Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Hybrid meeting


No. Item



Additional documents:


            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Alderman Copeland and Councillors Gormley and Kyle.



Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


            The following Members declared an interest and left the meeting whilst the motion was under discussion:


·        Councillor Maskey - employed by Intercom;

·        Councillor Bunting - on the management committee of Belvoir Area Residents Group, a voluntary charity group which might receive funding for public distribution from one of the strategic partners; 

·        Councillor Verner - employee of Greater Shankill Partnership, which is one of the 9 strategic partners; 

·        Councillor McCabe –husband was an employee of the Upper Andersonstown Community Forum, one of the 9 Strategic Partners; 

·        Alderman Kingston - Greater Shankill Partnership Board Director; and Forward South Partnership - Part-time employee;

·        Alderman McCoubrey – paid employee of the Greater Shankill Community Council; Chairperson Black Mountain Action Group;

·        Councillor McCullough – Employee of an organisation which might receive funding;

·        Councillor Canavan - Board member for Blackie river centre, Springfield Charitable Association and on the Greater Shankill Partnership Board also a committee member of Clonard Residents’ Association; and

·        Councillor Hutchinson – employed by the Mount Vernon Community Development Forum (MVCDF), which is Funded by DFC Neighbourhood Renewal and is lead partner for LCAP on two Government projects with total responsibility for governance ; line manages Loughview Community Action Partnership (LCAP), which  a strategic Partner for BCC; Council appointee (and Board member) on the Greater Shankill Partnership (GSP), GSP are a Strategic partner with BCC.



Suspension of Standing Orders

Additional documents:


            Moved by Councillor Groogan,

            Seconded by Councillor Ferguson,


      That, in accordance with Standing Order 33, the Council agrees to the suspension of Standing Order 13q.


            On a vote, twenty- three Members voted for the proposal and twenty-four against.  As the proposal did not receive a Qualified Majority Vote of 80% in favour, it was declared lost.



Funding for Community Partners

‘This Council is gravely concerned  with the escalating cost of living, particularly with fuel, food and high levels of inflation.


‘Therefore, this Council agrees to fund our  Community Partners £650k to deliver a fuel and food voucher programme over the Christmas period’



Proposer: Councillor Beattie

Seconder: Councillor McLaughlin


Additional documents:


            With the consent of the Council, Councillor Beattie proposed the following altered motion:


“This Council supports the allocation of £650k to our 9 strategic community partners which, over the course of the pandemic, have delivered thousands of food parcels, fuel vouchers and other necessities to those in need.


The £650k funding will be used solely for the delivery of fuel and food vouchers to those in need and no group or individual, involved in the distribution, will financially benefit from this scheme.


This Council agrees to expedite the delivery of funding to our community partners to allow for the delivery of vouchers over the Christmas period and beyond.”


            The motion was seconded by Councillor Pankhurst.


            After debate, the Motion was put to the Council and passed.