Agenda and minutes

Venue: Banqueting Room - City Hall

Contact: Mr Barry Flynn, Democratic Services  02890 270610 - Email:

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of Alderman Lydia Patterson, Alderman Ruth Patterson and Councillor McDonough-Brown.


Declaration of Interest


Councillor Johnston referred to the ‘Listing Buildings Consultation’ agenda item and pointed out that the property situated at 2 to 4 Belmont Road was owned by the Ulster Unionist Party, of which both he and Aldermen McGimpsey were members. 


Routine Correspondence - Taxi Rank in Donegall Square pdf icon PDF 187 KB


            The Committee noted that, under the revised governance arrangements, correspondence received from Transport NI seeking the Council’s views on transport matters would fall within the responsibility of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee.


            It was agreed that the correspondence be referred to the City Growth and Regeneration Committee for comment.



Area of Special Scientific Interest - Belvoir Area pdf icon PDF 738 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report, which had been compiled by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, which outlined the rationale for designating specific areas of woodland, parkland and open space within the Belvoir Park Forest as an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI). In addition, the report outlined the measures which would be introduced within the area to maintain and protect its unique flora, fauna and habitat. 



Listing of Buildings - Consultation Exercise


The Committee agreed, in response to a consultation exercise which was being undertaken by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, to support the listing of the buildings at the following locations:


·        Former bank at 413/417 Newtownards Road;

·        Heyn Memorial Hall, 215 Holywood Road;

·        2-4 Belmont Road;

·        Quarry House, 42 Quarry Road;

·        261a Belmont Road;

·        Orangefield Baptist Church, North Road;

·        Bloomfield Presbyterian Church, Beersbridge Road;

·        Ballysillan Presbyterian Church;

·        Holy Trinity Church, Ballysillan Road;

·        Woodvale Presbyterian Church, Woodvale Road;

·        St Patrick’s Secondary School, 619 Antrim Road;

·        Cross of Sacrifice, Dundonald Cemetery;

·        Hamill Vault, St Josephs Churchyard, Hannahstown Hill;

·        Woodvale Park Bandstand;

·        Cross of Sacrifice, City Cemetery, Falls Road;

·        Gate Lodge. Holy Family Primary School, Newington Avenue; and

·        Pavilions 1 and 2, Stormont Estate, Massey Avenue



Purpose-Built Student Managed Accommodation


            The Committee considered the following report: 


“1.0    Purpose of Report


1.1     This paper outlines the steps to be taken to provide the Council with appropriate tools to deal with planning applications for the provisions of Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA).   Whilst the inclusion of new policies within the future Local Development Plan is the preferred solution in the long-term (3-5 years), there is a pressing need for a short-term solution to deal with the current proliferation of planning applications for this type of development in the City Centre. 


1.2     The proposed approach in the short-term constitutes an interim solution that builds upon the work already undertaken through the established Joint Team on Student Housing, most notably the ‘Learning City’ Framework Document which was published in March 2014 following public consultation. It will offer greater certainty to developers of PBMSA and provide reassurance to communities that existing residential amenity will be protected.  


2.0     Recommendations


2.1     In the short-term, agree to:


·        The preparation of technical, internal ‘guidelines’ based on existing policies to ensure a consistent approach when determining applications for PBMSA; and

·        The preparation of a positive ‘Best Practice Guide’ aimed at prospective developers to encourage the development of good quality PBMSA in the right locations.


2.2     In the medium-term (6-9 months), agree to the preparation of Supplementary Planning Guidance to address gaps in the existing policy framework.


2.3     Note that in the long-term (3-5 years) any policy deficiencies can be addressed within the new Local Development Plan.


3.0     Main report


3.1     Key Issues

           Members will be aware that the Council have been involved for a number of years in a Joint Team on Student Housing – a collaboration with DSD, DOE, NIHE and SIB formed to lead a strategic approach to proving quality, attractive, safe and secure student housing and purpose built student accommodation in the City.   To date, a significant amount of work has been completed via the Joint Team, including the Holylands and Wider University Area Strategic Study (March 2012) and research into the Economic Impact of Higher Education Students on the Economy of Belfast (February 2014). 


3.2     This work has shown that students studying and living within cities make a significant contribution to local and regional economies.  For Belfast, the re-location of the Ulster University to the north of the City Centre and growth in the international student market both present significant opportunities for the City.  However, student housing provision needs to be carefully planned and appropriately managed to secure a positive integration with existing communities and to ensure that negative impacts associated with the concentration of student accommodation, such as anti-social behaviour, are mitigated against.  Attractive, high quality, safe, secure, accessible and affordable Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) in the right locations is therefore a preferable alternative to ad hoc private rented housing within established neighbourhoods. 


3.3     The Council commissioned consultants in late 2013 to review planning policies and other relevant strategies to develop an appropriate approach to assessing future proposals for PBMSA.  The resulting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Financial Report - Quarter 1 2015/2016 pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an overview of the financial position of both the Planning and Licensing Committees, as at the end of the first quarter of the financial year. It was noted further that, as at 30th June, there had been a net underspend of £219,000. 



Place-Making Symposium for Councils pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee authorised the attendance of any Member, who so wished, at a half-day ‘Place Shaping Symposium’, which would take place on 22nd October at Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey.  It was noted that attendance at the event was free of charge.



Planning Committee - Continuing Development Programme pdf icon PDF 197 KB


            The Committee endorsed the contents of a report which outlined a series of training sessions which had been arranged as part of the Members’ Continuing Development Programme.



Appeal Decisions Notified


            No notifications had been received.



Delegated Planning Decisions


The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued under the Council’s Delegated Scheme between 20th July and 7th August.



Reconsidered Item pdf icon PDF 697 KB


1.     Z/2015/1518/F - 362 Woodstock Road - change of use for ground floor retail unit to become hot food takeaway


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 16th June, it had a deferred consideration of the above-mentioned application to enable the applicant to address a number of issues which had been raised by statutory consultees, specifically in respect of parking provision, noise and fumes.


            The case officer reported that the Council had written to the applicant on 23rd June requesting that the further information be provided. She indicated that correspondence had been received from the applicant on 14th August, subsequent to the publication of the Committee papers. However, she pointed out that the information received had not addressed the specific issues raised by the Committee.


       The Committee refused the application for the reasons set out in the case officer’s report.   



Reconsidered Item pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:


1.     Z/2013/1482/F - St Thomas' Hall, 138a Lisburn Road - Demolition of existing building and erection of 17 apartments, associated amenity space and site works (revised scheme)


            (Councillor Bunting, who had not been in attendance on 30th July when the matter was deferred, took no part in the debate or the votes on the application.)


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 30th July, it had deferred consideration of the application to enable a site visit to be undertaken. Specifically, that decision had been taken to allow the Committee to consider if the proposal, if permitted, would be out of character with the surrounding vicinity, or represent an overdevelopment of the site. It was reported that the site visit had taken place on Wednesday, 5th August.


            Moved by Councillor Johnston,

            Seconded by Councillor Armitage,


      That the Committee agrees to defer consideration of the application and requests that the recommendation to approve be re-examined to consider if the proposal might be rejected on the grounds that it would be out of character with the local vicinity, be unacceptable in view of a lack of parking provision and, if permitted, constitute an over-development of the site.


            On a vote by show of hands, four Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was declared lost.


            Accordingly, on a further vote by show of hands, the Committee adopted the recommendation to approve the application by six votes to two.          


            Arising from discussion, the Committee agreed, given the recurring issues raised by Members, particularly those relating to Houses in Multiple Occupancy, car parking and hot food bars, that the Council should, prior to the completion of its Local Development Plan, seek to establish interim policies to assist the Committee to consider applications within revised context and guidelines.



3. Z/2015/0180/F - Clarendon Park, Sports Facility, Somerdale Park - construction of '3G' sports pitch including fencing and floodlights (approval) pdf icon PDF 906 KB


            The Committee considered the above-mentioned proposal which had been presented to the Committee for decision since the Council was the applicant.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of conditions as outlined within the case officer’s report.



4. Z/2014/0601/F - 12-20 Donegall Road and 7-21 Bradbury Place pdf icon PDF 212 KB


            The Committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing building to enable the erection of a five-storey building consisting of three  commercial units, a laundry room, lift and external smoking area for use by an adjacent hotel; a 24 bedroom hotel on the first, second, third and fourth floors which will form an annex to the existing Benedict’s Hotel complex.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of conditions as outlined within the case officer’s report.



5. Z/2010/0245/F - 55-71 Ormeau Road - seven-storey development, 83 apartments with parking at ground and mezzanine level and retail units pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Moved by Councillor Johnston,

Seconded by Alderman McGimpsey,


      That the Committee defers consideration of the application to enable legal clarification to be provided on an issue which had been raised within the associated report.


            On a vote by show of hands, nine Members voted for the proposal and two against and it was declared carried. 



6. Z/2015/0021/A - Ormeau Road and Cromac Street - externally illuminated shop signs - (retrospective application) pdf icon PDF 853 KB


            The Committee considered the above-mentioned proposal which had been presented to the Committee for decision since the Council was the applicant.


            The Committee granted approval to the application.



7. LA045/2015/0294/A - Newtownards Road - shop signs as part of the Renewing the Routes initiative pdf icon PDF 718 KB


            The Committee considered the above-mentioned proposal, which had been presented since the Council was the applicant.


            The Committee granted approval to the application.