Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Long and Walsh.




            The minutes of the meetings of 23rd March and 27th March (x2) were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meetings on 9th April.



Declarations of Interest


            Councillors Corr and Hutchinson declared an interest in respect of item 3e Peace IV Objective 3.1 – Shared Spaces and Services – Capital Update and left the meeting while this item was under consideration.





Designation of Belfast district (or the city centre) as a ‘holiday resort’ providing large shops with an option to extend Sunday trading hours between the months of March and October pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


Designation of Belfast district (or the city centre)

as a ‘holiday resort’ providing large shops with an

option to extend Sunday trading hours between the

months of March and October


            The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report on the updated findings from the public consultation as to whether Belfast City Council should designate the Belfast district or the city centre as a ‘holiday resort’ under Article 6 of the shops (Sunday Trading &c.) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997.  She reminded the Committee that it had considered this the previous year, however, following representations to look at the matter again, a further consultation had been undertaken and the results of which had been circulated.


            The City Solicitor reviewed the high-level consultation response and the comparisons between the previous consultation in 2017 and the current consultation.  He referred also to the equality and good relations implications outlined in the report.


            It was reported that a number of requests had been received from deputations wishing to address the Committee and the Committee needed to decide whether to receive them.


            The Committee agreed to receive the deputations.



Deputations - Usdaw, Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Retail NI and Visit Belfast




            Mr Michael Aylward, representing Usdaw, addressed the Committee.  He indicated that he was disappointed that the item was back on the agenda less that a year after previous consideration.  He referred to the economics argument and that in 2011 research undertaken by the Northern Ireland Assembly had indicated that there would be no economic benefit by extending Sunday trading.  He stated that the pilot undertaken during the London Olympics had shown a decline in sales during that period.


            He stated that the Union believed that the proposals for the extended Sunday hours would have a negative impact on retail workers.  He stated that Usdaw had surveyed its members across the Uk and that 94% did not wish to have extended Sunday trading.  With regard to protections and workers’ rights, he was of the view that, with what was currently in place, there was no protection for staff who refused to work the proposed extended Sunday hours and this could leave staff financially worse off.


            He concluded by requesting the Committee to give serious consideration to the proposals.  The Union did not believe it would benefit the local economy, that there were any major retailers asking for it and the negative impact it would have on smaller retailers by allowing larger store extended Sunday opening.


            Mr Aylward then answered a number of questions, including issues relating to statutory protection for workers, and retired from the table.


            Retail NI


            Mr Glynn Roberts, representing Retail NI, was invited to address the Committee.  He commented on the request he had made at the Committee meeting the previous year, when it had been considering this matter, for the Council to instigate with the various different players, that is, the Unions, Retail NI, the Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce, roundtable meetings to discuss and chart a weekend strategy for Belfast.  He stated that he was disappointed that this has not happened.  He referred to the current consultation of which 50.7% of the responders had opposed the extension of Sunday trading.  He highlighted the impact he believed this would have on local independent retailers and stated that the extra hours they had to trade were vital to their businesses.  The fact that the large businesses already had an unfair competitive advantage through free car parking and no traffic enforcement at their businesses.  He made the point that if the Committee were minded to designate Belfast as a ’holiday resort’ this could have a major impact with other towns and cities following suit.


            He stated that the existing laws had been a hard fought compromise.  He accepted that more needed to be done to make Belfast a world-class city in terms of tourism but referred to those attractions already in place such as the Titanic building, the Ulster Museum and St. George’s Market.  He concluded by requesting the Committee to oppose the proposals.


            Mr. Roberts then answered a number of questions from the Members and retired from the table.


            Hospitality Ulster, NI Hotels Federation

            and Visit  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2b


Restricted Items


            The information contained in the following six reports is restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the Press and public from the Committee meeting during discussion of these items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Section 6 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014.



Organisational Development update

Please note that this is a draft report and, as one of the Party briefings has still to be held, it might be subject to change.

Additional documents:


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 31st May 2017, it had agreed that the City and Organisational Strategy Department (Strategic Hub) would be created to support the delivery if the Council’s priorities and the Belfast Agenda.  Accordingly, a report was submitted for the Committee’s consideration seeking agreement to further the development of the organisational structure within the Strategic Hub within the current resourcing envelope.


            The Committee approved the creation or reconfiguration of a number of posts reporting to the Director of City and Organisational Strategy, namely:


·        the establishment of a permanent City Innovation Team (which would deliver the SMART cities framework alongside other innovative solutions for the city);

·        the creation of a Portfolio Management function;

·        the establishment of a Continuous Improvement Team; and

·        to the commencement of work to review, reconfigure or create roles within the Hub and formally move functions and staff as agreed by the Committee on 31st May 2017.



Bonfire Decision Making Process


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the matter until a special meeting of the Committee to be held on Friday, 27th April; but agreed the following


·        that the authority delegated to the appropriate Council officers to undertake a number of specified “Interventions” in line with the July/August 2017 arrangements, which had been agreed by the Committee at its special meeting on 27th March, be extended to include delegated authority for officers to undertake community engagement.



Local Development Plan (LDP) Draft Plan Strategy

Additional documents:


            The Chairperson advised the Committee that the Planning Committee, at its meeting on 17th April, had deferred consideration of the Local Development Plan to enable a special meeting to be held to enable it to formulate and give full consideration to the matter.  Accordingly, he requested the Committee to defer consideration of the report until that meeting had taken place.


            The Committee agreed to this course of action.



Hillview Market


            The Committee noted the contents of a report in relation to issues which had been raised by a recent Spotlight programme regarding the car boot sale at Hillview Retail Centre.



Peace IV Objective 3.1 – Shared Spaces and Services – Capital Update

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the current status of Objective 3.1 - Shared Spaces and Services under Peace IV which had been designed to support capital projects and specifically an update on the status of the two projects, the Shankill Women’s Centre (SWC) and Black Mountain Shared Space (BMSS), for which the Council had previously agreed to act as delivery agent.


            After discussion, the Committee:


·        noted the update on Peace IV - Shared Spaces and Services theme and that as a result of only 2 projects (both outside of the Belfast area) successfully receiving a commitment for funding under the last round of funding that the call for applications under this theme has been re-opened;

·        noted the feedback on the SWC and BMSS applications under the previous round of funding as outlined in paragraph 3.3 of the report and that both projects were informed that value for money including ongoing sustainability and quality of project design were key areas of concern for SEUPB;

·        noted that in the next round of funding that SEUPB have stressed that no project will succeed unless a number of key criteria are demonstrated particularly that the ongoing revenue costs are secured and evidenced.  Reflecting this they are advising that each application must be submitted by a lead partner who will effectively act as the ‘guarantor’ for projects and who will be responsible for underwriting construction costs, ongoing sustainability costs etc.

·        noted that there is strong support for, and commitment to, both the BMSS and SWC projects – both are in the Peace IV Springfield regeneration area and the Council are the owners of the BMSS site;

·        in light of the above, agreed, given the previous Committee decision to act as delivery agent and on the basis of the points set out below, that the Council continues to support the BMSS and SWC applications under this second call and acts as the lead partner for both projects -  and noted the potential implications of this decision  particularly from an ongoing revenue perspective:


o   the Council is in ownership of one of the sites;

o   the council’s commitment to Shared Space;

o   the Council’s commitment to Interface Regeneration;

o   the existing partnership and relationship in the development of the projects;

o   the scale of the potential of the investment for Belfast (over £10 million); and

o   to ensure Belfast gains maximum investment from the Peace IV programme;


·        in agreeing that the Council acts as the lead partner for BMSS and SWC, the Council reserves the right to relook at the scope of both applications and their business case, designs, governance etc. and that, in parallel to supporting the application process, a robust financial due-diligence is undertaken from a Council perspective in relation to the ongoing revenue implications and their potential impact from a rates perspective with the results of this due-diligence process to be brought back to Committee;

·        noted that given the stringent requirements on demonstrating ongoing sustainability it was likely that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3e


Community Development Grants Programme 2018-19

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report in relation to the current situation regarding the Community Support Programme and Letter of Offer from Department for Communities.



            The Committee agreed:


(1)   To accept the Department for Communities offer of grant funding under the regional Community Support Programme in 2018/19;

(2)   To note a revised level of funding and agreed to a further report outlining the impact on the Council’s Community Development Grants programme with options for 2018/19 grants awards.; and

(3)   That discussion be undertaken with the Department in relation to the reduction of over £33k on the overall contribution.



Matters referred back from Council/Motions


Motion - Childcare Strategy pdf icon PDF 94 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 9th April, had agreed to the following motion which had been proposed by Councillor O’Hare and seconded by Councillor O’Neill, in accordance with Standing Order 13 (f), be referred to the Committee for consideration:


“This Council agrees to explore options and take practical steps, including through the Belfast Agenda and City Deal, with a view to creating a childcare strategy for the city that will encourage greater maternal employment, redress gender inequalities in the workplace, increase GVA in the city and, most importantly, improve educational and social outcomes for our children.”


            It was reported that a number of targeted initiatives were in the pipeline to address some of the issues identified in the Motion.  They included a proposed Childcare Employment Academy which would help interested individuals to establish childcare businesses.  In addition to providing the participants with employment opportunities for themselves and any staff, the increased childcare provision would ensure that parents wishing to enter the workforce would have more options in terms of childcare access. 


            In addition, a budget had been set aside as part of the Council’s Employability and Skills investment for this year.  That would be available to individuals to access the support programmes by providing resources to address potential barriers, such as childcare. 


            With the permission of the Chairperson, Councillor O’Hara, in whose name the motion was standing, addressed the Committee.


            The Committee agreed that a report on the matter be submitted to the Committee in due course.



Belfast Agenda/Strategic Issues


City Region Growth Deal – update pdf icon PDF 116 KB


            The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To update Committee on the ongoing development of a Belfast City Region Deal Proposition including engagement with partners, emerging projects and next steps.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to note;


·        Ongoing work to develop the next proposition document for the Belfast City Region Deal

·        The initial emerging projects under the key themes

·        The next steps for engagement including a proposed joint members Forum in May 2018.


3.0       Main report




3.1       Members will be aware that a major programme to enable the development of the Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD), in accordance with the requirements of the Department for Communities and Local Government, is now in full operation.


            The programme is being developed to fulfil the agreed objective for the BRCD of ‘more and better jobs; inclusive growth; improved skills and and growth of domestic business and FDI’.   


            Programme Update


3.2       Innovation


            In line with the process adopted for other successful city deals the universities are working with the BRCD on the Innovation strand of the proposition.  Queens University and Ulster University have developed outline innovation proposals for potential inclusion in the BRCD and examples of emerging projects include;


·        A Digital Innovation Centre

·        A Financial (and Legal) Technology Centre

·        Academic Medical Research Institute

·        Creative Industries Centre of Excellence

·        A Global Innovation Institute


3.3       Discussions with University partners, and the relevant NI departments has begun to further explore and develop  these and other projects for inclusion in the next iteration of the proposition document.


            Employability and Skills


3.4       The Chief Executive of Belfast Metropolitan College, on behalf of the Regional Colleges, is working with Council partners on the development of an initial proposition on Employability and Skills for discussion with government departments and agencies.  A significant amount of engagement has taken place with the FE colleges in the region as well as council officers from all six councils in the development of a draft framework.  The emerging framework has three principal strands:


·        Targeting economic inactivity

·        Addressing skill supply issues

·        Meeting the skills needs of our growth sector


3.5       Specific priority areas and programmes are being developed to support the key strands in areas such as;


·        Careers Enhancement,

·        Apprenticeship Hub,

·        Graduate Development,

·        Employability for All,

·        Economic Activation,

·        Business Productivity,

·        Digital skills.


3.6       The skills proposition will underpin and support the other strands of the deal. It will seek to both support the skills needed to deliver growth in the high value added sectors such as digital and creative industries and also to enable and to facilitate inclusion through programmes to support the large number of people of working age who are currently economically inactive.


3.7       A key element of the employability and skills proposition will involve establishing a new integrated approach which is more responsive to the needs of business in the region and which reflects the changing requirements to remain competitive in a global economy.


3.8  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a


Inclusive Growth Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       Members have expressed their desire to embed inclusive growth within the programme and project decision-making process of Council.  As a result, the draft Corporate Plan 2017-21 includes a commitment to ‘work to drive inclusive growth’ through the development and adoption of an inclusive growth framework. 


            The purpose of this report is to set out the proposed approach and timescales associated with the realisation of this commitment and embed inclusive growth in our portfolio approach of the Belfast Agenda. 


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


1.     Note the proposed approach and suggested timescale associated with the development of an inclusive growth framework.

2.     Agree to the commissioning of expertise to support Members to develop and implement an inclusive growth framework and action plan.

3.     Agree to participating in a Members’ workshop with a view to defining the inclusive growth priorities. 



3.0       Main report


3.1       The OECD states that inclusive growth is: ‘Economic growth that creates opportunity for all segments of the population and distributes the dividends of increased prosperity, both in monetary and non-monetary terms, fairly across society.’


            Recognising the importance of securing inclusive growth for Belfast, Members have engaged in a number of activities designed to support the development of an inclusive growth agenda. This has included a roundtable discussions facilitated by the RSA Commission on Inclusive Growth, work with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Centre for Local Economic Strategies and a Rockefeller Foundation Resilient Cities workshop. This work has been complemented by the findings of a poverty report produced by the Belfast Youth Forum and by work by Ulster University’s Economic Policy unit on economic inactivity in the City.


            The evidence for an inclusive growth agenda is apparent. Despite the wider success of the Belfast economy over the last decade, and a range of public policy interventions, there in a clear challenge (Source: JRF):



·        376,000 people (21 per cent) in Northern Ireland are living in poverty;

·        The level of working age poverty at 20 per cent is equal to the highest recorded since 2002/03;

·        101,000 of Northern Ireland’s children (23 per cent) are in poverty;

·        63,000 pensioners are in poverty (21 per cent). 


3.2       This need for a set of new interventions to address growing economic inequalities has informed the priorities of the Belfast Agenda with inclusive growth being centre to the vision of the Community Plan. In particular evidence from partners and from the Belfast Conversation that informed the development of the Belfast Agenda, identified a set of particular challenges:


·        Growing levels of in-work poverty

·        Number of households in poverty

·        High levels of economic inactivity and long term unemployment

·        High claimant counts levels

·        Low skills and poor educational attainment, resulting in low paid jobs and poor progression


3.3       The outworking of this commitment within the Belfast Agenda has seen Council implement a range of programmes of work and interventions to support those most in need within our City.  This has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


Physical Programme and Asset Management


Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Capital Programme is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council facilities or provides new Council facilities. This report outlines highlights of current status of projects under the Programme along with projects recommended to be moved Stages.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to;




·        note the update in relation to the Capital Programme as outlined in 3.1 and that the Property & Projects Department is happy to arrange site visits for Members/ Party Groups to any capital project (section 3.1)


            Proposed movements on/additions to the Capital Programme


·        agree that the IT Programme - Corporate Asset Management System is moved to Stage 3- Committed - Tier 0 – Schemes at Risk pending the tender return price at which stage the final budget will be brought back to Committee.  Members are further asked to agree that the necessary procurement processes be initiated as required with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver (section 3.3-3.7)

·        agree that the following projects at are moved to Stage 2 - Uncommitted on the Capital Programme


-       Waste Plan – New citywide kerbside collection system – OBC to be worked up and brought back to Committee for further consideration (section 3.9 - 3.10)

-       Waste Plan – Waste Transfer Station Upgrade - OBC to be worked up and brought back to Committee for further consideration (section 3.11)

-       Belfast Zoo – Works at the Large Cats Enclosure and the Aviary -  OBC to be worked up and brought back to Committee for further consideration (3.12-3.14)



3.0       Main report


            Key Issues


3.1       The Council’s rolling Capital Programme is a significant programme with over £185m of projects recently completed or currently underway. Members are asked to note the updates under the Capital Programme since the last update report. 


            Projects recently completed/in final stages of completion


·        the £3.8m upgrade of the Tropical Ravine which has been handed over to the C&NS Department – the project was officially opened on Wednesday 11th April by the Lord Mayor, Cllr McAllister and Sir Peter Luff, the Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund.  The opening was extensively covered by local media and reaction to the new building has been overwhelmingly positive

·        New 3G pitches and pavilions at Falls Park and Cherryvale as part of the Pitches Strategy

·        Works on Phase 2 of Olympia which includes includes the construction of a new pitch and play park, re-provision of Midgley Park, a new tree lined boulevard leading from the Boucher Road and the development of two commercial sites at the front of the site. Works are due to complete in the coming weeks with an official opening planned for the end of May. In addition Members are asked to note that the two sites which front onto the Boucher Road have now been put out to the market with a particular emphasis on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


Leisure Transformation Programme: Assets Update pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the following report :


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       This report updates Members on the development and implementation of the £105m leisure assets capital programme.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and


·        note the programme level update in respect of the new facilities under the leisure programme as outlined at 3.1.

·        note the update in respect of the options appraisal for the future management arrangements for Templemore as outlined at 3.2 to 3.4 and endorse the recommendation from the East AWG that “Option 4 – the Council enter into a contractual relationship with the TUT for the original building only, that being the interpretative area and the existing pool, with the new build being outsourced for management by the Council’s strategic partner” be adopted as the preferred future management option for the Templemore Baths.

·        note, however, that given the tight timescales for this work given the HLF timescales and the potential impact of the loss of HLF monies on the overall East leisure provision, the agreement of the East AWG that ‘Option 6 – Outsource the management of the building in its entirety to a strategic partner / the Council’s existing strategic leisure partner’ would be the fall back option in the event that consensus on Option 4 could not be satisfactorily reached.

·        note the next steps as outlined in 3.5 below and that Committee will be kept up to date on progress in the next two months


3.0       Main report


            Programme level


3.1       Members will recall that they have agreed the design cost limits and the citywide USP strategy for the Council’s £105m leisure programme which will ensure that the city has a unique offering in terms of its leisure provision and minimises any duplication of provision ensuring both balanced investment and value for money.  A high level summary of the current status of all the projects is outlined below –







Sports Village

£19m (£21.75m total - £2.75m DfC)

Centre completed.  Works underway on outside phases. Due for completion May 2018 – Opening event being arranged for 30th May


Family fun leisure water


Site works underway


Aquatic Centre


Site works underway


Outdoor Centre of Excellence


Site works underway


Outdoor Centre of Excellence


Stage 2 consultation undertaken.


Spa and heritage

£12m (£17m total - £5m HLF)

Revised facilities mix and design agreed. Options appraisal on the future management arrangements currently underway




Discussions continuing with DfC


            Templemore – Future management arrangements – Options appraisal


3.2       Members will recall that they were informed last month that an options appraisal in respect of the future management arrangements for Templemore was underway.  This was on the basis that the Council had received legal advice that a direct award to the Templemore Users Trust to run the new facility would leave the Council open to legal challenge.  At the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6b


Asset Management pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


            Acquisition of Land Adjoining Twinbrook Wildlife Park


            The Committee approved the acquisition of two plots of land adjoining the Council - owned Twinbrook Wildlife Park, which would be acquired from Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the Department for Infrastructure at a cost of £7,000 and £6,800, respectively


            Belfast Flare Pavilion, Manderson Street


            The Committee approved the grant of a licence for an eighteen-month period to Landmark East to permit the locating of a temporary pavilion on Council land at the entrance to the C S Lewis Square, just off the Newtownards Road, subject to terms to be agreed by Estates and Legal Services.  The annual licence fee would be £90 for the area of land required for the pavilion.  All costs including repair, maintenance and insurance would be met by Landmark East.



            Land at Springfield road/Ballygomartin Road:

            Acquisition of Land


            The Committee approved the acquisition of an area of land at Springfield Heights from the Crown Solicitors office.  The area would transfer to the Council for £1,000 plus costs of £400 plus VAT.


            Acquisition of Land at Grampian Avenue


            The Committee deferred consideration of the two plots of land within the Grampian Avenue children’s play park to enable further information to be obtained.


            Proposed Licence for Tempory use for

            Ballysillan Bowling Pavilion


            The Committee approved the grant of a licence to Ballysillan Swifts FC to use part of the Ballysillan Bowling Pavilion, the minimum utility cost of which would be covered through existing site revenue budgets.


            The Committee agreed also to allow free use of this site by the organisation and to the Council providing key-holder access until the licence had been signed off.


            Land at Former Beechmount Leisure Centre Site


            The Committee agreed to rescind its previous option with Forbairt Feirste in respect of land adjacent the former Beechmount Leisure Centre site, and agreed that the Property and Projects Estates undertake an initial feasibility study in relation to the potential development and use of the land.



Area Working Update pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


            Minutes of the Area Working Groups


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Area Working Groups as follows:


·        North Area Working Group of 20th March;

·        West Area working Group of 22nd March;

·        South Area working Group of 26th March; and

·        East Area working Group of 10th April.


            North Area Working Group


            The Committee to the recommendation from the North Area working Group in respect of the North Belfast Alternatives and Good Morning North Belfast project and that that project was now being progressed to due diligence.



            West Area working Group


            The Committee noted that the West Area Working Group had approved a minor change to WLIF2-14 MNA Regional Centre of Excellence in respect of the project promoter.



Local Investment Fund - Proposed Awards Ceremony and Dinner pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report on a proposal to hold an Awards Ceremony and Dinner in the Autumn time to mark the extent of the projects delivered under the Council’s highly successful £9m Local Investment Fund Programme.


            The Committee:


·        agreed to host an award ceremony/dinner in the City Hall to mark the impact of Local Investment Fund in the Autumn time to which community groups who had a benefit from funding, all Elected Members (including Members who had left Council since the launch of LIF) and Council officers who have supported LIF would be invited;  and

·        noted that further details on the ceremony and arrangements, would be brought back to the  Members in due course for consideration. 



Finance, Procurement and Performance


Contracts for Award pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee:


·        approved the public advertisement and acceptance of tenders as listed in Appendix 1, Table 1 through the Council’s electronic procurement system;

·        granted delegated authority to the appropriate Director using pre-agreed criteria to accept the most economically advantageous tender;

·        agreed to accede to Standing Order 55(a) exceptions in relation to contracts by direction of the Council acting on recommendations of a Chief Officer that the exception is justified in special circumstances for the contracts set out in Appendix 1, Table 2; and

·        noted the contracts which had been awarded in the last quarter:





Appendix 1 - Schedule of tenders for consideration


Table 1 – New tenders


Title of tender

Senior Responsible Officer

Proposed contract duration

Centralised Postage

R Cregan

3 years

Asset Management

R Cregan

5 years

Supply of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

G Millar

3 year

Tender for the Franchise of the coffee shop in City Hall

G Millar

3 year

Tender for the provision and servicing of toilet hygiene equipment and floor mats for various Council properties

G Millar

3 year

PCSP Crime Prevention Equipment

N Grimshaw

3 year

New Parks Inspections

N Grimshaw

5 year

Supply & Deliver of Fertilisers Grass Seed

N Grimshaw

5 year

Provision of Pitch Drainage Services

N Grimshaw

5 year

Collection and Treatment of Paints and Varnishes

N Grimshaw

4 year

Sharps Removal

N Grimshaw

3 year

Litter Bins

N Grimshaw

3+ year

Enterprise Awareness Programme

J Greer

3 year

Driving Employment Academies

J Greer

1 year

Hospitality and Hotel Employment Academy

J Greer

1 year

Lead Development Agency

J Greer

3 year

Cyber Security Programme

J Greer

2 year

Creative and Music Development Programme

J Greer

3 year

E&S, IF and ED Economic Growth Service Evaluation

J Greer

4 year

Student Enterprise Initiative

J Greer

3 year

Business case for Investment (Infrastructure Proposal)

N Gallagher

1 year

Financial / Commercial Investment Advice

N Gallagher

1 year

City Centre Living

N Gallagher

1 year

Public Sector Land and Strategic Site Assessment (incl car parks)

N Gallagher

1 year

Car Park Action Plan (incl. sites assessment)

N Gallagher

1 year

Belfast Telegraph - commercial advice

N Gallagher

1 year

Residential Market analysis

N Gallagher

1 year

Meanwhile Animation Castle Street

N Gallagher

3 year

Meanwhile Animation North Street

N Gallagher

3 year

Tender for the provision of event management and support services for MIPIM 2019

N Gallagher

1 year




Table 2 – Direct Award Contracts (Single Tender Action)





Annual estimate

Clockwise – (Being replaced)



PS Enterprise – (Being replaced)

Bain Capital Private Equity



Bravo Solutions


Travel & Substance (T1) system



Health & Environmental Services (Flare)

Civica APP


Invoice management (SAP)

Vendor Invoice Management (VIM)


Provision of Kerbside collections and treatment services for recyclable materials

Bryson Recycling


Energy Management

M&C Energy group Ltd (Schneider Electric)




Equality and Good Relations


Minutes of the Meeting of the Shared City Partnership pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Shared City Partnership of 9th April and agreed to the following recommendations:


            Peace IV Recommendations


·        to authorise the eleven small scale sites for the Shared Space and Services project;

·        to agree the selection criteria and that the Area Working Groups be permitted to consider and make the recommendations regarding the selection of the sites to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee;

·        to agree to adopt the PEACE IV Partnership Agreement and the Partner Delivery Agreement with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive; and

·        to grant officers authority to reframe the tender for the Young Advocates Project and that it be re-advertised. 


            Other Recommendations


·        to note the allocation of £166,692 to support 31 organisations to deliver Good Relations projects from April til September, 2018 through  the Good Relations small grants funding and the allocation of £83,369 to support 21 groups to deliver diversionary projects from June til August 2018 through Summer Intervention funding;

·        to approve the allocation of £2,000 from the District Council Good Relations Programme to support four local initiatives as parts of Neighbours’ Day 2018; and

·        to approve the recommendations in respect of the Bonfire and Cultural Expression Programme.



Language Strategy Launch and Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 22nd September, 2017, it had granted approval to implement the recommendations on the draft Linguistic Diversity Policy.  The recommendations which had been presented to the Committee had followed a period of public consultation which had ran from 23rd may to 18th July, 2017, and a number of key priorities had been included in an action plan to run from October 2017 until March 2018.


            An update on some of the key priorities are set out below:


·        rebrand of draft Linguistic Diversity Policy to a Language Strategy was complete and now incorporated consultee comments and revisions from the consultation period.  An event was scheduled to take place on Monday, 14th May, 2018 when the Language Strategy would be launched by the Lord Mayor.  The keynote speaker’s message would focus on the challenges and opportunities which linguistic diversity brings in achieving the Belfast Agenda outcomes; and

·        the recruitment of an Irish Language Officer and Language Officer was underway, with part funding now secured for the Irish Language Officer.  Advertisement of both posts was scheduled for mid-May.


            The Committee noted the update which had been provided and approved the arrangements for the launch event.



Operational Issues


Requests for use of the City Hall and the provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee approved the recommendations made in respect of applications received up to April, 2018 as set out in Appendix 1 below:
















Birth Mothers and their children for Justice NI

27th April 2018

From The Heart – Exhibition, audio video installation, candle lit vigil, presentation and testimonials from survivors of the Tuam Mother and Baby Home.


Numbers attending – 200+

C & D

No (charity)

Yes  - Tea Coffee and Biscuits

Approved via Delegated authority from Director.


No Charge

Tea and Coffee Reception


Theatre NI with EquityUK

4 May 2018

Celebrating the Theatre and NI Creative Industries – reception with speeches and performances to celebrate the contribution of performing arts to Belfast and NI economy.


Numbers attending – 150+


No (charity)

Yes  - Tea Coffee and Biscuits

Approved via Delegated authority from Director.


No Charge

Tea and Coffee Reception


NI Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (NICRAS)

18 June 2018

Launch of Refugee Week 2018

Annual event to celebrate the achievements of the refugee community and link with partner organizations.

Reception with speeches.


Numbers attending – 80

C & D

No (Charity)

Yes - Tea Coffee and Biscuits


No Charge

Tea and Coffee Reception


Ulster History

20 June 2018

Official Launch of Ulster History project – resources to gain better understanding of the role the people of UIster in shaping the United Kingdom.


Numbers attending – 75


No (Voluntary)

Yes - Tea Coffee and Biscuits


No Charge

Tea and Coffee Reception


Belfast Bible College







October / November 2018


Final date tbc

75th Anniversary Reunion and Signature Event – celebration of life of the college with invites to former students. Drinks Reception, small exhibition of college life, speeches, prayers and dinner.


Numbers attending – 100


No (Charity)



No Charge

Drink Reception


Bright Lights Dance Group








3 November 2018

Made in Belfast – Celebration of Dance – event to celebrate 30 years of this Dance company with various dance performances and a dinner reception


Numbers attending – 100


TBC – query charity status



Charge TBC

No Hospitality


Department for the Economy

6 November 2018

Apprentice of the Year Awards 2018 – 18th year of these awards to   marking the achievements of apprenticeship training in NI - Speeches, Lunch Presentations & Entertainment


Numbers attending – 250


Charge £300

No as Government body


Charge £300

No Hospitality


Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

21 November 2018

Belfast Trust Chairman’s Awards 2018 – award ceremony, reception and dinner to recognize the achievements of trust staff.


Numbers attending - 300



1 in 3

Yes - £825

No as Government body


Charge £825

No hospitality


Horn of Africa People’s Aid

8th March 2019

International Women’s Day – Celebration event with speakers, entertainment and drinks reception.


Numbers attending – 50+

C & D


1 in 3

No (Charity)

No - got at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9a


Minutes of Meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel pdf icon PDF 58 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel of 12th April.



Business in the Community 2018 Responsible Business Awards pdf icon PDF 87 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Council had been shortlisted as a finalist in the “Diversity and Inclusion” category of the 2018 Business in the Community Responsible Business Awards and had been invited to attend this year’s awards event. The awards event was scheduled to take place on the evening of 24th May 2018 in the Belfast Waterfront Hall.


            The Committee:


·        agreed to the Council’s attendance at the 2018 Business in the Community Responsible Business award event; and

·        approved the attendance of the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (or nominee) the Chair of the Equality and Diversity Network (City Solicitor), or his nominee, and the Human Resources Manager.



Elected Member Development Charter - Level Two Accreditation pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To seek approval from the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to proceed with an application and assessment process for re-accreditation of the Elected Member Development Charter Award.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Approve Corporate HR officers to begin work on an application to enable an assessment process to be conducted for Belfast City Council’s re-accreditation of the Elected Member Development Charter Award.


·        Note members’ participation will be required as part of the Charter assessment process.

·        Note the council’s preference to have North West Employers, given its approach, conduct the re-accreditation assessment.


3.0       Main report




3.1       Belfast City Council was the first Council in Northern Ireland to be successful in gaining the Northern Ireland Charter for Elected Member Development in 2011. The award was in recognition of excellence in elected member development. In 2015 the council gained re-accreditation of Charter status (level one).


3.2       Intrinsic to gaining this accreditation was the Council demonstrating that members are developed in such a way that they are able to work strategically with partners and stakeholders, engage and lead local communities and deliver tangible, sustainable and beneficial outcomes for the citizens of the city.



            Current Position


3.3       The Charter is awarded for a three-year period which means that the Council, should it wish to retain Charter status, is required to apply for re-accreditation this year.


3.4       It is proposed the Council proceeds with a Charter Level Two assessment, to be conducted by September 2018. This level requires evidence that the Council has continued with, and improved, its strategies for member development and that this work has clear links to the aims of the Belfast Agenda and outcomes which directly impact and deliver benefits for local communities.


3.5       NILGA works with both South East Employers and North West Employers as awarding bodies for the Charter. Having considered both organisations approaches in respect of level two accreditation the North West Employer’s approach best fits our needs in respect of the measurement of the link between member development and community benefits. North West Employers will therefore be asked to conduct and oversee the assessment process should the Council decide it wishes to proceed.


3.6       Key issues - Charter Level Two Assessment Process


            Charter Level Two considers if and how the Council can demonstrate how the community has benefitted from investment in elected member development. The main evidence requirements that the assessors will look for when considering awarding Charter Level Two are set out at Appendix One.


3.7       Given that Level Two has a clear focus on outcomes and in particular community impact it is proposed that selected geographically dispersed LIF and BIF projects are the focus for the application. This will allow the Council to demonstrate that the impact of delivering specific projects, and corresponding member development interventions, has helped to resolve issues being experienced by communities.


            Next Steps


3.8       It is proposed that the Council submits  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9d


Minutes of the Meeting of the North Foreshore Steering Group pdf icon PDF 112 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the North Foreshore Steering Group of 16th April.


            Arising out of the discussion, the Director of Property and Projects drew the Members attention to the ongoing work on exploring a further option regarding the Film Studio; and that Councillors would be invited to hear the Developer submissions on the commercial leisure lead/mixed use development.

