Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report which provided an update in relation to the review of public administration:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Review of Public Administration (RPA) process is now entering into the critical stage of implementation whereby primary legislation is being drafted, implementation structures established and active consideration being given to the transitional arrangements to be put in place to support local government reform within Northern Ireland.


2.0       Key Issues


2.1       Members will accept that the challenge ahead cannot be underestimated and ensuring that the Council is engaged within the process is paramount to ensuring that the best interests of the citizen, the Council and wider local government sector is pursued throughout the process.


            RPA Implementation Structures


2.2       Update on Policy Development Panels


2.2.1    Members will note that is intended that the initial proposals emerging from the three Policy Development Panels in regard to the necessary Primary (enabling) Legislation will be submitted for the consideration of the NI Assembly in early 2009 and will subsequently be issued for formal consultation (3 months period).


2.3       Regional Transition Coordinating Group 


2.3.1    The Regional Transitional Coordinating Group (RTCG) has been established and held its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 25th November 2008.  The Group is chaired by Paul Simpson, Deputy Secretary of the DoE with the Chief Executive of Belfast City Council as Vice Chair with membership comprising of senior officers from local government and transferring Departments.


2.3.2    The Group will provide the essential interface between the strategic policy direction set by the Strategic Leadership Board and its Policy Development Panels, and the local policy set by the Transition Committees and their operational delivery teams (the Transition Management Teams).  It will oversee the management and integration of the implementation stage of the local government reform programme.


2.3.4    Initial areas for action proposed by the RTCG was the need for clarity around the detail of the transferring functions and associated resources; the importance of establishing a ‘Transfer of Functions Working Group’ to consider the details around transfer; the establishment of a Local Government HR Coordinating Group (comprising officers from local government, the Local Government Staff Commission, transferor bodies and Trade Unions) who would advise on regional human resource and staff transfer implementation issues.


2.4       Belfast City Council’s Transition Committee


2.4.1    The Committee agreed, at its meeting on the 14th November 2008, that the Council be recommended to appoint the Members of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee as the Council’s RPA Transition Committee, the additional meeting of the Committee be used for the meetings of the Transition Committee and that a letter be forwarded to the Minister with responsibility for the Department of the Environment on this basis.  This had been ratified by Council at its meeting on 1st December, 2008.


2.4.2    Subsequently, the Chief Executive has written to the Environment Minister and relevant central government officials outlining the Council’s position in regards to the proposal that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be designated as the Council’s RPA Transitional Committee, that that committee comprises of 20 elected Members appointed on the basis of proportionality using D’Hondt and that an additional monthly meeting of the Committee has been designated for the purpose of RPA Transition.


2.4.3    The Council has also sought for a process of engagement and discussion between relevant Department officials and officers within the Council to develop a draft Terms of Reference for the Transition Committee.  Members will note that a further update report will be submitted to Committee, for consideration, on this issue.


2.4.4    Members will note further that the DoE has indicated that an amount of £150,000 would be made available to each Council to resource the change management implications, staffing and the payment of an additional allowance of £2,700 to each Member who sat on the Transition Committee which would be allocate the payment.  It would be the intention that this payment would be allocated within Belfast City Council on the same basis as the allocation of Special Responsibility allowances.


2.5       Resourcing RPA Implementation


2.5.1    A major issue of concern in moving forward the RPA implementation process is the level and availability of resources necessary to deliver the local government reform process. An implementation plan cannot be realised without appropriate resources are made available to support its delivery


2.5.2    Deloitte has been commissioned by the Department of the Environment to develop a strategic outline business case which sets out the resources required to deliver the local government aspects of the Review of Public Administration.  Early indications from Deloitte would suggest that there is a need for £60million to support the transition process (e.g. moving from 26-11 Councils with additional functions) and £60million to support the transformation (modernisation) process.


2.5.3    NILGA is currently in the process of developing, in partnership with the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, a major ‘Campaign for Resources’ which seeks to ensure that necessary resources are provided by the NI Executive to support the effective implementation of the RPA.  Please refer to Appendix 1 for initial proposals around ‘Campaign for Resources’.


2.5.4    NILGA is seeking to enlist the support of all Council’s and elected Members in taking forward this campaign in regards to lobbying on behalf of local government and ensuring a united front is provided on the need to adequately resource the RPA implementation process.


3.0       Resource Implications


    There are no financial or Human Resources implications contained within this report.


4.0       Recommendations


    Members are asked to:


a)   note the contents of this report;


b)   agree that the Council be fully supportive of the emerging ‘Campaign for Resources’ currently being developed.


Appendix 1


      The intention of the RPA launched in 2002 was to review the entire operation of the public sector. At an early stage Local Government indicated that it would not be appropriate for the sector to pay for the local government aspects of the RPA and this has been the stated position for some time.


      The 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review was originally intended to include a modernisation fund for local government, but this funding was not included in the final budgets. It is understood that the key reason for this is that the bid for resources was not well enough developed at the time.  Local Government is now faced with an unprecedented change process, which if critically underfunded will undermine the capacity of the sector to change and to become a key partner with government in enhancing public services. NILGA members have raised this issue at a political level on many occasions.


      As agreed at the last Full Executive meeting on Friday 28 November, NILGA will now embark on a major Campaign for Resources, and lobby strategically for the resources needed to support RPA.


      The President asks:


      That the NILGA RPA Working Group designs a campaign in partnership with SOLACE, to seek to ensure that the Executive provide the necessary resources to ensure the RPA can be effectively delivered in local government.


      Any campaign could include;


·         An assessment of the resources required at an essential and desirable level to support delivery to ensure a balanced and professional approach. (Early indications from Deloitte would suggest £60M for transition and £60M for transformation)


·         Write to all the Ministers on the Executive and all MLAs


·         Organise an awareness raising event at Stormont


·         Seek meetings with DFP and the Environment Committees


·         Initiate a strategic press campaign on the issue, engaging all the councils to ensure regional coverage


·         Provide councils with materials to campaign both in their local press and to lobby their local MLAs.


·         Engage the parties - offer to meet with the party councillor associations to advise them on the critical need for funding. (Meet with Party leaders?)


·         Request NILGA members and all councillors to lobby their own party hierarchies


·         Engage the other local government organisations to ensure a united front is provided on resources”


            The Committee agreed to support the emerging campaign which seeks to ensure that adequate resources are provided by the Northern Ireland Executive for the effective implementation of the Review of Public Administration.


Supporting documents: