Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1      At the meeting of the Development Committee on 5 November a report was brought forward on Belfast and Northern Ireland 2012.  This report highlighted the fact that this year would be marked by a number of historic centenaries and sought permission to allocate resources against a number of these issues such as the opening of the Titanic Signature Project and the Olympic Torch Run.  The report also recognised that 2012 would be marked by the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and that a separate report would be made to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in due course.


1.2      In the course of the discussion of the report a number of Members indicated that there would be a number of historic centenaries occurring over the period 2012-2022 and it was decided at the Council meeting on 1 December 2010 that “an all-Party Steering Group be established to oversee the Council’s input into the 2012 programme and the development of the Titanic Quarter; that this group consider the issue of the decade of centenaries and that a core set of principles should be developed which would apply to the celebration of all these events”.


1.3      The purpose of this report is to seek Members’ direction on how they would want this matter taken forward and to determine the allocation of responsibilities for doing so between the Development Committee and the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


1.4      Members will be aware that the Good Relations Partnership has considered the issue of cultural displays and celebrations in the past and that a general set of principles was developed in relation to the memorabilia report on the City Hall.  A copy of these principles is attached at Appendix One, which also includes an extract from a speech by the Taoiseach outlining the principles to be used by the Irish Government in commemorating forthcoming commemorations.


2    Key Issues


2.1      Members are requested to consider how they wish these matters to be taken forward.  A potential option would be to set up a Steering Group under the auspices of the Development Committee which would consider the issue of the celebration of events relating to tourism and economic development such as the opening of the Titanic Signature Project, the marketing of the city in relation to this opening and the Olympic Torch Relay and associated celebrations.


2.2      A potential option would also involve the present political Members of the Good Relations Partnership coming together as a group to consider on a one-off basis the agreement of a set of principles to guide cultural celebrations in relation to historic centenaries such as the signing of the Covenant, the commencement of the First World War, the 1916 Rising, etc.  Consideration would have to take place on the historic centenaries over the period 2012-2022 and the development of a set of principles around what the Council might itself do in relation to these centenaries, what the Council might do in assisting others to celebrate these centenaries, and what the Council might do in collaboration with others.


2.3      Members should be aware that this issue was recently discussed at the Culture and Arts Committee of the Assembly and a copy of the initial report presented to that meeting is attached at Appendix Two.


3    Decision Required


            In moving this matter forward it is suggested:


(1)        that the Steering Group created to report to the Development Committee should deal principally with the Titanic and the Olympic Games celebrations and the marketing of the city issues related thereto;


(2)        that the political Members of the Good Relations Partnership should convene as a Working Group to consider the agreement of historic centenaries which the Council may wish to consider over the next decade; the principles which should be applied to consider these issues and the actions that the Council may wish to take itself, carry out with others or support the celebrations of others.”


            After a lengthy discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor McVeigh,

            Seconded by Councillor Hartley,


      That the Committee agrees that the issue of historic centenaries which the Council might wish to consider over the next decade; the principles which should be applied to consider those issues and the actions that the Council might wish to take itself, carry out with others or support the celebrations of others, be referred to the Good Relations Partnership for consideration.




            Moved by Councillor Stoker,

            Seconded by Councillor G. Robinson,


      That an All-Party Working Group be established, which would be convened from representatives of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, to consider historic centenaries which the Council might wish to consider over the next decade; the principles which should be applied to consider those issues and the actions that the Council might wish to take itself, carry out with others or support the celebrations of others.


            On a vote by show of hands eight Members voted for the amendment and eight against.  There being equality of votes, the Chairman exercised his second and casting vote in favour of the amendment and it was accordingly declared carried.


            The amendment was thereupon put as the substantive motion, with eight Members voting for and eight against.  There being an equality of votes, the Chairman exercised his second and casting vote in favour of the Substantive Motion and it was accordingly declared carried.


            The Committee noted that a further report on the Steering Group created to deal principally with the Titanic and the Olympic Games celebrations and the marketing of the city issues related thereto would be submitted to the next meeting of the Development Committee.


Supporting documents: