Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 18th June, it had considered a report in relation to the decisions which had been made by the Libraries Northern Ireland Board in terms of library closures and had agreed that the Council continue discussions with Libraries Northern Ireland in relation to potential collaboration in an attempt to develop proposals on how the Council could help minimise the impact of the closures through the development of partnerships with other organisations.


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that both he and the Estates Manager had met subsequently with the Chief Executive and other officers from Libraries Northern Ireland to discuss any potential for collaboration.  At that meeting, representatives of Libraries Northern Ireland had outlined their future development programme for libraries within Belfast, both in terms of buildings and services.  They had stressed that their new library services were not wholly about buildings but about taking the service out to communities where demand existed.  They would be focusing on providing more mobile stops in certain areas; providing more individual housebound visits; and developing outreach work in community settings.  For example, they were looking currently at a pilot scheme at Tullymore Community Centre, as well as working with the East Belfast Community Development Agency to examine the potential for the future provision of a library service at the Old Templemore Avenue School as part of a larger community facility.


            He explained that there was a significant focus on the Belfast Central Library and opportunities for collaboration might exist in terms of hosting the “Belfast Story” and subsequent meetings had taken place with the relevant Council officers on that option.  In addition, there still remained the possibility of the Belfast Visitor and Convention Centre relocating to that site, but as the Board of Libraries Northern Ireland were to have its Outline Business Case finalised by December, the Council would need to confirm, as a matter of urgency, whether or not it wished to consider relocating there in order that that proposal could be incorporated into the Business Case.  The Director of Development would continue discussions on the matter and a further report would be submitted to the Committee as appropriate.


            The Director pointed out that the Girdwood site also remained as a possibility for a joint collaborative project and the Board of Libraries Northern Ireland had expressed previously a willingness to co-locate there as part of the proposed Community Hub.  However, the Girdwood proposal obviously depended on wider agreement in relation to the development of the overall area.  He stated that major refurbishment and capital investment was due to take place at the Falls, Shankill and Whiterock Libraries, with the commencement of work proposed for the end of December/early January.  The Ormeau, Lisburn Road, Chichester and Ardoyne Libraries were also included in their three year development plan either at their existing site or on new sites.  At the planning stage of any new libraries, consideration would be given to co-location with other services and Libraries Northern Ireland was keen that any new library developments would be integrated with community planning requirements for the areas concerned.  The Board was keen to continue dialogue with the Council in terms of future developments and collaboration, subject to the financial context within which it had to work.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that an All-Party Deputation from the Council meet with the Chief Executive of Libraries Northern Ireland in order to discuss the library provision in Belfast in general and in areas of need in particular.


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