Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0Relevant Background Information 


1.1In order to ensure the delivery of the Investment Programme the following key deliverables will be required to be agreed by the end of June:


1.    Governance arrangements to support the delivery of the Investment Programme.

2.    Prioritisation frameworks for physical projects.

3.    First cut Capital Programme, LIF and CIF proposals.

4.    Investment Programme Communications Plan.

5.    Delivery Plan for:-

-      Procurement

-      Jobs and Placements

-      Bursary Scheme

-      Social Clauses

-      Marketing the city


6.    Completed Urban Broadband Fund submission.

1.2The table below outlines the timetable and key milestones for these deliverables.


25 April    

Presentation to Strategic Policy & Resources:


·    Terms of Reference for Area Working Groups


·    Local Investment Fund (LIF) guidance, proposal form and prioritisation matrix


30 April – 9 May

First Area Working Groups meetings


18 May     

Presentation to Strategic Policy & Resources:


·     Final Investment Programme (inc. consultation responses)


·     LIF prioritisation matrix


·     Capital Programme 2012/13


·     Capital Programme non-recurrent 2012/13


o   Feasibility Fund

o   Brighter Belfast Overview

o   Planned Maintenance

o   ICT


·    Communication Plan


28 May – 13 June

Second  Area Working Groups meetings


22 June    

Presentation to Strategic Policy & Resources:


·     LIF Proposals


·     City Investment Fund priorities


·     Delivery Plan for:


o   Procurement

o   Jobs and Placements

o   Bursary Scheme

o   Social Clauses

o   Marketing the city


·     Urban Broadband Fund submission



2.0Key Issues


2.1Urban Broadband Fund - the Council has now received detailed guidance from the Department for Culture, Olympics, Media & Sport on the final submission requirements for the Urban Broadband Fund application. By 2 July 2012 the Council must:


·         Agree a programme management and governance structure

·         Set out detailed plans for education, profile-raising and demand stimulation

·         Agree a procurement strategy and timetable

·         Agree a strategy for achieving compliance with State Aid rules

·         Provide a complete resources package

·         Provide detailed programme delivery plans.


      This is a major undertaking in a short timeframe with significant technical elements. In order to maximise the potential of the UBF for the city it is recommended that £150k is allocated to preparing the final submission and that the Council appoint Analysys Mason to assist council officers to prepare the detailed delivery plan for submission to DCMS on 2 July 2012. The Company has expertise in State Aid negotiations with the European Commission and has secured State Aid approvals for broadband projects in the UK. They have worked on assignments with DETI and DFPNI and have a good understanding of the telecoms markets in Belfast. This recommendation is made on the basis that there is insufficient time to tender for this work and it is of a very specialist nature. The value of the work is below EU thresholds and the recommendation is line with the Council’s Standing Orders.


3.0       Recommendations


      Strategic Policy and Resources Committee is asked to agree:


1.     The key Investment Programme deliverables April-June as outlined in para 1.1.

2.     The key milestones April – June 2012  for the delivery of the Investment Programme

3.     The allocation of £150k to support the preparation of the Urban Broadband Fund submission

4.     The appointment of Analysys Mason to support the Council to prepare the Urban Broadband Fund submission.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: