Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in relation to an update on the Girdwood Community Hub:


“1.0       Relevant background information


1.1       Members were informed at the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee meeting in 18th November that the SEUPB Priority 2.1 Steering Committee has recommended the Girdwood Community Hub project for funding and that it had been forwarded it to the two governments’ accountable departments for approval. 


1.2       In correspondence (03 Feb 12), SEUPB highlighted that the Priority 2.1 Steering Committee and the accountable departments need further assurance by 31 May 2012 on the risks identified, that is:


a)   An implementation plan for the Hub and masterplan for the wider site; and


b)   Updated business plan and programme for the Hub with the strategic partners.


c)   Public support for the project.


            They noted there are other projects pending if the Hub is deemed unrealistic in June 2012.


2.         Key issues to be addressed


2.1       Since January, in the context of the Belfast Investment Programme, officers have met with the Member of Parliament and the Members of the Legislative Assembly for North Belfast.  In discussions with them, the need for an updated and agreed concept plan for the Girdwood site was raised, to satisfy the requirements from SEUPB.


            In line with the vision of original Girdwood masterplan, and in the context of wider regeneration in North Belfast, the group of elected representatives are committed to a place for learning, living, working and playing.  They agree that the site must be safe and accessible for all, and support the Community Hub as an important catalyst for the entire site’s development as a shared space.


2.2       At a workshop with the interim Community Hub Forum in January, they indicated that their preferred location for the Hub was in the centre of the site as it was the least contentious position. They emphasised the success of the Hub depended on the entire site being vibrant, shared, safe and accessible for all.


2.3       In light of these discussions and the new economic environment, DSD has updated the concept plan, and offered the Council a central location for the Hub.  The emerging outline plan has been circulated for information.  There is still work to be completed in finalising the concept plan and its implementation but it is unlikely that the location of the Hub will change significantly.


2.4       At a recent meeting with Pat Colgan, Chief Executive of SEUPB, he stated that it has been agreed that the Council is granted permission to work outside the normal requirement to use the Central Procurement Directorate (CPD).  This will allow the Council to maximise community input to the build as well as expedite the construction process.  He emphasised that the Council will therefore carry the risks associated with the procurement process.


2.5       In terms of strategic partners, Belfast Metropolitan College (BMC) and the Prince’s Trust are considering the relocation of some of their programmes for essential skills and job training schemes in the Hub.   Both partners believe that the Hub offers high-quality learning in modern facilities, and is an ideal location given the educational and employment needs in the area.   BMC is now preparing a business case for consideration by their Board of Governors in May. 


            As part of the good relations revenue programme for the Hub, funded by SEUPB up to the end of 2014, it is proposed that the Council will offer a portion of the fund available to BMC to develop good relations and ‘shared space’ programmes for students.


            Pat Colgan also indicated that the support of the MLA Group, Belfast City Council and the Girdwood Community Forum was strong evidence of public support for the scheme.


2.6       In preparation of the final submission to SEUPB, work is ongoing in relation to the business plan and programming for the Hub, as well as preparation for community engagement on the design of the Hub.  A community benefits plan, including social clauses, will also be developed in consultation with the Community Hub Forum.


2.7       Following an internal assessment, SEUPB will forward the information to the departmental economists in DSD.  They anticipate doing this by mid- to late June.  DSD will review the information in line with HM Treasury Guidelines (green book appraisal) and seek final sign-off from the Department of Finance and Personnel.  It is hoped that this process will be completed by the end of September. 


            When SEUPB issue their final letter of offer with conditions, a further report will be brought to SP&R for consideration.


3.0       Decisions required


            Members are asked to note the location of the Hub in the emerging outline plan and other related work to prepare the final submission for 31 May 2012.


4.0       Resource Implications


            Human: None


            Financial: The Council will carry the risks associated with the procurement of the design and construction contracts.


            Assets: Property and Projects Department, in liaison with other departments, will oversee the land acquisition issues and construction programme and seek the appropriate approvals from Committee in due course.


5.0       Equality Implications


            The Committee previously approved the Equality Strategy for the Girdwood Community Hub.  It outlines how the Council will fulfil its equality obligations during the development of the Girdwood Community Hub and the Hub’s likely impact and outcomes in terms of equality and good relations.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: