the Committee as it was responsible for Human Resources.
The Committee noted that the Motion had been received and agreed that a subsequent report be brought to the Committee outlining a detailed consideration of the Motion and the potential costs implications.
Notice of Motion – NILGOSC – Disposal of Government Bonds PDF 241 KB Minutes: The Members were informed that the Standards and Business Committee, at is meeting on 24th October, had considered the following motion which had been received for submission to the Council on 2nd December:
‘This council notes that Northern Ireland Local Government pension provider NILGOSC purchased government bonds from the Israeli government which were being used by the Tel Aviv administration to fund its operations both within Israel and elsewhere.
As the pension provider for all local council workers, the Education Authority, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, NI Libraries and many others including schools, it was a shock to many of the 176,000 members of this pension scheme that it was directly funding the Netanyahu-led government. Given the widespread horror felt by people of all political backgrounds at the targeting of civilians and children by the Israeli government in the war in Gaza the use of workers' and public sector money in a loan to the Israeli government was and is unacceptable.
Belfast City Council expresses its deep concern at the decision to purchase these bonds, welcomes the fact they have now been divested, and will write to NILGOSC requiring that purchase of Israeli government bonds is never repeated.
Belfast City Council will commission an independent report evaluating the relationship between the council and NILGOSC, the performance of the NILGOSC fund when compared to similar pension funds, all contributions made by the council to the fund, including how they are impacted by the fund’s performance.’
The motion had been proposed by Councillor Whyte and seconded by Councillor Doherty.
The Committee noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 13(i), Notices of Motion which commit the Council to expenditure must be referred to the appropriate Committee for consideration and report, which in this case was the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee as it was responsible for financial matters.
Moved by Councillor Whyte, Seconded by Councillor R. McLaughlin,
That the Committee agrees to write to NILGOSC on the terms as set out in the motion and that a report be brought back to the Committee in relation to the other issues which had been raised.
Moved by Councillor Bunting, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson,
That the Committee agrees, in the first instance, to write to NILGOSC to ascertain if the decision to divest the government bonds which had been purchased from the Israeli government had been as a result of political pressure.
On a vote, five Members voted for the amendment and thirteen against and it was declared lost.
The original proposal standing in the name of Councillor Whyte and seconded by Councillor R. McLaughlin was put to the meeting when thirteen Members voted for it and five against and it was declared carried.
Governance |
Schedule of Meetings 2025 PDF 65 KB Minutes: The Committee approved the schedule of meetings set out below and agreed to the holding of additional special meetings, if required, to consider the rate-setting process, on dates to be determined in consultation with the Chairperson:
· Friday 17th January at 9.30 a.m. (Rate setting, if required) · Friday 24th January at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 21st February at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 21st March at 9.30 a.m.
· Friday 18th April at 9.30 a.m. · Friday, 23rd May at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 20th June at 9.30 a.m. · No monthly meeting in July · Friday 22nd August at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 19th September at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 24th October at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 21st November at 9.30 a.m. · Friday 19th December at 9.30 a.m.
Change of Date of Council Meeting in January and Schedule of Meetings 2025 PDF 402 KB Minutes: The Committee agree to move the Council meeting in January from Thursday 2nd January to Thursday 9th January, 2025 and noted the schedule of meetings as set out below:
· Thursday 9th January at 6.00 p.m. · Monday 3rd February at 6.00 p.m. · Monday 3rd March at 6.00 p.m. · Tuesday 1st April at 6.00 p.m. · Thursday 1st May at 6.00 p.m. · Monday 2nd June at 6.00 p.m. – Annual Meeting · Monday 1st July at 10.45 a.m. – Special: Somme Commemoration · Monday 1st July at 6.00 p.m. · No monthly meeting in August · Monday 1st September at 6.00 p.m. · Wednesday 1st October at 6.00 p.m. · Monday 3rd November at 6.00 p.m. · Monday 1st December at 6.00 p.m.
Belfast Agenda/Strategic Issues |
Innovation Update Moved to restricted |
Women's Safety in the City PDF 350 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report
1.1 To update Members on recent committee discussions and other meetings related to addressing the issue of violence against women and girls and possible interventions to improve women’s safety in the city.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Consider the discussions held and decisions taken at the People and Communities and City Growth and Regeneration Committees (November 2024); · Note the cross-departmental and cross sectoral work being delivered by, supported, or endorsed by the council; · Note the multi-agency stakeholders currently involved in this work and the discussions which took place at the Multi-Agency Operational Task Force on the City Centre which took place on 13 November 2024; · Agree short-term interventions to support women’s safety in greater Belfast, together with plans for further engagement with stakeholders to develop further interventions for implementation in the medium term and that these form part of considerations for use of in-year underspend or external funding, if applicable. 3.0 Background and Main Issues
3.1 Members have discussed the important issues of ending violence against women and girls and improving safety for women in several recent committee meetings. This has included:
3.2 Discussion of The Executive Office (TEO) Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Funding Initiative – 2024-2026 which was discussed at SP&R committee on 25 October 2024;
The Women’s Night Safety Charter, discussed at SP&R meeting on 25 October 2024;
Proposal raised by Cllr Ruth Brooks at the People and Communities Committee on 5 November 2024 that:
…officers (should) examine existing budgets and funding streams with a view to identifying initiatives that would support women’s safety in greater Belfast. It was agreed also that a report in this regard be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 22nd November, for consideration.
3.3 In addition, the People and Communities Committee agreed that, in conjunction with the City Growth and Regeneration Committee, a special meeting be convened to which a range of stakeholders would be invited to consider city-wide and multi-agency initiatives to support women’s safety in greater Belfast. The proposals were also raised at the City Growth and Regeneration Committee by Cllr Tracy Kelly where they were endorsed.
3.4 This report is intended to fulfil the Committees’ request for a report to be brought to SP&R Committee, as outlined above, and provide an update on activity currently underway by council, partners and other stakeholders in this space.
3.5 Appendix 1 contains information about the range of council activity currently underway.
This work cuts across a number of partnerships and programmes and includes:
· Onus Safe City Award; · White Ribbon Charter; · Onus Workplace Charter on Domestic Violence - Platinum level; · Actions within the Gender Action Plan 2024-27; · Delivery of the Local Change Fund and Regional Grant Programme as part of TEO’s Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) Strategic Framework; · Programme of projects funded by and delivered through the PCSP structures; and · Delivery of interventions, advice and guidance to end ... view the full minutes text for item 5b |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on major planning applications and applications which had been determined by the Planning Committee.
Physical Programme and Asset Management |
Physical Programme Update PDF 631 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues
1.1 The Council’s Physical Programme currently includes over 200 capital projects with investment of £150m+ via a range of internal and external funding streams, together with projects which the Council delivers on behalf of external agencies. The Council’s Capital Programme forms part of the Physical Programme and is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council facilities or provides new facilities. This report presents requests for stage movement approvals under the Capital Programme, along with updates on capital planning, the temporary container at Cathedral Gardens and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund allocation.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Capital Programme and Capital Financing 2025/26 – Note the update on the Capital Programme and Capital Financing 2025/26.
· Capital Programme Stage Movements:
o St George’s Market – New Stalls – Agree that the project is moved to Stage 3 – Committed and held at Tier 0 – Scheme at Risk pending further development of the project and a satisfactory tender return; and that necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated with contract to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver. o Waterfront Hall Chiller Units - Agree to move the project to Stage 2 – Uncommitted to allow the options to be fully worked up, with further detail to be brought back to Committee in due course. o Innovation Factory Access Control– Agree to move the project to Stage 2 – Uncommitted to allow the options to be fully worked up, with further detail to be brought back to Committee in due course.
· Cathedral Gardens – Note that the temporary active travel container at Cathedral Gardens will be relocated to Strangford Avenue, subject to final installation arrangements. · Shared Prosperity Fund – Note the update on Shared Prosperity Funding for 2024/25.
3.0 Main report
Key Issues
3.1 Capital Programme and Capital Financing 2025/26
In March 2024 Members agreed to a series of workshops regarding future capital priorities linked to the medium-term financial planning process. To prepare for this it is agreed that a series of Party Group Briefings are to be held to update Members on the existing Capital Programme, ascertain future priorities to determine the level of financing required, as well as exploring the implications of any future investment decisions and the potential impact on the district rate. These briefings are now being scheduled for late November and early December in line with the rates setting process for 2025/26.
As Members will be aware, the Capital Programme has an expenditure horizon of around three years. CIPFA capital planning guidance recommends taking a longer-term view (8-10 years). The Council is continuing to adopt this best practice approach for the Capital Programme, alongside the standard planning for short to mid term programme requirements in 2025/26. Work as usual still continues, and ... view the full minutes text for item 6a |
Additional documents:
i) Ulster Hall – Agreement for Rory Gallagher Statue - Approved an agreement between the Council and The Rory Gallagher Statue Project Trust for the gifting of a Rory Gallagher Statue to be located at the Ulster Hall; and - Approved a short-term licence agreement between Council and Martin Contracting Services Ltd for the statue installation and associated base at the Ulster Hall. - ii) Dromara Street and Balfour Avenue – Licence Agreement and Easement - Approved a licence and an easement for installation and siting of gas mains / apparatus at Dromara Street Open Space and Balfour Avenue Open Space between the Council and Phoenix Energy Group Limited. - iii) Kent Street Car Park – Licence Agreement - Approved the renewal of a Licence agreement from the Department for Communities in relation to the Council operated off-street car park at Kent Street. - iv) Upper Ardoyne Youth Centre – Agreements - Approved a short-term month to month licence agreement between the Council and Streetbeat Youth Project for its use of Upper Ardoyne Youth Centre and a lease agreement thereafter if approval is obtained from DfC; and - Approved the submission of an application to the Department for Communities to seek approval for a rent at less than best value.
Finance, Procurement and Performance |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee:
· approved the public advertisement of tenders as per Standing Order 37a detailed in appendix 1 (table 1) below;
· approved the award of STAs in line with Standing Order 55 exceptions as detailed in appendix 1 (table 2); and
· approved the modification of the contract as per Standing Order 37a detailed in appendix 1 (table 3):
Table 1: Competitive Tenders
Table 2: Single Tender Actions
Equality and Good Relations |
Minutes of Shared City Partnership Meeting on 11th November 2024 PDF 592 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee approved and adopted the minutes and recommendations from the Shared City Partnership Meeting held on 11th November 2024, including:
Presentation from Active Communities Network
· To note the contents of the presentation detailed in the minutes.
Presentation from Victims Support NI
· To note the contents of the presentation detailed in the minutes.
Shared City Partnership Membership – Verbal Update
· The Shared City Partnership noted and agreed the update provided by the Good Relations Manager, recommends to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it notes the update.
Community Recovery Fund Update
· The Partnership noted and agreed and recommends the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to agree the Community Recovery Fund Action Plan.
TEO Asylum Dispersal Funding and Refugee Integration Funding
· The Partnership recommends to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it notes the contents of the report.
PEACE IV – Secretariat Update
· The Partnership notes the contents of the report and recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it notes the contents of the report.
PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan – Update
· The Partnership recommends to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it notes the contents of the report.
· Members approved the Community Recovery Fund plan, with the exception of area plans.
A Member requested under item Community Recovery Fund (Section Area Based – CRF008) that additional data and information be taken back to the Strategic Policy and Resources to agree the geographically areas which should be included in the development of mini area plans and the Committee agreed accordingly.
Operational Issues |
Minutes of Meting of the Party Group Leaders Consultative Forum PDF 279 KB Minutes: |
Requests for use of the City Hall and the provision of Hospitality PDF 256 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee approved the recommendations as set out below:
Minutes of the Meeting of the Cost of Living Working Group PDF 143 KB Minutes: |