No. | Item | ||||
Summons Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting. |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for inability to attend were reported for Councillors Ferguson, Hussey and M. Kelly. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Beattie, Lyons and O’Hara declared an interest in relation to the motion under the heading ‘Irish Sea Border Checks’ in that they were on the Board of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners and left the meeting while the motion was under consideration.
Motion - Irish Sea Border Checks PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the notice on the agenda, Councillor McLaughlin proposed: “This Council wishes to place on record its concern with the actions of Minister Poots relating to the withdrawal of checks required for the implementation of the Protocol and his failure to comply with an International Treaty and legal obligations negotiated by the British Government with the EU. The Council further notes with concern that this is likely to impact its ability to meet the legal obligations for which it is responsible, relating to inspections at the Port. This Council authorises the City Solicitor to commence legal proceedings to compel the Minister and the British Government to comply with Protocol requirements, subject to any current derogations in the grace period.” The motion was seconded by Councillor McCabe.
On a recorded vote, twenty-nine Members voted for the Motion, and eighteen against, and it was declared carried.