Agenda item


            Northern Ireland Electricity Cable

            at Duncrue Industrial Estate


            The Members were advised that the Council was committed to the installation of an electricity cable to service the development of the North Foreshore.  The cable would link that site with the Northern Ireland Electricity Sub-Station on Skegoneill Street in order to provide and facilitate the export of electricity from the landfill gas generating plant to the national grid.  Several potential cable routes had been considered and it had been established that the most efficient and cost effective route for the Council would be predominantly over public roads.


            However, there was one location where Northern Ireland Electricity would require an easement over privately held lands.  This was in the Duncrue Industrial Estate where a plot of land in the ownership of the Council had been leased to Action Mental Health.  Under the Council’s cable provision agreement with Northern Ireland Electricity in respect of the North Foreshore the Council was liable for the cost of obtaining the easement and, following negotiations with Action Mental Health’s estate agent, compensation had been agreed in the sum of £15,000 plus reasonable agent’s and legal costs which had still to be agreed.  This would be more than compensated for by the income which was expected from the electricity which would be generated from landfill gas at the North Foreshore.


            The Committee granted approval to the Northern Ireland cable easement at Duncrue Estate.


            Acquisition of Additional Land at McCrory Park


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee was notified that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 14th February, had agreed to the acquisition of an additional portion of land of approximately 0.16 acres at McCrory Park at nil cost to the Council.


            Proposed Wayleave at the Waterworks


            The Committee was reminded that the former Parks and Cemeteries Services Sub-Committee, at its meeting on 7th November, 2006, had approved a number of arrangements with Cliftonville Football Club and its contractor to allow access across Council-owned lands in connection with the construction and subsequent use of a new spectators’ stand at Cliftonville Football ground.  The Council had been approached by the Club recently with a new request to provide a sewer wayleave across Council lands within the Waterworks site.  The sewers would be installed as part of the new stand development at the football ground.  The installation of the sewer across Council-owned land had been selected by the Club on the basis that it would have been more expensive for them to lay the sewer in the opposite direction through their own land and out onto a public street.  On that basis, the Estates Management Unit had negotiated a payment of £3,000 from the Club.  Installation of the proposed sewers would involve fencing the immediate surrounding area for a period of approximately two weeks.  Appropriate reinstatement of the lands would be a requirement of any agreement reached with Cliftonville Football Club.


            The Committee approved the installation at the Waterworks of a combined foul and storm sewer to agreed specifications at the location on terms to be agreed by the Estates Manager and incorporated into an appropriate legal agreement to be drawn up by the Director of Legal Services.


            Proposed Contractor’s Compound

            at Annadale Embankment


            The Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 15th May, had authorised officers to act to protect the Council’s property interests through discussions with the Carville Group, which was developing 216 apartments on land adjoining Council-owned land at Annadale Embankment.  Discussions with the Carville Group remained on-going in relation to a number of issues.  However, at this stage officers had agreed outline terms with the Group which would allow it to occupy the Council’s land on a temporary basis during the construction of the apartment development.  The main terms which had been agreed were that the Carville Group:


(i)    would take responsibility for the entirety of the area of approximately 1.21 acres;


(ii)    expected to cease occupation of the site on 31st October, 2009 but had sought some flexibility in regard to that timescale;


(iii)   would hand back the land to the Council after it had been duly landscaped in accordance with its planning permission and as agreed with the Parks and Leisure Department; and


(iv)  would pay the Council a Licence Fee of £30,000 per annum for the use of the area of land identified.


            The Committee approved the outline terms in respect of the temporary use of the area at the Annadale Embankment, subject to such terms being incorporated in an appropriate Licence Agreement to be drawn up by the Director of Legal Services.


            Proposed Lease to the British Broadcasting

            Corporation of Rooms in the Ulster Hall


            The British Broadcasting Corporation had leased previously a room in the Ulster Hall for use as a recording studio to control the broadcasting of performances held at the Hall.  The termination of the leasing agreement had been approved by the former Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Halls Board on 30th August, 2006 in order to facilitate the planned refurbishment of the Ulster Hall.  Following completion of the work at the Ulster Hall, terms had now been agreed with the Corporation’s agent for a new 10 year lease for a studio and store located on the second floor of the Ulster Hall.  The proposed lease would commence on 1st January, 2009 at an agreed rent of £2,500 per annum which would be reviewable after five years.  The Corporation would pay also an annual service charge to cover the costs of heating and the cleaning and maintenance of common areas and would be responsible for rates and internal repairs plus insurance of its fittings and contents.  The lease would provide a two month rent-free period at its commencement to allow for fitting out by the Corporation.  The terms of the agreement would provide also an opportunity for the lease to be terminated by the Corporation after a period of five years.


            The Committee approved the leasing of the premises at the Ulster Hall to the British Broadcasting Corporation for a term of 10 years at an initial rent of £2,500 per annum, subject to the incorporation of the outline terms and to the completion of an appropriate legal agreement to be prepared by the Director of Legal Services.


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