Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      This paper presents for consideration a draft response to the consultation exercise relating to the Road Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland 2010 – 2020.  The production of the draft strategy has been overseen by representatives from DoE, Driver and Vehicle Licence Agency, DRD, Department of Education, Department of Employment and Learning, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, PSNI, Fire and Rescue Service and the Ambulance Service.


      The draft strategy is based on detailed research and analysis of road safety statistics including views gathered in a pre-consultation engagement which involved input from the former Belfast Road Safety Committee (which comprised councillors, representatives of external organisations and individuals).  The strategy seeks to involve all those who have a contribution to make, including Local Authorities, to explore ways to build capacity to reduce casualties at local level.


      The document identifies 6 key challenges to be addressed over the lifetime of the strategy.


1.   Continuing to reduce the numbers of road deaths and serious injuries.

2.   Focusing specifically on improving safety on rural roads.

3.   Working particularly to protect young drivers (age range 16-24) and motor cyclists).

4.   Reducing inappropriate and illegal road user behaviour including speeding, drink and drug driving and careless and dangerous driving.

5.   Improving our knowledge and involvement in solving road safety problems, and

6.   Working with funding uncertainties.


      Road Safety has been established as an important consideration in successive Programmes for Government.  It is accepted that proposals impact on other government policies including improving health, the environment, sustainability and climate change and also local government and public sector reform.  The document notes that future decisions will be impacted by a range of factors including devolved powers to local government, use of public transport, increase in walking/cycling and carbon constraints.


Key Issues


      Based on the analysis of road safety statistics and a review of strategies in other locations, the consultation document presents over 170 proposed Action Measures which have been agreed by the statutory road safety partners.  The measures are set to contribute to 4 key targets which are established against a baseline of 2004 – 2008 average figures.


1.   To reduce the number of people killed in road collisions by at least 40%.

2.   To reduce the number of people seriously injured in road collisions by at least 45%.

3.   To reduce the number of children (aged 0-15) killed or seriously injured in road collisions by at least 55%, and

4.   To reduce the number of young people (aged 16-24) killed or seriously injured in road collisions by at least 55%.


      The 174 proposals contained within the draft strategy are listed under broad headings:


(i)    Road users

(ii)   Roads

(iii)  Vehicles

(iv)  Working with others


      The main proposals under each heading are summarised below:


(i)    Road Users


(a)   Audit road safety education services and resources.

(b)   Develop improved measures to influence young people’s attitudes and behaviours.

(c)   Re-assess and improve the way novice drivers first learn to drive and consult on introducing a new system of Graduated Driver Licensing.

(d)   Extend the use of driver remedial courses and make greater use of them to address errant road user behaviour.

(e)   Introduce graduated penalties for certain offences.

(f)    Adopt the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) speed limit enforcement guidelines.

(g)   Focus on better retrieval and extrication of casualties based on collaborative working between the Fire and Rescue Service on both sides of the border and the community and voluntary sector.


(ii)   Roads


(a)   Undertake a review of speed limits on upper tier rural roads.

(b)   Consider the applicability of urban speed reduction initiatives.

(c)   Assess the potential for wider introduction of 20mph limits in residential areas and other urban areas where there is a significant presence of vulnerable road users. (such as around schools)


(iii)  Vehicles


(a)   Support National introduction of appropriate EU vehicle regulations.

(b)   Seek increasing opportunities to participate in trialling and piloting new systems within the UK research programme and supporting the future emphasis on advanced crash avoidance systems.


(iv)  Working with others


(a)   Set up an Active Travel Forum, including a range of stakeholders, which will consider a broad strategic approach to active travel.

(b)   Set up a Motor Cycling Forum, including a range of stakeholders, which will consider an inclusive and strategic approach to motor cycling.

(c)   To work with Local Authorities to explore ways to build capacity to reduce casualties at a local level, identify local road safety issues and objectives and determine how we can work together to address local needs and priorities.


      The timescale for the completion of the 2010-2020 strategy involves the completion of the consultation report (September 2010); draft strategy for consideration by Minister and Assembly (October 2010) and strategy launch (December 2010).


      The attached draft response in Appendix 1 does not comment on each of the 174 Action Measures proposed.  It is generally supportive of the direction and content of the report and makes specific reference to issues which are of greater relevance to Belfast City Council.


      The draft response has been informed by comments received from relevant sections within the Council.  It also takes account of discussion at a joint seminar convened by NILGA and the DoE to consider a general response on behalf of local government. A draft response from NILGA has been circulated for the information of the Members.


Resource Implications






      To agree the draft consultation response.


Decision Tracking


      The official deadline for comments is 15 June, however an extension to the consultation deadline has been agreed with DoE.  A copy of the Council response, including amendments if necessary, will be forwarded after Committee consideration and Council ratification.


Key to Abbreviations


      ACPO    Association of Chief Police Officers

      DoE       Department of the Environment (NI)

      DRD      Department for Regional Development

      NILGA   Northern Ireland Local Government Association

      PSNI      Police Service of Northern Ireland


Documents Attached


      Appendix 1 – Draft BCC response to consultation.


      Appendix 1


      “Consultation on preparing a new Road Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland 2010 – 2020


      Thank you for the invitation to comment on the above document.  Belfast City Council is fully supportive of the vision articulated in the strategy to ‘. . . . make Northern Ireland’s roads as safe for all road users as anywhere in the world’.


      The key challenges identified in the document are realistic and are supported by detailed evidence presented in the introductory sections of the report.


      Our response highlights issues and actions that are particularly relevant to the urban nature of the Belfast City Council area.  The response has been informed by the consultation seminar hosted jointly by the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) and yourselves.  It is, however, forwarded separately from the collective views expressed in the NILGA submission.


General comments


1.   Paragraph 5.3 of the report commits to working with any new local authorities, when the structure has been finalised, to explore ways to build capacity to reduce casualties at local level, identify local road safety issues and objectives and determine how we can work together to address local needs and priorities.  Irrespective of agreement on new structures, BelfastCity Council would wish to progress discussion on how road safety may be improved at both a city and at community level within the city.  Belfast has the highest number of fatal and serious collisions amongst the existing 26 authorities.  The Council is intending to pursue the development of a community planning approach to collectively develop and address key issues for the city.  The issue of road safety would fit within this framework.


2.   In relation to the comments above, the measures relating to ‘lower level’ Road Safety plans, allowing local government to link with and influence the overall government framework, are welcomed (Actions 115, 117).  The report acknowledges links between deprivation and higher levels of accidents.  The localised approach advocated is deemed beneficial to address specific community circumstances in Belfast.


3.   The Council welcomes the inclusion of performance indicators and targets within the draft report.  It is understood that a supporting Action Plan will be developed to add detailed specification to the proposed action measures.  It is critical that the resource consequences of each measure are clearly articulated and sources of funding are identified.  It should be noted that without the power of ‘wellbeing’ (to be given to councils as part of the RPA process) there is no legal vires for councils to incur expenditure on road safety.  Additionally, Local Authorities are facing significant cost reductions.


4.   Action Measure 119 outlines the need for better understanding and co-ordination of road safety roles and initiatives.  Belfast City Council is strongly supportive of the need for clear lines of responsibility to be agreed and adhered to.  Leadership of the Roads Safety strategy needs to be clear as does accountability for delivery of respective actions.


Specific comments


Safer Roads – Speed


5.   Belfast City Council would wish to support pilot schemes regarding 20mph speed limits in residential and other urban areas and other urban speed reduction initiatives (Action 5, 10, 12).  We would note, however, that air quality obligations residing with Local Authorities may be impacted by speed limits in urban locations.  It is assumed that appropriate environmental assessment of the consequences of lower speeds and associated increases in vehicle emissions will be conducted.


Road Treatments (Marking)


6.   Belfast City Council would wish to be consulted on pilot schemes to consider removal of pedestrian guard railings (Actions 23, 30) and would support measures to reduce illegal road side trading and advertising to reduce the risk of collisions caused by driver distraction.




7.   In addition to the measures outlined, Belfast City Council would wish to have more prominent reference made to accommodating people with disability, particularly those with visual impairment (Actions 37 – 39, 108 – 109).


Walking and Cycling


8.   Belfast City Council is committed to promoting cycling as a means of sustainable travel in the City.  We would seek reassurance that all available measures are put in place to enhance safety for cyclist road users.  The Council endorses the proposal for the establishment of an Active Travel Forum and would seek to be represented on the forum. (Actions 40 – 41, 107, 153).


Working with Others


9.   Belfast City Council welcomes the commitment to work with representatives and associations to promote and assure road safety.  In particular we recognise the need to support migrants who comprise an increasing proportion of the local population.  We would seek involvement in the ambition to work with sporting associations given Council’s role in sports development. (Actions 113-114)


Vehicle Use


10.The proposal to develop measures to educate on legal and safety issues regarding vehicles not normally used on public roads is important.  Belfast City Council is currently addressing the unlawful use of vehicles such as quads on Council open spaces.  We would welcome the opportunity to have input to the development of this measure (Action 143)




11.A possible additional action in the Safer Vehicles section of the draft might make reference to new vehicle technologies.  Belfast City Council is working with officials from DoE and DRD on a proposal to promote the use of electric powered vehicles.  It is important that all road safety consequences of such vehicles are considered.”


            The Committee approved the draft response, subject to the Department being requested to include statistics on the number of accidents involving cyclists.


Supporting documents: