Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item


Routine Matters




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors W. Browne, A. Maskey, McCann and Rodway.





Request for Funding - Belfast Common Purpose pdf icon PDF 125 KB


            The Committee was reminded that in previous years it had funded two bursaries for voluntary/community sector participants in the Belfast Common Purpose programme.  The Director of Corporate Services stated that a request to provide funding for two full and one part bursary, in the sum of £8,450, for the 2008 Programme had been received.  However, the previous year some Members had expressed concern in relation to the increased cost of providing assistance to Common Purpose and, whilst agreeing to fund bursaries for 2007 in the sum of £8,400, the Committee had requested that an assessment of the benefits accruing to the Council for assisting the organisation be completed before any future support was considered.


            The Director of Corporate Services reported that an assessment of the Common Purpose programme, which had been based on a survey of Members and Council staff who had participated, had been completed.  Discussion had also taken place with staff of Common Purpose who had provided the results of their own survey of graduates which had been conducted in 2007.  The results of both exercises had provided a positive endorsement of the programme. 


            The Director explained that, given the anticipated leadership/co-ordination role expected to be undertaken by Local Authorities post-Review of Public Administration, it would seem to be desirable that the Council remained supportive of a programme which sought to connect the City’s decision makers.  However, against this, the Committee would be aware of the pressures on Council resources and the need to demonstrate efficiency.  The Council had already committed, separately, to fund Members/staff on the Common Purpose 2008 programmes at a cost of £12,675.  The Director advised the Committee that, in light of this, it might wish to consider the following options:


(i)      accede to the request for funding of £8,450, which would fund two full and one part bursary on the programme;


(ii)     agree to continue to fund two bursaries at a cost to the Council of £7,000; or


(iii)    agree to reduce the funding level to one bursary only at a cost of £3,500.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed not to accede to the request for funding for bursaries on the Common Purpose programme 2008 and agreed further that a review of the participation of Elected Members and Council staff on the Common Purpose programme be undertaken, with a report thereon being submitted to a future meeting.



Brighter Belfast Initiative - Proposed Projects 2008/2009 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 4th February, had approved the Revenue Estimates 2008/2009.  This had included an amount of £1.5 million in the Waste Disposal Fund, which was to be allocated next year to finance the Brighter Belfast Initiative, Disability Access and the closure of Dargan Road.  The Director of Corporate Services explained that the Health and Environmental Services Committee, at its meeting on 9th January, had agreed the projects which were to be included in the Brighter Belfast Initiative for 2008/2009 and had recommended that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee approve the undernoted levels of funding within the Waste Disposal Fund:





Making Belfast Bloom



The Community in the City: A Public Art Project



Evening Economy



Greencare III



Pride of Place Competition







            The Committee approved the funding for the Brighter Belfast Initiative 2008/2009.



Human Resources


Standing Order 55 - Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 106 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to him, the Director of Corporate Services had authorised the appointment of a member of staff who was related to an existing officer of the Council.


            The Committee noted the appointment.




Attendance Policy pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Acting Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:




      The purpose of this report is to recommend the new Attendance Policy for adoption by members of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee based on the outcome of consultations with the trade unions on the draft policy; and to advise Committee on the next steps with regard to its implementation.


Relevant Background Information


      A draft Attendance Policy was developed following the engagement of legal consultants to review the council’s existing policy for managing absence. We were advised by the legal consultants that the current policy is essentially no longer fit for purpose; it is too informal; and leaves too much to the discretion of managers, which is inconsistent with the policy having contractual effect. In March 2007 Personnel Sub-Committee agreed a new draft Attendance Policy for consultation with the council’s trade unions. In September 2007 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed that consultation with the trade unions should be extended with a view to seeking agreement on the policy as trade union side had not been in a position to give the matter due consideration because of the substantial Single Status agenda at that time.


      Consultations since then have been intense, detailed, ongoing and at times considerably challenging. 


      Management side recognises that introducing a policy of this significance without trade union agreement may lead to increased employee relations problems. However, particularly in the light of the public concern arising from the recently published NI Audit Office report on absenteeism in NI councils, further delay in moving forward on this issue cannot be justified. 


      On 4th February 2008 therefore chief officers agreed that the consistent, robust implementation of a new BCC Attendance Policy was a key step to the council reducing absence to the kind of level which members, senior management and the public expect.  Accordingly they directed the matter to be concluded and subsequently agreed the text of the new policy to be recommended to members to reflect the result of these consultations with the trade unions.


Key Issues


      The proposed new Attendance Policy is attached at Appendix 1. In summary the main amendments are: 


1.   The policy has changed from 3 to 4 formal stages preceded by an informal meeting between staff and management where absence exceeds 5 days.[1][1]


2.   The definition of long term absence has been amended to make it clearer as follows: ‘Any period of absence longer than four weeks would normally be regarded as 'long term' if the employee has an underlying condition which is likely to result in continuing or further absence’.


3.   In an effort to achieve an agreed policy, management side compromised on the triggers for action under the standards of attendance and moved to 6 occasions or 12 days at Stage One and 3 occasions or 12 days at Stages Two to Four (totalling 15 occasions or 48 days). This compromise was put to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3b


Pre-employment Training Programme for the Unemployed pdf icon PDF 134 KB


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Acting Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in relation to the pre?employment training programmes for the long-term unemployed:


“Purpose of report:


      To seek approval to widen the scope of the council’s community outreach programme by engaging with the Citywide Employability Consortium (CEC) to:



1.   develop pre-employment training programmes for the [1][1]long term unemployed which would lead to successful trainees being guaranteed job interviews for relevant publicly advertised council posts; and


2.   participate in a Workforce Buddies Project, which is an employee mentoring scheme, to support the retention of former long term unemployed appointees.


Relevant background information:


      The CEC is part funded and managed by Belfast City Council’s Economic Development Section and is made up of representatives from the 4 areas of the city – LEAP (North), Stepping Stones (East), Gems NI (South), Employment Services Board and Employers Forum (West & Greater Shankill).


      The CEC has developed an operational plan for a city-wide employer interface service and has asked BCC to assist the long term unemployed in these areas to gain the necessary skills and experience to support them in gaining employment. 


Key Issues


(1)     Developing pre-employment training programmes for the long term unemployed:


         BCC has facilitated some short term work experience placements for the long term unemployed through its current community outreach programme and the CEC has requested further council engagement in providing pre-employment training programmes that are specifically designed to link the unemployed and economically inactive to specific job vacancies within the council and the wider public sector.


         Such training programmes, which can be delivered on-site or off-site, will be designed by the council, other participating public sector organisations, the CEC and a recognised training organisation e.g. Belfast Metropolitan College.  This training will reflect the skills, qualities and values required for basic entry level posts within the public sector e.g. a cleansing operative, and modules may include an awareness of health and safety, an introduction to IT, customer service skills, communication skills, team skills, learning to work as a team, dealing with conflict, decision making techniques, interview techniques and mock interview sessions.




         The programme duration can range from three to 7 weeks and the maximum number of participants per programme is 15.  As part of the programme, the council would be required to provide work experience placements, site visits to BCC locations for those involved and guarantee a job interview for relevant publicly advertised council posts to those who have successfully completed the course. 


         Other large public sector organisations such as the N.I. Housing Executive are also considering participation in this initiative and, as such, would be a partner organisation for the council in this regard. The Mater Hospital, the North & West Belfast Trust and the Royal Group of Hospitals have already successfully completed eight pre-employment training programmes and therefore provide useful case studies.


         In terms of the legal implications of guaranteeing interviews to the long term unemployed, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3c


Asset Management


City Hall Major Works - Project Update pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


            The Director of Improvement submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report providing an update in relation to the City Hall major works project:


“Relevant Background Information


      A previous update was presented to the Committee on 16 November 2007, when it was agreed that subsequent update reports be presented on a quarterly basis, with additional exception reports as necessary.


      The decant to Adelaide Exchange has been completed and the City Hall was cleared to enable the contractor to commence work on 19 November with a 90 week overall contract period, to be undertaken in two phases.


      The formal challenge received from one of the contractors who were unsuccessful in their tender for the specialist Records Removal/Off-Site Storage contract proceeded to court and judgement was recently made in favour of the Council and the contractor who issued the challenge has stated that he will not appeal. Consequently, the contract will be awarded and implemented shortly.


Key Issues




      An outline programme is attached for information.



      Progress to date (week commencing 11 February) is as follows:


·         Protection of marble areas in progress;

·         Asbestos removal from the main roof is complete;

·         Re-roofing of the West and South roofs has commenced and is 10% complete;


·         All non-notifiable asbestos in the remainder of the building has been removed. An application has been made to the Health and Safety Executive for approval to remove notifiable asbestos. Encapsulation work has also commenced in the roof area of the Rotunda;


·         Basement shelving has been removed;

·         Removal of chandeliers & pendants for refurbishment is complete;


·         Survey work of existing services installations is complete;


·         Stripping out of radiators, pipework and electrical cable has commenced;


·         Sprinkler system has been drained down and is being removed.


      Progress is currently adhering generally to the programme.




      The incorporation of a memorial to BCC employees to be situated in the courtyard at a cost of £22,800 was approved at SP&R December 2007;


      Other potential variations being considered for incorporation into the project are:


·         Emergency Room relocation – estimated cost £450,000;


·         Control Room relocation to 2nd floor – cost will be dependent on brief which is currently being developed;


·         PABX room upgrade –cost will be dependent on brief which is currently being developed;


      The variations regarding the Emergency Room, Control Room and PABX Room are dependant upon proposals being finalised, together with costs, by Health & Environmental Services and Corporate Services respectively and presented to Committee for further consideration.




      Depending on the nature of the works there could be a substantial impact on the overall cost and programme which will be alleviated by reaching early decisions on these matters. Final proposals on these variations really need to be signed off or rejected by committee by March 2008.


      City Hall: Future Use


      The future use of City Hall is a much more fundamental question which directly involves Members. To minimise any potential additional costs, variations and/or delay, Members are asked to engage with this further via the Cross Party accommodation groups as soon as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Capital Programme


            The Director of Improvement reported that the Council’s Capital Programme had not as yet been endorsed politically and would have a major impact on the City Investment Strategy.  Therefore, it was proposed to hold, during March and April, briefings for the Party Groupings on the Council in order to provide Members with an opportunity to consider the draft Capital Programme, together with reports on the City Investment Fund and Asset Management.  However, the undernoted Capital projects required to be advanced urgently for a number of reasons:



Duncrue Complex: Fuel Storage Facilities and Associated Infrastructure Works pdf icon PDF 82 KB


            The Committee deferred consideration of the replacement of the Duncrue Complex fuel storage facilities and associated infrastructure works to enable a report on the possibility of the Capital costs for the scheme being met by a private sector operator under a franchise agreement for the purchase of fuel to be submitted to a future meeting.



Sports Surfaces - Grosvenor Recreation Centre and Ballysillan Leisure Centre pdf icon PDF 85 KB


            The Director explained that it was routine for the Council to create standing Select Lists of contractors from whom tenders would be invited for the provision of various types of sport surfaces as required.  Applications for inclusion on the aforementioned Select Lists of potential contractors had been invited by public advertisement and reports regarding the invitation of tenders would be presented to the Committee if and when the projects were being proposed for development during the terms of the standing Select List.  He pointed out that two such proposals, in relation to artificial sports surfaces at the Grosvenor Recreation Centre (in conjunction with St. Joseph’s Primary School and part funded by the Big Lottery Fund) and the Ballysillan Leisure Centre, were currently programmed for construction during the summer period.



            The replacement of the pitch at the Grosvenor Recreation Centre, which was to be 85% funded by the Big Lottery Fund, had previously been postponed since the site was being utilised during the Westlink widening scheme, which was now nearing completion.  The existing Ballysillan Leisure Centre pitch had been in operation since 1995 and the surface had been removed several months previously as it had reached the end of its operational life leaving a tarmac hard surface which, due to safety concerns, could not be used operationally.  The nature of the proposed works was such that they should ideally be undertaken during the summer months.  Tender documentation was currently being prepared for each of the aforementioned projects and tenders would be evaluated on the basis of quality and cost in order to ascertain the most economically advantageous.  It was envisaged that the projects would be amalgamated into a single tender/contract if it was considered to be to the Council’s advantage.  The draft 2008/09 Capital Programme included amounts of £975,000 for the project at the Grosvenor Recreation Centre and £650,000 for the project at the Ballysillan Leisure Centre.


            The Committee approved the commencement of the tendering exercises for the replacement of the pitches at the Grosvenor Recreation Centre and the Ballysillan Leisure Centre and to application being made to the Department of the Environment for sanction to the raising of the loans for the cost the two projects.  The Committee agreed also that, prior to the meeting of the Council scheduled to be held on 3rd March, the Members be provided with information in relation to the process for prioritising those pitches which should have their surfaces replaced.



Duncrue Industrial Estate: In-Ground Gas Extraction System pdf icon PDF 80 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Council was required, under legislation, to undertake steps to mitigate any risks arising from methane which might emanate from the ground at the Duncrue Industrial Estate.  The existing in-ground gas collection system at the Estate was nearing the end of its operational life and the Capital Programme included an amount of £230,000 for its replacement.


            The Director of Improvement expressed the view that, due to health and safety considerations, the work should be executed as a matter of urgency.  Applications for inclusion on a Select List of potential contractors had been invited by public advertisement and tender documentation was currently being prepared.  Tenders would be evaluated on the basis of quality and cost in order to ascertain the most economically advantageous.


            The Committee approved the commencement of a tendering exercise in respect of the in-ground gas extraction system at Duncrue Industrial Estate and to an application being made to the Department of the Environment for sanction to the raising of a loan for the cost of the project.



Good Relations and Equality


            (Ms. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with these items.)



Minutes of Good Relations Steering Panel pdf icon PDF 109 KB


            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Steering Panel held on 8th February.




Peace III Plan pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Additional documents:


            The Good Relations Manager submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The Committee will be aware that a draft Peace Plan, approved by Council on 1 October, was out for public consultation during October and November 2007.  The Consultation Document outlined how we proposed to manage and deliver Peace III funding under the priority 1.1 ‘building positive relations at the local level’.


      Every effort was made to ensure wide public awareness of the Council’s proposals and an extensive consultation process was undertaken:


§         the full Consultation Document was available on the Council’s website


§         a press release was issued in the name of the Lord Mayor


§         articles were published on the NICVA e-Bulletin and the Community Relations Council’s Information Bulletin


§         advance notice was sent to the 5 District Partnership Boards, requesting them to issue attached fliers to their own local organisations and inviting them to organise an event in their own area


§         fliers were issued to over 650 groups on our Good Relations mailing list


§         a letter was issued to the major statutory bodies in Belfast


§         an article was included in City Matters.


      We organised 4 meetings in the north, south, east and west of the city in the last week in October.  We ensured that special sessions were held with representatives of S 75 groups, young people, older people and women (all target groups identified by the SEUPB).  In addition we responded to 9 additional requests for meetings with various sectoral interests.




      Good Relations Unit staff made presentations on the Council’s proposals at all these events and we had a pool of 6 independent researchers, chosen from the Community Relations Council’s select list, who facilitated the discussion at the consultation meetings.  We engaged Gráinne Kelly (who co?devised the principles of peace and reconciliation used by the SEUPB) to collate all the responses made both at the consultation sessions and in written submissions and produce a final report for the Council. 


      Altogether over 220 participants, representing 125 organisations, took part and we received 15 written submissions.  A copy of Gráinne Kelly’s full report along with a table summarising the key points raised during consultation and the Council’s response to those points are included as Appendices to the revised Peace Plan.


Key Issues


      As a result of comments and suggestions made during the consultation, some substantial changes have been made to the document.  The principal differences are:


1.      There is more detail around the guiding principles, values and vision.


2.      The Action Plan is more detailed, with specific proposals and named partners.


3.      There are up-dated references to the Programme for Government and the Chicago visit.


4.      There is a detailed report on the extensive public consultation exercise undertaken in relation to the Peace Plan.


5.      The Good Relations Partnership will be established in shadow form as quickly as possible so that the Partnership members may be fully trained in preparation for their roles and may begin to start firming  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6b


Cross-Cutting Issues


Review of Priorities for Youth pdf icon PDF 99 KB


            The Committee noted receipt of correspondence from the Department of Education which indicated that it was the intention of the Department to initiate a process to examine the Priorities for Youth within Northern Ireland which would build upon the current Strategy for the Delivery of Youth in Northern Ireland 2005-2008. 




            The Committee noted also that an inter-Departmental Working Group had been established by the Council in order to consider an appropriate process for developing a Corporate Strategy for Children and Young People and an accompanying implementation framework.  A detailed report setting out the proposed development process and seeking the views of Members would be submitted to the Committee in due course.  The ongoing work being undertaken as part of this process would enable the Council to take a more informed and evidence-based approach to engaging with and informing the pending consultation process which would be initiated by the Department of Education and to advocate and lobby on behalf of the citizens of Belfast.



Consultation "Every School a Good School: A Policy for School Improvement" pdf icon PDF 82 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Department of Education was undertaking a consultation exercise in respect of its new draft School Improvement Policy entitled “Every School a Good School”.  This was an important policy area aimed at improving school performance and followed a review of the Department’s current policy.


            The Committee agreed that, in line with the Committee’s previous decisions and approach to consultation exercises undertaken by the Department of Education, the document be referred to the Party Groupings on the Council for individual consideration and comment.



Northern Ireland Sex Offender Strategic Committee - Request to make a Presentation pdf icon PDF 97 KB


            The Committee was advised that correspondence had been received from the Head of Communications, Northern Ireland Sex Offenders Strategic Management Committee, requesting an opportunity to make a presentation to the Committee on the subject of the assessment and management of the risk posed by sex offenders in Northern Ireland.


            The Committee agreed that a briefing session, to which all Members of the Council would be invited, be held for this purpose.