Agenda item


            (Councillor Ó Muilleoir left the meeting whilst this item was under consideration.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted requests which had been received for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality:


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/Guests




Queen’s University of Belfast

Concrete Solutions – 5th International Conference Reception

2nd September, 2014

Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the event will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key theme of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £500

Society of Editors

Society of Editors Conference Reception

11th November, 2012

Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the event will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key theme of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £500

Army Cadet Force Association

Army Cadet Force Awards Ceremony

30th September, 2012

Approximately 500 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

The Army Cadet Force Association aims to develop young people physically and mentally, improving self-confidence, teamwork, friendship and leadership. The Awards Ceremony seeks to recognise the vocational qualifications, which are equal to four GCSEs, achieved by its senior cadets.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’ and in addition would contribute to the Council’s thematic area of Children and Young People.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £1,250

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Silver Award Presentation

23rd November, 2012

Approximately 500 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

These awards aim to recognise the development of citizenship amongst young people and to acknowledge the newly found skills and talents which will enable them to develop and mature as individuals.

This event meets the Council's key themes of ‘Better support for people and communities’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’ and in addition would contribute to the Council’s thematic area of Children and Young People.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £1,250

Volunteer Now

Volunteer Awards

5th December, 2012

Approximately 150 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event seeks to recognise those volunteers who have demonstrated a commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society, their community, the environment or individuals.

The event also seeks to promote the positive effect which volunteering has in combating poverty, helping those who are disadvantaged and promoting social inclusion.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘Better opportunities for success across the City’, ‘Better support for people and communities’ and ‘Better Services – Listening and Delivering’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £375

Chartered Institute of Housing

2013 Annual Chartered Institute of Housing Awards Ceremony

28th February, 2013

Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre-dinner drinks reception

This event seeks to recognise the achievements and contribution made by individuals who have contributed to providing affordable housing in a thriving and safe community.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’, Better opportunities for success across the City’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre-dinner drinks reception

Approximate Cost £500

Belfast Media Group

Belfast Sports Volunteer Awards 2012

21st March, 2013

Approximately 150 attending

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre-dinner drinks reception

This event seeks to recognise the achievements and contribution made by individuals who have given their time voluntarily to help support sport in order to ensure that young people can enjoy their games and fulfil their ambition.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £500

The Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland District

Queen’s Badge Celebration

17th May, 2013

Approximately 500 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to celebrate the achievement of young people who, through their volunteering and support work, have achieved the highest award within The Boys’ Brigade.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £1,250

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association




Walk A Mile In My Shoes

1st November, 2012

Approximately 50 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to give sighted people the opportunity to experience the everyday obstacles which blind people face in the City and to make the Council area a more welcoming environment for all of its citizens.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’, ‘Better Support for People and Communities’ and ‘Better services – listening and delivering’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £225

Suicide Awareness and Support Group

Walk out of the Darkness into the Light

10th September, 2012

Approximately 400 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event will highlight Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day and will provide an opportunity for families to obtain support and promote awareness around health and suicide related issues.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘Better Support for People and Communities’ and ‘Better services – listening and delivering’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £900

Shared History Interpretive Project

Belfast’s Merchant Seamen and Dockers – Comrades at the Somme

26th September, 2012

Approximately 60 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

This event will seek to highlight the significance and changes to the city in the period around the Somme.  It will also provide the opportunity for citizens to tell their family stories and share with those present.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £500


Recognition of the contribution by the Translink Safety Bus

1st October, 2012

Approximately 75 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event will seek to celebrate the support the Translink Safety Bus has provided to the communities in Belfast.  The purpose of the Safety Bus is to ensure the safety of drivers and enhance travel for all passengers by promoting a simple message of respect and consideration for drivers and fellow travellers.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £190

Reminiscence Network Northern Ireland

Reminiscence Network Showcase

18th October, 2012

Approximately 80 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to highlight the work carried out by the Reminiscence Network.  The RNNI aims to promote well-being through recall therapy and reminiscence. The organisation is made up of members from a variety of backgrounds and will give an opportunity for all members to contribute by way of their memories.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key theme of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £200

Action on Hearing Loss

Launch of ‘Employ Your rights’

22nd October, 2012

Approximately 70 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event will launch the “Employ Your Rights” initiative which will provide advice and support for employers and show that deafness does not need to be a barrier to employment.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £175


Making a Difference Event

19th October, 2012

Approximately 360 attending

The use of the City Hall

This event seeks to acknowledge the employees who through their long and dedicated service have contributed to the communications network in the City.

BT and Belfast City Council have worked together as strategic partners for many years in the area of telecommunications and network infrastructure.

A secure, robust and scalable network is the foundation for the council to deliver strategic outcomes across the city. BT is one of the key stakeholders in delivering a ‘Super-connected Belfast’ and have worked closely with BCC to ensure that a complete picture of telecommunications infrastructure was made available for our Urban Broadband bid.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’.

The use of the City Hall

Business in the Community

Business/Social Enterprise Exchange

8th November, 2012

Approximately 50 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event will provide an opportunity to introduce businesses to a range of community and voluntary organisations and to ascertain what support can be provided.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes of ‘City Leadership – strong, fair, together’ and ‘Better Support for People and Communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £125

Age Sector Platform

Northern Ireland Pensioners’ Parliament – Belfast

21st February, 2013


Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits

This event will provide a mechanism for older people from across Northern Ireland to have their say on the issues that matter to them.

The event is one of seven local events which will identify issues of concern within the city and will be used to elect representatives to the overall Pensioners’ Parliament.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’, ‘Better Services – listening and delivering’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £500

Scripture Union Northern Ireland


9th March, 2013

Approximately 500 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a soft drinks reception

This event will seek to bring together young people from across Northern Ireland.  It is hoped to promote the voice of young people whilst empowering them with the experience and transferable skills to demonstrate their Christian faith.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key themes ‘City Leadership - strong, fair, together’ and of ‘Better support for people and communities’ and in addition would contribute to the Council’s thematic area of Children and Young People.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a soft drinks reception


Approximate cost £1,000

Belfast Healthy Cities

Health for All – Stronger Equity and Better Governance Lectures

26th March, 2013

Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits.

This event will provide a unique opportunity to engage senior representatives from Belfast and allow for debate on leadership for health in the City.  There will also be an opportunity to learn and share good practice through the a leading and renowned international expert on health. Belfast City Council has been a partner of Belfast Healthy Cities since its inception in 1988.

This event would contribute to the Council’s key theme of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits.


Approximate cost  £250


            The Committee approved the recommendations as set out and agreed also to authorise, on 26th November, the use of the Lavery Room in the City Hall, together with the provision of appropriate hospitality, to the Northern Ireland Local Government Association for a meeting of the United Kingdom Forum for Local Government.


Supporting documents: