Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 21st October, it had been advised that the tendering process had been completed for a system to live stream and archive Council proceedings on the internet.  The system had now been installed and had been tested during the Council meeting on 1st November.  The live webcasting would begin at the Council meeting on 1st December.


            The Democratic Services Manager reported that Members had previously indicated that thought should be given as to how the conduct of the Council meetings might be impacted upon when the live broadcasts commenced.  In particular, Members were keen to ensure that the reputation of the Council would not be adversely affected.  Therefore, a Protocol for the live streaming and archiving of Council proceedings on the internet had been developed.  More detailed discussion on the conduct of Council meetings would take place as part of the forthcoming review of Council Standing Orders.  Once the system had been in operation for a period of three months, the Protcol, a copy of which is set out hereunder, would be reviewed to ensure its relevance:


“Draft - Protocol for the live webstreaming of Council Meetings


1.   Background


      The Members will recall that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 22 October 2010, agreed to the invitation of tenders for a system which would facilitate the live streaming and archiving of Council meetings on the internet.  Subsequently, the Assistant Chief Executive/Town Solicitor approved the successful tender for the provision and installation of the necessary equipment provided by Public-i.  A webcast is a transmission of audio and video content over the internet.  It is a permanent medium which is either viewed live, or from an archive. This protocol has been produced to assist the conduct of webcast meetings and to remind Members of the importance of the maintenance of order during meetings. 


2.   Current position


      The equipment is now in place and consists of 4 fixed cameras, which will focus on the speaker at any given time, or give an overall view of the Chamber if appropriate.  The proceedings of each Council meeting will be webcast live on the internet and recordings will be archived for 2 years and will be available to view within 48 hours of the meeting.  Concurrently, during each Council meeting, a live screening from the internet with audio will be on display in the Robing Room.


3.   Protocol to be followed


      In order to ensure the maximum openness and transparency of Council business the following Protocol has been developed to assist Members to make the best possible use of the system. 


a.   The Lord Mayor will make an announcement at the start of each meeting reminding Members that the meeting is being broadcast live to the internet and will be capable of repeated viewing.  The Lord Mayor will also advise that the webcasting of the meeting may be terminated or suspended at his/her discretion.  (Further information below.)


b.   Specific seats have been assigned and Members must speak only from their allotted seat.  This is important as, during the live streaming, the speaker’s name will be indexed onto the webcast. 


c.   Members are asked to speak directly towards the microphone. 


d.   Members should speak only when directed to do so by the Lord Mayor resulting in only one person speaking at a time.  It is also important to ensure that Members switch on their microphone before speaking and to switch it off again once finished. 


e.   It is important to note that whilst other people near you are speaking you may still be on camera.   Bear in mind that people may be watching live on the internet.  Members should try to avoid moving unduly whilst speaking.


f.    It is recommended that bright colours and/or striped materials should not be worn as these may distort the images which are streamed live. 


g.   In the event of a vote, the live webcast will revert to a wide angle view of the Lord Mayor’s podium to allow for the voting to take place.


4.   Termination or suspension of live webcast


a.   Council’s Standing Orders should be adhered to during meetings to ensure the reputation of the Council is not adversely affected.


b.   The live webcasting may be terminated or suspended only by the Lord Mayor (or the Deputy Lord Mayor in the absence of the Lord Mayor) if, in their opinion, continuing to webcast would prejudice the integrity of the meeting.


c.   Instances of inappropriate behaviour, such as prolonged use of offensive language; violence towards one another or to equipment/furniture may result in the termination of the live webcast. 


5.   Review of protocol


      Once the system has been in operation for a period of 3 months, the above protocol will be reviewed to ensure its relevance. 


6.   Officer responsible for overseeing the Protocol


      Responsibility for the above Protocol will ultimately lie with the Chief Executive through the Assistant Chief Executive and Democratic Services Manager.”


            The Committee approved the draft Protocol.


Supporting documents: