Agenda item


            The Committee was informed that the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality had been received:



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of











School of the Built Environment, University of Ulster



Conference Reception – Rights, Responsibilities and Equity in Land Use Planning Conference Reception


8th February, 2012


Approximately 160 attending



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception.


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the City.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500




Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of













Conference Reception – 2012 PROBUS All Ireland Rally


16th May, 2012


Approximately 250 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception.


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500



Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Ulster



Conference Reception – Tourism and Events: Opportunities, Impacts and Change


20th June, 2012


Approximately 160 attending



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception.


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500


School of Sports Studies

University of Ulster

Conference Reception – 4th International Sport, race and Ethnicity Conference

27th June, 2012

Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.



This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500


European Partnership of Supervisory Organisations (EPSO)


Conference Reception – European Partnership of Supervisory Organisations Conference

4th November,


Approximately 35 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘Better support for people and communities’ and ‘Better  Services, listening and delivering’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £175



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of













NOW Graduation Ceremony


22nd November, 2011


Approximately 160 attending



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


NOW Ltd seeks to provide quality training and employment services for local people with learning difficulties who often are furthest removed from the labour market.


This event aims to give those people with learning difficulties/disabilities, parents and carers the opportunity to celebrate their success and academic achievement.  The specifically seeks to recognise the importance and significance of each individual’s achievement.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


Approximate cost £400


Irish Football Association


Irish FA Grassroots Football Awards


22nd November, 2011


Approximately 150 attending



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception.


This event seeks to recognise and celebrate all those individuals who have significantly contributed to grassroots football in communities across Northern Ireland.  The event will particularly recognise the important role that grassroots football plays in bringing people together to play the game irrespective of race, gender, religion and other barriers which exist within society.


The awards will be presented to volunteers, parents, coaches, clubs, caretakers etc who give their time to delivering grassroots football.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.


Approximate cost £500



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of











Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health



World Mental Health Day – Stand up against stigma


10th October, 2011


Approximately 200 attending




The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


This event will seek to raise awareness and promote positive mental health.  The event will include partner agencies who will promote their services to the members of the public who attend. 


The event will also aim to promote services throughout Belfast which contribute to supporting the needs of individuals who suffer from poor mental health.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


Approximate cost £500



Oasis Caring in Action




































Launch of Mental Health Self Help Book


17th November, 2011


Approximately 70 attending



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


This event will launch a self help publication which will consist of ideas and techniques which aim to help individuals in dealing with mental illness.  The launch is one element of the work of the organisation which also seeks to offer hope, support and motivate people to understand their illness.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.



The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits.


Approximate cost £175




Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of










European Movement Northern Ireland

Celebration of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

2nd November, 2011

Approximately 120 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This event seeks to celebrate the new presidency of the Council of the European Union which is currently being held by Poland. 

This event, which will acknowledge the valuable contribution made by Polish nationals to our society and economy,  will also seek to support the role of the ‘European Movement Northern Ireland’ which seeks to promote the interests of Northern Ireland within the European Union. 

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500

Pegasus Hockey Club





50th Anniversary Dinner

9th June, 2012

Approximately 200 attending


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This event seeks to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Pegasus Hockey Club and to acknowledge its contribution to the general life and well-being of the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £500



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of










Inter Trade Ireland

Venture Capital 2012

7th March, 2012

Approximately 300 attending

The use of the City Hall.






This event aims to bring together venture capital funds and individuals who are seeking to invest in high potential, export focused start-up and growing businesses from across the island of Ireland.


This event, which will include businesses from Belfast will provide the city with the opportunity to promote what it has to offer to potential investors.  It will also bring together many from across the island of Ireland which have considerable growth potential and may consider the benefits of locating their business in the Belfast in the future.


Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.


This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall.



Organisation/ Body


Event/Date -

Number of











The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award


The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Programme Event



6th October, 2011


Approximately 100 attending



The use of the City Hall

The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award is a recognition programme which aims to identify, acknowledge and support entrepreneurs. The programme is currently run in over 50 countries, across six continents.

As our economy strives for prosperity our entrepreneurial community will be a key element in leading the way and be the beacons of our future economic growth.


This event, which is supported by Invest NI, Intertrade Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, will provide an opportunity to bring together not only the 24 finalists and a high profile judging panel but also the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster MLA and the Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD and to showcase to all those in attendance what Belfast has to offer.  It will also present an opportunity to strengthen the business links between our two economies and acclaim those who are driving forward despite the many challenges of the current environment.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: