Agenda item

To receive a presentation from Mr William Mckee, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Update on “New Directions”


            The Committee was informed that Mr. W. McKee, Chief Executive, and Ms. D. Stockman, Director of Planning and Redevelopment, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, were in attendance to provide an update on the Trust’s New Directions document, which outlined the future delivery of health and social care services in Belfast.  The deputation was admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman (Councillor D. Dodds).


            Mr. McKee outlined the background to the establishment of the new Belfast Health and Social Care Trust which had been formed as a result of the recommendations arising from the Review of Public Administration.  He explained that the Trust employed almost 22,000 staff, provided services for more than 340,000 people in Belfast and regional services to the whole of Northern Ireland and had an annual budget of approximately £1 billion.   He commented on the capitation formula and the fact that it did not take account fully of the extent of deprivation in the City and the poor effect this had on health.  He stated that in August, 2008 the Trust had published a consultation document entitled “New Directions: A Conversation on the Future Delivery of Health and Social Care Services in Belfast”, the aim of which was to commence a process of examining how it would deliver its services in the future.


            Ms. Stockman provided an overview of the New Directions document, the associated consultation process, a summary of the responses which had been received and the consequent Trust actions.  In addition to the responses which had been received in relation to the specific questions which had been raised in the consultation document, a number of other themes had emerged.  These had included, inter-alia, the current financial challenges which the Trust faced as a result of the Comprehensive Spending Review, the need to distinguish between those local services provided by the Trust for the people of Belfast and those which were provided within the Trust area on a regional basis, as well as the fact that the reconfiguration of services must not be based solely on financial pressures but must be clinically-led and evidence-based.


            She then highlighted the general and specific recommendations and the next steps which would be taken by the Trust as a result of the review.  The Trust had indicated that it would consult on each key proposal for change to the necessary extent in keeping with its commitment to engage with staff, service users and the general public.  It would also, in the near future, consult in detail upon its plans for mental health services and for unscheduled care, including accident and emergency services.  A second version of the New Directions document would be produced in due course and it was proposed that the document be reviewed bi-annually and a similar document be produced outlining the strategic directions for services in two years time. 


            The deputation then answered a number of questions from the Members in relation to several issues, including the capitation formula, accident and emergency services at the Mater Hospital and the subsequent effect of the closure of those services at the Whiteabbey Hospital, the future use of the land at Belvoir Hospital, the Capital Programme and timetable for the Royal Maternity Hospital for Children and Women, mental health issues and the targets which the Trust was expected to achieve.


            The Chairman thanked Mr. McKee and Ms. Stockman for attending and they retired from the meeting.