Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conor Room - City Hall

Contact: Mrs Sara Steele, Democratic Services Officer  90320202 x6301

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillors Nicholl and Milne. 


Anti-social Behaviour in Parks and Open Spaces pdf icon PDF 119 KB


Retirement                           The Chairperson welcomed to the meeting Superintendent Murdie, Kathy Latcham, Senior Crime Prevention Officer, and Dan Kelly, Neighbourhood Inspector for West Belfast, representing Belfast City PSNI.


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       Further to discussion at the People and Communities Committee meeting on 10 October 2017 on anti-social behaviour taking place in parks and open spaces in Belfast, the purpose of this report is to update Members on:



·        The anti-social behaviour context in parks and open spaces across the city

·        The ongoing work in response to these issues

·        The planned work to improve the response to these issues


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to consider the contents of the report.


2.2       Members are also asked to note the progress to date and endorse the future work planned to address these issues more effectively.


3.0       The Anti-Social Behaviour Context


3.1       Background


3.2       Members will be aware that anti-social behaviour remains an issue of concern for communities in Belfast.


3.3       Anti-social behaviour is defined as ‘acting in a manner that has caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the perpetrator’.


3.4       Anti-social behaviour in Belfast has increased by just over 5% comparing the April – August 2016 and April – August 2017 period.


3.5       However, this is lower than the Northern Ireland average which is a 7% increase in the same period.


3.6       Members will be very aware that anti-social behaviour can have seriously negative impacts on the quality of life of individuals, families and communities.


3.7       Anti-Social Behaviour in Parks/Open Spaces


3.8       Members will recall previous reports to People and Communities Committee (most recently in November 2016) updating Members on increasing concern about anti-social behaviour in parks and open spaces across the city.


3.9       Members will also recall that anti-social behaviour in parks and open spaces has been a significant focus for Council resources (both staff and financial) in recent years.


3.10     An additional concern in respect of parks and open spaces is the growth of a large group of young people who are transient in nature (anything from 50 – 150 young people at a time), who move across parks and open spaces in the city.  This group can be under the influence of alcohol and drugs and are often determined to remain detached from existing structured youth provision in their own communities. 


3.11     Members should be aware that many of the negative behaviours taking place in parks/open spaces are not anti-social behaviour, but are criminal in nature and often serious.


3.12     Anti-social behaviour is often under reported by members of the public and this can be particularly relevant in relation to anti-social behaviour in parks/open spaces.


3.13     However, anti-social behaviour is sometimes witnessed by Council Officers in parks/open spaces and often there is physical evidence of the anti-social behaviour.


3.14     Anti-social behaviour affects most parks/open spaces at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Retirement of Councillor Austin


            It was reported that this would be Councillor Austin’s last meeting as she would be retiring from the Council in the near future.


            The Chairperson, on behalf of the Members, thanked Councillor Austin for her contribution to the work of the People and Communities Committee during her time on the Council and wished her well in her retirement.


            The Chairperson thanked the officials for attending and the meeting concluded.