Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report which provided an update in relation to the Review of Public Administration:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


  1.1       The Review of Public Administration (RPA) process is starting to pick up pace.  Legislation is now being drafted, delivery structures established and active consideration being given to the transitional arrangements to be put in place to support local government reform within Northern Ireland.  Members will note that there have been a number of developments in regard to the RPA since the last update provided to Committee at its meeting in September 2008.


  2.0       Key Issues


  2.1       Members will accept that the challenge ahead cannot be underestimated and ensuring that the Council is engaged within the process is paramount to ensuring that the best interests of the citizen, the Council and wider local government sector is pursued throughout the process.


  2.2       Update on Strategic Leadership Board


  2.2.1    The RPA Strategic Leadership Board last met on 3rd October 2008.  The work of the Policy Development Panels had been discussed and the Project Initiation Documents for each PDP presented for approval.


  2.3       Update on Policy Development Panels


  2.3.1    The three Policy Development Panels are now been established and meeting on a regular basis to discuss issues in regard to governance, community planning, central-local government relations, service delivery and structural reform.  It is important to note that the Council is actively engaged, at both elected Member and officer level, within each of the PDPs and inform the ongoing debate and discussions.


  2.3.2    PDP A (Governance, Community Planning, Central-Local Government Relations) are currently developing proposals on high level governance arrangements for the new Councils including considering issues in relation to decision-making structures, proportionality, standards, codes of conduct, oversight and transparency. PDP A is also developing proposals for the introduction of a Council led community planning process which will draw upon the experience and lessons learnt from other jurisdictions.  In addition, the issue of the future relationship between central and local government within Northern Ireland is being considered by PDP A.


  2.3.3    As part of its work, PDP B (Service Delivery) is developing a draft Customer Service strategy, draft IS Strategy and will be examining the potential requirements for an appropriate Performance Management Strategy.  A series of sub-groups have been established to take these issues forward and, again, the Council is actively engaged within these groups to ensure, as is reasonably possible, alignment with the Councils own improvement activities.


  2.3.4    PDP C (Structural Reform) has established 4 sub-groups to take forward issues in relation to Human Resources; capacity building; finance and estates; regional and sub?regional design.  Consideration of the transfer of functions will be taken forward by PDP C.


  2.3.5    It would be the intention that the proposals emerging from the PDPs will be combined into a consultation document expected to be issued in Spring 2009.  In the interim, Members will kept updated on emerging proposals and political direction sought on the key issues.


  2.4       Transitional Arrangements


  2.4.1    At the 3rd October meeting of the RPA Strategic Leadership Board (SLB), the Joint NILGA/DoE Secretariat presented a discussion paper outlining both the pro’s and con’s of introducing a ‘Shadow Period’.  The alternative is to form Statutory Transition Committees with the powers to make decisions and lay the necessary foundations prior to the new elected Councils assuming power.  The Transition Committees would be supported by a Transition Management Team which comprising of a representative balance of the senior management team of the merging Councils.


  2.4.2    To date, the Environment Minister has been minded to introduce Statutory Transition Committees, however, following discussions at the RPA SLB meeting on 3rd October regarding the potential introduction of Shadow Councils; the Minister is actively re-examining his position regarding transitional arrangements. The question of whether a transition period takes place before or after the new Councils being elected is also under considered by the Minister and the SLB. It is anticipated that the Minister will provide further clarity on transitional arrangements by the end of October / early November.


  2.4.3    If agreed, the establishment of Statutory Transitional Committees would require legislation changes.  It is intended that this would be taken forward under the auspices of the Local Government (Contracts) Bill to be introduced in July 2009.


  2.5       Belfast as a ‘Continuing Authority’


  2.5.1    Belfast City Council will be one of few local government bodies that will provide a degree of continuity through the RPA process.  In fact, the recent recommendations published by the Local Government Boundaries Commissioner, Mr Dick McKenzie CB, regarding the proposed new Local Government District Boundaries would only result in a 20% increase in the population and geographical scale of Belfast.  Under the proposals the Belfast electorate will increase by 32,000 (20%), making a total electorate of 190,000 and bringing the population of the City up to 318,000 (a separate report on the Review of Local Government Boundaries in Northern Ireland will be discussed next on the  agenda).  Furthermore, the proposed transfer of additional functions to local government would result in a less than 20% increase in the Council’s budget.


  2.5.2    Accordingly, whilst the Council recognises the need for transitional arrangements to be established to support orderly conversion to the new local government structure within Northern Ireland, for the process of managing change, there may be a case for Belfast to be designated as a ‘Continuing Authority’ and be given responsibility for establishing and managing its own transition process.


  2.5.3    Members will note that a position paper is currently being prepared which will set out proposals, for Members consideration, regarding the feasibility of Belfast City Council being designated as a ‘Continuing Authority’ and the potential implications for the Council in terms of the transition process.  A detailed report will be submitted, for the consideration of Members, to the November Committee meeting.


  2.6       Regional Implementation Co-ordinating Group


  2.6.1    A Regional Implementation Co-ordinating Group will be established to support the RPA transitional process.  This Group will provide advice and detailed guidance to the RPA Strategic Leadership Board and Transitional Committees (if established) on implementation and transitional matters.


  2.6.2    It is proposed that the group would be chaired by Paul Simpson, the Deputy Secretary of the DOE, and comprise of senior officials from transferring function Departments, 3 local government Chief Executives and a number of other key officials as required e.g. Local Government Staff Commission, NILGA etc.


  2.6.3    Members will note that SOLACE has nominated Belfast City Council as one of the 3 local government Chief Executives to be represented on this group.


  2.7       Resources


  2.7.1    Resourcing the local government structural reform process has been identified  as a priority area by the RPA Strategic Leadership Board and consideration of the issue is being taken forward by Policy Development Panel C ‘Structural Reform’ through the development of a strategic business case.  An assignment brief is currently being finalised to employ consultants to assist with the development of this work with a deadline for reporting back set for 31st March 2009.


  2.7.2    Members will note that PriceWaterhouseCoopers, as part of the report “Practical Approach to the Implementation of Successful Change Programme in Local Government” prepared for SOLACE (a copy of which had been circulated previously to Members at Committee in September), estimated that the transitional implementation structures could cost in excess of £4-£8million.


  2.8       Statement of Principles to underpin the transfer of functions


  2.8.1    The Statement of Principles developed by NILGA, supported by officials from Belfast City Council, has been endorsed by the Strategic Leadership Board and subsequently the Environment Minister has written to Ministerial colleagues to request that they agree to apply the principles in considering the transfer of functions to local government.


  2.9       Severance Scheme for Elected members and Co-Option


  2.9.1    The National Association of Councillors met recently with the Environment Minister to lobby for a severance package for councillors to be made available in 2009.  The Minister had agreed to consider this issue and has asked officials to examine the possibility of including the power to make a severance scheme in the Local Government (Contracts) Bill which is to be brought in by July 2009 rather than the Local Government (Finance) Bill.


  2.9.2    The Minister has indicated that the details of a proposed severance scheme for Councillors will be issued for consultation by the end of the year. The Minister has also indicated that the Secretary of State will introduce legislation allowing co-option onto Councils simultaneously to the enactment of the severance scheme legislation. 


  3.0       Resource Implications


              Whilst there is clearly substantial Human Resource and financial implications attached the Council’s ongoing involvement and management of the RPA change process, it will be difficult to quantify until a detailed programme of work is put in place.


  4.0       Recommendations


      Members are asked to note the contents of this report”


            After discussion, during which the Chief Executive assured the Members that detailed reports in relation to the transitional arrangements would be submitted to the Committee for its consideration in due course, the Committee noted the contents of the report.


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