Agenda item


            Future Leadership Requirements


            The Committee was reminded that the Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association had resigned recently to take up a post in the Health Sector.  The Association had appointed consultants to undertake a review of its future leadership requirements, with a view to informing a recruitment process to appoint a new Chief Executive.  The consultants had compiled a draft report in this regard which had been circulated to all Councils for consideration and comment.  The draft report gave consideration to the changing environment in which the Association operated and the associated challenges which it faced, for example, the uncertainty in respect of future funding.  It set out also suggestions in regards to the potential future activity of the Association and proposals in relation to the appointment of a new Chief Executive.


            It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Local Government Association received currently a large element of funding from the Department of the Environment to support the Review of Public Administration reform programme and the established implementation structures which had been in place, that is, the Strategic Leadership Board and the Policy Development Panels.  The uncertainties around reform, the fact that the majority of the Review of Public Administration policy-related work was largely complete and the budgetary pressures facing the Department of the Environment meant that such funding was unlikely to be maintained at the current level.  Furthermore, given the current economic pressures facing all Councils, continued payment of annual subscription fees would be subject to a value-for-money assessment.


            Within that context, it would be important in looking forward that the Association ensured that it was a lean and focused organisation which provided value-for-money to its members.  It was suggested that the Committee might wish to respond to the Association on that basis and recommend that it might wish to concentrate its efforts on those issues which might need regional co-ordination and consistency.  In addition, consideration would need to be given to the sustainability and relevance of the current organisational structure and staff complement of the Association, given that it had been put in place as an interim measure to assist the policy formation phase of the Review of Public Administration process which was now complete.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed to respond to the Association on the basis outlined.


            Annual General Meeting


            The Northern Ireland Local Government Association had held on 17th September its Annual General Meeting and a list of the confirmed elected member appointments to the positions of President and Vice?President, the Executive Committee, Working Groups and Outside Bodies had been circulated to the Members.




            Consultation Event –

            Sustainable Development Implementation Plan


            The Chief Executive advised the Committee that the Northern Ireland Local Government Association, in partnership with the Sustainable Development Division of the Office of the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister, had issued an invitation to attend a consultation event to be held on 28th September in the Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown.  The purpose of the event would be to populate the Office of the Minister and Deputy First Minister’s Sustainable Development Implementation Plan with Local Government commitments and to provide views on the commitments proposed by Central Government.  The invitation was for two Elected Members and he recommended that the Committee be represented by two Members on the Northern Ireland Local Government Association’s Health and Environment and Economic Development Working Groups.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


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