Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Council’s Performance Management Framework required all Departments to prepare Plans which linked to both the Corporate and Service Plans.  The Plans for the Chief Executives, Legal Services and Corporate Services Departments and the Improvement Unit identified the actions, initiatives and events to be undertaken for 2009/2010.  Those Departments provided the support services in the corporate aim of “An organisation fit to lead and serve”.


            The contents of the Plans reflected the themes and objectives which had been set by the Members within the Corporate Plan 2008-2011 and had been aligned to and had helped inform the updated plan.  The nature of the actions within the Departmental Plans complemented the Members’ Plan for the City and had been placed in context with the Council’s Value Creation Map and included performance indicators and financial information such as the cost of delivering key services.  The Plans provided also a mechanism to enable the Committee and senior managers to performance manage the key work of the Departments in line with the Corporate Plan.  In addition, they should assist managers and officers in the relevant Departments to take decisions and allocate resources in line with the agreed objectives and activities.  Departments would provide regular updates to the Committee on the progress of their Plans and key work as appropriate.


            The Committee approved the Departmental Plans for the Chief Executives Department, Legal Services Department, Improvement Unit and Corporate Services Department for 2009/2010 and granted approval under delegated authority for the outlined activities to be undertaken.  A copy of the key achievements for 2008/2009 and the key actions for 2009/2010 as detailed in the Plans for each of the four Departments is set out hereunder:






        Better Leadership


·         Implemented a programme of restructuring of the Belfast District Policing Partnership and its four Sub?Groups, including the organisation of an Induction Programme for all newly appointed District Policing Partnership Members and 16 Sub?Group meetings held in public.


·         Organised major, high profile events in the City, from alternative venues, during the refurbishment of the City Hall


·         Provided support for the Lord Mayor to deliver the ‘Belfast 2009’ message thereby enhancing the profile of the Council and providing civic leadership for the City


        Better Support for People and Communities


·         Held four Belfast District Policing Partnership General Forum for Discussion events in conjunction with the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Community Safety Partnership


·         Secured award of £6.3m of European funding under measure 1.1 of the Peace III Peace & Reconciliation Programme


·         Supported over 70 local initiatives that promoted better community and race relations in the city through the provision of over £310,000 in grant-aid


·         Appointed a specialist post of minority ethnic/migrant workers’ officer


·         Successfully delivered the  bonfire management programme in 2008 resulting in praise from the police and emergency services since measurable outcomes included significant decreases in incidents of anti?social behaviour, substantially reduced numbers of call-outs from the emergency services and less damage to property.


·         Used the research findings from the Peace II funded Conflict Transformation Project, completed in June 2008, to enhance our Peace Plan and inform our future work on a cross-city basis


·         Established a new more representative Good Relations Partnership to direct the Council’s work in good relations and equality, with additional responsibility for managing the delivery of the Peace III Programme in the city.


·         Established an inter-agency Migrant Workers’ Forum for the city, in association with a range of external statutory and voluntary agencies, to enhance sharing of information and best practice.


·         Established a Faith Forum for the City, to promote better engagement between the Council and faith groups and their contribution to civic affairs.


·         Worked closely with the Lord Mayor to celebrate the growing diversity of the city and hosted events for the following minority communities: Indian, Chinese, Mandarin, Islamic, Polish and Filipino cultures; plus Irish Travellers, Refugees and Asylum Seekers.


·         Implemented a programme of initiatives on behalf of the Lord Mayor, to engage with a wide range of organisations, illustrating the spectrum of civic life in Belfast


        Better Services


·         Developed and launched an Equality Reference Guide for employees, to assist staff to understand different faiths, cultures and related issues


·         Developed and delivered the Council’s first Disability Action Plan demonstrating our commitment to promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people


·         Developed and delivered a range of specialist good relations training courses for staff, including migrant awareness and anti-racism training


·         BCC’s website traffic has increased fourfold, over the last four years and is on target to receive 2m visitors this year.


·         Established web panel with ISB to co-ordinate use of new communications technologies


·         Developed and implemented a Council-wide IT system for complaints monitoring


·         Implemented SAP financial system in all sections


·         Established web panel with ISB to co-ordinate use of new communications technologies


        Better Value for Money


            Finance: Efficiency Savings


·         Total efficiencies achieved by reducing communications budgets in relation to graphic design and publications in association with departments, and by bringing in revenue by accepting advertising in City Matters and A-Z amounted to £435,000 in 2008/09


·         Total gross efficiencies since the implementation of the Review of Communications since 2006 is £1.27m (approx) (£810k net allowing for staffing changes)


·         Total efficiencies achieved by reducing communications budgets in relation to graphic design publications and advertising in association with departments, by reducing recruitment advertising spend by managing it in-house and by bringing in revenue by accepting advertising in City Matters will total £570,000 in 2009/10


        Corporate Human Resource Management


·         Supported the Members’ Development Framework which included the roll out of a programme of general training events and the co-ordination and administration of Members’ personal development activities


·         Provided complaints awareness and monitoring training to front line staff in various departments


        Communications and engagement


·         Developed and rolled out a new City Brand working with BVCB and Ardmore Advertising on launch and roll out of brand and the development of guidelines.


·         BCC’s website is top of all local authorities in Northern Ireland. The prestigious assessment from SOCITM has the website in the transactional category, the only Northern Ireland website to reach the standard for past two years.


·         City Matters has won the gold award as the Best Newspaper or Magazine at Northern Ireland’s Chartered Institute of Public Relations Awards in 2008


·         Evaluation of media coverage carried out by independent consultants shows 84% of newspaper stories about BCC are positive.


·         Developed new websites for Belfast Zoo, Waterfront Hall and Ulster Hall


·         Redesigned and launched a new website for the council and a new internal information system to ensure staff updated on council issues and the RPA including new team briefing system developed and managers trained to deliver; upgraded and improved web-based Interlink site and Intercom staff magazine now produced six times per year


·         Produced A-Z of council services, paid for by advertising.


·         Brought design of a number of publications and PR initiatives in-house, including Belfast 2009; St George’s Markets (savings of around £30k); recruitment and public notice advertising in joint initiative with HR (will result in efficiencies of at least £100k); and working with departments on development of major waste management and anti?litter advertising campaigns


·         Review of advertising approved by council and new advertising manager appointed December 2008


        Audit, Governance & Risk


·         Introduced the publishing of reports on the system in advance of Committee meetings




        The Chief Executive’s Department is committed to the development of its staff.  The Department has combined both the Council’s Corporate Competency Approach and the Individual Performance Management process to identify development needs for its staff.  Each member of staff in the Department has a Personal Development Plan which contains development needs based on a review of the individual’s job profile and identified through key tasks he/she has to deliver.


      It is the Department’s intention to combine individual development plans and create a Departmental Development Plan so that effective monitoring and evaluation can take place.  The Departmental Management Team will review the benefits or outcomes of learning and development on a quarterly basis during the monitoring of Departmental key tasks.  Further information on the Department’s approach to learning and development is contained in individual Section business plans.


      The Department’s commitment to recognising the value which is placed on its staff is also reflected by the involvement of all Sections in the development of this Departmental Plan.  Senior managers have consulted with their staff in the development of Section Business Plans and there has been 2-way communication between Sections and the Departmental Management Team when this Departmental Plan was being drafted.  Prior to its submission to Committee for formal approval, each Section will ensure that all of its staff are made aware of the key tasks and indicators for the coming year and staff representative groups will be advised of the content of the Departmental Plan.


5.     THEMES


        Our departmental themes for 2009-2010 are aligned with the corporate planning cycle for 2008-2011.  All priorities, key projects and activities have been aligned under the themes of:


1.Better Leadership – strong, fair, together;


2.Better opportunities for success across the city;


3.Better care for Belfast’s environment – a clean, green city now and for the future;


4.Better support for people and communities;


5.Better services – listening and delivering; and


6.Better value for money – can-do, accountable, efficient Council.


6.     KEY ACTIONS FOR 2009/10


        Better Leadership


·         Support the preparation for RPA and in particular addressing the governance arrangements for transferring services


·         Deliver Peace Plan in line with SEUPB expenditure targets


·         Update the inter-agency Good Relations Plan for Belfast in line with revised government policy


        Better Support for People and Communities


·         Continue work with Community Safety Unit on hate crime issue


·         Continue to mainstream good relations principles into every aspect of Council business


·         Implement, in conjunction with the Council’s Community Safety Partnership, the Northern Ireland Policing Board, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and other key stakeholders, a year-long programme of events/initiatives which aim to promote the objective of a Safer City.


        Better Services


·         Implement the outcomes of the review of the Centre and Communications Review


·         Ensure close collaboration internally between all of our sections and those responsible for the delivery of the Customer Focus, Information Management, Communications and Consultation and Engagement strategies to ensure alignment of our services to the corporate priorities.


·         Develop and integrate a Communications Framework for the Civic Dignitaries


·         Take the lead in working with ISB and departments towards ensuring council services are transactional on-line.


·         Consult, brief and work with Councillors on developing new communication technologies to assist them in their work


·         Undertake and evaluate a Members’ satisfaction survey relating to the services provided by the Committee and Members’ Services Section.


        Better Value for Money


            Finance: Efficiency Savings


·         Identify and work with departments/sections to achieve further efficiency savings to be used to keep the rates down but also re-invested in developing communications technologies.


·         Work with Core Improvement to identify ways of capturing savings


·         Make total annual savings of around £250K as a result of the work  identified for 09/10 of the recently recruited Advertising Manager


            Communications and engagement


·         Sharpen the effectiveness of internal communications, by further developing new Interlink site and introducing further initiatives.


·         Develop the role of lead communicators and the Communications Forum


·         Develop a greater corporate, and extended city-wide, remit for Corporate Communications team through the City Brand, Belfast 2009, City Matters and the website.


·         Ensure the council continues to be in the top 10 of UK websites


·         Win at least one award for website/City Matters


·         Develop and implement a council-wide strategy with regard to the council’s website and new communications technologies, including email marketing, podcasts, video,  etc, with a view to improving access for ‘hard to reach’ audiences.


·         Increase the frequency of City Matters to six editions per year.


·         Media Relations Officers extending their impressive track record with the print media into rapidly expanding web news media;


·         Further roll out of Internal Communications Plan


·         Implementation of Publications Policy audit


            Corporate Assets


·         Plan and implement the return of Councillors and staff, together with the associated functions and services to the City Hall


·         Contribute to the arrangements for celebrating the re?opening of the City Hall and ensure that the programme is as inclusive and diverse as possible and the building is welcoming to everyone


            Corporate Audit, Governance & Risk


·         Undertake a review of the Council’s Governance Arrangements


·         Implement the tracking of Council/Committee decisions on the system








      The Department is committed to working towards the corporate objectives as detailed in the corporate plan.


      A review of the contribution made by the Department in the past year has been outlined below against each objective. 


      Theme 1 – Leadership





·         City Investment Strategy

Titanic Signature Project, governance arrangements

ConnswaterGreeway, agreement with Board


·         RPA

Representation on Policy Development Panel


·         Local Government Boundary Commission

Challenge successfully repelled and key assets retained at Forestside and the Harbour Estate. Estimated - £10 million per annum.


·         Dargan Road Fatal landfill Accident

Council fined £40k for H&S failures. Fine at lower end of what is an unlimited scale


·         Nolan Show (Chicago visit)

BBC acknowledged deficiencies in how the show was presented


      Theme 2 – Environment





·         ARC 21 & NWP-Organic Waste Treatment Contract


Development Agreement, Lease arrangements

·         Arc 21 Organic Waste contract


Settled the terms of the £18m contract

·         ARC 21

Potential Purchase of lands at Northforeshore


·         NWP v ARC 21

Oversaw and advised upon the outworking of the High Court judgement through to the implementation of the contract and recovered costs from insurers


·         SWAMP

Drafted Statutory Order for incorporation (£10m)


·         Cemetery

Site Selection


      Theme 3 – City Regeneration





·         Connswater Greenway

£5m - Agreement between the Council and the East Belfast Partnership Board.


·         Tall Ships

Assisted with the incorporation of a company to run the Tall Ships race 2009


·         Velodrome 

Proposed citing at BlanchflowerPark. - Report on Titles for each proposed site


·         ARP Phase II -Renewing the Routes


Licences for Works and Deeds of Covenants and Charge completed

·         BCC v Mis-Behavin

Defendant found guilty of operating a sex establishment without a licence.


·         Licensing Committee

High number of appeals in which the Council’s position is vindicated either through the imposition of restrictive conditions or outright refusal


      Theme 4 – People & Communities





·          Grove Well Being Centre


£15m Leases, Deeds of Covenant, Conveyance of Skegoneil Site

·          Grove Well Being Centre


Day Care Centre Lease - Lease executed

·          Community Day Care


Ballygomartin South Lease agreed

·          Shaftesbury Recreation Centre

£2 million in funding packages  - Deed of Surrender & Re-Lease agreed and executed


·          Fire Station- Dunmurry

Agreement for Lease relating to construction of Fire Station in Dunmurry area finalised.


Note :-  Work instructed by Fire & Rescue Service directly beneficial to citizens of Belfast


      Theme 6 - Better Value for Money





·         Landfill-Gas Powered Electricity Production


Negotiated the contract and Lease with the Contractor



·         Waste Management landfill tax recoupment


£1m potential -claiming back Landfill Tax that

·         Net Expenditure

The Department reported additional fee income from other Local Authorities of £130K


      Theme 7 - HR Management





·         Single Status issues

Completion of further compromise agreements,


·         Employment Claims

Details reported to the Audit Assurance Panel


      Theme 13 – Assurance Governance & Risk





·         Development of Corporate Health & Safety systems

Identified key components of new corporate H&S regime and devices through which the corporate profile is raised particularly having regard to Corporate Manslaughter Act.




      The majority of work is reactive to instructions from frontline Departments and therefore it is difficult to plan on a case specific basis. The examples listed below give a flavour of the contributions anticipated to be made by the Department in pursuit of the corporate objectives.


      Theme 1 – Leadership





·          RPA

Continued involvement in PDP’s

Support the Council’s responses to legislative consultation


·          City Investment Strategy

Governance & Management issues

Funding Agreement for Lyric Theatre


      Theme 2 – Environment





·         Arc 21



Principal point of contact for all procurement matters including residual waste.

Waste disposals alternatives

Site selection


·         M1 Vesting

£1.25 million of compensation monies received from DRD. To resolve title issues re: remainder of compensation monies (£260K)


      Theme 3 – City Regeneration





·         Connswater Community Greenway Project


Enable relevant legal documents to be prepared for this £30m project


·         A2 Widening, Connswater link and Connswater Junction


To resolve title issues in relation to King George V Playing Fields and Victoria Park to facilitate various projects

·         Connswater Greenway

Agreement with the Rivers Agency on Contract issues, and the purchase of lands


·         Velodrome Bid

To provide advice in respect of the issues arising from Sport N.I’s rejection of the Councils bids for funding


      Theme 4 – People & Communities





·         Lyric Theatre

To draft the bespoke Funding agreement and Deed of Covenant and Charge that the Council will use to secure it’s funding of this project.


      Theme 7 - HR Management





·         Absence Management

To comply with the absence management protocol


·         Performance

Implement IPM for senior officers


·         Single Status issues

To provide further advice in respect of ongoing potential equal pay claims, craft employees and implementation issues raised.


·         IIP

Participate in the assessment process for Internal reviewers


      Theme 8 – Financial Planning






Contribute to the efficiency programme

Comply with policy/procedures and timetables for budgetary management


      Theme 10 – Planning and Performance





·         Strategic Planning

Complete Departmental and VCM while providing all necessary information for performance indicators


      Theme 11 – Communication & Engagement





·         Staff Comms

Hold regular Team Briefings


      Theme 12 – Assets





·         Disposal of Lands at Colin Glen.

To draft, negotiate and finalise contract and transfer documents to HIHE/Clanmill


·         Ann Napier Centre

Agree with the Clarawood Community Association the terms of their Sub-Licence with the Council


·         Boathouse Project at Barnett Demesne by BAC & DCAL

To resolve encroachment issue onto Council property – LPS instructed to value.  Licence for works being drawn up.  Lease to be drafted to grant to DCAL on completion of works.


·         Shore Road Development

Deed of Variation terms to enable the £15m project to proceed


      Theme 13 – Assurance Governance & Risk





·         Interreg

To settle funding documentation for use by the council in its role as Lead Partner of COMET


·         Peace III

To settle the documentation to be used by the Council


·         Scheme of Delegation

Make proposals to make a revised Scheme fit for purpose


·         Constitution

To draft proposals on a Constitution for Belfast


·         Risk Registers

Quarterly review of Risk Registers






5.0  KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2008/2009


       Better Leadership


      Place – shaping – North, South, East, West framework –

      meetings with Members


        Review of Public Administration (RPA)


·         Secured and supported Council representation (both Members and senior officers) on the RPA policy development and implementation structures (e.g. Strategic Leadership Boards, Policy Development Panels and Regional Transition Coordinating Group)


·         Established internal governance arrangements to take forward the implementation of the RPA process e.g. designation of RPA Transition Committee (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee) and Transition Management Team (e.g. COMT);


·         Established internal programme management and support structures to drive forward the RPA process;


·         Informed and shaped the policy agenda of Local Government through ongoing proactive and constructive engagement with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) and Society of Local Authorities (SOLACE); and


·         Secured £150,000 grant funding from DoE to support the RPA transitional process.


      City Investment Projects


·         City Investment Fund established;


·         £10 Million funding secured by BCC towards the £100 Million fund for the Titanic Signature Project (TSP);


·         Connswater Community Greenway (CCG) - Infrastructure to support the delivery of CCG established and £4.2 Million of Council funding achieved;


·         Funding secured for Lyric - £1.5M and OldMuseum Arts Centre – £0.5M; and


·         Accountability framework for key projects established.


      Further projects


·         City Hall refurbishment phase one complete on target;


·         Ulster hall operational;


·         Visitor Centre opened at the Zoo for Parks & Leisure: new entrance and visitors facility, delivered on time and within budget;


·         Acquisition of Lanyon Place office space and Roselawn Cemetery extension land;


·         City 3-D Model – Partnership established with University of UIster and Harvard school of design; and


·         Grove Well Being Centre operational May 2008.


      Better Support for People and Communities


            Key achievements


·         Safer City - supported the Chief Executive;


·         Children and Young People working groups; and


·         Policy and planning support to thematic group.


      Better Services


            Key achievements


·         Customer Focus Strategy developed; and


·         Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Silver award for Best Event Category for the staff ‘Making a Difference’ (MAD) awards.


      Better Value for Money – An Organisation Fit to Lead and Serve


            Key achievements




·         Efficiency savings of £2.7 Million identified for 09/10;


·         Integration of financial planning with business planning ongoing;


·         Vacant property exercise resulted in approximately £3 Million of recovered rates; and


·         Rate guidance to Members published.


            Policy, Planning and Performance


·         New corporate plan developed;


·         Thematic corporate plan budget established of £500,000;


·         Integrated policy framework developed and agreed;


·         Strategic planning and performance frameworks implemented;


·         Theme work programmes established;


·         Performance management system procured and developed;


·         140 corporate performance indicators identified and collected;


·         16 service and departmental VCMs developed across the council – all aligned to the corporate strategy;


·         15-20 performance indicators identified for each service to enable services to manage performance;


·         VCM 08/09 cascade complete;


·         Ongoing policy support across the organisation on major consultation and emerging strategic issues, e.g. Bamford Review;


·         Programme management framework being developed;


·         Contributed to the development of the Chief Officer appraisal scheme; and


·         Responded to 11 corporate consultations.


      Communication and Engagement


            Internal Communications


·         New staff intranet (Interlink) developed and launched;


·         New team brief system established and evaluation system being developed;


·         Getting people connected piloted in December ’08; and


·         Community engagement and consultation review ongoing.




·          Asset management group established and strategy being developed;


·          Gateway review process – training complete and reviews being rolled out; and


·          Rent reviews settlement in 08/09 resulted in an increase in the rent base by £300,000 and a windfall of £600,000.




        Better Leadership


      A key role for the Improvement Department will be to ensure that the Council is prepared to respond to and take advantage of the out workings of the RPA.  The Department will also help to establish the Council’s place shaping role through better use of the city’s assets. 


      Key actions


·         Co-ordinate the overall implementation and shape the outcomes of the RPA and Community Planning within the Council


·         Assist with the implementation of the review of the centre recommendations


·         Continue with the development of the Council’s Asset Management Strategy


·         Continue the implementation of the City Investment Strategy (including the development and delivery of ‘big’ projects and the capital programme)


·         Connswater Community Greenway – achieve land assembly and reward design and build contract


·         Agree a prioritised and affordable list of place-shaping projects – North, South, East, West


      Better Environment


      The Project Management and Estates sections within the Department will help to protect the city’s natural and built heritage by promoting environmentally friendly design, sustainable site usage and the preservation of old buildings.


      Key actions


·         Incorporate environmentally efficient design


·         Redesign the use of old buildings in the city


·         Develop a BREEAM model (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Model)


      Better Services


      A key objective within this theme is the development of a strategic approach to customer focus within all aspects of the Council’s work. 


      Key actions


·         Implement the Customer Focus Strategy


·         Support the development of Local Area Working


      Better Value for Money – An Organisation Fit to Lead and Serve


      This theme is all about the need for the Council to link strategic and financial planning to the delivery of our objectives.  As the Department responsible for aligning and co-ordinating this theme through the OFTLS Group, we will play a central role in the delivery of the efficiency programme and in ensuring that our assets and resources are used in a way which delivers improved performance and better value for money for the citizen. 




·         Develop a Service Level Agreement with Land and Property Services (LPS)


·         Support the development and implementation of the efficiency programme


·         Develop a strategic plan for procurement spend


·         Fit capital expenditure within affordability limits


·         Support the budget and transformation panel


      Policy, Planning and Performance


·         Implement the Policy Framework


·         Develop the Corporate Plan update 2010/2011


·         Support the VCM cascade process and the development of a thematic working approach


·         Implement the Performance Management framework


·         Roll-out the Performance Management System


·         Support the implementation of the Accountability Framework


·         Develop and implement the Programme Management Framework


·         Further integrate council planning frameworks


      Communication and Engagement


·         Complete the development of a Consultation and Engagement Strategy


·         Implement the Internal Communications Plan


·         Develop an External Relations Strategy




·         Implement a ‘Gateway’ process for capital projects


·         Manage our leased assets


·         Provide professional property related advice and guidance


·         Develop a policy for sale and leasing of community assets


·         Manage the Corporate land bank






KEY ACTIONS 2009/2010


Theme 1     BetterCity Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together


1.   Influence the provision and modernisation of IT in the region

i.    Develop partnership with the DoE

ii.   Influence and engage with RPA working groups


2.   Develop a contingency plan in respect of delivery of street lighting services


3.   Align all structural and operational reviews to corporate priorities in preparation for RPA


Theme 2     Better care for Belfast’s Environment


1,   Implement virtualisation of PCs and Servers


2.   Develop a printer strategy


3.   Implement Unified Communications


4.   Enable Mobile working and alignment to Asset Strategy


5.   Implement a process to ensure compliance with the WEEE directive for all IT equipment


6.   Complete Council Sustainable Development Action Plan 2009/11


7.   Devise and Implement Carbon emission Reduction Plan


8.   Devise and Implement Monitoring of Utility Consumption and Cost


9.   Devise and Implement Energy Efficiency Measures


10.Devise and Implement Energy Training and Awareness programme


11.Include CO² emissions programme as part of Fleet Assets strategy


12.Lead the joint BCC/Translink/DRD Roads Service Working Group to deliver a staff travel smartcard scheme


Theme 3     Better Opportunities for Success across the City


1.   Market and Re-launch City Hall tours


2.   Give effect to the theming of a new coffee shop in City Hall


Theme 4     Better support for People and Communities


1.   Collaborate with partners to further develop the Portal


2.   Pilot the use of wireless connectivity (I-Burst) to improve communication channels with ‘mobile’ council staff


3.   Maximise opportunity for funding e.g. European funding


4.   Research best practice for e-democracy in Local Government


Theme 5     Better Services – Listening and Delivering


1.   Develop new channels for customer access to information and services


2.   Provide self service for staff


3.   Promote mobile working for frontline staff


4.   Extend range of e-enabled customer services


5.   To develop structures aimed at supporting the delivery of customer focused services in line with the customer focus strategy


Theme 6     Better Value for Money – a can do, affordable, efficient Council


        Corporate Human Resources


1.   Planning for HR implications of the implementation aspects of RPA


2.   Agree and implement RPA approach to managing vacancies effectively (as appropriate


3.   Implement HR strategy and year 2 of the Workforce Development Plan


4.   Continued implementation of a corporate approach to the IIP Framework


5.   Work in conjunction with Member Services’ to implement the Member Development Programme


6.   Continue to implement a corporate approach to personal development planning for Members and Officers


7.   Implement Absence Management initiatives


8.   Design and delivery of aligned development activities for Chief Officers, Heads of Service and Senior Managers


9.   Develop and implement revised Chief Officer, Heads of Service and Senior Management individual performance review scheme


10.Develop a Diversity Strategy


11.Develop capacity building programme including succession planning in the context of RPA


12.Develop and implement corporate learning and development policy


13.Report on corporate health indicators including absence, overtime and agency staff numbers


14.Develop HR’s management information system


15.All key BIS policies, procedures and practices reviewed, agreed and communicated to support effective organisational change


16  To apply a stringent challenge when developing structures and posts with the aim of achieving more for less


17.Examine relativities across the organisation to support the move towards the creation of job families


18.Complete reviews of categorisation, job evaluation, honoraria processes and structural pay and grading reviews within BIS to support the corporate improvement agenda


Theme 6     Better Value for Money – a can do, accountable, efficient Council


        Corporate Financial Planning


1.   Further refine Medium Term Financial Plan


2.   Agree new system for Internal Trading


3.   Pilot integrated, on-line (self service) solution for staff attending events; agree programme; roll-out through Council


4.   Review Council Travel Procurement Processes with a view to providing online, (self service) system and pilot same


5.   Publish year one Employee Travel data


6.   Progress on-line pilot of mileage and subsistence claims (self service) and devise roll out programme


7.   To address all issues raised in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Audit reports


8.   Implement review of Financial Management process and roll?out programme


9.   Review BCC Financial Regulations and Accounting Manuals and guidelines


10.Include on-line version of above to include intelligent search options in Web based format


11.Develop and deliver Financial Management training programme for all budget holders


12.Complete and submit all financial plans and reports on schedule and in line with corporate planning process including

i     Outline Financial Planning Cycle

ii    Annual Abstract of Accounts

iii   Budget Report y/e March 08

iv   Publish Audited Accounts

v    Efficiency proposals 2010/11

vi   Report mid year financial position

vii  Submit for agreement District Rate 2010/11


13.Agree and implement proposals contained in the Sector Report


14.Develop and Deliver Financial Management training programme for all budget holders with emphasis on Council payment policy and processes


Theme 6     Better Value for Money – a can do, affordable, efficient Council


      Corporate Information Management


1.     Develop and Implement

-     an Information Management Strategy

-     a Printer Management Strategy

-     a Data Quality Policy

-     A Corporate Business intelligence Tool


2.   Align IT governance arrangements to the IM Strategy


3    Extend e-enabled Customer Services


4.   Facilitate and support collaboration facilities for front line staff

-     Mobile Computing

-     Pilot unified communications


5.   Improve Telephony

-     Council Telephone Rationalisation

-     Mobile Telephony Policy and Rationalisation

-     Rollout of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)


6.   Establish Business Process Re-engineering


7.   Implement virtualisation of PC/s/Servers


8.   Improve IT Service Management through the adoption of the industry standard ITIL practices (the Information Technology Infrastructure Library)

-     Implement a Disaster Recovery Plan

-     Review Business Continuity arrangements

-     Roll-out Office 2007


9.   Carry out bench marking exercise


      Audit, Governance and Risk Services


1.   Implement Audit Panel’s agreed programme of work


2.   Annual assurance on the Council’s risk management, internal control and governance processes


3.   Complete programme of VFM studies as agreed with the Audit Panel, to contribute to the efficiency programme


4.   Annual Governance statement Independent review during 2009/20 that AGRS complies with professional standards for the practice of internal audit in local government


5.   Contribute to effective IT governance through Information Panel and related Boards


6.   Provide fraud awareness training to managers throughout the Council


7.   Develop assurance framework further


8.   Annual audit of implementation of agreed Code of Governance”


Supporting documents: