Agenda item


            The Director of Development reminded the Members of the significant political lobbying activity which took place during the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in Washington DC.  Over the years, that event had been used as an opportunity by the political establishment and business community to influence political support for the peace process and to promote the island of Ireland as a profitable investment location for United States businesses.  During recent years, the Northern Ireland Bureau in Washington had been very active in working with the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in ensuring that Northern Ireland was given visibility at the events which took place in Washington at that time.  The First and Deputy First Ministers, along with Executive Ministers, were regular attendees at the White House reception and other events in the United States capital at that time.


            He reported that the Northern Ireland Bureau was currently finalising arrangements for a business breakfast to be held on Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 at which the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister would be presenting the Northern Ireland business proposition to business leaders from across the United States.  The theme of the breakfast would be Northern Ireland 2012 and the tourism industry and focus would be given to Belfast’s tourism offer and in particular the opening of Titanic Belfast and the wider Titanic events programme.  The Director of Development had been contacted by the Director of the Northern Ireland Bureau to suggest that, given the level of coverage which Belfast and the Titanic-related events were likely to be

given at the Bureau’s Breakfast Briefing and a range of other events, it would be appropriate for the Lord Mayor and the Chairman of the Development Committee to travel to Washington DC to participate in the Breakfast Briefing.  Should the Lord Mayor and the Chairman of the Development Committee be granted approval to attend the Breakfast Briefing, the Northern Ireland Bureau would seek to ensure that they received also invitations to other events where there would be further opportunities to promote the City as an investment and tourism destination.  Those included:


·        The American Ireland Fund Dinner, Monday, 19th March, 2012

·        Speaker’s Lunch, Tuesday, 20th March, 2012

·        Irish Ambassador’s Reception, Tuesday, 20th March, 2012


            The White House reception, which was hosted by President Obama, also took place on Tuesday, 20th March.  Invitations to that event were issued by the State Department.  The Acting Consul General, Mr. Kevin Roland, had indicated that he would seek invitations for the Lord Mayor and the Chairman of the Development Committee should they be attending the Northern Ireland Bureau Breakfast Briefing.  In addition, the American Consulate would be willing to arrange meetings in New York with investors in Belfast, such as the New York Stock Exchange, as part of the visit programme. 


            Accordingly, it was recommended that the Committee approve the attendance of the Lord Mayor and the Chairman of the Development Committee at the Northern Ireland Bureau Breakfast Briefing and other associated events in Washington DC and to visit investors in New York City before returning to Belfast and that they be accompanied by the Director of Development (or his nominee).  The cost of the visit was not likely to exceed £5,000 and would be met from existing budgetary provision.


            After a lengthy discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation.


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