Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Council is required, under Part 3 of the Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, to establish the Belfast PCSP and the four DPCSPs.  The Council must, under this legislation, make the political appointments, so far as is practicable, to reflect the strength of the Parties on the Council.


1.2       The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed at its meeting held on 18th November, 2011 to appoint a PCSP consisting of nineteen Members (10 political and 9 independent); and to appoint the Political Members to the four DPCSPs (24 in total) based on the Council’s system of proportionality.


2          Key Issues


2.1       The allocation of the 10 political places on the main PCSP is as follows:


Sinn Fein Party                                                                        3

Democratic Unionist Party                                                      3

Social Democratic & Labour Party                                         2

Alliance Party                                                                           1

Ulster Unionist Party                                                               1



2.2       The breakdown of the total number of political places amongst the Parties on the four DPCSPs is:


            Sinn Féin                                                                                  8

            Democratic Unionist Party                                                      7

            Social, Democratic and Labour Party                                    4

            Alliance                                                                                     3

            Ulster Unionist Party                                                               1

            Progressive Unionist Party                                                     1


2.3       A meeting was held with the Party leaders on 6th January and the following political composition of the four DPCSPs was agreed using a d’Hondt based table of choices:







2 SF





2 SF






2 SF






2 SF






2.4       The individual Party nominations for the Belfast PCSP and the four DPCSPs have now been received and a list is provided at Appendix 1 along with the agreed allocation of Chairmanships of the four DPCSPs.  The Council is required under the legislation to formally appoint the political Members to the PCSP and to the four DPCSPs.


 3         Resource Implications




 4         Equality and Good Relations Implications




5          Recommendations


5.1       The Committee is recommended to approve the appointment of the Political Members to the Principal Belfast PCSP and its four DPCSPs as set out in Appendix 1.


6          Key to Abbreviations


            PCSP – Policing and Community Safety Partnership

            DPCSP – District Policing and Community Safety Partnership


7          Decision Tracking


            Suzanne Wylie, Director of Health and Environmental Services      24th March, 2012


Documents Attached


      Appendix 1      Political Nominations and the appointment of Chairmen to the Principal Belfast PCSP and its four DPCSPs.


Appendix 1


Nominations to the Four District Policing and

Community Safety Partnerships


24 Places to be Nominated – 16 as of Right,

8 to be Allocated Using D’hondt


North Belfast DPCSP – 6 Places


Sinn Fein Party                                  -    Cllr M. E. Campbell


Sinn Fein Party                                  -    Cllr Maskey


Democratic Unionist Party                -    Cllr McKee (Chairman)


Democratic Unionist Party                -     Cllr Thompson


Social Democratic and Labour Party-     Cllr Convery


Ulster Unionist Party                         -     Ald Browne


South Belfast DPCSP – 6 Places   


Sinn Fein Party                                  -     Cllr Hargey


Sinn Fein Party                                  -     Cllr ÓMuilleoir


Democratic Unionist Party                 -    Cllr Patterson


Democratic Unionist Party                 -    Ald Stalford


Social Democratic and Labour Party       -     Cllr Mullan


Alliance Party                                    -    Ald Ekin (Chairman)


East Belfast DPCSP – 6 Places


Sinn Fein Party                                  -    Cllr Hargey


Sinn Fein Party                                  -     Cllr Ó Donnghaile


Democratic Unionist Party                -    Cllr A Newton


Democratic Unionist Party                 -    Cllr Robinson


Social Democratic and Labour Party        -    Cllr Hanna (Chairman)


Alliance Party                                    -    Cllr Jones


West Belfast DPCSP – 6 Places


Sinn Fein Party                                  -     Cllr Corr


Sinn Fein Party                                  -     Cllr Garrett (Chairman)


Democratic Unionist Party                -     Cllr Kingston


Social Democratic and Labour Party-    Cllr Attwood


Alliance Party                                    -    Cllr Hendron


Progressive Unionist Party               -    Ald Smyth


Nominations to the Belfast Policing and

Community Safety Partnership


10 Places Available


Sinn Fein Party (3 Places – 2 to be Nominated Plus 1 Chairman of DPCSP)


-     Chairman of DPCSP – Cllr Garrett


-     Cllr McVeigh (Chairman)


-     Cllr Austin


Democratic Unionist Party (3 Places – 2 to be Nominated Plus

1 Chairman of DPCSP)


-     Chairman of DPCSP – Cllr McKee


-     Cllr Hussey


-     Cllr Spence


 Social Democratic and Labour Party (2 Places – 1 to be Nominated

Plus 1 Chairman of DPCSP)


-     Chairman of DPCSP – Cllr Hanna


-     Cllr Keenan


          Alliance Party (1 Place – 0 to be Nominated Plus

1 Chairman of DPCSP)


-     Chairman of DPCSP – Ald Ekin


Ulster Unionist Party (1 Place – 1 to be Nominated)


-     Ald Rodgers


Allocation of Chairmanships of the Four District Policing and

Community Safety Partnerships


Year 1


North Belfast Sub-Group        -     DUP


South Belfast Sub-Group       -     ALL


East Belfast Sub-Group          -     SDLP


West Belfast Sub-Group         -     SF


Year 2


North Belfast Sub-Group        -     SDLP


South Belfast Sub-Group       -     SF


East Belfast Sub-Group          -     DUP


West Belfast Sub-Group         -     ALL


Year 3


North Belfast Sub-Group        -     SF


South Belfast Sub-Group       -     SDLP


East Belfast Sub-Group          -     ALL


West Belfast Sub-Group         -     DUP


Year 4


North Belfast Sub-Group        -     SF


South Belfast Sub-Group       -     DUP


East Belfast Sub-Group          -     SF


West Belfast Sub-Group         -     SDLP”



            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: