Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:




      To update members regarding a proposed Development Framework in respect of lands at Glen Road known as ‘Glen 10’. 


Relevant Background Information


      In 2009 the Department for Social Development in conjunction with the Strategic Investment Board, commissioned consultants GVA Grimley to look at the development potential of a number of parcels of land (10 no approx) adjacent to the Glen Road & Monagh By Pass, known as ‘Glen 10’.


      The research proposal arose from the work of the Glen 10 Workshops (chaired by BCC’s Chief Executive and Deputy Secretary of DSD), which later gave rise to the Glen Road Development Co-Ordination Group.  This group was made up with representatives from DSD, BCC, SIB, NIHE, DOE and DRD.  Minister Margaret Ritchie announced her intention to develop detailed plans for the area in November 2009, when launching this Glen 10 Research Report (the report is available on the DSD website).


      The target area is defined by the Upper Springfield Road & the dBMAP development limit boundary to the north, Glen Road to the south; the east is bounded by the Monagh By-Pass, and to the west, Hannahstown Hill. Within this boundary is a mix of established residential, employment, educational & sporting uses.  BCC own various portions of land within this area, as identified on the map, and are also landlord for the sites leased to St Teresa’s GAC and Sport & Leisure FC.


      The preferred development scenario identified by the consultants in the report was a sustainable urban extension and strategic mixed use development, which offers scope to bring forward development in a sustainable, co-ordinated manner with a land use mix that can achieve wider regeneration benefits for the West Belfast area, particularly in terms of addressing housing need and introducing appropriate employment opportunities.  


      Key elements of the proposal included the potential for establishing the Glen Road as a destination with a distinctive neighbourhood identity; significant social/affordable and private housing provision; complementary employment generating uses and associated community, leisure and recreation uses; high quality green space including a greenway linking recreation opportunities on the Belfast Hills and Colin Glen; improved physical connections through the provision of rapid transit and improved vehicular access and exemplar educational facilities.   It was recognised however that the delivery of such an ambitious programme is not without its challenges and would clearly be a major long term project, requiring careful co-ordination of the various landowner and stakeholder interests.


      Following on from Minister Margaret Ritchie’s announcement to develop detailed plans for the area, DSD now propose to commission a detailed Development Framework for the target area that tests and appraises in more detail the proposed land use options. 


Key Issues


·         The proposed Development Framework will set out guiding principles for development and recommend a detailed framework for development that represents the best balance between benefits, costs, and deliverability.  It will seek to optimise the value of sites, address physical, planning and infrastructure constraints and promote integration of the sites with the surrounding neighbourhoods.  It is to also scope options for financing & delivery of the framework proposals and incorporate a comprehensive transport & infrastructure assessment, as well as undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment. 


·         A Project Board comprising key statutory interests (DSD, BRO, BCC, DOE Planning Service, DETI, SIB, DRD & DE) will directly manage the commissioning & preparation of the Development Framework, with the objective of securing a joined up approach to future development.  A Project Reference Group, comprising statutory, landowner & community interests, will advise DSD and the appointed consultants on the commissioning & preparation of the framework & consider related issues including communication & consultation. There is BCC officer representation on both groups.


·         The appointed consultants will undertake a programme of consultation with identified stakeholders and will provide a bulletin at key milestones.  Identified Stakeholders include the elected representatives for the area; the West Belfast Partnership Board; West Belfast & Greater Shankill Enterprise Council; residents & occupants; private landowners & statutory organisations with a key strategic interest or operational/service delivery interest. Political engagement is seen as being key to the preparation and delivery of the Development Framework.


·         Consultants are being appointed (through CPD) this month and the proposed timeframe for preparation of the draft Development Framework is January 2011, with agreements to the framework, following consultation, envisaged for May 2011.


·         Whilst there are certainly potential significant benefits to be gained from the proposed approach, the complexity of the project cannot be underestimated, not least because of the myriad of different ownerships & different objectives of land owners.   The Development Framework would not however be binding on any of the land owners and the intention is not to constrain development but to influence landowners to develop proposals that will complement the wider development of the area to the benefit of all. 


Resource Implications




      DSD are funding the consultants cost for preparation of the Development Framework. 


      Human Resources: 


      BCC officer time as part of the Project Board & Project Reference Group.


      Asset & Other Implications:


      BCC own lands within the defined area. The Development Framework should provide a sustainable framework for investment that optimises the value of the development sites, although it is not binding.




      Members are asked to note the contents of this report and to further note that as part of the stakeholder engagement process the appointed consultants will undertake a programme of consultation with the Elected Members for the area.  Further update reports will be brought back to Committee in due course.


Key to Abbreviations


      DSD:  Department for Social Development

      BRO: Belfast Regeneration Office

      SIB: Strategic Investment Board

      BCC: Belfast City Council

      DOE: Department of Environment

      NIHE: Northern Ireland Housing Executive

      DETI: Department of Enterprise Trade & Investment

      DE: Department Education”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.


Supporting documents: