Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that a request for financial assistance in the sum of £6,000 had been received from Common Purpose Belfast in connection with its 2010 Navigator Emerging Leaders Programme.  The application sought support to fund three bursaries for course applicants, usually from the community or voluntary sector, who were unable to meet the participation costs.  The Programme, which had in the region of thirty to thirty-five participants per year, was designed to draw together local leaders, emerging leaders and senior managers from all walks of life who could potentially play a role in shaping the future of Belfast.  The Council had supported the organisation since its inception in 1996 through hosting elements of the Programme, the funding and participation of one Member and one officer on an annual basis and providing bursaries for candidates selected by the Common Purpose Programme Board.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that, until 2008, the Council had funded two bursaries.  However, in view of the other demands on resources and the fact that Common Purpose had benefited from support for some considerable time, the Council did not fund any bursaries in 2008 and had provided for one bursary only in 2009.


            The Regional Director of Common Purpose Belfast had written recently to the Council seeking support for the 2010 Programme.  She had emphasised the importance of the Council endorsing the Programme and had outlined the following reasons for an increase in the number of bursaries requested:


(i)   the need to develop strong leadership skills and collaboration to enable Belfast to prosper beyond the current economic downturn;


(ii)  the need to create and promote partnership working; and


(iii)the need to learn from best practice internationally as provided by linkages to Common Purpose programme participants in England and in India.


            The Programme evaluation amongst Councillors and staff who had attended the Common Purpose course had concluded that they were generally highly regarded and deemed beneficial to the Council.  Against this, the Council was aware of pressures on resources and might wish to curtail expenditure on Common Purpose courses to Members and Council staff only.


            In light of the above information, it was recommended that the Committee consider the following options:


(a)  accede to the request for £6,000 in respect of three part-funded places for emerging leaders from the community and voluntary sector in Belfast; or


(b)  agree to a lesser amount of £2,000 to enable one part bursary to be funded; or


(c)  revert to the position which had been adopted in 2008 whereby the Council had not supported the bursaries in view of the current budget restrictions and its existing commitments to Common Purpose.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McCann,

Seconded by Councillor C. Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option (a).


            On a vote by show of hands seven Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared carried.


            Accordingly, it was


      Resolved – That expenditure in the sum of £6,000 for the Common Purpose Navigator Programme be approved under Section 115 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972, it being the opinion of the Committee that the expenditure would be in the interest of, and would bring direct benefit to, the District and inhabitants of the District, with the Committee being satisfied that the direct benefits so accruing would be commensurate with the payments to be made.


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