Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in relation to the Review of Public Administration:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


1.1       As Members will recall, on 31st March, 2008 the Environment Minister, Arlene Foster MLA made a statement to the Northern Ireland Assembly on the final recommendations of the Review of Public Administration (RPA) and the future shape of Local Government within Northern Ireland. In her speech, the Minister stated that the current 26 District Councils would be reduced to 11 and a range of additional functions would transfer to Councils. 


2.0       Key Issues


2.1       Members will accept that the Minister’s announcement is only the start of the process and the size of the challenge ahead for local government cannot be underestimated. Ensuring that appropriate consideration is given to the outworking of the Review of Public Administration recommendations is crucial.


2.2       The fact that the focus to date of the local government sector has been very much on discussing the functions to transfer to local government, little attention has been given to the actual practicalities of how the restructuring and significant change process resulting from the RPA would be taken forward and managed whilst ensuring that business as usual and service standards are maintained. Whether or not the RPA produces the intended benefits depends as much on how effectively it is implemented as on the exact nature of the reform.


2.3       It is clear that a level of sophistication needs to be built into the RPA implementation process and active discussion between local government, Ministers and officials from transferring Departments must ensue to ensure that the practicalities attached to the reconfiguration of Councils from 26 to 11 and the transfer of new functions to emerging Councils is taken into consideration and informs the implementation process. 


2.4       There are a number of strands of work currently underway which seeks to provide greater clarity on the necessary process for the effective implementation of the RPA including the development of a detailed programme of work, the articulation of appropriate delivery structures and, importantly, how its delivery could be resourced. For example:


·         The DoE Local Government Reform Unit has commissioned Deloitte to prepare a Strategic Outline Business Case for Local Government Modernisation which it is intended would be used to make bids to DFP to secure necessary funding to support local government reform.


·         PriceWaterhouseCoopers has been appointed by the Society of Local Government Chief Executive’s (SOLACE) to develop a high level road map and practical framework to support the implementation and management of the RPA process. It is intended that this work would identify, from a sector perspective, the scope of work required, the key milestones in the process, possible delivery options for taking forward necessary strands of activity and the associated resource implications.


2.5       It is anticipated that these strands of work would be developed over the summer with the emerging findings becoming available in September.  This would provide greater clarity on the direction of the RPA process and would aid to inform the Council’s own consideration of how it takes forward the implementation of the RPA and develop an organisation ‘fit to lead and serve’ and use the greater place shaping powers it will have post RPA.


            Members will recall that the Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 18th April, had agreed to commission an independent scoping paper which sets out the key implementation issues for Belfast City Council and informs the development of corporate positions on RPA related issues such as the organisations readiness for change; the necessary skills, capacity and resources required to successfully manage the transition process; the transfer and integration of new functions; the impact on organisational structures etc.  


2.6       In order to ensure that a prudent approach is taken to both the Council’s consideration and implementation of the RPA, it is intended that the commissioning of this work would be appropriately scheduled to ensure that the findings of the independent work being undertaken by Deloitte and PriceWaterhouseCoopers informs this work. 


2.7       Delivery Structures


2.7.1    In terms of delivery structures, Members will be aware that the DoE has established a two-tier model, consisting of a Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) and three Policy Development Panels (PDPs), to take forward the implementation of the RPA.  It is proposed that the SLB would fulfil the role of Council providing overall direction to the process and the PDPs would fulfil the role of Council Committees.  A series of task and finish working groups will be established principally comprising of officers from both central and local government. The working groups would be tasked with undertaking the detailed work programmes and reporting back to the SLB and PDPs.


2.7.2    Given the breadth and complexity of the issues which are to be taken forward by the PDPs and the far reaching impact of any emerging recommendations in terms of structures, processes and policies, it is crucial that the Council is appropriately represented and actively engaged, at both elected Member and officer level, within both the SLB and PDPs.  It is important that Belfast ensures that its experience and expertise in the areas to be considered by the PDPs (e.g. performance management, improvement, estates etc) informs the process of discussion to ensure that the best interests of Belfast City Council and the wider local government sector is secured.


2.7.3    Members will note that Belfast City Council is represented on both StrandA ‘Governance’ and Strand B ‘Service Delivery’ of the PDPs but has no political representation on Strand C ‘Support Functions’.  Members will note that a number of Council officers have been asked to support the work of the relevant work streams of the three PDPs and are based on the Council’s initial officer engagement with the original RPA Thematic Working Groups.


2.7.4    Internal support structures will be put in place to ensure that both those Members and officers engaged within the PDPs are given the appropriate level of support they require to examine in detail emerging issues and develop a corporate position.   It is important also that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee are kept updated on the work of the SLB and PDPs and where necessary direction sought.


2.8       Ministerial Changes


2.8.1    Members will note that Minister Sammy Wilson, MLA has replaced Arlene Foster as the Minister with responsibility for the Department of the Environment. Accordingly, taking forward the implementation of the local government aspects of the Review of Public Administration will rest within the remit of Minister Wilson.


3.0       Resource Implications


            Whilst there is clearly Human Resource implications attached to the Council’s ongoing involvement within the RPA process and, in particular, its engagement within the SLB and PDPs it will be difficult to quantify until a detailed programme of work is put in place.


4.0       Recommendations


            Members are asked to note the contents of this report and agree that appropriate Council Members and officers support the reform process.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


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