Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1     A report was brought to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21 October 2011 regarding the demolition of the former Grove Leisure Centre.


1.2     Members had agreed to progress with the demolition of the building; to undertake an updated report on a needs analysis for business accommodation and incubation space in Belfast in order to inform future use options for the site; to take forward discussions with BELB regarding any scope for joint consideration of disposal/development options for both the Council site and the adjacent former schools site and subsequently take a report back to Committee with proposals for future use options for the site.


1.3     At the request of Alderman Browne the decision was, however, taken back for further consideration by the Council on 1st November.


1.4     At the request of elected Members from the area the Director of Property and Projects has subsequently met with various elected Members from the area and the DSD Minister, Nelson McCausland.  There were concerns that demolition of the building may lead to problems of anti social behaviour or illegal dumping at the site particularly if there was no agreed future use.


1.5     It is now being proposed that a workshop be convened in the New Year to explore development opportunities at both this site and also at other sites in this area and to agree a way forward. The suggested participants at the workshop are to include BCC, BELB, DSD, NIHE, DRD, and other interested parties.


2        Key Issues


2.1     It is proposed that a workshop is convened in the New Year to consider the potential for a joined up approach to development opportunities for both the BCC site at Old Grove as well as other potential development sites in close proximity. Suggested attendees of the workshop to include BCC, BELB, DSD, NIHE, DRD, PLACE and other interested parties as appropriate.  The Director of Property & Projects has arranged a scoping meeting with BRO officials


2.2     The politicians only want the demolition option considered following the outcome of the workshop, which will be reported back to Committee for further instruction.


2.3     Officers would recommend that we continue to have the needs analysis for business accommodation & incubation space in Belfast updated, in order to inform future use options.


3        Resource Implications


          As set out in the attached Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes of 21 October 2011.


4        Equality and Good Relations Considerations


          None at this time.


5        Recommendations


          Committee is asked to approve:


(i)    The holding of a workshop in early New Year to consider the future development opportunities and options for the former Grove Leisure Centre site as well as other potential development sites in this area. Proposed attendees at the workshop to include BCC, BELB, DSD, DRD, NIHE, PLACE and other interested parties.


(ii)    Demolition of the former Grove Leisure Centre building to be further considered following the outcome of the workshop.


(iii)   In order to inform future use options for the area an updated report to be undertaken on the needs analysis for business accommodation and incubation space in Belfast, with a focus on this particular area.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: