Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The Parks & Leisure Committee, at their meeting on 11 May 2009, to which Members of the Development Committee were invited, adopted the recommendation to note the current position and agreed:


1.   that the Council should proceed with the development of facilities comprising one grass pitch, one 3G pitch, changing accommodation with attached community rooms, outdoor play areas at Loughside/Mount Vernon, general open space and associated works; subject to planning permission being approved for the overall joint development proposals and payment of the £14.051m capital receipt by Bayshore Developments Ltd. on completion of the sale; and


2.   to commend the decision of the Committee to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.  At their meeting on 22 May 2009, the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee agreed to defer for one month consideration of a report in relation to the development of the Loughside Park to enable further information to be provided.


Key Issues


      The overriding issue to ensure that monies are released and that this scheme goes forward is to obtain planning permission, which, in turn, is dependent on putting back adequate facilities.


      The decision of the Community & Recreation Committee in January 2007 (to provide a replacement pitch, play area and a community focussed facility at Loughside and a kickabout/activity area at Mount Vernon) was unlikely to obtain planning permission as the Planning Service had difficulties, both with loss of open space and with additional retail provision arising from the developer’s proposals.


      The latter point has been improved through the change in the deal to bring in Asda as the main retail tenant.   The issue of the single pitch and what exactly was meant by a community focussed facility needed to be addressed by Council staff in Parks and Community Services.


      In working up the detail of specification for the Council facilities with the Parks & Leisure and Development Departments, an Economic Appraisal was commissioned to provide an independent assessment of the proposals. This was carried out in accordance with the Northern Ireland Practical Guide to the Green Book (as published by the Department of Finance and Personnel).


      Economic Appraisal is considered to be a key tool for achieving value for money and satisfying public accountability requirements and is based on an assessment of needs, objectives, options, costs, benefits, risks, funding, affordability and other factors relevant to spending decisions.


      Although the Community & Recreation Committee had previously decided that a community focussed facility and single pitch should be provided, the Economic Appraisal took other factors and changed circumstances into account.


B                             Strategic Policy and Resources Committee,

1232                                          Friday, 19th June, 2009




      These included:


§         The community consultation, carried out in October 2006;


-  which indicated that the sports element was essential and that community meeting rooms would be adequate;


§         Planning Service’s comments regarding the lack of need for significant additional retail space and reduction in open space;


-  this has been addressed by the inclusion of Asda as the anchor retailer meaning relocation of nearby retail rather than additional space; with additional family housing  proposed for the old Asda site;


-  enhanced pitch and play facilities;


§         The construction of the Grove Wellbeing Centre;


-  all of the indoor activities currently provided in the Loughside Recreation Centre are now available at this new facility (which is less than 1 mile away);


§         The Parks & Leisure Department’s Framework for Play Provision in Belfast;


§         The Development Department’s Community Support Plan to facilitate and support community development rather than directly provide community facilities.


      There is a counter argument that the local community were promised by Council officer(s) a more substantial centre but we have been unable to verify who made such a promise, when it was done or what it consisted of.  In any event, the substantial decision is that of the Council of January 2007, which is unlikely to obtain planning permission, and on which the Committee is being asked to endorse the change agreed by the Parks & Leisure Committee of 11 May 2009.


      Members should also note that the Council is under an obligation to cooperate fully with the developer for the purposes of obtaining planning permission for the overall development proposals.


Resource Implications




      Council will accrue a capital receipt of £14.051m (less a £150,000 deposit already paid by the developer) when planning permission is granted and the sale is completed.


      The provision of the facilities on the basis recommended by the Economic Appraisal would require an amount of approximately £4.5m of capital funding.  Although there would be some ongoing operational revenue expenditure this is not anticipated to be significant as the facility is expected to be managed through an agreement with a local community/sports organisation.


      To proceed with the development based on a community focussed building would require a further amount of approximately £750,000 of capital funding, as well as significant ongoing operational revenue expenditure (including staffing costs).




      The replacement of Loughside Recreation Centre will result in displacement of staff currently assigned to that location.  Therefore, in line with established Council procedures, staff currently based at Loughside Recreation Centre will be offered suitable alternative employment or voluntary redundancy, as appropriate to the circumstances applying.




      Pending project approval by Elected Members, arrangements to offer alternative facilities to current Loughside Recreation Centre and Pitch users during the construction phase of new facilities will be explored by officers.




      In essence, based on Council policy and to optimise the chances of obtaining planning permission (although this is by no means certain), it is recommended that the Council should:


(1)   proceed with the development of facilities comprising one grass pitch, one 3G pitch, changing accommodation with attached community rooms, outdoor play areas at Loughside/Mount Vernon, general open space and associated works; and


2)    consequently, advance the proposal into the ‘committed’ section of the Capital Programme; subject to planning permission being approved for the overall joint development proposals and payment of the £14.051m capital receipt by Bayshore Developments Ltd. on completion of the sale.


Decision Tracking


      The key issue regardless of the extent of community facilities is the matter of obtaining planning permission, otherwise the deal falls and there is no resource for anything.


      If we can agree the level of replacement facilities, planning application can be made by Summer.”


            After a lengthy discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Crozier,

Seconded by Councillor D. Browne,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations, subject to the inclusion in the development of a community centre in place of community rooms.


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and eight against and it was accordingly declared lost.



Supporting documents: