Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast

Contact: Ms. Eilish McGoldrick  Email:


No. Item



Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting.



Additional documents:


            Apologies for inability to attend were reported on behalf of Councillors Cobain and M. Kelly.



Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


            Councillor T. Kelly declared an interest in relation to the item contained within the minutes of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, under the heading “Assets Management”, on the basis that her husband was employed by the Greater Village Regeneration Trust.


            Councillor McKeown declared an interest in respect of the motions on Immediate need to tackle the waiting lists for diagnosing autism in children, Mater Hospital Services, and Pay Rise for Public Sector Workers in so far as he was an employee of the Public Health Agency and left the meeting whilst the matters were under consideration.


            Councillor Walsh declared an interest to the item contained within the minutes of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, under the heading “James Connolly Heritage Trail Sign” on the basis that he was involved in the James Connolly Heritage Trail initiative but remained in the meeting as the matter did not become the subject of discussion.


Alderman Copeland declared an interest in the Motion “Mater Hospital Services” in that her son was an employee of the Trust, and left the meeting whilst the matter was under consideration.


            Councillor Lyons declared an interest in respect of the motion 7.f) Pay Rise for Public Sector Workers, in so far as he was Vice Chair of Libraries NI.  The High Sheriff, Councillor Long and Councillor Smyth also declared an interest in Item 7.f)in that they were an employee in the Public Sector. The City Solicitor confirmed that they did not need to leave the meeting for the duration of the discussion.


            The following Members declared an interest in respect of an item contained within the minutes of the People and Communities Committee, under the heading “Community Provision Grant Funding Approach 2021/22”, on the basis that they worked for or were associated with the organisations listed, but remained in the meeting as the matter did not become the subject of discussion:


·        Councillor Verner - Greater Shankill Partnership;


·        Councillor Black - Grosvenor Community Centre;


·        Councillor Beattie - Blackie River Community Group;


·        Councillor Canavan - Blackie River Community Group, and the Greater Shankill Partnership Board;


·        Alderman Kingston - Forward South Partnership and Greater Shankill Partnership Board;


·        Councillor Hutchinson - Greater Shankill Partnership Board;


·        Councillor McCabe - Féile an Phobail; and


·        Alderman Copeland - on the basis that her daughter was a Director of the Greater Village Regeneration Trust.


            Councillor Murphy declared an interest to the item contained within the minutes of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, under the heading “Motion on Funding for the Citywide Tribunal Service”, on the basis that he was on the Board of the Ligoniel Improvement Association, which hosted the Tribunal Servicebut remained in the meeting as the matter did not become the subject of discussion.



Minutes of the Council pdf icon PDF 502 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by the Lord Mayor (Alderman McCoubrey),

Seconded by Councillor Pankhurst and


      Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of the Council of 1st and special meeting of 12th April be taken as read and signed as correct.



Official Announcements

Additional documents:




            The Lord Mayor, together with a number of Members, extended their condolences to Councillor Heading on the recent death of his father.




            The Lord Mayor extended, on behalf of the Council, congratulated Councillor M. Kelly and her family on the recent birth of their daughter Charlotte.


            Councillor Brooks congratulated the Northern Ireland Women’s Football Team on reaching the 2022 European Championship Finals. The Lord Mayor confirmed that he would be meeting with representatives shortly to offer the Council’s best wishes. 


Acknowledgements and Thanks


            Councillor Pankhurst acknowledged that the Centenary of Northern Ireland had taken place on 3rd May. The Lord Mayor advised that he had, earlier in the day, launched a time capsule and had welcomed school children from Belfast to send in ideas for objects to be included.


            Councillor Dorrian pointed out that the evening of 4th May marked the 80th Anniversary of the fire raid on Belfast during the Belfast Blitz and highlighted the fact that Harland and Wolfe and the Connswater Greenway were marking the occasion this evening.


            Councillor O’Hara welcomed the opening of retail and hospitality in Belfast and expressed his thanks to staff for the work involved in the reopening of the City Centre.




Additional documents:


Strategic Policy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 942 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Black,

            Seconded by Councillor Beattie,


            That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 23rd April, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.





Medium Term Financial Plan/Commercial Plan


Moved by Councillor Groogan,

Seconded by Councillor Matt Collins,


            That the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 23rd April, under the heading “Medium Term Financial Plan/Commercial Plan”, be rejected and, accordingly, the Council agrees to reject the Commercial Plan.


            On a recorded vote, thirty Members voted for the amendment and twenty-six against and it was declared carried.


For 30



Against 26

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor McCusker;

Councillors Baker, Beattie, Black, Bradley,

Canavan, Carson, Matt Collins,

Michael Collins, Corr, De Faoite, Donnelly,

Ferguson, Flynn, Garrett, Gormley, Groogan, Heading, Lyons, Magee, Magennis, Maskey, McAteer, McCabe, McKeown, McLaughlin, Murphy, O’Hara, Smyth, and Walsh.


The Lord Mayor (Alderman McCoubrey);

The High Sheriff (Councillor Long);

Aldermen Copeland, Dorrian, Haire, Kingston, Rodgers and Sandford; and

Councillors Brooks, Bunting, Hanvey, Hussey, Hutchinson, T. Kelly, Kyle,

McAllister, McCullough,

McDonough-Brown, McMullan, McReynolds, Mulholland, Newton, Nicholl, Pankhurst, Spratt and Verner.




Amendment 1


Standards and Business Committee –

Draft Terms of Reference


Moved by Councillor Ferguson,

Seconded by Councillor Matt Collins,


That the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 23rd April, under the heading “Standards and Business Committee – Draft Terms of Reference”, be rejected and, accordingly, the Council agrees not to proceed with plans for a Standards and Business Committee, and instead asks officers to investigate a more democratic means for dealing with both matters.


On a recorded vote, twenty Members voted for the amendment and thirty-two against and it was declared lost.


For 20



Against 32

No Vote 4

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor McCusker;

The High Sheriff (Councillor Long);

Councillors Matt Collins,

Michael Collins, De Faoite, Ferguson, Flynn, Groogan, Hanvey, Heading, Lyons,

McAllister, McDonough-Brown, McKeown,

McMullan, McReynolds, Mulholland, Nicholl, O’Hara, Smyth,





The Lord Mayor (Alderman McCoubrey);

Aldermen Dorrian, Haire, Kingston and Sandford; and

Councillors Baker, Beattie, Black, Bradley, Brooks, Bunting, Canavan, Carson, Corr, Donnelly, Garrett, Gormley, Hussey, T. Kelly, Magee, Magennis, Maskey, McAteer, McCabe, McCullough, McLaughlin, Murphy, Newton, Pankhurst, Spratt, Verner and Walsh.

Aldermen Copeland and  Rodgers; and

Councillors Hutchinson and Kyle.


Amendment 2


Standards and Business Committee –

Draft Terms of Reference


Moved by Councillor McAllister,

Seconded by High Sheriff, Councillor Long,


That the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 23rd April, under the heading “Standards and Business Committee –

Draft Terms of Reference”, be amended and, accordingly, the Council agrees to remove the Business Committee element as outlined in the report and agrees to the Standards Committee only.


On a recorded vote, twenty-one Members voted for the amendment and thirty-four against, with 2 No Votes, and it was declared lost.



For 21


Against 34

No Vote 2

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor McCusker;

The High Sheriff (Councillor Long);

Councillors Matt Collins,

Michael Collins, De  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


People and Communities Committee pdf icon PDF 487 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Baker,

Seconded by Alderman Rodgers,


      That the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 13th April be approved and adopted.


Response from Department for Communities –

Affordable Warmth Update


            At the request of Councillor Heading, the Council agreed to communicate to the Minister for Communities its disappointment in relation to the rules outlined in her response which prevented the underspend of the Affordable Warmth Scheme in 2020-2021 being ring-fenced for the use of the scheme and carried over into the next financial year and it was unfortunate that this underspend could not be or reallocated to those in need.


Adoption of Minutes


            Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 13th April, 2021, were approved and adopted.



City Growth and Regeneration Committee pdf icon PDF 476 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Brooks,

Seconded by Councillor T. Kelly and


      Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 14th April, be approved and adopted.



Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Donnelly,

Seconded by Councillor McCabe and


      Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 21st April, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.



Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Hussey,

Seconded by Councillor Carson and


      Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Planning Committee of 20th April, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.



Brexit Committee pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Flynn,

Seconded by Councillor Walsh and


      That the minutes of the proceedings of the Brexit Committee of 15th April be approved and adopted.




Additional documents:


Equality for LGBTQI+ Community pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


            In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Maskey proposed the following amendment to his motion:


This Council recognises the struggle for equality by generations of people who identify as LGBTQI+; acknowledges the successful work of LGBTQI+ activists in eradicating elements of institutionalised discrimination and condemns the continued inequalities experienced by those who identify as LGBTQI+.


We endorse in full the recommendations of the LGBTQI+ advisory panel and welcome the timeframe for the LGBTQI+ strategy (December 2021).


This Council calls on all Ministers and Departments with responsibility to proactively and robustly implement all elements of the LGBTQI+ strategy, including with adequate resourcing and funding.


We call on the Executive to commit to equality, respect and human rights for all sections of our society in its actions, words and deeds.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor O’Hara.


After discussion, the motion was put to the meeting and passed.



Immediate need to tackle the waiting lists for diagnosing autism in children pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


(Councillor Mulholland left the meeting whilst the motion was being discussed.)


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor McAteer proposed:


“Autism can cause significant social, communication and behavioural difficulties. The number of school age children with autism has soared in recent years. A total of 2,562 children were diagnosed as on the autistic spectrum last year across the north of Ireland. Five years previously the figure was 1,472.  Children from social and economically disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to have autism - with boys three times more likely to be diagnosed than girls.


However, in Belfast thousands of children with suspected autism are waiting up to two years to get a diagnosis from the Belfast Trust.  Early diagnosis and intervention is key to the future of these children and parents are distressed that valuable time is being lost while their children remain on waiting lists.


Many parents have had no option but to pay for private assessments which cost circa £1,400. All 5 of the norths health trusts now accept private referrals and this is leading to concerns about a two-tier health system that will see children from disadvantaged backgrounds left further down the waiting lists.


This Council asserts that, whilst the pandemic has affected autism services, all children with autism deserve to have timely assessments and the vital support they need at the earliest possible stage in their development. This Council will write to the Minister for Health to ask him to take all steps necessary to immediately tackle the unacceptable waiting lists for diagnosis of autism in children and to provide the necessary supports and interventions for their development.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Magennis.


            The proposer agreed, at the request of Councillor Verner, to amend her motion to provide for the addition of the following wording to the end of the final paragraph:


“Furthermore, this Council also commits to doing everything we can to ensure that we play our role in providing safe, appropriate and inclusive services and facilities for children with autism”.



            The proposed amended motion, as set out hereunder, was put to the meeting:


“Autism can cause significant social, communication and behavioural difficulties. The number of school age children with autism has soared in recent years. A total of 2,562 children were diagnosed as on the autistic spectrum last year across the north of Ireland. Five years previously the figure was 1,472.  Children from social and economically disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to have autism - with boys three times more likely to be diagnosed than girls.


However, in Belfast thousands of children with suspected autism are waiting up to two years to get a diagnosis from the Belfast Trust.  Early diagnosis and intervention is key to the future of these children and parents are distressed that valuable time is being lost while their children remain on waiting lists.


Many parents have had no option but to pay for private assessments which cost circa £1,400. All 5 of the norths health trusts now  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Charges for the Use of ATMs pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Brian Heading proposed:


“This Council notes increase in commercial (non-bank) ATMS in convenience stores and in our high streets. The Council further notes the financial charge made against the consumer for withdrawing their own cash from their own bank account can range from 75 pence to £1.25 per withdrawal.


The Council understands the need of people to be able to access cash while acknowledging the pandemic impact on the use of cash in circulating in the local economy.


This Council also notes that those on fixed incomes face a financial charge to withdraw small amounts of cash, usually for necessities, and this is an unnecessary financial burden on older people and families.


The Council therefore will write to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) urging them to cap the number of ATMS that charge for withdrawing cash

The Council will also ask the FCA to check on behalf of consumers, how such ATMS are sited and criteria applied and if there is any correlation between the siting of cash ATMs which charge in areas of social deprivation on the grounds they may be used more often in a 7 day period by people on fixed incomes and are therefore more profitable.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Donal Lyons.


After discussion, the motion was put to the meeting and passed.


Standing Order 23


            The Council’s attention was drawn to the fact that, in accordance with Standing Order 23, any meeting of the Council which has lasted continuously for five hours shall stand adjourned unless the Council shall by resolution decide to continue sitting.


Resolved – That the Council agrees to continue to sit to consider the remaining business.



Mater Hospital Services pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Ferguson proposed:


“This Council recognises the role played by healthcare staff in the Mater Hospital, on the front line of the pandemic. While working hard to battle COVID at a local level, these staff saw their normal workday overhauled and many worked multiple redeployments. The Council thanks the staff at the Mater Hospital for their efforts. 


The Council notes that the Mater Hospital is an incredibly important asset for North Belfast, both as an employer and in terms of services provision. Further notes the concerns that no timeline has been provided for the return of Mater Hospital services which were removed to facilitate COVID operations; including general surgery, ICU, day procedures, mental health services, births, and more.


Along with Unison, the Council agrees that all services which were removed during the pandemic should be returned to the Mater as soon as is reasonably possible, and that staff and trade unions should be provided with a working timeline for this to take place.


Therefore, the Council will seek a cross party meeting with Cathy Jack and a representative from the Department of Health to discuss plans for the future of the Mater, after COVID.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Matt Collins.


The proposer agreed, at the request of Councillor Whyte, to amend her proposal to the wording of the final paragraph as follows: “Therefore, the Council will seek a cross party meeting with Cathy Jack and the Minister for Health Robin Swann MLA to discuss plans for the future of the Mater, after Covid.”


            The proposed amended motion as set out hereunder, was put to the meeting:


“This Council recognises the role played by healthcare staff in the Mater Hospital, on the front line of the pandemic. While working hard to battle COVID at a local level, these staff saw their normal workday overhauled and many worked multiple redeployments. The Council thanks the staff at the Mater Hospital for their efforts. 


The Council notes that the Mater Hospital is an incredibly important asset for North Belfast, both as an employer and in terms of services provision. Further notes the concerns that no timeline has been provided for the return of Mater Hospital services which were removed to facilitate COVID operations; including general surgery, ICU, day procedures, mental health services, births, and more.


Along with Unison, the Council agrees that all services which were removed during the pandemic should be returned to the Mater as soon as is reasonably possible, and that staff and trade unions should be provided with a working timeline for this to take place.


Therefore, the Council will seek a cross party meeting with Cathy Jack and the Minister for Health Robin Swann MLA to discuss plans for the future of the Mater, after Covid.”


            After discussion, the motion, as amended, was put to the Council and passed.



Ban Conversion Therapy pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Flynn proposed:


“This Council supports calls for a ban on the harmful practice commonly referred to as conversion therapy.


The Council acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the Ban Conversion Therapy NI coalition, made up of LGBTQ+ organisations, mental health charities and faith groups which are united in calling for this ban.


The Council notes the 'Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK' which describes this practice as unethical, potentially harmful and not supported by evidence.


Further notes the Association of Christian Counsellors' stance regarding conversion therapy, which states that Reparative (or Conversion) Therapy does not fit within the ACC Ethics and Practice framework.


The Council agrees that it is fundamentally wrong to view minority sexual orientation or gender identity as something that needs fixed or cured - and that any practice, including religious practice, that is conducted with a specific pre-determined outcome, such as changing or suppressing a person sexual orientation or gender identity, is harmful and denigrating, and must be banned.


This Council will therefore write to the Minister for Communities on the following;


·        To support a legislative ban on conversion therapy in all its forms, before the end of the current assembly mandate.

·        That there should be no special exemptions for religious organisations in implementing a ban on conversion therapy.

·        That any ban should clearly distinguish from safe and supportive therapies, delivered by suitable qualified and regulated professionals, that assist people to explore and better understand their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor de Faoite.


The Council agreed to a recorded vote on the motion, when 40 Members voted for the motion and 3 against, with 11 No votes, and it was declared carried:


For 40



Against 3

No Vote 11

The High Sheriff (Councillor Long);

Alderman Copeland,

Councillors Baker, Beattie, Black, Bradley, Canavan, Carson, Matt Collins, Michael Collins, Corr, De Faoite, Donnelly, Hanvey, Heading, Howard, Ferguson, Flynn, Garrett, Gormley, Groogan, Kyle, Lyons, Magee, Magennis, Maskey, McAllister, McAteer, McCabe, McDonough-Brown,  McLaughlin, McMullan, McReynolds, Mulholland, Murphy, Nicholl, O’Hara, Smyth, Walsh and Whyte.


Councillors Brooks, T. Kelly and McCullough.

 The Lord Mayor (Alderman McCoubrey);

Dorrian, Haire, Kingston, and Sandford; and

Councillors Bunting, Hussey, Newton, Pankhurst, Spratt and Verner. 





Pay Rise for Public Sector Workers pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Michael Collins proposed:


“This Council notes the disappointing pay offer of a 1% non-consolidated pay increase for public sector workers. Given levels of inflation this amounts to a pay cut, and goes nowhere near far enough to reward workers for the valuable work they have carried out over the last 13 months of the pandemic. This offer is a slap in the face to staff and falls abysmally short of a fair and just pay offer. 


This decision will unfairly impact thousands of staff across the civil service, as well as employees of the Education Authority, Health and Social Services bodies and HSC Trusts, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Local Government, Libraries NI and a number of other public bodies and voluntary organisations. 


NIPSA, the main trade union representing public sector workers, has stated its opposition to this offer, and is engaging in a consultation period with members urging them to engage in industrial action to resist it. 


The Council supports the trade unions in their calls to reject this offer and demands a fair pay rise for public sector workers.


Any pay rise must be fully consolidated, as has been the case with staff in other regions of the UK, such as the Department for Work and Pensions in Britain whose staff received a 2.5% consolidated offer. There should be no continued pay disparity between staff in the north compared to those in Britain and staff here must be afforded the same incremental pay increases as other regions.


This Council resolves write to the Minister for Finance, Conor Murphy, urging him to go back to the negotiating table with a better offer. The Council also resolves to convene a meeting with NIPSA and the relevant trade unions to discuss how the Council, as a local government body, can assist the trade unions in their campaign for a fair pay deal for public sector workers.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Matt Collins




Moved by Councillor Garrett,

Seconded by Councillor Walsh,


      That the motion standing in the name of Councillor Michael Collins and seconded by Councillor Matt Collins be amended as follows:


This Council welcomes the pay offer representing a 4.8% increase in the civil service pay bill over 2 years agreed by all parties in the Northern Executive;


Notes the pay freeze imposed on civil servants by the British Government and the standstill budget provided to the Northern Executive during a period of financial hardship for many;


Further notes the budget provided by the British Government which included a mere 1% increase for healthcare workers amounts to a slap in the face for those that have worked so valiantly during the ongoing pandemic;


Commits to write to the British Government asking them to review their budget allocation to the Executive and to stress to them the need for multi-year budgets with adequate resources to fund much needed pay increases to our health and social care and public sector  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Statue of Mary Ann McCracken pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Long proposed:


“This Council resolves to install a statue of Mary Ann McCracken in the grounds of City Hall.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Nicholl.


            In accordance with Standing Order 13(f), the motion was referred, without discussion, to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.



Extension of the Belfast Bikes Scheme pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Baker proposed:


“This Council:


Acknowledges the record-breaking month for the use of Belfast Bikes, with 30k journeys made in March this year, and commends once again the scheme and our officials working on it.


Recognises that it must continue to promote and invest in the positive environmental, economic and social benefits of cycling and pedestrianisation throughout our city.


Calls on Council officers to carry out a scoping exercise to examine the further extension of Belfast bikes, beyond the city core and further out into communities across the city.


Agrees to write to write to the Infrastructure Minister Nicola Mallon to reiterate the need for working in support of investment into the required protected cycle lane network in our city and communities, to support the further rollout of the Belfast Bikes Scheme extending its reach and accessibility throughout the city.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor McAteer.


            In accordance with Standing Order 13(f), the motion was referred, without discussion, to the City Growth and Regeneration Committee.



War Years Remembered pdf icon PDF 268 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Pankhurst proposed:


“This Council notes the priceless and globally renowned work of War Years Remembered as well as the impact COVID-19 has had on the museum.


Consequently, given the importance of not only preserving our social and military history as well as offering educational lessons that offer excellent ways of building bridges between communities, including ethnic minorities, this Council agrees to engage with War Years Remembered on finding a suitable solution to their current struggles, including a proposed relocation to Belfast. 


This Council agrees that such a move would be beneficial not only to our city’s economy and attractiveness through local tourism, but also through the provision of education to our schools, colleges and local community groups.” 


The motion was seconded by Alderman Copeland.


            In accordance with Standing Order 13(f), the motion was referred, without discussion, to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.



Recent Violence and Public Disorder pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with notice on the agenda Councillor Smyth proposed:


“This Council condemns the recent serious violence and public disorder that took place not only in Belfast, but across Northern Ireland


It condemns paramilitarism, the use of violence for political ends and the exploitation of young people and working class communities.


We were deeply troubled to see images of children and young people involved in violence and deplore the risk of another generation seeing violence as a response to political frustrations. Whilst matters have thankfully settled over the past 2 weeks, we still believe that the underlying issues prevail and the threat of violence is near too far away from the surface in Northern Ireland.


As the main political body of this city, we have a moral and ethical duty to do everything we can to protect our citizens, particularly those young people at risk of being manipulated into street violence, as well as our duty of care to front line council staff carrying out daily essential services. We must also move away from simply offering condemnation and begin to look at solutions that will offer our young people hope and invest in their futures.


This Council will: commit to supporting all elements of the Youth Service, including our own Belfast Youth Forum; and will convene an urgent meeting of the relevant statutory agencies and third sector organisations to develop a consistent, young person led approach for the coming summer period; engage with relevant departments to ensure that discretionary funding is made available to support youth engagement and intervention; engage with Trade Unions to ensure safety of our staff and; will support the ongoing process for the formation of a NI Youth Assembly; and seek assurances that Youth Citizens' Assemblies will be considered as an engagement model to make recommendations for the city on addressing poverty, inequality, eradicating paramilitarism, integrating communities, expanding opportunity and tackling the climate crises.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor Mulholland.


            In accordance with Standing Order 13(f), the motion was referred, without discussion, to the People and Communities Committee.