Agenda item


            (Mr. J. McGrillen, Director of Development, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Director of Development reminded the Committee that, as a celebration to mark the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Odyssey Arena, the Belfast Giants Ice Hockey Team was due to play a challenge match against the Boston Bruins on 2nd October, 2010.  The Bruins was one of the leading ice hockey teams in the United States, competing in the National Hockey League, and this would be the first time the Bruins would be playing outside North America.  The event was attracting significant media attention on both sides of the Atlantic.  In recognition of the potential to present Belfast in a positive way and as a location for major sporting events, the Council, at its meeting on 1st June, had endorsed the recommendation of the Development Committee to underwrite the cost of the event up to a maximum of £40,000.


            He explained that Invest Northern Ireland had agreed also to sponsor the game as it saw it as a means of attracting potential investors to attend the event as part of a wider promotional programme.  Invest Northern Ireland hoped to bring up to ten potential investors to visit the City at that time.  Tourism Ireland was hoping also to bring a delegation of North American tour operators and journalists to experience the tourism potential of the City.  The United States Consul viewed the event as an opportunity to promote a positive image of the City, not only in Boston, but across the whole of the East Coast of the United States.  Initial approaches to the Office of the Mayor of Boston had indicated that the Mayor, Thomas M. Menino, who had previously addressed the Council, might wish to attend the match.  The Lord Mayor had issued a invitation to Mayor Menino and he had indicated that he might be able to accept the Lord Mayor’s invitation.


            The Director explained that, whilst the Council had agreed to invest up to £40,000 towards the cost of the Ice Hockey game, the event provided an opportunity to promote the image of the City to a general United States audience.  In addition, there was an opportunity to develop civic linkages between Belfast and Boston and to demonstrate the Council’s support to potential investors and tour operators who were bringing tourists to the City.  The various partners involved, particularly Invest Northern Ireland, Sport Northern Ireland, Tourism Ireland and the United States Consulate, believed a civic reception in the City Hall would greatly enhance the credibility of the City with potential investors, tour operators and journalists from the Boston area.  The Lord Mayor had expressed a willingness to host a drinks reception, followed by a civic dinner on Friday, 1st October, the night before the ice hockey game.  Such an event would help create a very positive impression with potential visitors to the City.  That was particularly true should Mayor Menino be part of the visiting delegation.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to host a drinks reception, followed by a civic dinner on Friday, 1st October, 2010, for up to 200 people, the cost of which would not exceed £8,000.


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