Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item


Modernisation and Improvement


Local Government Composite Recruitment Advertisement (Pilot) pdf icon PDF 656 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 4th March, it had considered a report on the Local Government Improvement, Collaboration and Efficiency Programme and agreed that any proposals arising from the Programme should be submitted to the Committee for consideration.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that there was an opportunity for Local Government collaboration in recruitment advertising under the Programme.  She explained that the most significant avenue for recruitment was now Council websites and other on-line services, rather than newspaper advertising.  Nonetheless, each of the twenty-six Councils currently placed job advertisements separately, with a collective annual spend of approximately £520,000 per annum.  The Human Resources Task and Finish Group of the Improvement, Collaboration and Efficiency Programme had identified that efficiency gains could be achieved through a sector approach to Council job advertisements and had proposed to pilot, for a period of six months, a Local Government composite advertisement under the title “Local Government Jobs”.


            The layout of the composite advertisement would contain ‘sign-posting’ of jobs with call/click details on how to obtain further information.  The black and white composite advertisment would be placed fortnightly by a central source, that is, Belfast City Council, and jobs would appear in alphabetical Council order.  However, the Council would retain the right to advertise separately for its most senior posts, as appropriate.  Such an approach had the potential to result in sector-wide savings of over £290,000 per annum, including estimated savings of over £50,000 per annum for the Council.


            The Director reported that, in addition to savings, there was a potential for income generation as a result of Belfast’s role as the central co-ordinator for the Local Government composite advertisement.  While the detail of the Council’s ‘handling’ fee had yet to be finalised and agreed as part of a service level agreement with other Councils, it was estimated that that income would be in excess of £15,000 per annum.  Twenty-one Councils had expressed interest in participating in the pilot project, subject to their final management/Council approvals.  The views of the remaining Councils were still being sought.


            The Committee agreed that, given the estimated savings and income for the Council from such a collaborative initiative, to approve:


(i)    the Council’s publicly advertised jobs appearing in a ‘sign?posting’/click style advertisement with other jobs from other Councils; and


(ii)    the Council being responsible for the co-ordination and management of public advertisements for other Councils for an agreed charge on a pilot basis for a period of six months, subject to review.



Democratic Services and Governance


Requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was informed that the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality had been received:



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of









Queen’s University of Belfast

11th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty Conference Dinner

29th June, 2011

Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’ and ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £400




Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of









Centre of Excellence for Public Health Northern Ireland

The UK Clinical Research Collaboration Centres of Excellence Summer School Dinner

30th June,2011

Approximately 150 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

International Association for Official Statistics Conference Dinner

19th August, 2011

Approximately 300 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500

British Dental Association Community Dental Services Group

British Dental Association Community Dental Services Group Conference Dinner

13th October, 2011

Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500

National Council for the Training of Journalists

Journalism Skills Conference Dinner

30th November, 2011

Approximately 150 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3a


Conflicts of Interest Policy for Members pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Additional documents:


            After lengthy discussion, the Committee agreed to defer consideration of a report in relation to a Conflicts of Interest Policy for Councillors to enable a further report which addressed some of the outstanding issues, such as the Indemnity legislation, and provided clarification on the types of outside bodies to which Members were appointed by the Council and their role on those bodies to be submitted in due course.



Elections Update pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


            The Democratic Services Manager submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1Members will be aware that the elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly and Local Councils, together with the national referendum on the Alternative Vote System, will be held on Thursday, 5th May, 2011.


2    Key Issues



2.1Attached at Appendix 1 is a timetable for the local elections setting out important dates in the lead up to, during and following polling day on 5th May.


2.2Members are also asked to note the following significant points:


·         At previous local elections, the nomination papers had to be delivered on one of two set days.  This time around, however, nominations from prospective candidates will be acceptable on any working day from 10.00am to 4.00pm from 28th March till 6th April and from 10.00 am till 1.00pm on 7th April.  Officers will be in touch with the Party Groups represented on the Council to arrange appointments for the submission of nomination papers.


·         Nomination Papers for the local elections may be downloaded from the Electoral Office website at or can be collected from Room G42, the Principal Office for the purpose of the election.


·         Candidates are advised to fill in the forms and submit them in draft, including the signatures of the proposer, seconder and attestors, to the Democratic Services Section where the will be checked.  This will avoid any problems when the signed forms are submitted for nomination.


·         Each candidate is entitled to receive a copy of the Electoral Register for the District Electoral Area in which they are standing.  These are available in electronic and/or hard copy form from Room G42, the Principal Office for the purpose of the election.


·         At the close of poll at 10.00pm on 5th May, all ballot boxes for the Assembly and Council elections and for the Referendum will be taken to the appropriate Count Centres where the Assembly and Referendum Counts will be held.  This will mean that Belfast Council ballot boxes for the Balmoral, Court (part of), Laganbank, Lower Falls, Pottinger (part of) and Upper Falls District Electoral Areas will go to the King’s Hall, Belfast;   those for the Castle, Court (part of) and Oldpark District Electoral Areas to the Valley Leisure Centre, Newtownabbey; and those for the Pottinger (part of) and Victoria District Electoral Areas to the Ards Leisure Centre, Newtownards.


·         At 7.30 am on Friday, 6th May the verification of all the ballot boxes for both elections and the referendum will take place in these count centres.  Local Council candidates and their appropriate election and counting agents will be entitled to be present for this verification.


·         It is anticipated that the verification process will be completed by 1.00pm on the afternoon of 6th May.  When the verification is completed, the Local Government ballot boxes will be removed with the Belfast City Council boxes being delivered to the City Hall for secure storage until Monday 9th May.


·         The Assembly  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3c


Northern Ireland Task Force Visit to Belfast pdf icon PDF 86 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1Members will be aware that on 9th December, 2010, Belfast City Council was represented at the official opening of the NI Executive Office in Brussels which acted to re-ignite the work of the NI Taskforce for Europe.


1.2The first meeting of the Taskforce to take place since this visit will occur in Belfast on 30th March and the Council has been requested to:


(a)   provide a venue along with audio visual equipment for a plenary session which has been arranged to take place in Belfast Castle; and


(b)   host a drinks reception at the City Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on the evening of 30th March for 150 guests which will include delegates from Brussels as well as officials from Belfast.


2    Key Issues


2.1In May 2007, Jose Manual Barosso, President of the European Commission, set up the NI Taskforce for Europe.  The purpose was to ensure that NI government departments work more closely with their EU Commission counterparts to maximise EU opportunities for NI.  This resulted in a report in May 2008, whereby the NI Assembly set out its commitment and targets which would encourage better engagement with Europe.


2.2On 9th December, President Barosso reignited the NI Taskforce on Europe at the official opening of the NI Executive Office in Brussels.  At the opening of the office, President Barosso and the First and Deputy First Ministers for NI, committed publicly to a newly launched NI Taskforce in Europe. In practice, this means that each government department in NI will have assigned officers who will work closely with their counterpart colleagues in the similar departments of the EU Commission. Their job will be to:


-    Identify and maximise EU funding for NI; and


-    Intervene at early stages with respect to the formulation and influencing of European policy and legislation.


2.3On 15th December 2010, the Deputy First Minister, on behalf of the NI Assembly, made a speech again publicly committing NI government to the NI Taskforce whose job it was, he explained, ‘to provide us with a route map to better and more effective engagement with the European Union and to exploiting the opportunities that this presents’.


2.4From March 30th to April 1st officials from Brussels and members of the Taskforce will meet in Belfast.  During their meetings they will take forward previous discussions held and will focus on 4 key themes, namely,


·         Competitiveness and Employment

·         Social Cohesion

·         Energy and Climate Change

·         Innovation and Technology


      These discussions will inform future NI engagement in Europe with the aim of increasing funding leverage by 20%.


2.5On the evening of March 30th a drinks reception will be held at the City Hall.  Members are invited to attend this event which will provide an opportunity to improve key relationships between Belfast and Brussels and will showcase the city in respect of how important it is and can be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3d


National Association of Councillors - The Localism Bill and Big Society Conference pdf icon PDF 118 KB


            The Committee was advised that the National Association of Councillors (English Region) was holding a weekend Training Conference in Scarborough from Friday, 8th till Sunday, 10th April.  The theme of the conference was the Localism Bill and Big Society.  The conference would focus on the challenges faced by Local Government in responding effectively to the needs of local communities and the impact the Big Society policy intervention would have on the community and voluntary sectors.  Delegates would participate in a series of interactive workshops and would be presented with training certificates on completion of the conference.  Mr. Eric Pickles, M.P. and Secretary of State had been invited to address the conference and other speakers would include representatives from the emergency services, National Bodies and the Westminster administration.  The Council had been represented at such events in previous years.  The estimated cost of attendance would be £700 per delegate.


            The Committee agreed to authorise the attendance at the National Association of Councillors Training Conference of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Council’s representatives on the National Association of Councillors (Northern Ireland Region), the Democratic Services Manager (or their nominees) and a representative of each of the Party Groupings on the Council not represented by the aforementioned Members.





Update on Rating Issues pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       At the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 4 February 2011, Members discussed the issue of the late notification of a significant change to the estimated rates with LPS officers. At this meeting it was agreed that a further update report would be brought to Committee in March.


1.2       The purpose of this report is to update Members on the issue and to recommend a suite of performance indicators and actions to be included in the Memorandum of Understanding between the council and LPS.


2          Update


2.1       Following the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 4 February, a cross-party delegation of Members met with the Minister for Finance and Personnel to record their concerns and to seek reassurances on the revised rates figures which had been provided to the council by LPS.


2.2       Subsequent to the meeting the Chair of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee wrote to the Minister (Appendix One) to inform him that the council would commit to the following actions which be incorporated into the Memorandum of Understanding between LPS and the council for 2011/12:


·         Work with LPS and IRRV on benchmarks to compare LPS and BNCC performance with other local authorities;

·         Work with LPS to develop monitoring statements;

·         Continue to support LPS through the work of the Building Control Unit; and

·         Based on the information provided by LPS on non-domestic vacant properties, work internally and with other external bodies to actively manage the rates base.


2.3       In response the Minister confirmed in a letter dated 2 March (Appendix Two) that LPS would:


·         Ensure that the Department was positioned to carry out a short review of the rates estimating process;

·         Commit to playing a full part in the performance and benchmarking framework;

·         Provide agreed monitoring data; and

·         Enhance the oversight role played by local government through completing the review of the terms of reference for the Strategic Steering Group.


2.4       In the letter the Minister also recognises the significant effort by both the council and LPS in building a strong working relationship. He goes on to assure the council of his commitment to ensuring that the rating system in Northern Ireland is as effective as possible. 


2.5       In addition, on behalf of Solace, Julie Thompson and Ronan Cregan attended the Committee for Finance and Personnel on 8 March to provide further information on LPS issues, prior to the Committee’s evidence session with LPS. Council officers explained the difficulties earlier this year, emphasised the need to work in partnership with LPS to ensure this does not happen again and the need to work across government to maximise rates income through minimising vacant properties. 


3          Performance Indicators and Monitoring Statements


3.1       Over recent months the council and LPS have been working with the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation to develop a suite of performance indicators which are capable of being compared to other collection authorities. They cover the following key areas of rating activity:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Minutes of Meeting of Audit Panel pdf icon PDF 179 KB


            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Panel of 7th March.



Approval to Seek Tenders - Electrical Services Installation pdf icon PDF 114 KB


            The Committee granted authority for the commencement of a tendering exercise and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to invite and approve the invitation of applications for inclusion on a Select List and the submission of tenders in respect of electrical services installations.  The duration of the contract would be for a period of one year, with an option to extend for two further twelve month periods.  The estimated annual value of the contract was £135,000.



Capital Programme - Potential Relocation of Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau and Belfast Welcome Centre and Options for the Development of Conference Facilities in Belfast pdf icon PDF 168 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1          Relevant Background Information


            Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau and the Belfast Welcome Centre


1.1       At a special meeting on 22 February 2011 the Development Committee considered a report on the potential relocation of the Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau and the Belfast Welcome Centre (BVCB/BWC), including an economic appraisal.


1.2       The Development Committee agreed to note the information which had been provided within the report and agreed further to allocate £15,000 towards the development of a full business case for each of the options, subject to the SP&R Committee agreeing that the project be included within the Capital Programme.


1.3       An extract from the minute of the meeting of the Development Committee is attached as Appendix A to this report.


1.4       This minute was subsequently amended at Council on 2nd March for further sites within the City to be included as options for the relocation of the BVCB/BWC.


            Options for Development of Conference Facilities in Belfast


1.5       At their meeting of 15 February 2011 the Development Committee considered a report on the options for development of conference facilities in Belfast.


1.6       The Development Committee agreed to an economic appraisal being undertaken to provide a detailed financial and operational appraisal on the available options.


1.7       An extract from the minute of the meeting of the Development Committee is attached as Appendix B to this report.


1.8       This minute was subsequently amended at Council on 2nd March for other parts of the City, particularly the North Foreshore, to be considered within the options for the development of conference facilities within the City.


2          Key Issues


2.1       The main issue for the SP&R Committee is that both the BVCB/BWC and the Conference Facilities are emerging uncommitted proposals for the capital programme and there are currently no capital funds available.


2.2       To move these proposals forward the SP&R Committee would need to agree that they should be committed to, subject to capital funding being agreed at a future date, and for a full business case and economic appraisal (respectively) to be developed to facilitate the submission of fully informed applications for funding from the NITB capital grants scheme and other potential funding sources, subject to the Gates process.


            Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau and the Belfast Welcome Centre


2.3       The recommendation of an economic appraisal undertaken by the Development Department is that the most advantageous available option would be for the BVCB/BWC to relocate to ground floor premises in Donegall Square North.


2.4       The existing first floor facility opened in April 2001 and, although the premises were suitable at the time, the tourism product has changed significantly and the BVCB/BWC had an aspiration for some time to move to ground floor premises.


2.5       The lease on the current premises expired at the end of July 2010 and whilst the landlord initially made an application to the Lands Tribunal for renewal of the lease for a further 10 year term, they have subsequently indicated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4d


Update on Northern Ireland Budget Statement 2011-2015 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on the key elements of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s final agreed budget for the period 2011 – 2015.


(In the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, it was agreed that

Councillor Hartley take the Chair.)




Human Resources


Standing Order 55 - Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 107 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to her, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of individuals who were related to existing officers of the Council.





Recruitment for the Post of Director of Finance and Resources pdf icon PDF 116 KB


            The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


 “Relevant Background Information


      The Director of Finance and Resources has advised that she plans to leave the council at the end of June 2011, subject to the completion of formalities for her new post in the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety.  Arrangements therefore need to be put in place now to ensure the effective recruitment of a suitable candidate for this vital post. 


Key Issues


1.   Background to Job Role


      Members will be aware that the post of Director of Finance and Resources currently has responsibility for Finance ; Efficiency; Performance Management; Audit, Governance and Risk (including Health and Safety); ICT and Human Resources. 


      There are considerable agendas associated with the council’s two most important assets – money and people. Each requires effective, efficient management and scrutiny while supporting the organisation to make significant improvements.


      (a)  Financial Challenges


Clearly the effective management of our money is vital. The council must ensure it has sound financial governance and fit for purpose strategic financial planning and management, particularly in these financially challenging times.  At its meeting on 4 March, the Committee discussed the need to not only manage our own finances as effectively as possible and to continue to find efficiencies but to explore new and innovative ways of financing investment in the city.  Members stressed the need for key strategic relationships to be developed with the aim of advocating for and proactively levering resources into key projects.  This would come together through the development and implementation of a resourcing strategy for the city. 


In short, therefore, moving forward the role of Director of Finance and Resources, in terms of finance, has three key elements:


(i)      tight organisational management, linked to efficiency, performance management and continuous improvements across all departments,


(ii)     addressing rating setting issues and related management of budgets; and


(iii)    an enhanced externally focused role to secure financing/income - building key relationships, identifying new and innovative funding streams and creating a long-term, collaborative approach to growing the rates-base, the Council’s key source of income.


(b)Human Resources/Organisational Development

      (OD) Challenges


      The effective management of our workforce is equally important and the nature of HR as a function has also changed.  While there is still clearly a need to ensure compliance with relevant employment legislation and best practise, we have been moving to a more strategic approach to managing our people in order to build the capacity of the organisation to improve, deliver value for money services and achieve efficiencies. There is also a significant industrial relations agenda which needs to be managed in a time when we must do more with less.


      To support this agenda, the council’s former Business Improvement section has largely merged with HR, with some staff moving to the Efficiency Unit. In addition arrangements are being implemented to ensure that HR Officers across the council link to the Head of HR (Finance Officers across the council already link into the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


Asset Management


Disposal of Land at Musgrave Street pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that, in December, 2000, the Council had been approached by the then Royal Ulster Constabulary Estate Services Business Unit regarding the potential acquisition by the Police of a small area of land in Council ownership at Musgrave Street.  Discussions had taken place since that time regarding the potential value of the land, which extended to approximately 238 square metres.  The land in question had for a long period been under the control of the Police and a single storey brick building had been constructed on the land.  It was claimed that the building dated from the 1970s.  The Estates Services Business Unit wished to consolidate its title to the site and therefore purchase the land at market value.


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that, following lengthy discussions, a disposal price of £50,000 had been agreed with the District Valuer, Land and Property Services.  The agreement provided also for a clawback arrangement whereby the Council would benefit from any disposal of the land by the Police Service of Northern Ireland over a period of ten years following the sale.


            The Committee authorised the disposal of the area of land on the terms as outlined, to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, subject to a suitable legal agreement to be prepared by the Legal Services Unit.




City of Belfast Golf Course - Proposed Land Exchange pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 13th December, 2007, had approved an exchange of lands at the City of Belfast Golf Course with a member of the public, Mr. H. Montgomery.   Since that time there had been further discussions which had culminated in an agreement on improved site-line provisions of 6.0 metres x 215 metres at the new entrance.  Mr. Montgomery would carry out all the works associated with the provision of new vehicle access.  That arrangement maximised the prospect of the Council being able utilise the access point for further commercial/residential development in the medium to longer term.  The Council would be in receipt of a capital sum of £35,000 on completion of the land exchange.


            The Committee approved the exchange of land as outlined.



Former Civic Amenity Site - Boucher Road pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the former civic amenity site at the Boucher Road, Balmoral Industrial Estate covered an area of 0.588 acres, the frontage of which was on the Boucher Road close to its junction with Stockman’s Lane.  The site was held within the Corporate Landbank by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.  The Committee was advised that Balmoral Industrial Estate contained a number of sites which were leased from the Council by way of long leases, usually 125 years, subject to the payment of reviewable ground rents.  Rents receivable from that estate represented a valuable income stream for the Council, with a rental income in 2010/11 amounting to approximately £3.1 million.  Leases within the estate were proactively managed by the Estates Management Unit to ensure rent reviews and lease terms were adhered to and optimised for the benefit of the Council.  It was now proposed that the land be advertised to let on the open market on the basis of a 125 year lease, subject to a ground rent with five-yearly rent reviews.


            The Committee approved this course of action and noted that a further report would be submitted to the Committee in due course seeking approval to the terms of any proposed letting.



Requests for Use of the City Hall Grounds pdf icon PDF 126 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


 “Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware that the Committee has delegated authority for routine requests for use of the City Hall grounds etc. to the Director of Property & Projects on the basis of an agreed set of criteria. However it was recognised that there would still be occasions on which the nature, scale and/or scope of the request means that it is appropriate to place the matter directly before the Committee.


      The very recent requests from 2 separate Church-based organisations detailed below fall into this category, and the direction of the Committee is therefore sought.


      The first request is from New Life CityChurch. The Church’s pastor, Jack McKee, would like to have a ‘CU @ the CROSS’ event in the City Hall grounds between 3pm and 4pm (set up 2pm) on Saturday 18 June 2011.


      The event would involve four large crosses being carried from the four compass points of the city along the main arterial routes to meet at the City Hall at approximately 3.00pm. Each cross would be followed by an estimated crowd of 200-300 people.


      When the estimated crowd of 800-1,000 people reach the City Hall grounds there would be a one hour outdoor event consisting of singing, drama and speaking. The special guest for this event would be Arthur Blessitt from the USA, who has previously walked through the streets of Belfast carrying a cross in 1971, 1972 and 1979.


      The purpose of the event is to ‘promote the positive message of the Christian faith as one of love, forgiveness and reconciliation’. Various churches from across Belfast will be supporting the event with the lead being taken by New Life CityChurch.


      No access to the main building is required, and the organisers will be providing their own stewarding, staging and PA system etc.


      A formal request is being made to the PSNI and the Parades Commission in respect of the march through the city, however if for any reason this permission is not granted the organisers would still wish to use the City Hall grounds for the event.


      The second request is from the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a local church based in Belfast. They would like to stage a 3 hour ‘Place of Victory for all Nations’ event in the City Hall grounds sometime between 12noon and 6.00pm on Saturday 23 April 2011. This date can be moved if necessary.


      The event would be an open-air gospel concert involving bands and choirs from various churches in Northern Ireland. Entry to the event would be free and is suitable to people of all ages. The organisers have previously held the event at the Exhibition Centre in the Europa Hotel and estimate up to 1,000 people would attend. No further details are available in terms of what the event actually entails.


      The organisers apparently have experience of organising large scale events and will be supplying their own stewarding,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6d


Girdwood Community Hub - Update pdf icon PDF 4 MB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


 “1.        Relevant Background Information


1.1       Members will recall that the Council’s bid for a community hub located at Girdwood was deferred in May 2010, under the Peace III Priority 2.1, total value £9.6m. SEUPB has now advised the Council that it requires all outstanding information by 20 April 2011.


1.2       It should be noted that the Community Hub proposal has not yet been formally signed off for an award.  It is anticipated that a number of projects will be brought to the June meeting of the SEUPB Priority 2.1 Steering Committee. 


1.3       All expenditure for the capital project must be claimed from SEUPB by mid-2015, at the very latest. After this point, any capital expenditure will be carried at risk by the Council.  No allocation has been made for this in the Council’s capital programme.


2.         Key Issues


2.1       As per Committee’s recommendation in June 2010, Council officers have continued to develop the proposal for final submission to SEUPB.  This has included a number of community meetings, briefings for the relevant Ministers and meetings with relevant departmental officials.   Following a briefing paper and subsequent meeting with community representatives (10 March), 4 key issues have emerged:


2.2       Proposal relocation of Hub


            As landowners for the site, DSD and OFMDFM officials raised that it will be difficult to proceed with the location as previously envisaged.  It was suggested that the footprint for the hub should move towards the Cliftonpark Avenue end of the Girdwood site.  This revised footprint would encompass some of the land set aside for ‘mixed-use’ development and a strip of derelict land owned by the NIHE. It was agreed that the appropriate Ministerial approvals be sought, subject to engagement with community representatives and Council agreement.  An indicative map is attached.


            At the meeting with community representatives (10 March), there was some discussion on the location.  It was noted that there is real potential to use the Hub to transform Cliftonpark Avenue from a barren ‘no-man’s land’ into an attractive, vibrant building and public realm on the edge of the Girdwood site.  It was generally agreed that there were benefits to this relocation but further engagement needed to happen to address some of the concerns raised regarding access and safety.


2.3       Political endorsement


            Community representatives are keen to secure the potential for a substantial investment into North Belfast. At the meeting, it was highlighted that political leadership was critical to the success of any community engagement process, and the sustainability of the Hub itself.  It was suggested that it would build confidence in the project if political representatives publicly endorsed the community engagement process and the Hub concept.  Community representatives were also anxious that political representatives would participate in a community engagement process, as a visible demonstration of commitment to the project.


2.4       Community engagement process


            Given the sensitivities in the process, community representatives stressed the need for an inclusive and participative engagement in designing the Hub, its management and the facilities,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6e


Good Relations and Equality


            (Mrs. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with these items.)



Minutes of Meeting of Historic Centenaries Working Group pdf icon PDF 66 KB


            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Historic Centenaries Working Group of 7th March.



Good Relations Partnership pdf icon PDF 152 KB



            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 7th March and adopted the recommendations contained therein.




Peace III - Dealing with Physical Manifestations - Additional Programme


            During discussion on the foregoing minutes, the Good Relations Manager provided an update in relation to the funding available for the Additional Programme.  She explained that the total amount available had reduced to around £20,000, of which approximately £16,000 would be available for grants to existing Groups on the Tackling Physical Manifestations Programme to hold ‘Springtime Events’.  This would equate to a maximum grant of £400 per group.  The remaining £4,000 would be paid to Groundwork Northern Ireland to administer the Programme.






Notice of Motion re: Centenary of International Women's Day pdf icon PDF 64 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 1st March, had passed the following Notice of Motion which had been proposed by Councillor B. Kelly:


      “Belfast City Council notes that the Centenary of International Women’s Day will be celebrated on 8th March, 2011.


      International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.


      The Council, while recognising the progress made towards equality between men and women, acknowledges that this journey is not complete, particularly in relation to women’s economic independence, equal representation in decision-making roles and ending violence against women.


      The Council joins with women from across Belfast in celebrating the achievements thus far and pledges its support to work towards a more equal future for women.”


            The Committee was reminded that, at the request of the seconder, Councillor M. E. Campbell, the proposer had agreed to the inclusion of the following paragraph:


      “The Council agrees that consideration be given to the erection of a piece of public art, within the environs of the City Hall or its grounds, to celebrate the contribution and achievements of women in the City.”


            The Council had agreed that consideration of the public art be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


            The Committee was reminded that it had agreed previously to the establishment of the Cross-Party Memorabilia Working Group, which consisted of the six elected Members on the Good Relations Partnership.  Part of the remit of that group was to discuss the display of City Hall memorabilia in the longer term and to agree a programme of work and the acquisition of materials to ensure that the items on display in the City Hall were representative of all communities in the City.  Accordingly, it was recommended, in the first instance, that the matter be referred to the Memorabilia Working Group, with a report thereon being submitted to the Committee in due course.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.