Agenda item


            The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1        Purpose


1.1       To provide Committee with details of the projects BCC are currently delivering, facilitating, consulting, lobbying or considering.  Members are asked to consider the detail of the report and the recommendations in relation to moving the Programme(s) forward in line with financial and other resource limitations.


2          Background


2.1       At SP&R on 21st October Members agreed to the establishment of Member/officer working groups to progress projects identified by Members at the Place-shaping workshops and recent Party Briefings.  In addition Members have agreed that officers convene a workshop on People and Communities which will also explore Neighbourhood funding and the projects that could be part of this strand.  These projects can then be added to the programme(s) when known. 


2.2       Given the number and range of projects under consideration, the various stages they are at and the different parts of the organisation involved at different times it is important to group all these physical projects within a single document that enables overall management to be simplified and ensure members are regularly engaged and updated.  Once agreed the projects will be organised into separate programmes to reflect the different financing routes ie Capital Programme, City Investment Fund, Local Investment Fund. 


2.3       The tables below detail those projects identified by Members at various workshops; the City Investment fund projects (active and potential) and capital projects committed and not committed. For this exercise we have excluded smaller capital projects such as IT projects and as noted above further neighbourhood projects may be added. 


2.4       Outline costs have been identified for the majority of projects however a number of caveats need to be applied to the financial information. Several projects remain ill defined and estimates are little more than a guess at this stage, others are contingent upon various funding streams that again are not fully worked up. However it is important to have at least a ballpark figure to inform discussion and establish the potential rate impact. 


2.5       We have affordability ranges for capital of around £10m pa for financing.  We have a £3m annual contribution to CIF and there is a £2.5m lump sum for the LIF.  Affordability limits will include this money together with further efficiency gains, rate income and external funding. 


            The projects have been grouped into 4 categories:


·        Group A – basically committed

·        Group B – officers authorised to work up more detail

·        Group C – potential projects to be considered by Member/Officer working groups to define scope of potential projects

·        Group D – Projects at a very early conceptual stage


2.7       The total number of projects identified to date is 70 around half of which are newly identified by Members.  The total BCC funding potentially required for these where known, is over £100m.  Obviously this amount needs to be informed by what is affordable and an agreed expenditure profile for the coming years.  At present Group A contains the only projects which are presently agreed by Council, financed and profiled.


2.8       Further parameters for prioritising projects in groups B, C and D include alignment with organisation objectives, the masterplan and deliverability.  Regardless of what is finally agreed some projects will be delayed or indeed not go ahead at all due to other circumstances and new projects will emerge.  The overall portfolio will shift and change as the projects meet the reality of delivery on the ground.  Members need to be kept informed of progress and delay and options available. 


2.9       It is important for Members to recognise the scale of this programme(s) of work and bear in mind the capacity of the organisation to deliver.  Once a programme is agreed and financed through the rate a further detailed report on delivery and organisational capacity will be brought.


3       Key Issues


3.1     Group A – 21 Projects


Contains the current Capital Programme and City Investment Fund projects which Council has already authorised.  There are also some emerging capital projects which are being worked up by officers, as authorised by standing committees, for Member’s consideration in the future.  For this exercise we have not included smaller capital projects such as IT projects.


          Group A












Arterial Routes

Committed (Revenue funded)



Mary Peter’s

Committed CP



Dunville Park

Committed CP


£1m (DSD)

Woodvale Park

Committed CP


£1m (DSD)


Committed CP



Titanic Memorial Gardens


Committed /CP




Cemetery/ Crematorium






Burial Space




Duncrue Fuel Station




Mercury Abatement




Duncrue Industrial Estate – Waste Heat Utilisation










Clement Wilson Bridge




Upper Waterworks MUGA






Pitches (NSEW)




Maysfield Demolition and Site Development







NFS 3 (Waste Transfer Station)



Funding secured

£1.25m (Waste Fund)


Loop River



£900k (CR)




£5.5m (CR)


Committed CIF




Committed CIF




Committed CIF













3.2       Group B – 12 Projects


            Consists of those projects which need funding decisions or further work such as economic appraisals to allow defined proposals to be submitted to Members for decisions on the next steps. Officers have been authorised to work the projects up and bring further report to committees.


Group B








Old Grove demolition

Project being developed by officers – approved by SP&R but referred back at Council

Tropical Ravine

Project awaiting funding decision from HLF

Springfield Recycling Centre

Economic appraisal being prepared before submission to Members for consideration including access issues

Council accommodation

Being developed by the Asset Management Board for submission to Members for consideration.

BVCB/Belfast Welcome Centre

Location to be agreed and Economic appraisal to be finalised before submission to Members for consideration.

Conference Centre/Exhibition Centre

Economic appraisal to be finalised before submission to Members for consideration

Mountain Bike Trail

Economic appraisal to be finalised before submission to Members for consideration,

City Hall East Gardens refurbishment


Concept plans developed.

NFS 2 (Development Brief)


Uncommitted pending receipt of brief


Funding application being developed


Funding application approved to next stage

Springvale Forthriver Business Park

Uncertainties about the nature of the scheme, delivery and operation.  Further detail needed.


3.3       Group C – 17 Projects


            Consists of those projects which are the suggested list for the Member/officer working groups.  For most of these projects, the information already available should provide enough detail to develop to the next stage.  Further information is needed particularly in regard to cost and financing and various other issues dependent on the project.  Financing information provided is therefore only indicative.  It should be noted there are no council decisions to fund these projects at the moment only to work them up to a stage which enables the funding and delivery consequences to be established.


Group C






Gasworks Northern Fringe

Master Plan in place and Remediation Strategy developed suitable for further consideration

North Belfast Cultural Corridor

Concept Plan developed.  Project suitable for progression to initiation stage with DSD

Windsor Stadium

Funding committed from Central Government


Lagan Canal

Economic appraisal complete suitable for further consideration. 


Lanyon Tunnels

Economic appraisal complete suitable for further consideration

East Belfast Land Use Programme

Member support for programme, early engagement with DSD, DETI and EBPB.  Suitable for further consideration.

Sirocco Quay

Possible opportunity for land purchase.  Suitable for further consideration.

Casement Stadium

Business case being developed, Council working with partners.  Suitable for further consideration.

St Comgall’s

Concept plan in place, suitable for further consideration.

Gaeltacht Quarter

Early projects identified on the basis of MOU between Gaeltacht Board and BCC for a new cultural quarter. Suitable for further consideration.


BCC Engagement with politicians, community.  Suitable for further consideration.

Rapid Transit

Council has joined with Civitas to explore EU funding.  Suitable for further considerations.

Argyle Business Park

Proposals being developed.

Hammer Complex

Boxing club and site revamp

Royal Exchange

Potential management role for BCC with DSD

Public Bike Hire

Outline business case complete, grant applied for

University of Ulster

Council policy paper being developed


3.4       Group D – 20 Projects


            Consists of projects which are at a very early conceptual stage.  In order to move on these projects substantial further information and stakeholder engagement is needed to make informed decisions on the next steps.  Decisions will have to be made by Council on prioritisation of which projects should be further worked up in the context of the organisational capacity, already committed to delivering the projects listed in Group A and further working up the projects in Groups B and C.


Group D






An Droichead

Detail not available need further work on viability

Changing Places

(Disabled WC)

No site identified, Economic appraisal to be completed before submission to Members for consideration

Shaftsbury Square

DSD led project further detail required.

Vocational College

Clarification required.

Belfast Hills

Issues with concept no funding secured.

Glen 10

Early stage – concept being consulted with community,


No firm proposals.

Andersonstown Gateway

DSD led – Masterplan being developed


Divis Street Narrowing

FAB planning application will seek Council support for approval.

Springfield Dam

Proposals being developed by DSD.

Falls Women’s Centre

Proposals to be developed.

Shankill Piazza

Further development required.

Leisure Estate

Further detail required.

Meanwhile Projects

Workshop to be held with officers and external agencies to develop further

Six Links

Further detail needed on development opportunities

Andersonstown Barracks

Being developed by DSD

Public Convenience Strategy

Strategy to be developed to identify options.

Queens Quay

Further detail needed

Bank Square

Further detailed needed

Integrated Transport Hub

Further detail needed


3.5       Members are asked to note the information in the report and approve in principle the projects identified for the Member/officer working groups, to further work up to ascertain the potential funding consequences and identify the delivery issues.


4          Resources


4.1       The organisation will be required to realign existing resources to move the programme(s) forward taking into account the full range of priorities emerging from the corporate planning process and investment package.  A further report will be brought on the resourcing consequence of delivery. 


5          Equality


5.1       Equality and good relations consideration will be taken forward in the context of the corporate plan and associated pieces.


6          Recommendations


6.1       Note report and approve projects identified for Member Officers working groups.


            In terms of governance for this work, officer input to the working teams will be overseen by designated Chief Officers.  A composite report on the outcomes of the working groups will be brought to the Budget and Transformation Panel and SP&R to ensure that a city-wide perspective is taken and to ensure the balance that Members have asked for before any major investment decisions are taken.”


            Prior to discussion in the matter, the Director of Property and Projects pointed out that a further project, that is, the Digital Hub, should have been included within Group C.  He explained that the projects had now been grouped into four categories in order to allow the Members to focus, prioritise and move forward the projects.  He pointed out that this would be a rolling programme, with Members being engaged continuously throughout.  He indicated that there would be fluidity and movement between the groups, with further parameters to be developed for prioritising projects within Groups B, C and D to include alignment with the Council’s objectives, the Masterplan and deliverability. 


            During discussion, a Member pointed out that the package should include a proposal within the Sandy Row area.


            In response, the Director of Development indicated that he had met with representatives of the Department for Social Development to discuss the Masterplan for Shaftesbury Square, which included Sandy Row, and a report thereon would be submitted to the Development Committee in due course.


            The Chief highlighted that at present only projects listed in Group A had funding agreed by the Council and that in working up further projects the Council would need to make decisions on affordability and prioritisation for delivery.


Supporting documents: