Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Purpose


1.1    To update Committee on the North Foreshore project, and to seek approval for subsequent actions.


2       Relevant Background Information


         The North Foreshore is a former waste landfill site owned and operated by Belfast City Council. The site comprising c10 million tons of waste was closed to dumping in 2007, and will remain a major environmental liability due to the nature of the material deposited at the North Foreshore.


         To manage the environmental liability, a number of ongoing after care measures comprising site capping and installation of a methane gas abstraction system are being implemented. There will be continual monitoring and assessment of the differential settlement, leachate and methane gas as the physical nature of the landfill changes over time.


         An Environmental Risk Assessment, (ERA), Environmental Management Plan and Master Plan have been completed for the entire site to identify the most suitable land uses that could be developed on a former waste landfill site. The focus is on open space for recreation, the bio-economy to promote environmental business clustering, and resource management as well as continued waste management contracts.  The Directors Workshop in October 2010 agreed that the regeneration theme for the site should focus on quality of life, environment and the bio-economy. This was endorsed by the North Foreshore Political Steering Group in December 2010.


         The first phase of development has taken place at the North Foreshore site.


·         Council’s Waste Transfer Station completed 2007.

·         NIE Sub Station completed 2009.

·         Landfill gas electricity generation power plant to produce renewable energy operational in September 2009

·         Arc21 is preparing a planning application for an in-vessel composting facility.

·         A potential site for a mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plant has been identified to arc21, and the Council is waiting the outcome of the arc21 procurement exercise.


         A Bio economy business case has been commissioned to assess the demand from the emerging sector and recommend a regeneration model to deliver the project.


         A North Foreshore political steering group has been established to drive and direct the development of the overall site via an oversight board of the Corporate Management Team (CMT). 


         Expression of Interest for Commercial Sport / Recreation Development Proposals


         At the North Foreshore Political Steering Group meeting on the 16th December 2010 and the SP&R Committee Meeting on 21st January 2011 the members were briefed on the interest from Crusaders/Newington, and a third Party to develop a Leisure Complex. The Members were keen to explore these proposals further. 


         A public advertisement appeared in the newspapers on the 4th March 2011 inviting expressions of interest for Commercial Sports / Recreation uses for site one comprising up to 23 acres. The closing date for submissions of expression of interest forms was the 24th March 2011.


         Two submissions for commercial sport / recreation use were received prior to the closing date.


·         Innovative Leisure Systems Limited – Mr S Curran

·         China Sun Asia Pacific Ltd HK, JC Crusader FC / Newington FC – Mr P Durnien


         A meeting was held on 20 May with each Developer to clarify their expression of interest.


         Sufalnet 4EU


         The Council is a Partner in SUFALNET 4EU Interreg 4C Project. It is a European network focussing on the sustainable reuse of former and abandoned waste landfill sites. There are 15 Partners from 11 EU Countries; the Lead Partner is Noord Brabant, the Netherlands. The purpose of the network is that each partner has to develop an Action Plan based on the model strategy for the regeneration of their former waste landfill sites, which could be used as a basis for a possible funding application to EU. Belfast hosted the SUFALNET 4EU Conference on 15 & 16 June, and was attended by 69 EU delegates. The final conference is to be held in Cava de Tirreni, Campania Region, Italy on the 16 & 17 November 2011.


         Crematoria Facility


         The Council has since been approached by BAP Asset Management Ltd who would be interested in developing a 5 acre site at the North Foreshore for a Private Sector operated Crematoria Facility. Of particular interest is the potential collaboration with the Council waste to energy project at the North Foreshore.


         Key Issues


         Expression of Interest for Commercial Sport / Recreation Development Proposals


         The Expression of Interest is the first stage of a transparent site disposal process to secure a private sector partner to develop a site at the North Foreshore. The Council received two proposals that had a substantial focus on leisure and cultural uses requiring a larger site footprint.


         The Expression of Interest had indicated a site up to 23 acres would be available for commercial sport / recreation uses, which would appear to be insufficient. To accommodate the proposed development a minimum of 30 acres would be required.


         It was evident from the Expression of Interest submissions, and at the clarification meeting that more information would be required from the Developers. They would need to clearly demonstrate to the Council that the proposals are realistic for the North Foreshore site. In particular that the schemes are financially and commercially viable, that they are deliverable, that the leisure and culture uses are suitable for the site’s environmental conditions, and that the developers have a proven track record to deliver and operate large scale regeneration projects.


         To determine the suitability of commercial leisure and cultural uses at the North Foreshore the environmental risk assessment, environmental statements and master plan agreed with Planning Service in 2010 would need to be tested, revised and resubmitted to Planning Service for statutory consultations and agreement.


         To test the Expression of Interest Submission the next stage would be to publicly advertise a Developer Brief seeking Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses for a clearly defined site at the North Foreshore. The Council would have to qualify its position to avoid misrepresentation that the Developers would need to confirm with Planning Service that the site would be suitable for commercial leisure and cultural uses. The Developers will be required to respond to a detailed developers brief for the site. They will be asked to submit detailed proposals which would include concept design layouts, planning technical appraisal, financial appraisal, business plans, and funding agreements. The Developers will

         be required to demonstrate that the schemes are commercially viable, deliverable; the uses are suitable for the site conditions, funding have been secured, and provide best value to the Council.


         The Developer will be responsible for funding the infrastructure, the site capping, gas abstraction and preparation costs. 


         The Council will need to decide to offer a site, and to proceed with a Developers Brief for commercial leisure and cultural uses. To prepare a Developers Brief the Council will need to decide on the size of the site to be offered for commercial leisure and cultural uses.


·         Option 1 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 23 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


·         Option 2 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 30 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


·         Option 3 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 39 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


         The two smaller sites leave a valuable Dargan Road frontage that could be developed by the Council however, it would of course be attractive to any developer that responds to the brief.


         Sufalnet 4EU


         The Council is a Partner in SUFALNET 4EU Interreg 4C Project. It is a European network focussing on the sustainable reuse of former and abandoned waste landfill sites. There are 15 Partners from 11 EU Countries; the Lead Partner is Noord Brabant, Netherland.


         The final conference is to be held in Cava de Tirreni, CampaniaRegion, Italy on the 16 & 17 November 2011. The Sufalnet 4EU Conference Organisers would like each EU Partner to bring a Political Representative to Italy, to demonstrate support for the Sufalnet 4EU network and completed Action Plans. It is proposed that the Lord Mayor or the Chair of the SP&R Committee or their nominated representative should be invited to attend the Conference in Cava de Tirreni, Campania Region on the 16 and 17 November.


         Resource Implications


         Sufalnet 4EU Conference attendance cost would be covered by the Sufalnet 4EU Interreg 4C funds.


         Equality and Good Relations Implications


         There are no equality implications contained within this report




         The Committee is asked


1) To consider to offer a site at the North Foreshore and proceed with a Developers Brief for commercial leisure and cultural uses.


      To prepare a Developers Brief the Council will need to consider the options, and approve the size of the site to be publicly offered for commercial leisure and cultural uses.


·         Option 1 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 23 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


·         Option 2 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 30 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


·         Option 3 To proceed to publicly advertise a Developers Brief for a 39 acre site for Commercial Leisure and Cultural Uses.


         It is the Director’s view that to fully test the private sector interest option 3 is preferable. 


2) To approve the attendance of the Lord Mayor or Chair of the SP&R Committee or their nominee at the Sufalnet 4EU Conference in Italy on the 16-17 November 2011.


         Decision Tracking


         If agreed the development brief can be advertised in September with a return date of late October.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to publicly advertise a Developer’s Brief for a site of up to 39 acres for Commercial, Leisure and Cultural Uses.  In addition, the Committee approved the attendance of the Lord Mayor or the Chairman of the Committee (or nominee) at the Sufalnet 4EU Conference in Italy on 16th and 17th November.


Supporting documents: