Agenda item


            (Ms. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            In considering the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 13th February, the Committee’s attention was drawn to the decision under the heading “Forum for Cities in Transition”.  A copy of the minute in that regard is set out hereunder:


      “The Partnership was advised that correspondence had been received from Professor P. O’Malley informing the Council of a new initiative which was seeking to provide cities experiencing conflict or its aftermath with learning opportunities through the sharing of practical experiences and case studies from other cities in transition in dealing with practical problems of housing, construction, economic development, tourism, transport, joint planning, local services and the generation of a positive image for the future.


      The cities which had been identified for participation included Beirut (Lebanon), Belfast, Brussels (Belgium), Kirkuk (Iraq), Mitrovica (Kosovo/Serbia) and Nicosica (Cyprus).  An intensive three-day workshop had been planned to be held between the 14th and 16th April in Boston, Massachusetts and Belfast had been invited to nominate four representatives to attend the event.  The purpose of the sessions would be to learn the lessons from each other, to draw parallels where appropriate and to discuss the feasibility of establishing a Forum for Cities in Transition.  Professor O’Malley stated that to date, five other cities had agreed to participate and the nominated delegates had been invited to draw up the agenda for the workshops.  He pointed out that expenses for attendance, including transportation and accommodation would be provided from non-governmental, academic and charitable resources.  However, subsequent programmes might emerge, the details and the funding for which would be agreed by the participants at the event to be held in Boston in April.


      The Chairman indicated that she was of the view that the proposed Forum might be a good idea in principle, however, there would need to be greater clarity around the proposed programme and its prospective benefits to enable the Council to make a decision regarding the value of Belfast’s participation.


      Several Members suggested that Belfast had a range of experiences, both good and bad, which should be shared with others and acknowledged the potential value which might be derived from attendance and networking at such an event.  However, some Members expressed significant reservations about the level of details available on which to base a formal decision.  Members indicated that information was required on a number of issues, including the need for full details of which cities had committed to participate and the proposed members of the delegations from each; the need for a detailed programme for the duration of the conference, including the general issues to be covered in each session and the formal contributions expected from Belfast and each of the other cities; the need for written confirmation to the Council of the proposed travel arrangements, accommodation and subsistence arrangements and the extent to which these and other necessary costs would be covered by the organisers; the need for more clarity on the organisers’ intentions for the future functioning and funding of the network; and the necessity for a budget of the event, including details of any financial sponsors to comply with the Council’s legal obligations regarding the source of any financial support for events such as this.


      Members expressed reservations about attending an event, at no cost to the Council and outlined their concerns that to do so might then mean that the Council would be under pressure to fund a similar event in the future that would require additional funding which had not been provided for within Council budgets.  Members suggested also that the Council had a requirement to defend any decision to incur significant costs in travelling to conferences, and that to travel to this event free of charge, and not participate further may harm the integrity of the Council.


      After further discussion, it was


Proposed by Mr. P. Mackel,

Seconded by Mr. S. Brennan,


      That the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be recommended at its meeting on Friday 20th February to approve in principle, the attendance of four representatives from the Council at the three-day workshop on Cities in Transition to be held in Boston Massachusetts, subject to adequate additional information being provided in advance in relation to those cities taking part, a detailed programme and written confirmation of proposed arrangements, the level of further commitment required, clarity in regard to future events and the Council’s legal obligation regarding the source of any financial support required


      On a vote by show of hands twelve Members voted for the proposal and two against and it was accordingly declared carried.”


            The Good Relations Manager tabled for the information of the Members further details in this regard.  The Committee, having considered all the information available, agreed that there would be no material benefit to be gained in representatives of the Council attending the aforementioned Conference and accordingly rejected the decision of the Good Relations Partnership.


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