Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 18th April, it had considered a request from Sustrans in relation to the potential for a Connect2 partnership project which would connect the Titanic Quarter with the Connswater and Comber Greenways via a new route through Bridge End Halt, Fraser Street and Sydenham Road.


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the proposed project, with the opening of Fraser Street, would complement the planned work to the Bridge End Halt and improve connections to the Titanic Quarter from both the Connswater and Comber Greenways by enhancing the link from the station to the Holywood Arches area through a connection running along Island Street, across Dee Street and onto the Ballymacarrett Walkway.  The proposed connection would enhance the function of the Connswater Community Greenway and contribute to Titanic Quarter connectivity.  Accordingly, the Committee had agreed that the Council accept the Strategic Leadership role for the Connect2 Partnership Project with Sustrans, subject to details of the formal agreement and resource outline being reported to the Committee in due course.


            The Director reported that the bid for the Big Lottery/Sustrans funding report for the Connect2 Programme had been approved, subject to the Council, as lead partner, entering into a Memorandum of Understanding and match funding being made available from the project partners.  A copy of the draft Memorandum of Understanding had been circulated for the Members’ information.


            He explained that the proposed partners, that is, the Belfast Harbour Commissioners, the Department for Regional Development Roads Service and Translink, had committed to provide the match funding or carry out the related projects as part of the project delivery.  The project included also the identification of a


contribution from the Council of £24,750, which comprised eligible signage costs from initiatives either already carried out or identified as part of the heritage and tourism interpretative work for the Titanic Quarter.  No further funding would be required from the Council.


            The Director explained that the role of the Council as lead partner was set out in the Memorandum of Understanding and in effect would be to ensure the completion of three broad work packages which made up the overall project, that is:


(1)               the highway crossing and potential traffic calming between the Bridge End Halt and King’s Road;


(2)               the improvement around the Bridge End Halt; and


(3)               the re-opening of Fraser Street and the connection into the Titanic Quarter via the Sydenham Road.


            The proposal was for the majority of the works to be carried out by the identified partners, with the co-ordination and grant administration to be undertaken by the Council.  Under that proposed arrangement, the majority of the works would be carried out by the partner organisations where possible through the use of existing contracts.  Where existing contracts could not be utilised, the Council might be required to procure and develop the proposed activity in partnership with the identified partner and on the basis of the agreed contributions. 


            The Committee approved the Council taking on the Lead Partner role for the Connect2 partnership project and approved also the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding.  The Committee agreed also that a report on the wider issue of cycling schemes throughout the city and public bike hire be submitted to the Committee in due course.



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