Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in relation to the Forward Work Plan for the period April till June, 2008:




      The purpose of this report is to present a forward work plan for the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for the period April ? June 2008.


Relevant Background Information


      Appendix One provides a detailed work plan for the committee for the period April – June 2008. The key issues section below summarises the key areas of committee activity over this period.


Key Issues


      The key work areas for the committee are outlined below. It is recognised that this represents a heavy workload for the committee but at the end of this period the following key outcomes will have been achieved:


·         An agreed corporate plan.

·         An agreed capital programme.

·         An agreed process for the development of the city investment strategy.

·         An agreed asset management strategy.

·         An agreed strategic finance framework.

·         An agreed strategic human resources management framework.

·         An agreed code of governance and associated assurance framework.

·         An agreed efficiency and value for money programme for 2009/10.

·         An agreed performance management framework

·         An agreed communications plan

·         An agreed programme of work for RPA.

·         An agreed early indicative district rate for 2009/10.


April 2008


RPA – An initial response to the Environment Minister’s statement (31 March 2008) on RPA.


NILGA – Report on the Council’s relationship with NILGA.


Human Resources Strategy Framework – the Chief Executive has started to provide Members with an outline framework for each of the key elements of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee’s work. This month the Acting Head of Human Resources will present on the Human Resources Strategy framework.


Financial Planning Cycle – The committee agreed in March to receive a report on a revised financial planning cycle for the Council in April. This report will outline a revised cycle with a more detailed report being provided in May.


May 2008


RPA – a detailed report will be brought to committee which will examine the possible implications and key issues emerging from the outworking of the RPA recommendations. Members will be provided with a detailed programme of work which will enable the Council to effectively manage the change process which lies ahead.


Corporate Governance/Assurance Framework – this report will recommend a code of governance for the Council along with an overall assurance framework which will allow Members to satisfy themselves that the code is being complied with.


Financial Planning Cycle – detailed reported on a revised financial planning cycle which links to corporate and business planning in order to ensure Council priorities are properly resourced.


Titanic Signature Project – Special meeting to discuss the economic appraisal prepared by Deloitte.


Rates – Members have agreed to hold a special meeting on the issue of rates with the Chief Executive of Land and Property Services in attendance. At this meeting Members will be provided with a reference guide to the rating system and how it impacts on the Council.


June 2008


Special Meeting to agree Corporate Plan – Members will be asked to agree the new corporate plan.


Efficiency Programme – Members will be requested to agree a draft efficiency programme for the financial year 2009/10.


Finance - the Director of Corporate Services will present to committee on the Council’s financial performance for 2007/08, notify them of the rates finalisation for 2007/08. He will also start the financial planning for 2009/10 with a discussion on an early indication of an acceptable district rate level.


Asset Management Strategy – the Director of Improvement will present for agreement an Asset Management Strategy which outlines how the Council’s assets can used to support the delivery of the corporate plan. He will also provide detailed reports on Harvester House and the City Hall.


Capital Programme – Members will be asked to agree the Capital Programme.


City Investment Strategy – the Chief Executive will present a report which will ask for agreement on the process for the identification and prioritisation of projects.




      The Committee is requested to agree:


      1. The forward work plan for April – June 2008 outlined in appendix one.


Appendix One


April 2008


RPA – Response to initial announcement


NILGA – Report on the Council’s relationship with NILGA.


Northern Ireland Assembly liaison report


Update on Communications Review


Corporate Plan Update


Financial Planning Cycle


Audit Panel Minutes


Human Resources Strategic Framework


Tall Buildings Policy


Gasworks Site


May 2008


RPA – detailed programme of work


Code of Governance and Assurance Framework


Absence Figures 2007/08


Community Outreach and Long Term Unemployed Scheme


Financial Planning Cycle


Special Meeting on Titanic Signature Project


Special Meeting on Rates




Special Meeting to Agree Corporate Plan


Capital Programme


City Investment Strategy


Efficiency Programme 2009/10




·         Report on 2007/08 financial performance

·         Rates finalisation 2007/08

·         Indicative Rate 2009/10


Asset Management Strategy


City Hall Refurbishment


Harvester House”


            The Committee approved the foregoing Work Plan.


Supporting documents: