Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Council’s Performance and Planning Framework required all Departments to prepare Plans which linked to both the Corporate and Service Plans and outlined the key tasks which the Departments would be delivering during the next year.


            The content of the Plans reflected the key supporting actions contained within the Corporate Plan 2008-2011 and provided a mechanism to enable the Committee and senior managers to performance manage the key work of Departments in line with the Corporate Plan.  In addition, they should assist managers and officers in the relevant Departments to take decisions and allocate resources in line with the agreed objectives and activities.  Departments would provide regular updates to the Committee on the progress of their Plan and key work as appropriate.


            The Committee approved the Department Plans for the Chief Executive’s Department, the Finance and Resources Department and the Property and Projects Department.  A copy of the key achievements for 2009/2010 and the key actions and performance indicators for 2010/2011 as detailed in the Plans for each of the Departments is set out hereunder:


Chief Executive’s


“6.0   Key Achievements 2009/10


        Better Leadership


        Key achievements


·           Contributed to the preparation of the Council for RPA focusing on those issues which relate to the department’s functions – communications; legislative consultation, operational and financial issues affected by proposed boundary changes/functions transfer

·           Commenced and supported the delivery of the Peace Plan to meet expenditure targets working with SEUPB to maximise the value of available EU funding

·           Organised a successful ‘hate crime’ conference and commissioned a new training programme

·           Prepared for an updating of the inter-agency Good Relations Plan for Belfast in anticipation of delayed OFMDFM strategy 


        Better Care for Belfast’s Environment


        Key achievements


·           Significant progress on preparation of North Foreshore for further development

·           Settled funding documentation for use by the Council in its role as Lead Partner of COMET

·           Took a lead role in providing corporate legal advice to Arc 21 and the relevant bodies

·           Significant progress on land acquisition for Connswater Greenway project

·           Completion of major contract documentation in relation to large waste disposal and recycling contracts


        Better Opportunities for Success


        Key achievements


·           Lead role in relation to funding agreement for TSP


        Better Support for People and Communities


        Key achievements


·           Shaftesbury Recreation Centre – resolving major legal impediments and the extension of the Shaftesbury Recreation Centre

·           Supported the introduction of 5 on-line transactional services for the public

·           Working with all departments to ensure that good relations principles are mainstreamed into all aspects of Council service.

·           Introduced RSS feed to deliver news and updates to media as website is updated to give timely and accurate information to the public (especially valuable during incidents such as flooding)

·           Enabled Lord Mayor to improve communication through a weekly blog

·           Surveyed Councillors to ensure that we aligned our communication approaches with their desire to keep in contact with the views of their electorate on council services


        Better Services


        Key achievements


·            Nine structural reviews to implement the Review of the Centre proposals and other decisions of the Committee were undertaken within two months

·            Surveyed Councillors to ensure that the support services provided matched their requirements

·            Won 2 Gold Awards and 1 Silver Award for council communications in the CIPR 2009 Awards reflecting the value of greater collaborative working between departments


        Better Value for Money – An Organisation

        Fit to Lead and Serve


        Key achievements




·            Achieved c£150k savings through improved management of advertising and publications

·            Achieved c£360k savings through restructuring to permit voluntary redundancies


            Communication and Engagement


·           Developed an integrated communications framework for civic dignitaries

·           Significantly improved communication of key corporate and service issues within the council by launching a new ‘interlink’ website; expanding ‘intercom’ magazine and training 150 managers to deliver briefings as well as implementing the ‘getting people connected’ programme for non-office based colleagues

·           Improved publication and graphic design services to present a common image and branding for the council and the city through the promotion of the ‘B’ brand

·           Improved access and communication with the public by opening social networking sites of Facebook; Twitter; Flickr and You Tube and procuring an e-mail marketing solution for all departments.




·           Delivered the arrangements for the return to the City Hall on time and without any break in services.  This involved a major advertising campaign across a range of media and the organisation of a significant number of events by the department’s services, including a visit by the US Secretary of State, to ensure that the programme was balanced and appropriate for all communities in the city.

·           Commenced work on a strategy for the display of existing memorabilia within the City Hall and the acquisition of additional items to reflect the desire for a balanced and inclusive environment.


            Governance & Risk


·           Implemented the tracking of decisions taken by Council and committees which require further action by departments

·           Undertook a review of the council’s governance arrangements and drafted a report

·           Developed a draft digital strategy for the council


7.0   Key actions for 2010/11


        The Department’s key actions have been defined against the background of the Value Creation Map. Each key task has a relationship with one or more of the themes described in the Value Creation Map.


        Better Leadership


        Key actions


·           Engage and influence the RPA and local government modernisation processes and avail of emerging opportunities

·           Develop and deliver, in partnership with communities and key stakeholders, a community planning framework and shared vision for the city in relation to RPA

·           Provide policy advice and support to the Council’s Transition Committee and Transition Team and to the wider local government sector in relation to the RPA

·           Update and deliver activities within the Belfast Good Relations Plan

·           Deliver the work from the Peace III programme in line with SEUPB expenditure targets

·           Continue work with Community Safety on SaferCity issues, with particular reference to hate crime

·           Contribute to the public enquiry listed for June 2010 on Sprucefield

·           Make arrangements for the Local Government Elections in 2011

·           Prepare for the new Governance arrangements rising out of the introduction of the Local Government Reorganisation Bill

·           Contribute to RPA Strategic Leadership Board and Project Development Panels and consultation process

·           Act as the leader for the local government sector in respect to RPA

·           Develop an external relations strategy


        Better Care for Belfast’s Environment


        Key actions


·           Continue to engage with central government, in liaison with other Council services, to ensure the Clean Neighbourhoods legislation in Northern Ireland is fit for purpose

·           Take the lead in development of environmental management plan for North Foreshore

·           Input to site selection, options and acquisition of land process for cemetery provision

·           Be principal point of contact for all procurement matters in relation to Arc21 including residual waste, waste disposal alternatives and site selection


        Better Opportunities for Success


        Key actions


·           Land assembly and possible public enquiry for Connswater Community Greenway project

·           Use of North Foreshore site and draft agreement for May concert


        Better Support for People and Communities


        Key actions


·           Update Equality Scheme including Disability action plan

·           Continue to mainstream good relations’ principles into every aspect of Council business

·           Develop a digital strategy for the Council


        Better Services


        Key actions


·           Continue to ensure City Hall is welcoming and inclusive for all

·           Develop and implement a consultation and engagement strategy for the Council

·           Establish the new structure identified in the departmental review and implement specific section changes as required

·           Review financial and personnel procedures/policies of the various sections in the re-structured department to ensure that agreed common approaches are in place

·           Prepare the Induction Programme for the new Council in 2011


        Better Value for Money – An Organisation

        Fit to Lead and Serve


        Key actions


            Policy, Planning and Performance


·           Develop the Corporate Plan 2011 and beyond

·           Further integrate various Council planning frameworks

·           Support Members in the delivery of the new Corporate Plan

·           Support the development of an Organisational Development Framework




·           Achieve efficiencies through conducting more graphic design work in-house and increasing our role in Council-wide advertising

·           Contribute to the overall council efficiency programme as determined

·           Resolve issue on potential claims re. Landfill Tax credits


            Human Resources


·           Provide further advice in respect of ongoing potential equal pay claims


            Corporate Assets


·           Continue programme to ensure that the City Hall is welcoming to everyone and that displays and exhibitions are inclusive and diverse

·           Arc 21 – potential for sale of 14 acres


            Governance and Risk


·           Commence planning for local government elections in 2011

·           Lead and influence governance arrangements to ensure the Council has an effective and efficient decision making process post RPA

·           Review emerging legislative changes arising from the RPA

·           Prepare the induction programme for the new Council in 2011


            Communication and Engagement


·           Develop and implement new advertising policy and procedures

·           Develop the Council’s presence on Facebook and Twitter

·           Promote the City through the Belfast Brand Platform

·           Implement the key actions in the Consultation and Engagement Strategy

·           Undertake residents’, employees’ and Councillors’ surveys


8.0   Key performance indicators 2010/11


    The department is responsible for collating and monitoring the following corporate indicators




·           Number of hate crimes in the city

·           Number of interface barriers across the city


        Better Support for People and Communities


·           Number of equality complaints -


        Better Services


·           % of complaints responded to within corporate target at each of the 3 stages of the Procedure

·           % Committee decisions assigned to departmental officers that are actioned at the right time

·           Legal Services – internal client satisfaction levels

·           Number of unique external visitors who access


        HR Management


·           Average number of working days per employee lost due to absence

·           % of Councillors with Personal Development Plan – annually

·           Overtime costs

·           Agency costs




·           Net expenditure to be within 3% of budgetary totals - annually


        Communication and Engagement


·           Visits to Council website – monthly

·           % media releases used –  quarterly

·           positive media coverage –  quarterly

·           Number of followers of Council’s Twitter site – quarterly

·           Number of fans of Council’s Facebook site – quarterly


        Governance and Risk


·           % Committee decisions that are actioned at the right time - quarterly

·           % Committee decisions deferred – quarterly”


Finance and Resources


“Key achievements 2009-10


6.1Better Leadership


·         Strategic Finance Group established to streamline Council processes and identify efficiencies and secure cost savings.

·         Officers continue to liaise with statutory agencies to represent Council-interests with regard to RPA implementation.


6.2Better opportunities for success across the City


·         Memorandum of Understanding signed with Land and Property Service establishing mutual agreement on levels of service to ensure optimum availability of information for rate setting.


6.3Better care for Belfast’s environment


·         Printer strategy under development with the aim of reducing the number of printers and consumables.

·         Sustainable Development Action Plan 2009-11 completed and accepted by Council

·         Recognition achieved as top performing Council in 2009 Arena bench-mark survey.

·         Staff Travel Smartcard Scheme established.


6.4Better support for people and communities


·         Ongoing Portal development aimed at improving online access to Council services.


6.5Better services - listening and delivering


·         Intranet online forms developed to improve customer access to online information and services.


6.6Better value for money - an organisation fit to lead and serve


Corporate Human Resource Management


·         Council interests re RPA represented on the Local Government Reform Joint Forum.

·         Approach agreed with regard to the effective management of vacancies arising from RPA.

·         Chief Officers performance reviews ongoing, 360 degree approach finalised for Heads of Service and senior managers.

·         Work ongoing on the implementation of a corporate approach to the IIP framework.

·         New Attendance Policy introduced to better manage and monitor absence

·         Work continuing on implementation of Member Development Programme.

·         Member PDP process put in place.

·         Completion of voluntary redundancy exercise and related reviews of structures


      Corporate Financial Planning


·         Efficiency savings of £2m identified for 2010/11.

·         Internal trading agreed and implemented for all non-demand led services for the financial year 2010-11 to ensure greater transparency, management control and potential cost savings.

·         Work ongoing to review Council travel procurement processes with a view to consolidating and improving processes and achieving potential efficiency savings.

·         Financial management training developed and a number of training sessions completed.

·         Year end accounts completed and unqualified audit opinion obtained


            Corporate Information Management


·         Land line rental and call charges moved to OGC tariffs.

·         Mobile phone policy agreed.  Telephony Review carried out Council-wide to achieve rationalisation and cost savings

·         VoIP rolled out to City Hall.  Other locations to follow.

·         Tender process completed for virtualisation of Servers.

·         Disaster Recovery Plan created.

·         Business Continuity Plan tested.

·         Planning underway for move to Windows 7 and Office 2007.

·         IT Health Check completed December 2009 to review the effectiveness and value for money of IT services.

· implementation of decision tracking.


            Corporate Governance and Risk


·         On target to complete 70% of plan.

·         Regular reporting to DMTs, COMT and Audit Panel regarding VFM currently on target.

·         Annual Governance Statement completed.

·         Fraud Awareness training delivered to approximately 170 managers and staff.

·         High level assurance framework in place Council-wide and for major projects.


7.0Key actions for 2010-11




·         Ensure financial, human resources, and ICT aspects of the implementation of RPA are addressed as required.

·         Assess the financial affordability of the City Investment Strategy and the Capital Programme.

·         Lead on the organisational development programme to make improvements and increase capacity of officers and members.


7.2Better care for Belfast’s environment


·         Implement virtualisation of pcs / servers.

·         Further develop and implement printer management strategy.


7.3Better opportunities for success across the City


·         Continue to work with Land and Property Service to implement the Memorandum of Understanding.


7.4Better services - listening and delivering


·         Expand range of e-enabled customer services.

·         Implement actions from Customer Focus Strategy.

·         Improve timeframe for creditor payments.

·         Develop an approach to demonstrating value for money.

·         Develop VFM performance indicators


7.5Better value for money - an organisation fit to lead and serve


      Corporate Human Resources


·         Implement absence management initiatives.

·         Implement the corporate approach to personal development planning.

·         Continue implementation of the corporate approach to IIP.

·         Develop a framework for the control of employee costs, including agency and overtime costs.

·         Complete all outstanding single status issues.


      Corporate Financial Planning


·         Implement efficiency programme for 2010-11 and develop and take forward efficiency programme for 2011-12.

·         Improve strategic financial planning and budgetary control processes.

·         Assess and develop financial capacity of members and officers.

·         Further integrate financial planning with corporate planning.

·         Develop further and implement a Medium Term Financial Plan including a capital financing strategy and treasury management strategy


      Corporate Information Management


·         Improve information management and governance

·         Continue to improve and rationalise council telephony services

·         Conduct VFM review of ISB services


      Corporate Policy, Planning & Performance


·         Support the VCM cascade process 10/11 and the development of a thematic working approach

·         Introduce performance reporting and monitoring at Departmental and service level

·         Develop Performance Capacity of Councillors and Officers


      Corporate Governance and Risk


·         Enhance quarterly risk reporting

·         Further roll out of fraud awareness training

·         Improve process of monitoring of outstanding audit recommendations

·         Facilitate business continuity management process

·         Improve processes around corporate health and safety.


8.0Key performance indicators 2010-11


      The Department has developed the following set indicators for collection, monitoring and reporting through the 2010/11 financial year. These indicators will be monitored frequently at departmental level and will be reported on a quarterly basis to SP&R.


8.1Better care for Belfast’s environment


·         % reduction in volume of colour print

·         % increase in volume of duplex print

·         Ratio of printers to employees


8.2Better services - listening and delivering


·         Average days taken to pay creditors

·         % Creditor invoices paid by volume

·         % Creditor invoices paid by value


8.3Better value for money - an organisation fit to lead and serve


      Corporate Human Resources


·         Employee Turnover Rate - all contracts

·         Employee Turnover Rate - permanent contracts

·         % Chief Officers with a current personal development plan

·         % Heads of Service (and Senior Managers) with a current personal development plan

·         % Chief Officers who receive (at least) annual feedback on their performance

·         % Heads of Service and Senior Managers who receive (at least) annual feedback on their performance

·         The average number of working days per employee lost due to absence - monthly

·         The average number of working days per employee lost due to absence - monthly (Corporate Total)

·         Overtime Costs

·         Agency Costs


      Corporate Financial Planning


·         Net cost of BCC services per head of population

·         Monthly gross expenditure of each service compared to budget

·         Monthly gross income of each service compared to budget

·         Net monthly expenditure of each service compared to budget

·         % Variance between monthly gross expenditure and budget

·         % Variance between monthly gross income and budget

·         % Variance between net monthly expenditure of each service and budget

·         % Non-compliance of GRNs after invoicing (by service)

·         % Non-compliance of purchase orders raised on time (by service)

·         % of employee leaver information received within 5 working days of leaving the Council (by service)

·         % of properly completed overtime sheets received per the timetable (by service)

·         % variation between forecast outturn at period 6 and actual outturn at period 12 (Corporate Total)

·         Average debtor days

·         % Debt greater than 90 days old

·         Growth of the rate base

·         % collectable rate collected


      Corporate Information Management


·         % of time key systems available (uptime)

·         Number of transactional based activities which are e-enabled

·         Reduction in number of mobile phones and Blackberrys deployed in the Council


      Corporate Policy, Planning & Performance


·         Number of services with completed Value Creation Maps

·         % PIs with valid data collected and reported upon

·         Number of dashboards (develop, agreed and implemented)

·         Number of performance reports to COMT/ SP&R


      Corporate Governance and Risk


·         % of AGRS plan completed annually

·         % audit recommendations accepted

·         % agreed audit recommendations implemented.”


Property and Projects


“6.0     Property & Projects – Key Achievements 2009 / 10


          Better Leadership


          Review of Public Administration (RPA)


·         Secured and supported Council representation (both Members and senior officers) on the RPA policy development and implementation structures including the Strategic Leadership Board, Policy Development Panels, Regional Transition Coordinating Group, Local Government Reform Joint Forum, Transfer of Functions Working Group and Finance and Estates Working Group.

·         Provided strategic support to the established internal RPA governance and implementation structures e.g. RPA Transition Committee (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee), Transition Management Team (Chief Officers’ Management Team) and project teams;

·         Established engagement mechanisms between the Transition Committees for Lisburn/Castlereagh and Belfast to examine RPA transition related issues;

·         Established internal programme management and support structures to drive forward the RPA process;

·         Informed and shaped the policy agenda of Local Government through ongoing proactiveand constructive engagement with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) and Society of Local Authorities Chief Executives (SOLACE); and

·         Secured £150,000 grant funding from DoE to support the RPA implementation process.


          City Investment Projects


·         £10 Million funding secured by BCC towards the £100 Million fund for the Titanic Signature Project (TSP);

·         Connswater Community Greenway (CCG) - Infrastructure to support the delivery of CCG established and £4.2 Million of Council funding achieved;

·         Funding secured for Lyric - £1.25M and OldMuseum Arts Centre – £0.5M; and

·         Accountability framework for key projects established.


          Further projects


·         The successful re-occupation of the City Hall on time and to budget, which involved the decant of nearly 200 elected members and officers;

·         City Hall – practical completion on 10th August 2009;

·         9 decant and refurbishment exercises involving 210 staff from a range of completions complete;

·         Ulster Hall Awards:  International Silver award for the brand construction employers federation, first prize for excellence in the heritage category.  Also shortlisted for NILGA best improvement in service Construction Excellence and Nationally for Best Construction;

·         Collaborative procurement – 12 public sector organisations using stationery framework and four Councils to use Employment Agency Framework;

·         In conjunction with EBP select list compiled for CCG by mid-Jan 2010;

·         Ballysillan: completion of a 3G football pitch unique in Northern Ireland in that it has achieved FIFA 2* rating in conjunction with Parks & Leisure

·         Infrastructure for electricity generation plant at North Foreshore with Development Department

·         Overseeing of Shaftesbury recreation centre Extension and Refurbishment with Development Department

·         Approximately 31 schemes compeleted of the Arterial Routes Programme with Development Department


          Better Care for Belfast’s Environment


          Key achievements


·         The procurement of a number of new ‘green’ energy contracts which have ensured that 100% of BCC’s electricity supply is from renewable sources;

·         As at 19th Feb 2010 the only Council in Northern Ireland to be fully compliant with DEC (Display Energy Certification) regulations and all relevant BCC buildings have been assessed and are displaying DEC certificates


          Better Support for People and Communities


          Key achievements


·         Safer City - supported the Chief Executive;

·         Children and Young People working groups; and

·         Policy and planning support to thematic groups.


          Better Services


          Key achievements


·         Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Silver award for Best Event Category for the staff ‘Making a Difference’ (MAD) awards;

·         Award of ISO 9001 (Quality Systems), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and ISO 18000 (Workplace Health) accreditations in the Fleet Management Unit.

·         Presentation to suppliers on Environment Procurement

·         The rationalisation of the City Hall tour offering, which has produced a more coherent tour experience and helped increased tour numbers by 20%


          Better Value for Money – An Organisation

          Fit to Lead and Serve


          Key achievements


            Human Resources


·         The implementation of an agreed corporate approach to the management of the impeding Operators’ Licensing and EU Drivers’ Hours legislation in the Fleet Management Unit




·         Efficiency savings of £2 Million identified for 10/11;

·         Total Rental income for 2009/10 will be approximately £4.7m. This represents 3.76% on the Rates Income of Belfast City Council. The increase in rental income for 2009/10 increased by £131k as opposed to the previous year 2008/09 (£372k). Given the marked downturn in the economy and particularly the property market this is an exceptional performance.

·         Twenty four corporate contracts in place;

·         Twenty four catalogues on SAP/SRM;

·         Integration of financial planning with business planning ongoing;

·         Negotiation of operational changes within security unit (affecting numbers, pay and grading, shifts, control of overtime, duties, job descriptions, location and pool cover) helping to improve service delivery and reduce costs by up to £100,000 per annum;

·         Review of facilities staffing costs resulted in a saving of £256,275 per annum through the deletion of vacant posts and some voluntary redundancies;

·         Rate guidance to Members published.


            Policy, Planning and Performance


·         Corporate plan update 10/11 complete;

·         Thematic corporate plan budget established of £500,000;

·         Integrated policy framework developed and agreed;

·         Strategic planning and performance frameworks implemented;

·         Theme work programmes established;

·         Performance management system developed and implemented – phase one complete;

·         80 corporate performance indicators being collected through performance system and being reported to COMT on a quarterly basis;

·         16 service and departmental VCMs developed across the council, aligned to the corporate strategy and being reported on through the performance system;

·         VCM 09/10 cascade complete;

·         Ongoing policy support across the organisation on major consultation and emerging strategic issues;

·         Programme management framework developed with a focus on governance and roles and responsibilities for the year ahead;

·         Contributed to the development of the Chief Officer appraisal scheme; and

·         Responded to 13 corporate consultations.


          Communication and Engagement


            Internal Communications


·         Community engagement and consultation review ongoing.




·         Asset management strategy being developed;

·         Compensation received M1 widening Scheme (Over £1M) and former vested property; (£580,000)

·         Rent roll increase (awaiting figure from Philip)  Rent reviews settlement in 08/09 resulted in an increase in the rent base by £300,000 and a windfall of £600,000;

·         Connswater Community Greenway (CCG)– agreed terms for acquisition of a number of portions of land;

·         Disposal of land at Glen Road £750,000 Capital Sum;

·         Rationalisation of leased accommodation including Callendar Street and University Street;

·         Primrose Street and Seapark Avenue (former CAS) agreed for sale;

·         Beechmount and Land at Lyric Wood agreed for sale;

·         Templemore Ave and Boucher Crescent planning permission obtained – on market;

·         Restructuring of service charge in Gasworks to assist tenants.  Worked with CTU to agree payment plans for tenants in Industrial Estates to protect both the Council’s income and assist business in economic downturn;

·         Collaborative working ongoing with Cliftonville FC; Lyric; Duck Tours; DSD – Glen 10; East Belfast; CCG; Beechmount and NI Water Service.;

·         Gates process established and initiated with 18 internal reviewers trained throughout the organisation;

·         Implementation of P2 Net

·         The design and construction of an exhibition area in the City Hall, delivered in time and to budget, together with the successful franchising of the associated coffee-shop area on an income generating basis;


7.0     Property & Projects – Key Actions 2010 / 2011


          Better Leadership


          A key role for the Property & Projects Department will be to ensure that the Council is prepared to respond to and take advantage of the out workings of the RPA.  The Department will also help to establish the Council’s place shaping role through better use of the city’s assets. 


            Key actions


·         Continue to co-ordinate the implementation and shape the outcomes of the Review of Pubic Administration and Community Planning within the Council;

·         Establish the Belfast ‘Statutory’ Transition Committee which will provide political oversight of the RPA process;

·         Secure and support the Council’s representation (both Members and senior officers) on the newly formed RPA implementation structures including the Regional Transition Committee and Regional Transition Management Team and associated Working Groups;

·         Agree an accommodation plan for transferring function staff?

·         Develop and implement an affordable City Investment Framework which will benefit strategic projects in the North, South, East and West of the City.  Projects include: Titanic Signature Project (TSP); The Lyric; Connswater Community Greenway (CCG); The Museum Arts Centre (MAC); and Peace III projects

·         Continue representation on project board for OMAC and Lyric to protect Council’s interest

·         Continue with collaborative procurement

·         Develop and implement an Asset Management Strategy – proceed with phase II: improve existing processes and procedures to ensure that recommendations are implemented and deployed.

·         Develop and Implement a capital financing strategy.


         Better Environment


      The Project Management, Estates and Facilities Management sections within the Department will help to protect the city’s natural and built heritage by promoting environmentally friendly design, sustainable site usage and the preservation of old buildings.


            Key actions


·         Achieve BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Model) / CEEQUAL (Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment) excellence standard on applicable projects

·         Implement Green Purchasing and Green criteria in specifications

·         Seek to take all available opportunities to further reduce CO2 emissions from BCC buildings via energy conservation and other measures and from fleet in terms of fleet levels, utilisation and management;

·         Deliver Green Procurement Training

·         Regeneration of the North Foreshore

·         Develop an integrated community focused approach to the delivery of the Connswater Community Greenway as an active, living and environmental asset.  Achieve land assembly and continue to provide Client Representation for East Belfast Partnership Board (EBPB)


         Better Value for Money – An Organisation

         Fit to Lead and Serve




·         Implementation of the IIP Framework by Jul ’10 ready for corporate assessment in Sep ‘10

·         Participate constructively in the rationalisation of the Property & Projects sectional and departmental business-support functions;

·         Implement IPM framework with management staff until a corporate approach is agreed




·         Development of Business Cases to support Capital commitment

·         Develop a strategic plan for procurement spend

·         Identify potential procurement efficiency savings

·         Undertake a review of all space leased in by the Council with a view to realising efficiencies

·         Explore potential for income stream to the Council via utilisation of the Council’s land and buildings e.g. advertising.

·         Formulate a collaborative policy position, on Contaminated Land in terms of development, acquisition and disposal.

·         Undertake a review of all miscellaneous leased assets

·         Effective Capital Programme forecasting and Capital Programme costing

·         Effective use of finance resources in relation to capital proposals – lead the Council in economic appraisals

·         Consider ‘whole life costing’ in the longer term management of future projects at design stage;

·         Seek to centralise BCC maintenance budgets in order to improve efficiency & governance and enhance overall maintenance budget provision in line with RICS indices;


         Policy, Planning and Performance


·         Provide quarterly performance reports and analysis to COMT on corporate projects and indicators

·         Implement the Programme Management Framework – governance and roles and responsibilities for 10/11




·         Carry out Gate reviews in line with project milestones

·         Develop a training strategy for future Gate reviewers

·         Carry our preparation for ISO 9001 standard

·         Capital Assets Realisation (Cross Departmental) Group to take forward options for disposal, redevelopment or reuse of Council assets

·         Develop and propose models for further integration of property-related structures within the new department and/or better co-ordination of effort;

·         Explore options for re-gearing of leases in Industrial Estates to provide for equity rent basis in order to sustain longer term rental growth

·         Develop a policy for sale and leasing of community assets

·         Manage the Corporate land bank

·         Manage the Capital Programme

·         Create and manage the capital programme


8.0    Property & Projects – Key Performance Indicators 2010 / 2011


      The Department has developed the following set indicators for collection, monitoring and reporting (via the Performance Management System) throughout the 2010/2011 financial year.  These indicators will be monitored frequently at departmental level and will be reported on a quarterly basis to SP&R. 




·         Increase in the amount of money leveraged through the City Investment Strategy




·         Number of BCC Vehicles emissions tested

·         CO2 emissions by BCC fleet

·         Total tonnage of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from Council premises




·         Number of City Hall tours

·         Number of City Hall tours visitors


      Better Services


·         Number of complaints received

·         % overall residents satisfaction with services provided by Belfast City Council


      HR Management


·         Average number of working days per employee lost due to absence

·         % Staff with LDPs




·         Procurement: % savings from selected employment agency contracts in place

·         Procurement: Top 20 suppliers by spend value who have contacts


      Policy, Planning and Performance


·         % identified Programme milestones on target




·         Individual projects on time / budget

·         Corporate (?) Value of contracts

·         Rent from industrial estate

·         Number of BREEAM / CEEQUAL approved projects

·         Number of gates performed in line with project milestones”


Supporting documents: