Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 17th June, it had agreed that the key issue for Members was to set the leadership direction for the Council by considering and shaping priorities which would be set out in the future Corporate Plan.  The Committee had agreed also that the development of the new Plan should align with the development of the Medium Term Financial Plan and the setting of the rate for 2012/13.  The Chief Executive explained that during the next few months Members would receive full support to take an evidence-based approach to creating a strategy which would deliver the Corporate Plan and its financial commitments.  The strategy would be clear, concise and easily communicated and be deliverable with definite roles and responsibilities so that officers could be held to account.


            He reported that the development of the priorities and projects, which would be contained within the new Corporate Plan, had been initiated and a series of Party and Member briefings had been facilitated as requested during July and August.  An initial discussion with Party Leaders had taken place at the end of June to begin to identify and explore potential priorities for the Council and to shape Members’ input.  To facilitate wider engagement, the Committee had agreed that a workshop be arranged to enable all Members to set out and discuss their views on the important issues and priorities for the City and the Council.  A workshop was scheduled for 17th August in the Group Space, Ulster Hall and an invitation had been issued to all Members of the Council.  The purpose of the workshop was to allow Members to begin to discuss and give direction on the Council’s purpose, objectives and priorities for the new Council term.


            The Chief Executive explained that the workshop would provide a forum for Members to explore and discuss some of the key leadership challenges facing the Council including, for example, defining:


(i)      What is the Council’s vision and ambition for the City?


(ii)     What are the key priorities and areas for action – what results do Members wish to achieve within this Council and corporate planning term?


(iii)    What can we afford to do?


(iv)    How can we innovate to maximise the potential investment/funding into the City?


            That would set the context in which Members would discuss the Council’s place shaping role within the City.


            Given the challenging economic environment and Members’ focus on value for money and efficiency, it was important that discussions in respect of future priorities were taken forward within the context of affordability limits and maximising the effectiveness of the Council’s assets.  Therefore, it was vital that the discussion on the new Corporate Plan was integrated with the setting of the rate for 2012/13 and consideration of the Capital Programme and City investment.  In previous corporate planning processes it had proven extremely valuable when Members had given consideration, in advance of a workshop, to the key issues which they believed would face the City and Council over the next four years and their views on key priorities.  In order to inform such considerations, briefings had been offered to all political parties and Members.  With regard to the Members’ workshop on 17th August, early feedback from some Members had suggested that consideration be given to using a peer Member facilitator who might challenge Members on their views from the perspective of an Elected Member from another successful Local Authority.


            With the assistance of visual aids, the Chief Executive made a brief presentation outlining the emerging priorities in terms of what should be in the new corporate plan as a foundation for the workshop discussion.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that Jon Huish, a peer Elected Member from the Local Government Authority, would facilitate the workshop.


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