Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 3rd June, it had considered a report in relation to the role of the Corporate Plan in setting priorities and allocating resources in the Council and the role of the Committee in leading the Corporate Planning process.  The Committee had been advised that the Council’s previous Corporate Plan had covered the period 2008-2011 and that over the previous year the Committee had worked with all Members of the Council to prepare a draft update of the Plan for 2011/12.  The update had been produced to ensure that there would be continuity in terms of the Council’s overall direction, whilst the new Committee considered future priorities.  The updated work had been integrated with the development of the Council’s budget for 2011/12, which had been agreed by the Committee in February, 2011.


            The Chief Executive reported that an interim Corporate Plan, which set out the current position and which had been circulated for the information of the Members, had built upon the information which had been presented to the Committee at its previous meeting.  The document outlined:


·         How the interim plan had emerged and the information which had informed its development;


·         Information about the Council and the vital services which the Council provided on a day-to-day basis; and


·         The Council’s current key themes and indicative corporate level projects and performance indicators.


            He pointed out that the Committee would be considering later in the meeting separate reports on the Departmental Plans of the Chief Executive’s, Finance and Resources and Property and Projects Departments and also a report on the thematic plans and that the Corporate Plan would set the context for all those plans for the year ahead.


            He explained that the key issue for Members now was to consider and shape the future Corporate Plan and begin that process as early as possible.  Therefore, it was proposed that the review of the current Corporate Plan and the development of priorities and projects for the new Corporate Plan should commence in August/September through a series of party briefings and facilitated workshops for Members.  The timetable for the development of the new Plan would then become intrinsically linked with the timetable for the development of the Council’s medium?term financial plan and the setting of the rate for 2012/13.


            The Chief Executive explained further that attendance at the workshops would allow Members to consider all of the issues which would be likely to impact upon the Council’s future strategic direction and would identify the key priorities for the future in terms of the local economy, the environment and supporting local people and communities.  Members would consider those key projects, both revenue and capital, which they wanted to make happen in the City.  He pointed out that Members had already expressed a desire to “place-shape” and ensure more local investment and had expressed also the need for the Council to support job creation.  In the months ahead, Members would be supported in taking an evidence-based approach to creating a strategy which delivered on those key issues, one which could be communicated clearly, was deliverable and for which officers could be held to account.


            The Committee noted the contents of the draft interim Corporate Plan 2011/12 and agreed that party briefings and workshops be scheduled during June and August respectively in order to review the current Corporate Plan and establish priorities for the new Plan.


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