Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The Major Works in City Hall commenced on the 19th November 2007 after a full decant of personnel to Adelaide Exchange and Clarendon Dock.  The work was divided into two phases with the Council stipulating that Phase 1, which included the main Civic Rooms, was to be completed within a twelve month period. Phase 2, which included all the remaining areas, was to be completed by the 10th August 2009. These dates were successfully achieved.


      In addition a major re-opening programme ‘City Hall for All’ was held during October. 


      Scope of Work


      In order to obtain the best possible deal for Council, the Project Management Unit tendered the work in two packages. The object was to ensure all the important items were covered in Tender A with those items forming a ‘desirable list’ included in such a manner in Tender B as to allow Council to add items if funding was available. When tenders were returned it proved possible for all items listed in Tender B to be included in the Scope of Work which included:


            Tender A


·         Re-roofing the slated areas of the North and East roofs


·         Rewire of the building (excluding recently rewired areas such as the Control Room, Births Deaths and Marriages area, Lord Mayors Parlour and what is now the café area)


·         New gas fired boilers with a new Low Temperature Hot Water Heating System


·         Air Conditioning to all Party Rooms


·         Re-decoration of general areas


·         Asbestos removal


·         Provision of air conditioned archive storage in four basement rooms


·         Fire compartmentation in the roof void


·         General repairs to marble and mosaic flooring


·         Digging up the courtyard and provision of new drainage system, paved area and fountain feature.


            Tender B


·         Re-roofing the slated areas of the South and West roofs


·         Decoration extended to include all internal areas


·         Rewiring of the main kitchen


·         Provision of a new chandelier in the Rotunda


·         Ornate 3 lamp lighting fittings in Civic Corridors


·         Courtyard lighting


      The following additional items were added and paid for out of the project contingencies:


·         Re-leathering the seats in the Council Chamber


·         Renewal of the bird netting on the turrets


·         Upgrading of the lightening protection


·         Conversion of part of the East wing to a new café/exhibition area


·         Replacement marble flooring in reception area and ground floor corridors


·         Upgrading Members Common room


      Additional funding was also secured for the following:


·         A new Emergency Control Room


      Building Contract


      A contract was let to John Graham (Dromore) Ltd following a competitive procurement exercise.


      The work was completed on time, even with all the extras, and the cost will be under the Capital Programme allocation for the project ie within budget.


      A Gate 4 review has been undertaken for the project and a green rating was achieved – indicating successful delivery of the project to time, cost and quality.  However, there were a number of things which could have been done better and a ‘lesson learned’ post project review report will be produced with Members for future reference.


Key Issues


      Emergency Room


      Sometime into the building programme it was decided to move the existing emergency room from the basement to the second floor. This involved the provision of air conditioning, relocation of data supplies and the fitting out of the area to modern emergency room standards. A grant of £100,000 was received from the PSNI, with Health and Environmental Services Department providing the balance of the funding. While the work was ordered late in the contract, contract conditions allowed us to request that it be completed at the same time as the original contract completion date.


      CCTV Provisions


      The main contract only allowed for the provision of Cat6 cabling to new camera positions identified by a consultant appointed by Facilities Management. However, when old power cables were removed it was discovered that cameras were also deactivated.  In order to rectify the situation it has been necessary to reorganize the position of cameras and ensure they are connected to recording and monitoring equipment. When the refurbishment work in the Control Room is complete we will have approximately 60 functioning cameras in City Hall.


      Scope of Work


      Scope of work was limited by budget constraints. As already mentioned the package was tendered in such a way as to permit items to be added and because of favourable tendering conditions we were able to include all desirable items. It was however necessary to limit desirables to retain financial control and a number of items were, of necessity, omitted. Such items included overhaul of all doors and windows, secondary double glazing, cleaning of all stonework and external decoration.


      Additional Work


      Some members have voiced concern as to why certain elements of work have not been done. These include the following:


·         Additional repairs to stonework


·         Repairs to steps


·         Additional repairs to marble flooring


·         Additional CCTV coverage


      When the final account has been settled it will be possible to ascertain if any funds remain in the current Capital Programme for the Major Repair work. If funds are available it may be possible to undertake some of the additional work listed above or indeed any other work members deem appropriate.  To this end if a list of priorities could be provided then the Project Management Unit can progress the work.


Resource Implications




      The project is currently within the amount approved in the Capital Programme and to date we have received grant aid as follows:











      In effect with the settlement of the final account there will be some monies available for additional work if approved. 




      To date the building project has been nominated for the following awards:


1.   RSUA – Conservation Award for 2010


2.   RICS – Building Conservation award for 2010


Environmental Implications






      That Members note the report and consider what if any additional work is recommended.


Key to Abbreviations


      NIEA – Northern Ireland Environmental Agency”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that any remaining funds be used to undertake the additional repairs as outlined.


Supporting documents: