Agenda item


            (Ms. S. Wylie, Director of Health and Environmental Services, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       In 2009/10 the Council’s Corporate Plan was restructured to set out a number of key themes on which the Council would focus to ensure that it delivered on its main purpose of improving the quality of life.  This approach has been carried through into future corporate plans, including the current draft plan.  The main outward facing themes are leadership, environment, economy and support for people and communities.  This new approach also meant that Council Departments had to work in a more integrated way to deliver across themes.


1.2       To support work on some of priority objectives within these themes, which did not fall neatly within the remit of one department, separate integrated plans were developed for the following work:


·         Older People

·         Health and Well Being

·         Safer City

·         Sustainable Development

·         Children and Young People


1.3       This approach was developed to move the Council towards a community planning framework, focusing on key themes.  With each of the priorities mentioned above there is considerable partnership working with other organisations and engagement with communities / stakeholders. 


1.4       This paper focuses on the following 3 ‘thematic working’ plans for 11/12 and beyond which are now complete. (Note that the older people’s theme has now been incorporated into the Healthier City Plan and that the Children and Young Peoples plan will be reported to Committee at a later date).


(i)    Belfast City Council Sustainable Development Action Plan 2011 – 14


(ii)   Belfast CityCouncil Safer City Plan 2011 – 12


(iii)  Belfast CityCouncil HealthierCity Plan 2011 - 12


1.5       [Due to the volume of pages associated with the reports the full plans are not contained within committee reports but may be accessed on].  However a flavour of the priorities is provided in this report.


1.6       It should be noted that these plans do not sit in isolation and are related closely to emerging areas of work such as community planning, neighbourhood approaches and community development.


2          Key Issues


2.1       Each of the plans listed above is managed by cross departmental teams with the direct involvement of a lead Chief Officer.  Outputs are reported through the Departmental project management process.  A brief summary of each of the plans is outlined below.


2.2       (i)         Sustainable Development Action Plan 2011-14


            The Council’s SD Action Plan seeks to meet corporate objectives to:


·         Reduce the Council’s energy use

·         Reduce the Council’s carbon footprint

·         Reduce the amount of waste we produce and to

·         Promote the development of renewable energy and ‘green industries’.


            It lists a series of over 40 actions within a framework of 6 themes


(i)      Environmental Management systems

(ii)     Environmental Purchasing

(iii)    Energy and Carbon Management

(iv)    Waste Management

(v)     Sustainable Transport

(vi)    Environmental Protection and Enhancement


            Energy conservation projects receive a high priority within the plan.  Proposals will be evaluated using business planning principles specifying whole life costs, payback periods and potential avoidance of future costs arising from government’s new Carbon Reduction Commitment - Energy Efficiency Scheme. (CRCEES).


            Implementation of the plan aims to realise cost savings particularly through improved energy management, procurement and internal waste controls.  In addition, projects and proposals developed as part of the plan will seek external funding from EU and other sources.


2.3       (ii)        Safer City Plan 2011-12


            The Belfast City Council internal Safer City Plan for 2011/12 intends to build upon the achievements of the previous two business plans but also reflect the changing environment impacting upon the Council’s resources and role.  The plan outlines the Council’s contribution to the Belfast Community Safety Partnership – a multi agency body comprising representatives from the statutory, private, community and voluntary sectors as well as elected representatives.  The Partnership is coordinated and Chaired by Belfast City Council on behalf of all the partners and ultimately reports into the Department of Justice; as well as other relevant funding bodies  The partnership continues to prioritise interventions to tackle


·         Antisocial Behaviour

·         Alcohol and Substance Misuse

·         Hate Crime and Cohesion; and

·         Fear of Crime


            Specifically in 2011-12, Council Departments will continue to improve and co-ordinate activities to


·         address anti social behaviour


·         respond to and manage interface issues


·         plan and manage bonfire issues


·         support Council efforts to reduce on-street and under age drinking


·         strengthen internal links between Departments to optimise Council contributions to Safer City aims


2.4       (iii)       Healthier City Plan 2011-12


            The Council has developed a healthier city framework and action plan for 2011 / 2012. This will drive and coordinate the work of the Council in improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Belfast and in tackling the main health inequalities that exist across the city. The delivery of the Council’s Healthier City Plan will be closely aligned with the work of the recently established city wide health and wellbeing partnership and this is achieved through strong connections with the Belfast Health Development Unit (BHDU), a multi agency team established to support the partnership.


            The main priorities in the Healthier City Plan are based on those of the city wide partnership and BHDU. They include:


·         A reduction in alcohol misuse


·         Improving services to older people and reducing social isolation


·         Improving the level of physical activity through the Active Belfast programme


·         Improving mental health


            The action plan for improving services for older people has been incorporated into the Healthier City Plan. Much of the delivery of the Healthier City Plan will be achieved through the BHDU. 


3          Resource Implications


3.1       The total cost of £400,000 for implementation of the plans was agreed as part of the 2011/12 revenue estimates.


4          Equality Considerations


4.1       Activities listed within the Safer and HealthierCity plans contribute directly to the realisation of Council Equality and Good Relations policies.  There are no direct implications associated with the Sustainable Development Action plan.


5          Recommendations


5.1       It is recommended that the Committee notes the priorities contained within each of the thematic plans presented, i.e:


·         Belfast City Council Sustainable Development Action Plan 2011-14


·         Belfast City Council Safer City Plan 2011-12


·         Belfast City Council Healthier City Plan 2011-12


            Decision Tracking


            Progress on each plan will be monitored within existing performance management systems in the Health and Environmental Services Department”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: