Agenda item


“1     Relevant Background Information


         The purpose of this report is to advise the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that following a recent Council wide assessment, Belfast City Council has achieved Investors in People as an organisation.


         The Investors in People (IIP) framework has been a key element of the Council’s Organisational Development work – we have used the framework to help build the capacity of the organisation through its people management in order that we are better placed to deliver Members’ priorities.


         Two corporate mock assessments led by HR and an external assessor and supported by the council’s internal reviewers were undertaken, the findings of which were translated into departmental improvement plans. A corporate HR and departmental HR partnership group was set up to ensure that the actions agreed in the plans were progressed.


         The Council applied for corporate IIP in April 2012 and an external assessment against the IIP framework was carried out during the week commencing 23rd April. Approximately 200 interviews were carried out with elected members, the Chief Executive, chief officers, managers, staff, trade union representatives and the corporate HR and departmental partnership group.


2       Key Issues


         Following an in depth assessment the assessors are satisfied that the council meets the requirements of the Investors in People National Standard and recommends that Belfast City Council be recognised as Investors in People organisation.


         The assessment report states that a total of 39 evidence requirements were assessed and met from the core standard and an additional 6 evidence requirements were assessed and met from the wider framework. A total of 45 evidence requirements altogether were met.


         The following are some of the key issues highlighted from the feedback. (A full copy of the report can be made available to Members from the Human Resources Section upon request.)


·     The profile of Belfast is changing and Belfast City Council is at the centre of the excellent work which is being done to make the city one of the world’s most popular venues.


·     The Investment Programme represents an exciting challenge which will help transform the lives of ratepayers, visitors and those working in the City.


·     To support the Investment Programme a comprehensive OD strategy is being implemented and there are clear signs of a change in culture and outlook amongst staff at all levels of the organisation.


·     The Core Skills Programme makes excellent use of internal experience to expose colleagues’ real life Council related learning. Participants acknowledge the CX’s commitment to the programme, often conducting the opening session, setting the programme in context.


·     Staff, generally are proud to work for the Belfast City Council and are rightly proud of the various events which have helped raise the profile of Belfast on the world wide stage.


·     Generally Belfast City Council is regarded as a ‘good employer’ as endorsed not only by the service profile of personnel but also when relatively recently appointed staff compared it to their former employer.


·     Need to continue to improve communications and management consistency.


·     The excellent work that the organisation does in supporting learning and development is sometimes undone by a lack of systematic process to acknowledge people’s successes.


·     There were isolated examples of people management related issues which could be better communicated and managed.


         Next steps


         As an Investor in People organisation we have demonstrated our strong commitment to the development and success of our people and a desire to continually improve and grow. It is a significant achievement and we wish to celebrate our success and share the credit with Council staff. HR will now work with Corporate Communications to plan an event to present the award and to undertake the relevant communications around our staff’s achievement.


         A full analysis of the findings will be undertaken and action plans will be updated to keep the momentum going around our people improvement framework which is a key aspect of our Organisational Development work.


3       Resource Implications


         Any resource implications will be met from existing budgets


4       Equality and Good Relations Implications




5       Recommendations


         To note that Belfast City Council has been recognised as an Investors in People organisation.


         To recognise the contribution of the Council staff who worked to make this happen.


         To note that the work around our people improvement framework will continue as a key part of our Organisational Development work.


         To note we will fully communicate and publicise our success and arrange an event in the City Hall to facilitate the presentation of the award.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations and commended the Head of Human Resources and her staff on the achievement of the Corporate Investors in People Accreditation.


Supporting documents: