Agenda item


            Former Grove Leisure Centre


            The Committee was informed that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 14th February, had recommended that, upon closure of the former Grove Leisure Centre, the site be transferred to the Corporate Land Bank for disposal in accordance with Council procedures.  That decision had been ratified by the Council, at its meeting on 3rd March, subject to officers investigating the future use to which the site could be put in order to maximise the benefits to the local community.


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee noted the appropriation of the premises and noted also that a further report regarding options for the future use of the site would be submitted to the Committee in due course.


            CityCemetery Gate Lodge (Fox’s Lodge)


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 19th September, it had approved the disposal of Fox’s Lodge, which fronted the Whiterock Road at the City Cemetery, with the Development Brief to be submitted to the Committee for consideration.  Accordingly, the Director of Core Improvement submitted a report in this regard.


            During discussion in the matter, a Member suggested that the Brief should be amended to provide that an option be included which might allow the Lodge to be developed in a manner in which it could be used to reflect the history of the cemetery.


            The Director of Development pointed out that the former Parks and Cemeteries Services Sub-Committee had agreed to the disposal on the grounds that the site should be developed as a self-contained entity.  Accordingly, if the Committee were minded to alter the conditions of disposal the matter would need to be referred back to the Parks and Leisure Committee, which now had responsibility for the City cemetery, to seek its views thereon.


            The Committee agreed to this course of action.


            Wayleave at Shaftesbury Recreation Centre


            The Committee was informed that a request had been received from Doran Consulting, Consulting Engineers, seeking permission to provide a wayleave across Council-owned land for a proposed new storm sewer to serve a planned new pitch on the Shaftesbury Recreation Centre site.  The length of the sewer on the land was 4.5 metres and the width of the wayleave being sought was 9 metres.  The Council currently leased the centre to the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum on a ten-year lease from 1st October, 2000.  The leased land presently fell under the operational control of Community Services and the Development Committee.  The proposed wayleave was across land which formed part of the Parks and Cemeteries Services land known as River Terrace and fell under the operational control of the Parks and Leisure Committee.


            The Committee granted approval for the provision of a storm sewer wayleave, at no cost to the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum, in order to facilitate the development of a proposed new pitch on land leased to it by the Council, the wayleave to be on terms agreed by the Estates Manager and incorporated into an appropriate legal agreement to be drawn up by the Director of Legal Services.


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