Venue: Lavery Room, City Hall
Contact: Carolyn Donnelly, Democratic Services Officer
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Routine Matters
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Declarations of Interest
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Planning Appeals Notified PDF 8 KB
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Planning Decisions Issued PDF 162 KB
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Live Applications for Major Developments PDF 139 KB
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Committee Decisions that have yet to issue PDF 129 KB
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Miscellaneous Reports
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WITHDRAWN: Draft Planning Committee Operating Protocol
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Proposed adoption of SPG on Purpose Built and Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) including report on Public Consultation of Draft SPG for notation PDF 186 KB
Additional documents:
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Response to Consultation on Private Member's Bill relating to Tree Protection PDF 592 KB
Additional documents:
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Discussion on Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist PDF 493 KB
Additional documents:
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Planning Applications previously considered
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LA04/2019/0081/F - Erection of 12No. apartments (social/affordable housing units comprising 3No. one bed and 9No. two bed) with provision of community pocket park, car parking, landscaping and all associated site and access works (Amended site location plan / site layout) - Lands at former Maple Leaf Club, 41-43 Park Avenue PDF 1 MB
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LA04/2020/2325/F - Proposed erection 21no. dwellings (social/affordable housing units comprising 17no. townhouses and 4no. semi-detached), car parking, landscaping and all associated site and access works (Amended drawings, additional information) - Lands at former Maple Leaf Club, 41-43 Park Avenue PDF 1 MB
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LA04/2024/1623/F - Change of use from 4 bed dwelling (C1) to 4 bed House of Multiple Occupancy (Sui Generis) - 49 Woodcot Avenue PDF 1 MB
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New Planning Applications
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LA04/2024/1458/F - Alterations to the site include refurbishing and repurposing of 3no existing vernacular buildings and replacing 1 shed, a small garage and an agricultural structure with a new amenity building. Enhancements to the existing pond network, introduction of signage interpretation and a suite of site-appropriate furniture. Wider site improvement works are proposed including path enhancements and new routes, installation of site furniture and interpretation signage. - Divis and The Black Mountain National Trust Site, Divis Road PDF 1 MB
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LA04/2024/1837/F - Variation of condition No. 20 of planning permission LA04/2022/0129/F to amend trigger point for implementation of APPROVED foul and surface water drainage programme, from prior to commencement to prior to occupation. Lands north of 14 Mill Race and 15 Belfield Heights and south of 2-15 St Gerards Manor PDF 772 KB
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LA04/2024/1551/F - Public Realm Environmental Improvement scheme - Cathedral Gardens (Buoy Park), Donegall Street PDF 1 MB