Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast
No. | Item | ||||
Summons Additional documents: Minutes: |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for inability to attend the meeting were reported from the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor McCormick) and Councillors Bell, Canavan, D. Douglas and White.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Beattie, Black, Bradley, Brennan, Carson, M. Donnelly, Nelson, Smyth and Walsh declared an interest in relation to the item “Discretionary Payments” within the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes, in that their employer was an applicant for the grant.
Councillors Beattie, Black, Brennan, Carson, M. Donnelly, Groogan, McCabe, R. McLaughlin and Smyth declared an interest in relation to the item “Community Support Programme 2024/25” within the People and Communities Committee minutes, in that their employer had applied for funding through the programme.
Councillor Walsh declared an interest in relation to the item “Requests for use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality” within the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes, in that the organisation he worked for had made a request.
Councillor McKeown declared an interest in relation to the item “Wider University and Lower Ormeau Intervention Programme” within the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in that his employer was a co-funder of the Intervention Manager post and he left the meeting whilst the matter was being discussed.
Minutes of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by the Lord Mayor (Councillor Murray), Seconded by Alderman McCullough,
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly and annual meetings of the Council of 1st July and 5th August, be taken as read and signed as correct.
Official Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor (Councillor Murray) and Councillor de Faoite expressed their sorrow on the recent death of former staff member, Brendan (Brendy) McKeown and offered condolences to his family and friends.
The Lord Mayor (Councillor Murray) and several Councillors paid tribute to former Councillor Geraldine McAteer who had recently stepped down from the Council and welcomed Councillor Brennan.
Councillor Maghie and Councillor Ferguson congratulated local Olympians on their success at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
A number of Members offered well wishes to former Alderman Tommy Sandford and his grandson, both of whom had recently been released from hospital.
Councillor I. McLaughlin offered his condolences to the family of Mr. Jackie Hewitt MBE, following his recent death.
Request to address the Council To consider a request from the Landlords Association for Northern Ireland (LANI) to address the Council in relation to HMO application fees. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed the Council that a request had been received from Mr. D. Boyle to address the Council with regard to the item ‘HMO Review of Licence Scheme charges’, under the Licensing Committee minutes.
Moved by Councillor Smyth, Seconded by Councillor de Faoite,
“That the request from Mr. D. Boyle to address the Council be refused.”
On a vote by show of hands, forty-six Members voted for the proposal and none against and it was declared carried.
Change of Position of Responsibility Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that notification had been received from the Democratic Unionist Party that it wished to replace Councillor Verner with Councillor R. Brooks as the Chairperson on the People and Communities Committee.
The Chief Executive reported that notification had been received from Sinn Fein of the following changes:
Change of Membership on Outside Bodies Additional documents: Minutes: · Councillor Brennan to replace former Councillor McAteer on the Lagan Valley Regional Park Advisory Committee;
· Councillor Brennan to replace former Councillor McAteer on the South Belfast District Policing and Community Safety Partnership; and
· Councillor Brennan to replace former Councillor McAteer on the Forward South Partnership Board.
Change of Committee Membership Additional documents: Minutes: Strategic Policy and Resources Committee
· Councillor Brennan to replace Councillor M. Donnelly
City Growth and Regeneration Committee
· Councillor O’Neill to replace Councillor Walsh,
People and Communities Committee
· Councillor Bradley to replace Councillor O’Neill
Licensing Committee
· Councillor M. Donnelly to replace Councillor McCabe
Climate and City Resilience Committee
· Councillor Walsh to replace Councillor McCabe as Deputy Chairperson; · Councillor P. Donnelly to replace Councillor McCabe; and · Councillor Magee to replace Councillor Bradley.
Standards and Business Committee
· Councillor Nic Bhrainair to replace Councillor M. Donnelly; and · Councillor Carson to replace Councillor Brennan.
The Council noted the changes.
Minutes of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Additional documents:
Minutes: Moved by Councillor Murphy, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 8th and 9th July, and 16th and 23rd August, 2024, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Hardship Programme
Moved by Councillor Collins, Seconded by Councillor de Faoite, and
Resolved – “That the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 23rd August, under the heading “Hardship Programme” be taken back to the Committee for further consideration.”
Wider University and Lower Ormeau Intervention Programme
At the request of Councillor McDonough-Brown, the Council agreed that, should the contributions being requested from the other partners in the Inter-Agency Group for the continued funding of the post of Intervention Manger not be forthcoming, the Chief Executive would undertake to return the matter to the Committee for further consideration.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 8th and 9th July, and 16th and 23rd August, 2024 were thereupon approved and adopted.
Minutes of People and Communities Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor R. Brooks; Seconded by Councillor M. Donnelly, and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 6th August, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of City Growth and Regeneration Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Nelson, Seconded by Councillor Duffy,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 7th and 28th August, be approved and adopted.
Belfast City and Region Place Partnership Update
Moved by Councillor Groogan, Seconded by Councillor Smyth,
“That the decision of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 7th August, to approve attendance by senior officers at MIPIM 2025 as part of the BCRPP 2024/25 programme be rescinded and the associated funding be returned to the Committee.”
On a recorded vote, eight Members voted for the amendment and forty-six against and it was declared lost.
Amendment 2
Moved by Councillor Lyons, Seconded by Councillor de Faoite, and
Resolved - That the decision to approve attendance by senior officers at MIPIM 2025 as part of the BCRPP 2024/2025 programme, noting that the BCRPP presence at MIPIM will be funded from the wider public-private sector BCRPP programme budget, be taken back to the Committee for further consideration.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the forgoing amendment, the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 7th and 28th August, 2024, were approved and adopted.
Minutes of Licensing Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Seconded by Councillor Smyth, and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 21st August, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Planning Committee Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minutes of Climate and City Resilience Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor R. M. Donnelly, Seconded by Councillor Walsh, and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Climate and City Resilience Committee of 8th August, be approved and adopted.