Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast


No. Item



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The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting.



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Apologies for inability to attend were reported for Alderman Copeland and Councillors Anglin, Canavan, R-M Donnelly, Long, McCabe, McDonough-Brown and Whyte.



Declarations of Interest

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There were no declarations of interest.



Motion - Pause in funding to City Deals pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


            In accordance with the notice on the agenda, Councillor de Faoite proposed:


“This Council condemns the pause in funding by the British Government to City Deals and calls for its immediate and full reinstatement.”


            The motion was seconded by Councillor Doherty.


            The proposer advised the Council that he wished to amend the wording of the proposal to allow for the addition, after the word “and”, with “the way in which this pause was announced on a Friday afternoon and welcomes the announcement that the Belfast City Deal will move forward at pace with the full support of all partners.”



            The amended motion would read as follows:


“This Council condemns the pause in funding by the British Government to City Deals and the way in which this pause was announced on a Friday afternoon and welcomes the announcement that the Belfast City Deal will move forward at pace with the full support of all partners.”


            The Council agreed to consider the motion in its amended form.


            After discussion, the motion, as amended, was put to the Council and passed.



Motion - Commitment to Casement Park pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


            In accordance with the notice on the agenda, Councillor Beattie proposed:


“This Council expressesdeep disappointmentthat theBritish Governmenthas failedto honourits commitmentregarding theEuro 2028bid forBelfast, particularlythe investmentin Casement Park,a catalystproject foreconomic regeneration inWest Belfast.


The involvement ofBelfast inthe Euro2028 bidpresented uswitha oncein ageneration opportunityto showcasethe verybest of Belfastto aninternational audiencewiththe economicbenefits beingfelt acrossa range of industriesin the cityand beyond.


Casement Park mustnowbe deliveredregardless ofthe outcomeofthe Euro2028 bid,asit still representsa vital investment inthe city’sinfrastructure andcommunity.


Belfast City Councilwilltherefore writeto HilaryBenn, theSecretary ofState forNorthern Ireland,and PrimeMinister KeirStarmer, tourge theBritish Governmentto fulfilits previouscommitment to Casement Park.


And willfurther writeto TaoiseachSimon Harrisalong withthe relevantExecutive Ministersatthe NIAssembly requestingthat allparties involvedcome togetherto fulfilthat samecommitment to delivering Casement Park.”


            The motion was seconded by Councillor Doherty.


            On a vote by a show of hands, thirty-one Members voted for the motion and fourteen against and it was declared carried.