Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room, City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors de Faoite and Long.






Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.



Restricted Items


            The information contained in the reports associated with the following eight items is restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the press and public from the meeting during discussion of the following eight items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.


            The Members were also reminded that the content of ‘restricted’ reports and any discussion which took place during closed session must be treated as ‘confidential information’ and that no such information should be disclosed to the public as per Paragraph 4.15 of the Code of Conduct.  



City Centre Regeneration Scheme

Additional documents:


            (Members of the Planning Committee, that is, Councillors Hanvey, Ferguson, Garrett, Maskey and Whyte, left the meeting whilst issues in relation to the Planning application as part of this item were under discussion.)


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update in relation to the City Centre Regeneration Scheme.


            The Committee:


                      I.          Noted the update in relation to progressing acquisition of the Assembly Rooms, including an agreed revised inspection date for LPS in order to inform a valuation;

                     II.          Agreed that officers commence ‘without prejudice’ discussions with the landowners (or agents) on the potential for acquisition of a city centre property. Any acquisition would be subject to referral to this Committee (and Full Council) to include all due diligence;

                   III.          Agreed that officers engage external expert resource to support the proposed acquisition process;

                   IV.          Noted the update on correspondence with Government Departments; and

                    V.          Noted the scheduled Special Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Meeting on Friday 28 June to consider the Regeneration Framework, city centre developments and heritage assets.



Organisational Reviews and Change Programme

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted:


·        the progress on the work programme for the Organisational Reviews and Change portfolio and timescales going forward;

·        the update on the Review of Continuous Improvement;

·        the ongoing work to develop the business plan for Continuous Improvement for the current financial year; and

·        that the next report to the Committee would align with the Update on Employees on Temporary Contracts and Agency Workers.


            The Committee agreed that a report on the use of contractors in Property Maintenance and a report on a Review Sister Cities be submitted to a future meeting.



Pay and Grading Review

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report which provided details of the revised proposed new Pay and Grading structure for staff on Belfast City Council Terms and Conditions and seeking the Committee’s approval for the proposed next steps within the Industrial Relations Framework.


            The Committee:


·        approved the revised proposed pay and grading model and associated assimilation rules;

·        approved that a formal offer on the above can be issued to Trade Unions;


            Subject to TUs accepting the offer:


·        approved the awarding of the proposed non-consolidated 7/12ths award;

·        approved the implementation of the Pay and Grading model.


            The Committee also noted:


·        that the costs for the new pay and grading model was approximately £2.4m.  £2m has been included in the rate setting process for Financial Year 2024/25;

·        that the non-consolidated payment of approximately £320k for PO3, PO6, PO9 and PO11 proposed in the previous version of the offer was no longer required;

·        the additional cost for 2024/25 will be in the region of £80k and would be paid from departmental underspends or realignment of specified reserves;

·        the proposed next steps for the Pay and Grading Review.



Living With Water Programme Update

Additional documents:


            The Committee:


-       noted the written response submitted to LWW on the interim review findings informed by the Committee discussions attached at Appendix 2 to the report;


-       noted that a copy of the correspondence was submitted to the office of the Minister for Infrastructure requesting a meeting with Party Leaders given the significance for Belfast; and


-       agreed to undertake a site visit to a NI Water Waste Water Treatment plant to understand their significance in the LWW Programme and that all Members be invited to this.



North Foreshore - Giant's Park Belfast Limited Leisure Led Development Update

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 16 December 2022, it had approved a revised development proposal from GPBL for a mixed-use development over approximately 250 acres.  This had amended their previous successful bid which had been approved by in August 2018, which was submitted as part of an Expressions of Interest exercise carried out by the Council. In addition, the Committee approved the Council to enter into a Master Development Agreement (MDA) for the revised scheme which would require GPBL to deliver the uses identified in their submission within a prescribed timeframe. 


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the agreement and signing of the MDA was then delayed due to the complexity of the arrangements, the scale of the site, the range of proposed uses and special considerations relating to management of a former landfill site. The Committee had been asked to note this at its meeting dated 15 December 2023 with a further update to be brought when finalised. The Master Development Agreement and all supporting documents, including Guarantees, Site Investigation Licence, Collateral Warranties, Funding Agreement, Licence to Occupy, Lease, Works Deed and Side Letter have now been agreed and MDA was signed on 27 March 2024.


            Accordingly, the Director submitted a report on the current status of the development.


            The Committee noted the update on the leisure led commercial brief by Giant’s Park Belfast Limited (GPBL) at the North Foreshore and that a launch event was scheduled for June. 


            The Committee agreed to receive an update presentation from GPBL on their proposals at a future meeting. 



City Hall Income Generation Proposals


            The Committee considered a report in relation to City Hall income generation proposals and seeking approval for the introduction of the charges set out in the first phase of the project.


            The Committee noted the contents of the report and agreed the following:


·        an increase in wedding room hire costs in the City Hall;

·        an increase in charges for officiating at other wedding venues;

·        the introduction of a cost recovery charge for certain public tours of the City Hall; and

·        granted delegated authority to the City Solicitor to negotiate room hire charges for commercial type events.



Request for use of City Hall Grounds


            The Committee acceded to a request for use of City Hall grounds for an event on 20th – 22nd September 2024.


            In response to a request from a Member, the City Solicitor undertook to investigate as to whether a fee could be charged be for the use of the grounds for the event.



Invite to participate in Building Cultural Networks Convention on Cultural Expression

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report seeking to invite an officer to participate in the Building Cultural Network Convention - Cultural Expression: Rights, Roles and Responsibilities.


            The Committee agreed to accept an invite to the Convention and for a senior officer to speak at the event on the Council’s legal obligations in regard to the theme on Bonfire Celebrations: Rights, Roles and Responsibilities.



Matters referred back from Council/Motions


            Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillors Beattie, Keenan and Kennedy.



Motion - Plant based Councils Initiative - referred from Standards and Business pdf icon PDF 237 KB


            The Members were informed that the Standards and Business Committee, at is meeting on 30th April, had considered the following motion which had been received for submission to the Council on 7th May:


          Belfast City Council endorses the plant-based councils initiative.


           The Council therefore;


-       Agrees to engage with the Plant Based Councils initiative and to commit to fully plant-based procurement where food is served throughout the council estate, prioritising seasonal local produce to support local farmers, and ensure that there are plant-based food options available at all City Council run events, as well as prioritising plant-based menu options in Council run facilities.”


            The motion had been proposed by Councillor Flynn and Seconded by Councillor Smyth.


            The Committee noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 13(i), Notices of Motion which commit the Council to expenditure must be referred to the appropriate committee for consideration and report. 


            The Committee noted that the Notice of Motion had been received and agreed that a subsequent report be brought to Committee outlining a detailed consideration of the Notice of Motion and the potential costs implications.


            The Committee agreed further that a report on the cost of the provision of refreshments at Council/Committee meetings be submitted to a future meeting.



Report - Response received from Translink re NOM - Bilingual Signage at Weavers Cross pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that, at the Standards and Business Committee meeting held on 28th March, 2024, it was agreed to write to Translink advising them of a Notice of Motion in connection with bilingual signage at Weavers Cross.


            The City Solicitor reported that a response has been received from Mr. Chris Conway, Group Chief Executive of Translink.


            In his response he had advised that Translink acknowledged the motion and further acknowledged the importance placed on matters of language by all sections of the community.  He had stated further that it was important that Translink reached out to engage with all relevant communities and stakeholders.  Translink was currently planning a series of meetings with a range of interested parties during the coming weeks, where they would listen carefully to all viewpoints and would consider a response once that process had been completed.





Belfast Agenda/Strategic Issues


Belfast Region City Deal – update pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       This report is to provide an update to Committee on the progress of the Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD).


2.0       Recommendations


            The Committee is asked to:


·        Note the progress on project development and delivery across the pillars of investment.

·        Note the update in relation to the Annual report and Annual Conversation.

·        Note the update in respect of programme communication and the BRCD Council Panel


3.0       Main report


3.1       Significant progress has been seen now that the BRCD is fully into delivery, with the most advanced projects recruiting and upskilling staff, constructing new premises, co-designing projects with industry, procuring next generation technology and equipment and moving fully into operation in 2024, 2025 and 2026.


3.2       To date a total of 15 Outline Business Cases (OBC’s) have been approved with a combined approximate project value of £660m and 10 Contracts for Funding have been signed for projects with an approximate value of £505m.  To date over £5m of claims have been paid to individual projects. 


3.3       Also following significant local market engagement local businesses have been awarded contracts to support delivery of the BRCD. For example Henry Brothers were recently appointed to deliver a significant contract for the Queen’s University led Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) and the aim this year as outlined in BRCD’s first annual report is to have awarded 15 major contracts for design, support for delivery and construction.


            Progress across BRCD Pillars since previous update in January




3.4       Innovation has seen a number of key milestones since the last update with the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) receiving Full Business Case (FBC) approval in early March and with construction works commencing on site at Global Point in Newtownabbey on 25th March.  A significant recruitment drive is also underway with 21 new roles advertised including senior engineers and roles relating to sustainable manufacturing.


3.5       Studio Ulster also received FBC approval in March and is well on course to open fully for business this Autumn, leading the way in creative industries.  The construction of the Studio Ulster facility at Giant’s Park in North Belfast is due for completion in July.  A recruitment drive is also underway for the project.  The procurement process in relation to specialist virtual production equipment has also been completed.


3.6       iREACH Health received planning approval in March, full planning permission was granted for the erection of four and five storey clinical research buildings on either side of the Lisburn Road replacing the existing Russell court buildings currently at the site. The FBC has been significantly drafted and formal submission is anticipated in June ahead of construction commencing in Autumn.


3.7       In relation to Momentum One Zero, the planning application has been formally submitted and Stage 4 Detailed Designs are progressing well. 


3.8       The CDHT OBC2 was submitted to Government partners by Ulster University and following detailed review has now successfully received DoF Supply approval.  The drafting of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Smart Belfast: Immersive technology initiatives pdf icon PDF 251 KB


            The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1       To update Members on a number of Immersive technology initiative currently being designed and delivered by the City Innovation Office.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


1.      Note progress on the City Hall exhibition immersive experience and plans to present these at the next Members’ City Hall and Grounds Installations Working Group.

2.      Note progress on the Augment the City challenge competition for SMEs and innovators.

3.      Note the delivery of the Maritime Mile Innovation Fund.


3.0       Main report


3.1       The Smart Belfast urban innovation programme encourages collaboration on digital innovation projects between government (both local and regional), industry, SMEs, academia and communities. Immersive digital technology (such as virtual reality and augmented reality) is one of the digital technologies that the programme has prioritised, as it is recognised as having an important role in driving innovation in many disparate areas including planning, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, tourism and entertainment.


3.2       While immersive technologies are still at an early stage of maturity, they already generate £1.4 billion in turnover for over 2,000 companies nationally. Locally, a recent report by The Data City noted that the region has many of the characteristics necessary to establish a significant immersive ecosystem, with the sector already supporting over 200 local jobs.


3.3       Building on such potential, the City Innovation Office is taking forward three initiatives that aim to encourage greater investment in Immersive R&D by local companies, while at the same time helping to demonstrate the application of such technologies in the tourism sector. These initiatives are:


3.4       (1) City Hall exhibition immersive experience


            Following Member approval, the Council and BT(NI) signed a collaborative agreement to work together on an experimental project called the ‘Belfast City Hall Immersive experience’. Its aim is to explore the role of immersive tech and advanced connectivity in visitor locations such as City Hall, Belfast Stories and elsewhere, while at the same time offering a world-class visitor experience as part of the Belfast 2024 programme.


3.5       BT appointed the nationally renowned agency, Jam Creative Studios, to develop the concepts and content behind the experience. The team has worked closely with council officers over the past twelve months – particularly the Functions & Exhibition and Belfast 2024 teams - to develop an approach that is sensitive to the themes of the existing exhibition.


3.6       The immersive experience will focus on three rooms on the east side of City Hall (7, 8, and 9) which make up the ‘City Speech’ and ‘City Streets’ exhibitions themes. The new experience will use this existing content as a jumping-off point for an experience that allows visitors to explore these rooms in novel ways.


3.7       Each room will be equipped with iPads (while also offering the option for visitors to use their own mobile devices). This will be a magical experience, guiding visitors through the rooms with immersive, augmented reality moments. Room 7 will mainly  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4b


Culture Night pdf icon PDF 478 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to provide further information to enable consideration of an issue raised by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr Aine Grogan at the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 10th April 2024 under the procedures available to Members for raising an issue in advance that they wish to have included on the agenda. 


1.2       At the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 19th April, members requested an updated paper for consideration so that further detail of how this could be facilitated, resourced and managed could be provided. 


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       In considering the options, timelines and resource requirements outlined in this paper, it is recommended not to develop an event on 20th September as part of the Belfast 2024 programme.  This is based on a number of factors including:


·        The wide range of cultural activity already taking place as part of Belfast 2024.

·        The limited officer capacity to deliver this programme.

·        The limited time available for a robust public procurement process or a small grants programme.


3.0       Main Report


3.0       Background


3.1       At the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 10th April 2024, Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Aine Grogan, outlined a suggestion to support cultural venues in the city to open on the evening of ‘Culture Night’ in September, within the Belfast 2024 Programme of events. The Committee agreed to refer the decision to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 19th April for consideration so that further detail of how this could be facilitated, resourced and managed could be provided.  At this Committee, members agreed to defer consideration of the matter to enable a further report to be submitted on the cost to fund each of the three options.


            Belfast 2024


3.2       Belfast 2024 Belfast 2024 is a year-long celebration of home-grown culture featuring new and exciting events, theatre, music, and art developed through new co-design and partnership models with the city stakeholders, the creative sector and the citizens of Belfast.


3.3       The year delivers on the aims of the City Council’s Cultural and Tourism strategies, Belfast Agenda, Bolder Vision and City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy. As part of the Belfast 2024 programme, there is a significant number of cultural events happening in the last two weeks of September including:


-       World Peace Day Block Party in Townsend St with Ulster Orchestra – 21st Sept

-       Launch of the digital playroom Wiggle Room

-       BBC Concert – Century of Stories at Waterfront – 24th Sept

-       Belfast Half Marathon – 22nd Sept

-       Shadow Dock at Thompson Dry Dock – 26 – 29th Sept

-       An Droichead Irish Language Dance Showcase

-       Drift River Installation - throughout

-       Late Night Art – 5th Sept and 3rd October


            Culture Night in Belfast


3.4       The report presented to members at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 19th April outlined the history of Culture Night in Belfast.  In summary:


·        Culture  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4c


Sustain Exchange Climate Leadership Event - Funding Agreement pdf icon PDF 345 KB


            The Director of City and Organisation Strategy submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1       To inform Committee of a proposal by the non-profit Management and Leadership Network (MLN) to host a prominent climate leadership event ‘Sustain Exchange’ with up to 300 decision-makers. To request approval for a funding agreement to be put in place between Belfast City Council and the event organiser with the value of £8,450+vat. The event will put the challenges, opportunities and absolute need for positive action associated with climate change, on the agenda for local organisations and leaders.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Support this climate leadership conference by approving a funding agreement to the value of £8450+vat be entered into with the event organiser.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Background


            It is now beyond doubt that organisations of all shapes, sizes and sectors need to radically reduce their environmental impact both directly and indirectly through their supply chains. The extreme weather experienced across the globe over the past 12 months has further evidenced the reality that the effects of climate change are being felt now and the need for decisive action from organisations, championed by their leaders, is now. We are fast approaching the point of no return.


            It is a truly transformative time for organisations as they address climate risks and identify new opportunities in the green economy. The transition is not straightforward. Organisations need help in developing planet positive practices, securing cleaner power, heat and transport solutions. They need help in navigating new markets to find more environmentally sustainable solutions in their supply chain, and they need to do it fast. There has never been a more important time to find specialist help to navigate the transition, and to educate, inform and engage by sharing the existing knowledge and exemplar experience of those at the forefront of the transition.



3.2       Purpose and format of event


            The Sustain Exchange Summit will deliver on the objectives above and will connect local decision-makers with international thought leaders as well as those at the forefront of the transition locally.


            The event is expected to attract some 300 local leaders (primarily business leaders but also those from the public, NDPB and third sectors) to a Belfast City Centre venue with strong public transport links to ensure the carbon footprint of the event is kept to a minimum. The Sustain Exchange project will ensure the messages, around the need and importance of positive climate action are heard, and the Council’s proactivity in this area will be strongly profiled before and during the event.


3.3       Content


            Previous speakers at this event have included the eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator Sir Jonathan Porritt CBE, Norman Crowley (global entrepreneur and founder of CoolPlanet) and Sit Tim Smit KBE (Founder of The Eden Project and world-renowned thought leader in sustainability). The 2024 Sustain Exchange Summit will again be delivered to a world-class standard and will feature a globally-renowned speaker as well as a carefully selected  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4d


Inclusive Growth - Belfast Business Promise pdf icon PDF 444 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1       To provide Members with an update on the continued progress with the Belfast Business Promise, following the celebration and launch event in City Hall on 11th April 2024.  


1.2       The Committee will be aware that the Belfast Business Promise is a key commitment in the Council’s Inclusive Growth Strategy and embedded within the refreshed Belfast Agenda (2024-2028). The development of the Business Promise has been shaped by Elected Members through the work of the Social Policy Working Group and supported by a strong cross-council partnership approach. 


1.3       As the inclusive growth charter for the city, the Belfast Business Promise is a key tool to encourage and support employers across the city to adopt and/or improve their practices and demonstrate a positive social impact through their core business activities. The level of engagement and positive response from businesses of all sizes and sectors during its first year of operation has been significant. There is now a strong and growing community of practice aligned to the ambitions of the business promise. This presents a real opportunity to build upon and share good practice and adopt a holistic approach to create a stronger, more resilient, and fairer economy and society for Belfast.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


                                             (i)          Note the progress made during the first year of implementing the Belfast Business Promise

                                            (ii)          Note the work underway to support the further development and continued scaling up of the Business Promise and to ensure the continued successful implementation, including:


·        the continued growth in the number of organisations engaging in the initiative, committing to be partners and supporting implementation and accreditation.

·        the Council’s continued commitment and work underway to progress through the Belfast Business Promise journey to become an accredited Member and Ambassador.

·        Next steps for the programme as outlined at paragraph 3.12.


3.0       Main Report


3.1       As agreed by SP&R Committee, the Belfast Business Promise is a proactive commitment by businesses to support the city’s inclusive growth mission by signing up to a number of underpinning pledges that support inclusive business practices. Organisations use the process to assess and benchmark their business practices against eight pledges and gain support from the Belfast Business Promise community/network to continually improve their inclusive practice and performance.


3.2       A cross-council team has been progressing the development and delivery of the Belfast Business Promise with an external business working group, with oversight and input from the Council’s Social Policy Working Group.  The Belfast Business Promise is aligned to and complements other strands of work across the Council, including the Social Value Procurement Policy & Toolkit, Social Enterprise action plan and BCC Employment Academies. Strong relationships have also been built with the Inclusive Growth Network, the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter and the Scottish Business Pledge Charter teams which has enabled the sharing of good practice and shared learning opportunities.


3.3       Following a significant period of co-development and engagement, the Belfast Business Promise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4e


Digital Strategy pdf icon PDF 540 KB

Additional documents:


            The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services submitted the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       Following SP&R approval, Digital Services worked with Castlerigg Consulting to develop a new Digital Strategy (Appendix 1). Castlerigg are a specialist management consultancy who help to develop digital transformation and innovation strategies for the public sector. The Digital Strategy aims to provide a framework for elected members under the remit of the Strategic Policy and Resources committee, to oversee the strategic use of digital technology as a key enabler of service improvement – over a period of 5 years – in alignment with the Council’s key business priorities.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        note the contents of the report and to approve the new Digital Strategy attached.


3.0       Main report


3.1       In the past, a traditional ICT strategy looked to change, fix, or improve technology without impacting on the council’s business strategy. A good strategy ensures that information and digital technology will contribute to achieving the success of the organisation, which is why we have taken time to engage extensively with Departments and CMT members to ensure that the aims of the new strategy align with the development of our new Corporate Plan and emerging Medium Term Financial plan and performance improvement priorities. The strategy can act as one of the key drivers for operational service improvement and will feed into the next phases of our efficiency and customer focus programmes. The strategy will continue to evolve as the Council’s detailed delivery plans emerge, this will enable Digital technology to support our immediate and longer-term objectives.


3.2       Strategic oversight of both information and technology are essential as they underpin the majority of the Council’s service improvement initiatives, new and improved business processes, and the delivery of essential operational efficiencies. Consequently, the new Digital Strategy will be extremely important to help us to make the most of increasing digital transformation opportunities and in managing the significant cyber security threats that we are currently facing. The strategy has the potential to help optimise, transform, and improve the operational services we deliver and to maximise the value of our information assets.


3.3       Delivery of the new Digital Strategy will focus on delivering the right set of policies, working practices, and supporting technologies as information technology and the management of our information:


·        is an essential element of good corporate governance,

·        provides Members and Chief Officers with the right information to support effective decision making,

·        challenges our thinking on how we deliver services and supports innovation in service design,

·        sets direction in terms of investment in technology assuring alignment to corporate objectives,

·        and provides the basis of accountability to Elected Members and the citizens of Belfast for the stewardship and use of IT resources.


3.4       Some of the key messages that the strategy delivers are outlined below:


·        We have set a bold vision for how technology can transform Belfast City Council.  We want to strengthen our digital and information capability,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4f


Physical Programme and Asset Management


Assets Management pdf icon PDF 426 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee:


i)       King George V Playing Fields– Site Investigation Works

-        noted the site investigation works at King George V playing fields and adjacent lands to inform design of the new NI Water Sydenham Wastewater Pumping Station.  


ii)     Black’s Road Park & Ride – Licence for installation & siting of Cycle Shelter

-        approved entering into a Licence Agreement with the Department for Infrastructure for the installation & siting of a cycle shelter at Blacks Road Park & Ride.


iii)    Duncrue Estate – Deed of Variation

-        approved the extension of the current term of the ground Lease at Plot 37 Duncrue Estate to a term of 125 years from 2024 and approve the variation of the rent review pattern to facilitate 5-year rent reviews from the commencement of the lease extension.


iv)    River Terrace – Disposal of lands to Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group (LORAG)

-        approved the disposal of lands (139 sq.m) at River Terrace to LORAG to facilitate the redevelopment of the Lockhouse building.


v)      Cavehill Country Park - Conacre Agreement

-        approved conacre licence for a 1-year term for grazing of agricultural Council lands at Cavehill Country Park.       



Area Working Groups Update pdf icon PDF 326 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the special meeting of the South AWG of 22 April 2024.



Finance, Procurement and Performance


Contracts Update pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee:


·        approved the public advertisement of tenders as per Standing Order 37a detailed in Appendix 1 (Table 1);

·        approve the award of STAs in line with Standing Order 55 exceptions as detailed in Appendix 1 (Table 2);

·        noted the award of retrospective STAs in line with Standing Order 55 exceptions as detailed in Appendix 1 (Table 3);

·        approved the modification of the contract as per Standing Order 37a detailed in Appendix 1 (Table 4); and

·        approved the public advertisement of tenders (Peaceplus) as per Standing Order 37a detailed in Appendix 1 (Table 5) noting current conditions set out in Section 6 of the report.


            It was agreed that an update on the use of consultants be submitted to a future meeting.


Table 1: Competitive Tenders


Title of Tender

Proposed Contract Duration

Est. Max Contract Value


Short description of goods / services

Gartner for Technical Professionals

Up to 2 years


P Gribben

Provides in-depth technical research and guidance to help Digital Services advance the initiatives/projects that support execution of the Digital strategy

Delivery of Customer Focus Programme

Up to 2 years


J Tully

To provide tailored access to research and insights, access to analyst review of strategy and approach, diagnostics and toolkits to support the delivery of Customer Focus Programme.

A Bolder Vision for Belfast Strategy and Implementation Framework

Up to 1 year


C Reynolds

Commission of consulting services to finalise A Bolder Vision Strategy and Implementation Framework to include update of draft strategy.


Table 2: Single Tender Actions




Est. Max Contract Value




STA Reason Code

Elephant Transfer Service

Up to 3 months


D Martin

Service required for the relocation of two elderly female Asian elephants, Dhunja and Yhetto, that currently reside in Belfast Zoo, while work continues on a long-term development plan for the zoo and its animal collection. Approval was granted in August 2023 by CG&R Committee to transfer the elephants to Burgers Zoo in the Netherlands. The transfer is due to take place in July 2024.  The supplier is considered the only current suitable supplier to ensure the safe and secure transfer of the two elephants. 

Global Elephant Care




Table 3: Retrospective Single Tender Actions


Title of Contract


Est. Max Contract Value




STA Reason Code


Interpreting Services

(Partly funded)

3 years


S Toland

A team member is registered as deaf and is supported via the Access to Work (NI) programme for Support Worker funding from DFC which permits BCC to claim 50% of expenditure relating to interpreter services.  This provides continuity of existing support.

Heather Martin



Table 4: Modification to Contract


Title of Contract

Original Contract Duration





T2135b Continuation of Consultancy Services for City Centre Residential Development 

Contract modification being reported retrospectively

2 years

Additional £164,390

C Reynolds

Additional fees required due to delay in commencement of procurement and greater input required for commercial advisory work under the existing contract specification.

Cushman & Wakefield

T2422 Provision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


Commercial and Procurement Services Social Value Working Group update pdf icon PDF 248 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update following consideration by the Social Policy Working Group ‘SPWG’ at its meeting in May 24 on the delivery of social value outcomes via BCC tender competitions awarded in accordance with the Council’s Social Value Procurement Policy ‘SVPP’



Equality and Good Relations


Draft Language Strategy Action Plan pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


            The City Solicitor reminded the Members that the Council had conducted a consultation on the Draft Language Strategy Action Plan between 16th October 2023 and 22nd January 2024. The public and interested parties were encouraged to give feedback through an online survey available in English and Irish and were able to make submissions in writing. A range of consultation sessions and stakeholder engagement sessions were also conducted by Council officers.


            The consultation resulted in a range of amendments to the Draft Language Strategy Action Plan. The revised plan had been presented to Members at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on the 19th April 2024.


            While there was broad agreement with the revised Action Plan, Members had suggested some further amendments to the Action Plan, specifically, actions in relation to the development of a Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme and recurring annual funding for a large-scale event to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge.


            The proposals in relation to Seachtain na Gaeilge also included a commitment to compiling and publishing a comprehensive programme of events for all events, not just those organised by the Council. It was also proposed that the Council would organise a comprehensive calendar of events and place particular emphasis on Irish language branding, posters, exhibitions in the City Hall and use of Irish at Council meetings during the festival.


            Those proposals were likely to require additional significant resource commitments, including staffing resource. It is therefore proposed that there is a commitment to undertaking exploratory work on these proposals as part of the Action Plan. A detailed report would be submitted to the Language Strategy Working Group in relation to Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025 in the coming months.


            The City Solicitor explained that the amendments suggested at the Committee meeting in April had been changed slightly for their inclusion in the Draft Language Strategy Action Plan. This was to give officers the opportunity to explore the full scope of those suggested amendments and the operational and resource issues associated with them.


            The Committee approved the amended version of the Draft Language Strategy Action Plan.



Minutes of Shared City Partnership Meeting on 13th May 2024 pdf icon PDF 425 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee approved and adopted the minutes and recommendations from the Shared City Partnership Meeting held on 13th May 2024, including:


Committee Papers of 8th April meeting which was inquorate - for notation


·        Members were advised by the Good Relations Manager that the meeting scheduled for 8th April had been inquorate and had therefore not been held.  He drew the Members’ attention to the Committee pack for that date and advised that no decisions had been required as the papers had all been update position reports.  He advised the Members to contact him directly if they had any queries and agreed for Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to note the papers of 8th April 2024.



Good Relations Verbal Update


·        The Good Relations Manager advised that officers were still not in receipt of a Letter of Offer from The Executive Office, however, he hoped to be able to provide a further update at the June meeting. 


The Executive Office Asylum Dispersal Verbal Update


·        The Partnership agreed to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee the verbal update provided and detailed in the minutes.


Peace IV - Secretariat Update


·        The Partnership agreed to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it note the contents of the report.


PEACEPLUS – Theme 1.1 - Local Action Plan Update


·        The Partnership agreed to recommend that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee note the contents of the report.



Equality and Diversity: Equality Screening and Rural Needs Outcome Report Quarter 4 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 588 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Council had a duty to have, under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998:


·     Due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity in relation to the nine equality categories; and


·     Regard to the desirability of promotion good relations.


     In addition, under section 1 of the Rural Needs Act (Northern Ireland) 2016:


·     Due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing or revising policies, strategies and plans, and when designing and delivering public services.


            To this end, the Council had a process to carry out equality screening and rural needs assessment of new and revised policies. This allowed any impacts related to equality of opportunity, good relations or rural needs to be identified and addressed.


            An equality screening and rural needs impact assessment template was completed by the relevant officer, in collaboration with the Equality and Diversity Unit.  On a regular basis, the Unit collates all completed templates into a screening outcome report and publishes it onto the Council’s website, along with the relevant completed templates. 


            The Committee noted the Quarterly Screening Outcome Report which would be published on the Council’s website.



Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 - DAERA Annual Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 333 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the rural population of Belfast was comprised of the small settlements of Edenderry, Hannahstown and Loughview.


            Section 1 (1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 required public authorities to have due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing, or revising policies, strategies and plans, and when designing and delivering public services.  As part of that duty, Council officers complete Rural Needs Impact Assessments.


            Section 3 (1) of the Act required pi]public authorities to:


i)       Compile information on the exercise of their functions;

ii)      Include that information in annual reports; and

iii)     Send that information to DAERA.


            The Annual Return was designed to inform stakeholders and other interested parties of how the Council had had due regard to rural needs in the exercise of its functions. The Annual Return showed how the Council had met this duty for 2023-24.


            Subject to Committee and Council approval, the Annual Return would be submitted to DAERA next month for inclusion in its Rural Needs Annual Monitoring Report in order to meet DAERA’s deadline for publication.


            A copy of the Annual Return, together with a list of the completed Rural Needs Impact Assessments would be published on the Council’s website as the Council does not have an annual report.


            The Committee approved the Annual Monitoring Return to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for 2023-24, which provided evidence of how the Council had met certain duties under the Rural Needs Act (Northern Ireland) 2016.



Operational Issues


Minutes of Party Group Leaders Consultative Forum pdf icon PDF 562 KB



Requests for use of the City Hall and the provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee adopted the recommendations in respect of those applications received up to 10th May, 2024 as set out below and noted that, given the decision taken earlier in the meeting in regards to room hire charges for commercial events, the City Solicitor would be using the authority delegated to her for those events listed as under review:












Retail NI

21 August 2024 

High Street Heroes 2024 Winner Evening to celebrate NI’s amazing independent retailers over 13 categories.


Numbers attending – 120



Charge £300 or £825

(Dependent on room chosen)

No hospitality


Charge £300 or £825

No Hospitality


Politics in Action

12 September 2024

Pre-Conference Dinner

forguests attending their 1 day conference taking place in QUB.


Numbers attending – 30 - 40

A &B

No charge as charity 

No hospitality



No Charge

No hospitality


Washington Ireland Program

5 October 2024

30th Anniversary Celebration- Drinks Reception, Dinner, Speeches, and entertainment to celebrate the WIP role in past 30 years in post-conflict Northern Ireland and Ireland by bringing together leaders from a wide range of communities and backgrounds for outstanding leadership and skills-development programs.


Numbers attending – 300

C & D


Under review  

Under review               




Sirocco Works Football Club


12 or 16 October 2024

Centenary Anniversary Celebration- Drinks Reception, Dinner, Speeches, and entertainment.


Numbers attending – 200

C & D


No charge as charity 


Wine Reception as significant anniversary               



No Charge

Wine Reception


£500 given to their chosen caterer for wine on arrival

Bioscientific/  Irish Endocrine Society

14 October 2024

UK & Irish Endocrine Conference Dinner

forguests attending their 4-day conference taking place in QUB.


Numbers attending – 150 - 200

A &B

Under review 

Under review




British Council

19 November 2024

Schools COP29  debating event on Climate Change/ COP29 for 30 NI schools.


Numbers attending – 150


A & B

No charge as charity

No hospitality



No Charge

No hospitality



Global Career Services Summit Ltd

10 March 2025

Global Career Services Summit Dinnerfor guests attending their 4-day conference taking place in QUB.


Numbers attending - 120

A &B

Under review

Under review



Young Enterprise NI

1 May 2025

YEA NI Awards 2025 Drinks reception, dinner and Awards Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of people across NI who completed YE Programmes.

Numbers attending – 300


Under review

Under review



Stories Ireland


5 June 2025

Farewell Gala Dinner for Whataburger -

Drinks Reception,

Dinner and

Entertainment for sales executives from US multi-billion dollar corporation visiting Belfast as part of incentive programme.


Numbers attending - 200




Under review

Under review



CO3 Chief Officers Third Sector

13 November 2025

CO3 40th Anniversary Gala Ball- Drinks Reception, Dinner, Speeches and entertainment.


Numbers attending – 300 - 400

C & D


Under review

Under review





Minutes of the Language Strategy Working Group- 16.05.24 pdf icon PDF 211 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Language Strategy Working Group of 16th May.



Minutes of the Disability Working Group - 9.05.24 pdf icon PDF 133 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Disability Working Group of 9th May.



Minutes of Castle, Cavehill, Zoo and North Foreshore Steering Group - 13.05.24 pdf icon PDF 451 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Castle, Cavehill, Zoo and North Foreshore Steering Group of 13th May.



Minutes of the Social Policy Working Group - 14.05.24 pdf icon PDF 234 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Social Working Group of 14th May.



All-Party Working Group on the City Centre - 03.05.24 pdf icon PDF 236 KB



            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the All-Party Working Group on the City Centre of 3rd May.



Use of City Hall Grounds - OrangeFest - 12 July 2024 pdf icon PDF 487 KB


            The Committee authorised the use of City Hall grounds and the Cenotaph on 12th July 2024.



Issues raised in advance by Members


Transfer of Powers - Licensing of Bus Tour Operators in the City: Councillor Beattie to raise


            (The Committee agreed that the press and public be exclude from the meeting during consideration of this item.)


            In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Beattie raised the issue of the licensing of bus tour operators in the city.


            The Committee agreed that the Department for Infrastructure be requested to review the legislation regarding licensing of bus tour operators and consider transferring the powers to issue licenses for Belfast tours to Belfast City Council.


            It agreed also that the Department be requested to introduce regulations for a mandatory code of conduct for bus/coach tour operators.



Connection of Water Supply to Social Homes: Councillor M. Donnelly to raise


            Councillor M. Donnelly advised the Committee that he had requested that the abovementioned item be included on the agenda for the meeting, but it had not been added.


            In response, the Democratic Services and Governance Manager stated that that had been the case and the item had been omitted in error.  It was accordingly agreed that the matter could be discussed.


            The Committee agreed that the City Solicitor explore the legal options available to the Council to address the failure of NI Water to connect water supplies to social homes.