Agenda item


            (Ms. C. Wilson, Project Officer, Chief Executive’s Department, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Relevant Background Information


1.1       The overall aim of the Peace III Programme is: to reinforce progress towards a peaceful and stable society and to promote reconciliation.  Under this priority, entitled ‘Creating Shared Public Spaces’, Belfast City Council has been lead partner for 8 bids:


Belfast Urban Skatepark


Successful - £300k

North Foreshore bridge


Rejected – no appeal

Community Hub at Girdwood


Nov 09

Deferred – additional information to be submitted by 13 June 11

Crusaders and Newington Sports Village at the North Foreshore

Nov 09

Rejected – no appeal

North Belfast Cultural Corridor (Donegall St., Clifton St., Crumlin Rd.)

Nov 09

Rejected – no appeal. Intention to re-submit elements under priority 1.1 in September 11

GasworksBridge to OrmeauPark.

Nov 09

Rejected – no appeal

Community Sports Facility at North Foreshore

Jan 11

Rejected – no appeal

St. Comgall’s Shared Space (in association with Falls Community Council)

Jan 11

Rejected – appeal to be led by Falls Community Council


1.2       In addition to the £300k awarded to the Urban Skatepark, the following awards have been made by SEUPB, under this priority to projects in Belfast:


Skainos Shared Public Realm


Glen Community Complex, Lenadoon


SS Nomadic Peace Exhibition


Shankill Women’s Centre


Groundwork NI (agreed in principle)


Grand Orange Lodge(agreed in principle)



2.0       Key Issues


2.1       Girdwood Community Hub – supplementary

            evidence for SEUPB


            In its correspondence (03 June 10) notifying the Council of the deferral of the Girdwood Community Hub, SEUPB asked for further evidence of the following:


-    An implementation timetable for the Community Hub and the wider site (including housing and infrastructure) within an agreed masterplan


-    Programming of the facility by strategic partners as part of the Shared Space Action Plan


-    Further evidence that there is full political and local PUL community support for the project


-    SLAs on the relationship between the Council and strategic partners


-    Resource costs to inform the assessment of costs


-    An Equality Impact Assessment


            A series of papers have been submitted (13 June 11 – subject to ratification by Council), to SEUPB as documentary evidence of the above – attached in appendix.  SEUPB’s decision-making committee will consider the application at its meeting in early autumn.


            There is still the opportunity to submit further information up until mid-August, in light of recently elected Council and newly appointed Ministers.


2.2       Girdwood Community Hub – process to date


            Over the last 6 months, there has been a series of meetings with community and statutory partners, both on a bi-lateral basis and joint meetings.   All agree there is significant merit in securing the resources available from SEUPB for the Community Hub, to benefit local neighbourhoods as well as create a new integrated services centre for the city.  Through this process, a number of issues have been negotiated:


-    A wider community and political engagement process has been designed for implementation (attached).  This includes 3 stages:


·         Local media and public information newssheet: Summer 11

·         Engagement process to include design workshops: Sep 11 – Dec 11

·         Engagement process to jointly design and facilitate shared space programming: Jan 12 – Dec 17 onwards.


-    The partners are keen that a news sheet is distributed to houses in the local neighbourhoods outlining the proposal and the community engagement process.  This will build local confidence.  There would be costs associated with this, and independent facilitation for meetings, which would not be recoupable from SEUPB.


-    The location of the Hub has been shifted onto the front of Cliftonpark Avenue for easier access and to reduce infrastructural costs. Negotiations are ongoing regarding the transfer of land from both DSD and NIHE for the revised footprint.  It is also critical for all partners that the final location is safe and welcoming for all.


-    A community opportunities and benefits plan will be drafted.  This will include social impact clauses including the use of apprentices during the construction phase and the potential for a community trust to operate the hub, in the longer term.


-    Formal discussion on strategic partnerships with BelfastMetropolitan College, Police Service NI and Prince’s Trust have all been initiated and agreed in principle.


-    Following feedback from Council Members, it is also recommended that a regular political forum be established, similar to the Connswater Community Greenway political breakfasts, drawing together all of the political representatives for North Belfast. 


            In order to satisfy the requirements of SEUPB in terms of public engagement and to sustain the momentum which has been created on the hub concept, it is recommended that a sum be made available (up to £25,000) for costs in advance of a formal decision from SEUPB.  If a grant award is confirmed by SEUPB, future engagement costs would be recoupable from them.


2.3       Community Sports Facility at North Foreshore – rejected


            SEUPB has informed the Council that the application was considered by its Steering Committee.  It agreed that the application did not meet the necessary threshold (scoring 50%; threshold 65%) and did not proceed to full economic appraisal.


            Council officers considered the feedback from SEUPB and decided it was not feasible to appeal the decision within the timeframe given.  This was on the basis that this was a significantly re-worked bid building from the original application by Crusaders and Newington Football Clubs and it is very unlikely that an appeal would be successful.  It is also worth noting that aspects of this bid have been integrated into a bigger expression of interest for a major commercial sport /recreation use development at the North Foreshore, which will be considered by Committee in the coming months.


2.4       St. Comgall’s Shared Space – decision to appeal


            This bid was led by Falls Community Council, with the agreement that the Council would become lead partner following Committee approval.  SEUPB has written to inform FCC that the application did not meet the necessary threshold and did not proceed to full economic appraisal. FCC has requested a de-brief meeting and it is likely that they will appeal the SEUPB Steering Committee’s decision.


            The SP&R Committee’s previous decision (21 Jan 11) was that the Council would become lead partner for delivery, subject to the appropriate legal agreements being drafted by the Town Solicitor.  Should the appeal be successful, this agreement will be drawn up and presented to Committee for their consideration.


2.5       Next steps


            Given the strategic importance of the North Belfast Cultural Corridor, the Director of Property and Projects is proceeding to re-package the concept, in order to identify potential funding streams and partners for its delivery. 


            Discussions relating to community and political support are ongoing in relation to the Girdwood Community Hub and an update on this will be submitted to SEUPB in mid-August.  They anticipate that the project will be presented to their Steering Committee in September/October for a final decision.


            Officers will support Falls Community Council in their appeal of SEUPB’s decision and the Director will update Committee in due course.


3.0       Resource implications


3.1       Financial


            Facilitation costs = up to £12,000 (£300 per day x 20 days x 2 independent facilitators)


            Public engagement event costs = £5,000 (to cover hospitality, room hire, events, etc.)


            Newsletter costs = up to £8,000 (inc. printing and distribution costs)


            Total: £25,000 – available from existing revenue budgets.  Future engagement costs would be recoupable from SEUPB.


            Assets: None at present


            Human: Officer time


4.0       Equality considerations


4.1       An equality strategy has been drafted for the Girdwood Community Hub and is attached.


5.0       Recommendations


5.1       The Committee is asked:


-    For any feedback on the process, including the engagement strategy, in relation to the Girdwood Community Hub;


-    To agree the budget for delivery of the Girdwood Hub community engagement process; and


-    To note the status of the St. Comgall’s and North Foreshore Sports Facility bids.


6.0       Officers to contact for further information


6.1       Gerry Millar, Director of Property and Projects (Ext. 6217)

            Caroline Wilson, Chief Executive’s Department (Ext. 3399)

            Sinead Grimes, Chief Executive’s Department (Ext. 6203)


8.0       Abbreviations


8.1       DSD – Department for Social Development

            FCC – Falls Community Council

            SEUPB – Special European Union Programmes Body”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and approved the budget for the delivery of the Girdwood Hub community engagement process.


Supporting documents: