Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




            An apology for inability to attend was reported from Councillor Attwood.





            The minutes of the meetings of 4th and 18th March were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 4th April, subject to:


(i)      the omission of that portion of the minute of 18th March under the heading “Recruitment for the post of Director of Finance and Resources” in so far as it related to the transfer of the Human Resources and Organisational Development Section to the Chief Executive’s Department which, at the request of Councillor J. Rodgers, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration; and


(ii)     the variation of the minute of the meeting of 18th March under the heading “Request for the Use of the City Hall Grounds” to provide that the words “indicated that it was minded to refuse the requests for the use of the City Hall grounds for the purpose outlined, but” being removed.



Recruitment for the Post of Director of Finance and Resources pdf icon PDF 71 KB

(To consider further that portion of the minute in so far as it relates to the transfer of Human Resources and Organisational Development to the Chief Executive’s Department which, at the request of Councillor J. Rodgers, was taken back to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for further consideration.)



            The Committee considered further the undernoted minute in so far as it related to the transfer of the Human Resources and Organisational Development Section to the Chief Executive’s Department:


“Recruitment for the Post of Director

of Finance and Resources


      The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


‘Relevant Background Information


      The Director of Finance and Resources has advised that she plans to leave the council at the end of June 2011, subject to the completion of formalities for her new post in the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety.  Arrangements therefore need to be put in place now to ensure the effective recruitment of a suitable candidate for this vital post. 


Key Issues


1.   Background to Job Role


      Members will be aware that the post of Director of Finance and Resources currently has responsibility for Finance; Efficiency; Performance Management; Audit, Governance and Risk (including Health and Safety); ICT and Human Resources. 


      There are considerable agendas associated with the council’s two most important assets – money and people. Each requires effective, efficient management and scrutiny while supporting the organisation to make significant improvements.


(a)   Financial Challenges


Clearly the effective management of our money is vital. The council must ensure it has sound financial governance and fit for purpose strategic financial planning and management, particularly in these financially challenging times.  At its meeting on 4 March, the Committee discussed the need to not only manage our own finances as effectively as possible and to continue to find efficiencies but to explore new and innovative ways of financing investment in the city.  Members stressed the need for key strategic relationships to be developed with the aim of advocating for and proactively levering resources into key projects.  This would come together through the development and implementation of a resourcing strategy for the city. 


In short, therefore, moving forward the role of Director of Finance and Resources, in terms of finance, has three key elements:


(i)    tight organisational management, linked to efficiency, performance management and continuous improvements across all departments,


(ii)   addressing rating setting issues and related management of budgets; and


(iii)  an enhanced externally focused role to secure financing/income - building key relationships, identifying new and innovative funding streams and creating a long-term, collaborative approach to growing the rates-base, the Council’s key source of income.


(b)   Human Resources/Organisational Development

        (OD) Challenges


        The effective management of our workforce is equally important and the nature of HR as a function has also changed.  While there is still clearly a need to ensure compliance with relevant employment legislation and best practise, we have been moving to a more strategic approach to managing our people in order to build the capacity of the organisation to improve, deliver value for money services and achieve efficiencies. There is also a significant industrial relations agenda which needs to be managed in a time when we must do more with less.


        To support this agenda, the council’s former Business Improvement section has largely merged  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Performance Management and Corporate Plan


Departmental Plans pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee agreed to defer until June consideration of the Departmental Plans for the Chief Executive’s, Finance and Resources and Property and Projects Departments.



Democratic Services and Governance


Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was informed that the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality had been received:


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date -

Number of







Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

European Foundation Centre Annual Conference - ‘Peacebuilding through Social Justice: A Role for Philanthropy?’


6th June, 2012


Approximately 300 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?event drinks reception.

It is estimated that 650?750 delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’, ‘Better services - listening and delivering’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of a pre?event drinks reception in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date -

Number of







Woodvale Cricket Club

125th Anniversary Dinner


23rd March, 2012


Approximately 200 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This event seeks to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Woodvale Cricket Club and to acknowledge its contribution to the general life and well-being of the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500


Plumbing & Mechanical Services Training Ltd

Apprenticeship Achievers Award Ceremony


28th June, 2011


Approximately 300 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This event seeks to recognise the achievement of those individuals who have successfully completed an apprenticeship programme.


This event provides and opportunity for the Council to show its support to an industry which is suffering due to the economic downturn whilst demonstrating support for the development of our city’s young people.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500


Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce

Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce’s President’s Banquet and Awards


24th November, 2011


Approximately 400 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This events aims to provide a networking opportunity in order to encourage investment and business development opportunities for Belfast and beyond.  The event, which will include representatives from both Local and Central Government, also seeks to facilitate discussion on economic and social regeneration.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’, ‘Better Services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Provision of IT Equipment to Elected Members pdf icon PDF 96 KB


            The Committee agreed to defer, until after the Local Government Elections, consideration of a report in relation to the provision of IT equipment to Members and agreed further that, following the Election, a representative from each of the Party Groupings on the Council meet with officers to discuss the proposals contained within the report.



Members Development Steering Group - Update pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update in relation to the work of the Member Development Steering Group, approved the implementation of an enhanced Members’ Induction Programme and agreed that each Council Department should produce service information packs providing Members with information which would be useful to them when dealing with issues which might be raised by the Council’s key stakeholders.



Updating the Council's Constitution pdf icon PDF 173 KB


            The Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


1.1       As Members are aware, over the last few years the Council has been putting in place the frameworks and structures needed to make it a ‘fit for purpose’ local authority which can deliver the effective, value for money services that our citizens deserve. These frameworks and processes will provide the strong foundations that the Council needs as it moves into a new term following the elections in May and as it prepares for the additional functions, including planning, it will assume under the RPA.


1.2       These frameworks and structures sit within the Council’s overarching Constitution which sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable. 


2.0       Key Issues


2.1       As we are moving into a new Council term it will be important that all the necessary governance documents are in place to support Members in their civic role as Councillors. The concept of the Constitution was conceived to bring together into one document the guidelines and regulations which explain and govern how the Council operates; and to do so in a presentable and accessible way. It is considered that this will enable the Council to be more transparent and democratic, and will encourage and foster more efficient working practices.


            Council Constitution


2.2       The Council’s Constitution is a key governance document which covers the following –


·         Who we are

·         What we do

·         How we do it

·         Our values

·         Supporting documents and policies


2.3       As Members are aware, there has been a number of agreed governance, structural and procedural changes that have taken place in the organisation over the past couple of years and as a result the Constitution requires updating to reflect these changes. It is proposed that this work is now progressed. Members are asked to note that there will be full political engagement on the updated Constitution and its component parts. 


2.4       The ‘Local Government Reform – Policy Proposals’ consultation document (Nov 2010) proposed that each council in Northern Ireland will be required to prepare and publish a Constitution. Local authorities in England and Wales are already statutorily obliged to have a Constitution.  Progressing this work now will enable the Council to take a policy lead ahead of other councils in Northern Ireland in adopting the concept and practice of using a Constitution.


            Council Constitution – Supporting documents and policies


2.5       As highlighted the Constitution is underpinned by a suite of documents and policies including - 


-    Corporate Plan

-    the Standing Orders

-    the Scheme of Delegation

-    the Financial Regulations

-    the Equality Scheme

-    Code of Governance

-    Publications Scheme

-    Conflict of Interest policies

-    Codes of Conduct


2.6       Currently, a number of these are somewhat dated and will need to be revised so as to inform the content of the updated Constitution. Many of these documents and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4d


Armed Forces Day pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that in April, 2009 and in April, 2010 it had considered requests from the Ministry of Defence for the Council to fly the Armed Forces Day Flag for a week leading up to the Armed Forces Day itself.  For the previous two years the Council had agreed, in accordance with the existing Council policy, that the request to fly the Armed Forces Flag at the City Hall be acceded to but that the approval be for one day only.  The Democratic Services Manager pointed out, however, that there had not been a consensus on the matter between the Political Parties represented on the Council.


            He reported that a letter had been received from the Chief of the Defence Staff making a similar request for the flying of the Armed Forces Day Flag at the City Hall from 20th till 25th June this year.  As in previous years, the Ministry of Defence had offered to provide the Council with the flag.  The existing Council policy on the flying of flags allowed for flags other than the Union Flag to be flown on specific occasions.  For example, the Cross of St. Patrick was flown on 17th March, the European Union Flag was flown on Europe Day on 9th May and the Red Ensign was flown on National Merchant Navy Day on 3rd September each year.


            There were a number of options open to the Committee which were:


(i)     to accede to the request from the Ministry of Defence for the Armed Forces Flag to be flown at the City Hall for the period from 20th till 25th June; or


(ii)    in line with the decision which had been taken in the previous two years, to accede to the request but to limit the period during which the flag would be flown to the Armed Forces Day itself, that is, 25th June; or


(iii)    to refuse the request.


Moved by Councillor Hargey,

Seconded by Councillor Hartley,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option (iii) and refuse the request.




Moved by Councillor Newton,

Seconded by Councillor D. Browne,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option (i) and accede to the request from the Ministry of Defence for the Armed Forces Flag to be flown at the City Hall for the period from 20th till 25th June.


            On a vote by show of hands nine Members voted for the amendment and seven against and it was accordingly declared carried.


            The amendment was thereupon put as the substantive motion, when nine Members voted for and seven against and it was accordingly declared carried.





Financial Planning Issues pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an update on the following financial issues:


·         Indicative Rates 2012/13 and 2013/14;

·         Efficiency Programme and Target 2012/13 and 2013/14; and,

·         Finance Bill Update.


      These issues were discussed at the Budget and Transformation Panel on 7 April 2011.


Key Issues


      A. INDICATIVE RATE 2012/13 AND 2013/14


      Members will recall that for 2011/12 the rate setting process started in Spring 2010 so that preparatory work could continue over the summer. A similar process has been followed this year on the rates for 2012/13 and 2013/14.


      The diagram below shows where this step fits in with the overall process for setting the rate for 2012/13.



      The purpose of setting an indicative rate target at this stage in the planning process is to provide a context within which officers can work up more detailed estimates which then allows them to identify in good time, for Members, the key issues which will need to be considered when setting the rate. This is not a final decision at this time and will be reviewed following the more detailed rates setting processes in the autumn.


      At this stage officers have considered the financial implications for the Council in 2012/13 and 2013/14 at a very high level and it is recommended, as a planning assumption, that an indicative rate target for both years is set at no more than the level of inflation (based on the Consumer Price Index). This is in line with the Executive’s approach to setting the regional rate. 


      Members should note that this recommendation is made on the basis that the rate base will not decline further. If there are significant changes to the rate base then the indicative rate recommendation will need to be revisited. Members should note that officers are working with LPS on a monthly basis to monitor the rate base.


      The next stage in the process is therefore that officers will continue to work over the summer on building the draft estimates within this indicative target with particular attention being paid to:


·         Department estimates - the impact of pay awards and changes to superannuation.


·         Efficiency Savings - delivery of an agreed efficiency programme for 2012/13 (see section B).


·         Capital Programme- the development of the future capital programme and how it will be financed.


·         Corporate Plan - to assess the financial implications of the emerging corporate plan for 2012/13.


·         Financial Performance - to assess the potential impact of financial performance in 2010/11.


·         Rates Base - to work with Land and Property Services on forecasting the impact of changes to the rate base.


      An update on progress will be brought to the Budget and Transformation Panel and Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in September on the indicative rate for 2012/13 and Members will have the opportunity to further refine the indicative rate target, if required. The indicative rate for 2013/14 will be further updated and discussed with Members in Spring  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a


Future City Investment pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


            The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


1.1       Council at its meeting of 4 April 2011 unanimously passed the following motion proposed by Councillor Newton:


      ‘This Council recognises that it maximises the impact which its investment in the city will have in future years by aligning its corporate priorities with those identified by the Northern Ireland Executive at a regional level.  Such alignment will present opportunities for collaborate working and will increase the potential amount of funding available for investment.


      Accordingly it was agreed the SP&R should give detailed consideration to the development of a citywide investment plan involving key partners from government departments/agencies and the private sector and to work towards the hosting of a major city investment conference at the end of the year to launch the plan.’


2.0       Key Issues


2.1       Previous analysis of the competitiveness of Belfast has regularly identified the lack of coherence in city governance as a major handicap given the number of agencies operating to single issue agendas together with the fact that government departments have a regional focus which at times does not fully recognise the role of Belfast as the regional economic driver.  The current economic crisis is an opportunity to bring some coherence as there is a real incentive to make best use of limited resources for a shared city agenda.  Furthermore the regional driver argument for Belfast has the opportunity to gain further traction via the new Regional Development Strategy.  This will need strong leadership at Assembly level to argue the case for an urban development policy and ensure government department resources are targeted to where the greatest regional return will occur.  The Council will also have to better articulate the arguments that show that investment in Belfast brings advantage to people living outside the city.


3.0       Actions so far


3.1       Belfast City Council has improved considerably as an effective organisation over the past number of years in terms of collectively managing its people and its money and in regard to planning and delivering services and projects.  The biggest improvement gains have been realised where people work across Council, Committee and Departmental boundaries to exploit the full potential of the organisation’s resources and expertise.  The Council has extended this principle beyond the Council itself to deliver on a collaborative agenda and to benefit the citizen as initiatives such as the Grove Wellbeing Centre, Connswater Greenway, emergency planning and community safety demonstrate.


3.2       The Council has also sought to use its financial resources through the City Investment Fund to pump prime, enable and bring over the finish line a number of city wide infrastructure projects such as the Titanic Signature Project, the Lyric and the MAC.  Moving forward, the Council will need to consider how it might also contribute to capital projects occurring at a neighbourhood or local level to ensure that a balanced portfolio of investment is created at both a citywide and neighbourhood level.


3.3       Over  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


Human Resources


Standing Order 55 - Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 110 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to her, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of individuals who were related to existing officers of the Council.





Recruitment of Head of Information Services Belfast pdf icon PDF 81 KB


            The Committee was advised that the current Head of Information Services Belfast, Rose Crozier, had been successful in her application for the post of Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure and would take up post with effect from Monday, 18th April, 2011.  It was pointed out that the post of Head of Information Services Belfast was currently being filled on a temporary basis by the two IS Portfolio Managers who were jointly acting up to the position.  Consequently, arrangements now needed to be put in place to recruit a replacement post holder on a permanent basis.


            The Committee was advised that the appointment for the Head of Information Services Belfast would be made in accordance with the Council’s normal recruitment selection procedure.  In accordance with Local Government Staff Commission Guidance, the selection panel should comprise the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman (or their nominees) and another Member of the Committee from a Political Party not represented by the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman, together with the Director of Finance and Resources and another Chief Officer.  The entire panel needed to be representative of gender and community background, with all panel members having attended recent training on the Council’s recruitment and selection procedures.  An observer from the Local Government Staff Commission and a professional assessor might also be in attendance but would have no voting rights.


            The Committee agreed that:


(i)     the post of Head of Information Services Belfast be recruited on a permanent basis through external advertisement and public competition;


(ii)    the selection panel be comprised following the Annual Meeting of the Council, which was scheduled to be held on 26th May, 2011, with the recruitment and selection schedule developed as soon as possible; and


(iii)    the selection panel be given delegated authority to offer the post to the recommended candidate with the outcome being reported back to the Committee for noting only.



Asset Management


Capital Programme 1 - Development of the Mary Peters Track pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 22nd October, 2010, it had agreed that officers undertake some preliminary works in relation to the development of the Mary Peters Track.  Subsequently, at a special meeting of the Council held on 9th February, 2011 it was agreed, in principle, to undertake the development of the track and that it be included within the Capital Programme.


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that earlier that week the Parks and Leisure Committee had considered a report on the proposal and had agreed, from a service perspective, to proceed with the development of the Mary Peters Track to provide a new 8 lane International Association of Athletics Federation specification track with a spectator stand and associated works, which had been the option recommended by an economic appraisal, and to commend its decision to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, with the development to be completed in time for the 2013 World Police and Fire Games.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation of the Parks and Leisure Committee, approved the invitation of tenders and the award of contracts to the most economically advantageous tenders received and agreed also that application be made to the appropriate Government Department for sanction to the raising of a loan of £3 million to cover the Council’s anticipated project expenditure.



Capital Programme 2 - Refurbishment of Dunville and Woodvale Parks pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 19th February, 2010, it had approved the proposals by the Parks and Leisure Committee to have the Woodvale and Dunville Parks schemes advanced to the ‘committed’ section of the Capital Programme, subject to a budget limit of £1 million per scheme, with the same amount in match?funding to be provided by the Belfast Regeneration Office.


            It was reported that, at its meeting on 14th April, 2011, the Parks and Leisure Committee had recommended that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee approve the advancement of the refurbishment of the two Parks, with full commitment to invest, including the invitation of tenders, award of the contracts to the firms submitting the most economically advantageous tenders and to an application to the appropriate Government Department for sanction to the raising of a loan of £2 million to cover the Council’s anticipated project expenditure, subject to formal written confirmation of match-funding from the Department of Social Development, Belfast Regeneration Office.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Capital Programme 3 - Construction of the Titanic Memorial Garden pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Director of Property and Projects advised the Committee that a proposal to construct a Titanic Memorial Garden, with some associated landscaping at the East Entrance of the City Hall, had been submitted in June, 2010 for inclusion in the Capital Programme.  However, the proposal had not been prioritised for commitment by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee due to restricted financial resources.


            He explained that the Titanic Memorial and the immediate surrounding area had been somewhat neglected for a number of years with only essential maintenance taking place.  With the removal of the Belfast Big Wheel and the opening of the East Entrance, the Memorial area had taken on a much higher profile and the East access point was expected to attract even greater focus, given the significant level of interest in the Titanic which would increase as the centenary of its sailing and sinking drew closer.


            The proposal was one of a number of emerging, uncommitted capital programme proposals and was being brought forward for consideration due to the time bound nature of any delivery programme.  He pointed out that, should the Committee be minded to agree that the proposal should proceed, any award of contracts would be made to the firm submitting the most economically advantageous tender on the basis of a cost/quality evaluation in accordance with the Council’s procurement guidelines.  The estimated cost of the proposed works was between £120,000 and £150,000 for which no specific provision had been made in the capital programme.


            The Committee agreed, from a corporate capital finance perspective, to the construction of a Titanic Memorial Garden, with a full commitment to invest, including the invitation of tenders, award of contracts to the firms submitting the most economically advantageous tenders and to an application to the appropriate Government Department for sanction to the raising of a loan of up £150,000, if necessary, to cover the Council’s anticipated project expenditure.



Connswater Community Greenway Update (Part 1) - Land Assembly pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, as part of the City Investment Strategy, it had agreed to co-ordinate the acquisition of lands to allow the Connswater Community Greenway to proceed.  It was reported that the following three areas of land had been identified as being required to help complete the Greenway route and associated landscaping which officers had agreed to purchase, subject to the Committee’s approval:


·         an area of 0.055 acres of land at Linen Gardens off Woodcot Avenue from Clanmil Housing for £1,650;


·         an area of land off the Montgomery Road consisting of 0.062 acres from Ms. F. Thompson for £2,500; and


·         an area of 0.149 acres of land at Alexander Road to be purchased from Crane Stockham and Valve for £14,000.


            The Committee granted approval for the purchase of the three areas of land as outlined.



Connswater Community Greenway Update (Part 2) Sustrans Access pdf icon PDF 112 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Strategic Investment Board had commissioned consultants to undertake a study into the potential for enhanced pedestrian and cycle connections to the Titanic Quarter as a contribution to a broader approach to activity under the Memorandum of Understanding for the Titanic Quarter.  The consultants had identified a number of existing and potential routes which could be enhanced, including connections to the Connswater and Comber Community Greenways.  The proposal was to bring forward project plans for each route to be considered by the different stakeholders as a basis for potential partnerships.  The Strategic Investment Board had agreed that the prioritisation of the activity and potential routes be considered by the Titanic Quarter Access Group.


            Sustrans had also approached the Council in relation to the potential for a Connect2 partnership project which would connect the Titanic Quarter with the Connswater and Comber Greenways via a new route through Bridge End Halt, Fraser Street and Sydenham Road.  Under the Connect2 project, Sustrans would require a strategic partner to lead the project and had requested that the Council take on that role, with responsibility for the implementation and drawdown of potential funding.


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the proposed project, with the opening of Fraser Street, would complement proposed works to the Bridge End Halt and improve connections to the Titanic Quarter from both the Connswater and Comber Greenways by enhancing the link from the station to the Holywood Arches area through a connection running along Island Street, across Dee Street and onto the Ballymacarrett Walkway.  The proposed connection would enhance the function of the Connswater Community Greenway proposals and it was recommended that the Council accept the Strategic Leadership role for the Connect2 partnership project with Sustrans, subject to details of the formal agreement and resource outline being reported to the Committee in due course.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Land at Lenadoon Millennium Park pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


            The Members were advised that the Council held a portion of the Lenadoon Millennium Park by way of a 10,000-year lease from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.  The lease included a restriction on use of the land to ‘informal open space’.  At its meeting on 14th April, the Parks and Leisure Committee had agreed to seek a relaxation of the restrictive covenant to allow development of a community facility and changing accommodation on approximately 43.32 square metres of the site.  The cost to the Council of achieving the aforementioned relaxation had been assessed by the District Valuer, Land and Property Services at £1,000.  The proposed community facility and changing accommodation was to be developed by the Lenadoon Community Forum, with grant-aid from Sport Northern Ireland.  The Forum was acquiring adjoining land from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and was seeking also to acquire the additional strip of 43.32 square metres at the Lenadoon Millennium Park from the Council.


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee approved the disposal of a portion of 43.32 square metres of land at the Lenadoon Millennium Park to the Lenadoon Community Forum on a 99-year lease at nil value, with the Council recouping the costs of the relaxation of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s restrictive covenant on the land from the Forum.



EU CIVITAS Forum Network pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1          Relevant Background Information


1.1       CIVITAS - cleaner and better transport in cities - stands for CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability.


1.2       With the CIVITAS Initiative, the EC aims to generate a decisive breakthrough by supporting and evaluating the implementation of ambitious integrated sustainable urban transport strategies.


1.3       Within CIVITAS I (2002-2006) there are 19 cities clustered in 4 demonstration projects, within CIVITAS II (2005-2009) 17 cities in 4 demonstration projects, whilst within CIVITAS PLUS (2008-2012) 25 cities in 5 demonstration projects are taking part. These demonstration cities all over Europe will be funded by the European Commission.


1.4       Objectives:


i.      to promote and implement sustainable, clean and (energy) efficient urban transport measures


ii.     to implement integrated packages of technology and policy measures in the field of energy and transport in 8 categories of measures


iii.    to build up critical mass and markets for innovation


1.5       Key elements of CIVITAS


i.      CIVITAS is co-ordinated by cities: it is a programme ‘of cities for cities’


ii.     Cities are in the heart of local public private partnerships


iii.    Political commitment is a basic requirement


iv.   Cities are living ‘Laboratories' for learning and evaluating


2          Key Issues


2.1       The purpose of this report is to seek agreement for Belfast to become a member of the European Civitas Forum Network.


            EU Civitas Forum Network


2.2       The CIVITAS Forum Network provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences between all the participating CIVITAS I, CIVITAS II and CIVITAS PLUS demonstration cities, and other cities that are committed to introducing ambitious, clean urban transport strategies.


2.3       Cities participating in the CIVITAS Forum Network will benefit from the shared expertise of Europe's most advanced cities in the field of clean and sustainable urban transport.


2.4       The CIVITAS Forum Network is an active community that currently incorporates over 180 cities. It is pioneering clean urban transport in Europe and is committed to the introduction of ambitious urban transport policies. Through workshops and training events, cities have the opportunity to inspire and aid active exchange of know-how, ideas and experience to facilitate change in the field of transport.


2.5       Members of the CIVITAS Forum Network can participate in the annual CIVITAS Forum Conference. This conference enables similar-minded colleagues from Europe and beyond to engage in dialogue with other cities and European institutions. Political representatives of CIVITAS Forum cities may also participate in the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is a group of highly motivated politicians that represent (in a personal capacity) all cities within the CIVITAS Forum Network. It provides support to the CIVITAS Initiative in the identification of policy priorities and produces statements addressed to policy makers at the European, national and local level, as well as to the industry, transport operators and other stakeholders.


            Requirements to join the Forum


2.6       The CIVITAS Forum is open to all cities that want to learn more about the usefulness of individual measures that support clean urban transport, and the best  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7g


Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau and Belfast Welcome Centre pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee was advised that the Development Committee, at its meeting on 13th April, had approved a new three-year lease from 1st August, 2010 on the existing Belfast Welcome Centre premises at a passing rent of £160,000 per annum, subject to agreement on detailed terms to be approved by the Council’s Legal Services Section and the Estates Manager, Property and Projects.


            The Committee approved the new three-year lease.



Laganside Licence Agreement pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 10th March, had agreed to a Licensing Agreement to facilitate the installation of a pole and life ring on the south bank of the River Lagan on Council?owned land close to the Stranmillis Weir.


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee approved the Licence Agreement for one year with effect from 5th November, 2010, with provision for its continuation on a month-to-month basis thereafter.



Announcement of Olympic Torch Run pdf icon PDF 59 KB


            The Committee was advised that a major announcement was set to take place on 18th May, 2011 with regard to the selected route for the torch relays in relation to the 2012 London Olympics.  The event would involve high profile celebrities and would take place at locations throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  It was expected that there would be live broadcast coverage of the announcement on national breakfast radio and television programmes.


            It was reported that the location of the main Northern Ireland event was still under consideration and the grounds of the City Hall had been suggested as a possible venue.  By the time the decision was taken it was likely that it would be too late to get Council approval in a timely way to enable it to be organised.  The Committee was therefore requested to delegate authority to the Chief Executive in order to ensure the event could proceed if the City Hall was chosen.


            The Committee agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Executive to approve the staging of an event to announce the route of the Olympic Torch Relay if the City Hall grounds was chosen as a possible location for the announcement.



Good Relations and Equality


            (Mrs. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with these items.)



EQIA Report - Memorabilia and Flag Flying pdf icon PDF 77 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1          Relevant Background Information


            Members will be aware that the Memorabilia Working Group was re-established around the time of the re-opening of the City Hall after refurbishment.


            Since that time it has met on a number of occasions and has completed several actions but, given that a number of applications for external funding have been unsuccessful, the Council will now have to consider whether it wishes to establish its own internal budget to facilitate any major changes that might be agreed.   It is also important to note the progress that has been made in terms of changes and adaptations to the City Hall over the past 5-6 years (bearing in mind that the building was closed for almost 2 years in that time). 


2          Key Issues


            Some time has now elapsed since the adoption of the consultant’s report ‘Reflecting the People – a City Hall for the 21st Century’ in February 2010, with considerable time and energy expended on unsuccessful attempts made to attract external funding.  Members will recall that certain additional items – plaques, the Somme resolution etc – also involved lengthy discussions and debate.


            An inter-Departmental Working Group of officers, chaired by the Assistant Chief Executive, has met recently and has been tasked with generating ideas and specific proposals to reflect a more contemporary and representative view of Belfast within the building, which would meet the Council’s stated aim of addressing the current imbalance in the City Hall memorabilia. These proposals will be used to develop a firm programme of work which will be submitted to the Memorabilia Working Group as soon as possible after the elections for consideration by the newly elected Councillors.


3          Equality and Good Relations Considerations




            This programme of work would assist in achieving the Council’s stated aim of addressing the current imbalance within City Hall memorabilia.


            In view of the fact that over a year has elapsed since consideration of the consultant’s report noted above, and since a current review is being undertaken of the overall management of the City Hall, it is an opportune time to refresh our approach to memorabilia in general.


            In addition, the Chief Executive has recently received correspondence from the Sinn Féin party group which requests that a formal EQIA of memorabilia displayed within the building be conducted.


            It should be noted that although an EQIA on the Council’s flag flying policy was conducted in 2004, a formal EQIA of memorabilia was not pursued at that time, following a Council decision that attempts should be made to change the current policy through discussions of the (then) Good Relations Steering Panel.


            Accordingly the Council will now have to carry out a formal EQIA on memorabilia and we recommend that this be conducted by an independent consultant.


            Flag Flying policy


            The Sinn Féin correspondence also refers to the Council’s current policy of flying the Union Flag and states their concerns in relation to this.  Members will be aware that a very comprehensive EQIA  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8a


Minutes of Meeting of Memorabilia Working Group pdf icon PDF 114 KB


            In considering the minutes of the meeting of the Memorabilia Working Group the Committee’s attention was drawn to the following:



Public Art - to Celebrate the Contribution and Achievements of Women in Belfast


            The decision of the Working Group was to request the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to provide a budget in the region of £20,000 for the provision of the above-mentioned artwork.


            The Committee agreed that the Working Group give further consideration to the type of artwork and what it represented and that a further report in the matter be submitted to the Committee for consideration in due course.



Stained Glass Window - Irish Myths and Legends


            The Committee was advised that the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister had agreed to contribute 75% of the cost, that is, £16,500 out of a total estimated cost of £22,000 for the Irish Myths and Legends stained glass window to be erected in the City Hall.  Accordingly, the Memorabilia Working Group had agreed that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be requested to approve the outstanding balance of funding of £5,500.


            The Committee acceded to the request.



Request for Exhibition - International Brigade Commemoration Committee


            The Working Group had considered a request from the Belfast Secretary of the International Brigade Commemoration Committee for permission to hold an exhibition in the East Entrance of the City Hall from 4th till 18th November, 2011.  The exhibition entitled Antifascistas would tell the story of 2,500 volunteers from the British Isles who had joined the legendary International Brigades to defend democracy during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.  The Working Group had commended the holding of the exhibition to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation and agreed that, in future, any requests to hold exhibitions in the East Entrance be submitted in the first instance to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.


            The minutes of the meeting of the Memorabilia Working Group of 4th April were thereupon approved and adopted.



Minutes of Meeting of Good Relations Partnership pdf icon PDF 120 KB


            The minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 5th April were approved and adopted.



Cross-Cutting Issues


Notice of Motion - Recognition of Bus Drivers pdf icon PDF 56 KB


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of a report on the Notice of Motion regarding the Recognition of Bus Drivers which had been referred to the Committee by the Council at its meeting on 4th April and that, in the meantime, contact be made with the Bus Drivers Trade Union representatives to ascertain their views on what they felt would be an appropriate type of recognition.



Community Planning and BIG Lottery Project pdf icon PDF 137 KB


            (Mrs. S. Wylie, Director of Health and Environmental Services, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      On 22nd January 2010, the SP&R Committee was advised that the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) had begun a tendering process for the delivery of up to three community planning pilot projects in Northern Ireland.  The primary purpose of the projects was to build the capacity of the voluntary and community sector (VCS) so it could participate equally in the community planning process.  The Committee subsequently agreed that the Council should submit a bid in collaboration with the five Area Partnership Boards and Community Places. For the purposes of the funding application, this partnership was named the ‘Belfast Community Planning Consortium’ (Belfast Consortium) with Belfast City Council assigned as the lead partner.


      On the 19th March the Committee agreed the scope and outline project plan for the bid, agreeing to a community planning project that would focus on the single theme of health.  On the 21st May, Committee was informed that the bid had been successful and agreed to enter into a contract with the BIG Lottery to deliver the pilot.  The contract is to the value of £139,000 plus VAT and must be completed by February 2012.  The remaining two contracts were awarded to partnerships from the DerryCity and Strabane district council areas and the Fermanagh and Omagh district council areas.


      The BIG Lottery pilot offers an opportunity to develop and test the Council’s emerging community planning processes in advance of any future statutory model for community planning.  However, the project represents just one aspect of our approach to community planning.  Other thematic and citywide structures currently exist or will need to be developed outside of this project.  For this reason, the Committee also agreed at its meeting on the19th March to establish a Cross Party Reference Group on Community Planning to guide the project and to inform the development of the Council’s wider community planning framework.


      This report provides an update on progress to date and sets out the proposed next stages in the BIG Lottery project and community planning process in general. 


Key Issues


      The Pilot Project


      As agreed by Committee on 19th March, the pilot project focuses on the single theme of ‘health’ as this provides a manageable way to test processes and relationships whilst also securing deliverables for partners and ultimately the local community.  The pilot builds on the Council’s commitment to creating a healthier Belfast and will augment ongoing work within Council and with our partners to improve health and wellbeing, including working closely with the new Belfast Health Development Unit (set up jointly between the Council, the Public Health Agency and the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust) and the new Strategic Health Partnership for the city, which will be responsible for developing a health and wellbeing plan for the City.  The pilot will inform the development of this plan, whilst at the same time  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9b